The Left will come after all Trump supporters

It won't be good enough just for Biden to win. No, they will come after everyone who supported Trump and ruin their lives
Eventually all the shady crap that went on in the Trump administration will come to light. His ability to block transparency ends when he leaves office.

He's the most investigated man in the History of History and has been found to be pristine.
However the cloaking device is quickly failing on the last administration.

It won't be good enough just for Biden to win. No, they will come after everyone who supported Trump and ruin their lives

Then they will change laws, policies, and make sure the DNC never loses another election.

The Brown shirts are on the march.

What is interesting is that they will set up a "truth commission". Presumably anyone who disagrees with it will face the consequences.
The re-education camps will be very busy.
Busy beating out the flames, maybe....
Well, we have to dispose of the incurables somehow.
Good luck.
Lol, who needs luck?
Have you ever fought a counter-insurgency war?
I have.
2 of them, in fact. And neither time did the opposition possess a fraction of the level of arms, commo, or mobility the American people do. Nor were they anywhere near as belligerent and pugnacious as the average American. You think mean-ass aggressive people who can shoot move and communicate are going to end up in re-education camps?

You're going to need an absolute shitload of luck just to survive the first week.
No, you idiot. There aren't any re-education camps. Nor would I actually put people in them for disagreeing with me politically.

But you look for the next excuse to threaten and shoot people.

God damn you people are stupid.
If I misunderstood your intent, maybe you should have been clearer, because that's sure what it sounded like you wanted.
Understanding sarcasm requires a certain maturity of outlook and a modicum of intelligence.

I think I'm done here.
Again, try being clearer.

We got a whole bunch of emojis you can use to help with that.
Try being less of an ignorant dipwad.

That's your job.
He's the most investigated man in the History of History and has been found to be pristine.
However the cloaking device is quickly failing on the last administration.
That’s a lie. Why is he constantly in court blocking subpoenas?
I think if you vote dorky don you already ruined your life. At least in the eyes of your grandchildren, that will for sure curse your name if they come to find out. Deregulation kills the environment and their future.
From that jerkoff Beck's article.
"He wrote on Twitter over the weekend that "when this nightmare" — or Trump's presidency — "is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump's lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe".

He isn't talking about unwashed Trump masses wearing their MAGA hats. He's talking about the people who enabled Trump to be...well..Trump.
Do you actually believe for a moment it would stop there? Once that kind of power is given, it never goes away, it only grows. What he's trying to do is criminalize political opinion, and that is NEVER a good thing, EVER. It starts with naming people and hoping someone takes them out, then if that isn't enough, moves toward legal repercussions and ultimately the middle of the night knock on the door.

It's funny. I have a couple of ardent Trump supporters in my circle who are convinced that if Biden wins, the day after the inauguration, government forces are going to begin identifying and rounding up Trump supporters and putting them in camps. Mind you, these nutbags are the exception. But they do exist. I irritate them by asking what kind of camp do you think they're going to be sent to? Stupid Camp?, Camp Cupcake?, Band Camp? :)
The paranoia among his supporters is off the chart. To be honest, I don't know why anyone gives Glenn Beck any credibility whatsoever. The guy is a hack of the highest order.
The law is coming. Sheriff Biden:



It won't be good enough just for Biden to win. No, they will come after everyone who supported Trump and ruin their lives

Then they will change laws, policies, and make sure the DNC never loses another election.

The Brown shirts are on the march.

What is interesting is that they will set up a "truth commission". Presumably anyone who disagrees with it will face the consequences.
The re-education camps will be very busy.
Busy beating out the flames, maybe....
Well, we have to dispose of the incurables somehow.

"Well, we have to dispose of the incurables somehow." -Crepitus, a genuine Fascist

Who ever said "Progressives" were Nazis? Oh, right we all did!
From that jerkoff Beck's article.
"He wrote on Twitter over the weekend that "when this nightmare" — or Trump's presidency — "is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump's lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe".

He isn't talking about unwashed Trump masses wearing their MAGA hats. He's talking about the people who enabled Trump to be...well..Trump.
Do you actually believe for a moment it would stop there? Once that kind of power is given, it never goes away, it only grows. What he's trying to do is criminalize political opinion, and that is NEVER a good thing, EVER. It starts with naming people and hoping someone takes them out, then if that isn't enough, moves toward legal repercussions and ultimately the middle of the night knock on the door.

It's funny. I have a couple of ardent Trump supporters in my circle who are convinced that if Biden wins, the day after the inauguration, government forces are going to begin identifying and rounding up Trump supporters and putting them in camps. Mind you, these nutbags are the exception. But they do exist. I irritate them by asking what kind of camp do you think they're going to be sent to? Stupid Camp?, Camp Cupcake?, Band Camp? :)
The paranoia among his supporters is off the chart. To be honest, I don't know why anyone gives Glenn Beck any credibility whatsoever. The guy is a hack of the highest order.
Of course nothing's going to happen immediately should Biden manage to win, even if he remembers that he did ("Jill, what am I supposed to be doing again?"). The point, though, is that things like this always have a first step, and when they start popping up need to be shut down immediately. The very idea of publicly going after people solely on the basis of political opinion is anathema to American tradition and is better suited to a third world banana republic. I mean, we already have an elected democrat (who should know better), telling her constituents to harass members of the opposing party in public to make their lives miserable, and I don't recall a lot of outrage from the usual elected suspects when a democrat started shooting at Republicans while they were practicing for a game. That is simply unacceptable and must not be allowed to continue and grow. It's not paranoia to note that democrats have violent tendencies.

It won't be good enough just for Biden to win. No, they will come after everyone who supported Trump and ruin their lives

Then they will change laws, policies, and make sure the DNC never loses another election.

The Brown shirts are on the march.

What is interesting is that they will set up a "truth commission". Presumably anyone who disagrees with it will face the consequences.

let's see. Did you break that law in the name of Rump? If you didn't you are safe. He isn't talking about going after citizens that voted for Rump. HE's talking about the enablers in the Government that actually broke the laws in the name of their "Father". He is talking about going after Political Criminals. I doubt you fall into this category. But a few hundred to including at least 53 Senators.
Kangaroo Courts? Try it.

Rump has been trying to do Kangaroo Courts all along and has failed so we wouldn't look at his own crimes. And even though we may not go after Rump for his crimes (Good for America and all that Rot) I look for some courts to go after the political in house enablers like Rudy and a few more. And do after those in the Senate that have benefited from the crime ridden Rump Administration. If you aren't guilty in the first place you don't have anything to worry about. I predict that once it starts, there are going be some serious deals cut and resignation.
You speak of "crimes" but don't list any.
What potential crimes are you fantasizing about?

Stop it, just stop it. That's like the Criminal taking over the Courtroom with his constant "Oh, Yah, prove it" and "You can't prove it". Newsflash: that's why the are in court in the first place. To prove it beyond a Shadow of the Doubt. And the ship has sailed on that one.
LOL!! You just have TDS. Your judgment and sense of reality are distorted. Just take a few deep breaths and realize that you have a mild case of TDS and it will fade.

View attachment 404264
After all the Evidence that has come out including form the FBI and about every Alphabet Agency in Washington, you still enable. And your defense? Those 3 letters.
1. What hard evidence? The Biden emails? Biden's extortion video in Ukraine?
2. Unless YOU provide evidence of a crime against Trump's "enablers" all you have is TDS.

There you go again, using those 3 lone letters as a response. And then going "Hey, look over there" We don't bother presenting the proof anymore. Instead of going "WhataboutHillary" now it's Whatabout Hunter. As far as I can see neither of those two will EVER be the President of the United States. One of the many symptoms of "Trump Disabling Syndrome" is the failure to admit that your "Orange Deity" isn't send by God. More like the opposite. Just keep deflecting and experiencing your own from of TDS. But you will need to seek help someday. And you are going to be begging forgiveness. God forgives, we may not.

It won't be good enough just for Biden to win. No, they will come after everyone who supported Trump and ruin their lives

Then they will change laws, policies, and make sure the DNC never loses another election.

The Brown shirts are on the march.

What is interesting is that they will set up a "truth commission". Presumably anyone who disagrees with it will face the consequences.
Oh please. You idiots aren’t worth the effort to “come after”. No one will care what happens to you.

It won't be good enough just for Biden to win. No, they will come after everyone who supported Trump and ruin their lives

Then they will change laws, policies, and make sure the DNC never loses another election.

The Brown shirts are on the march.

What is interesting is that they will set up a "truth commission". Presumably anyone who disagrees with it will face the consequences.

let's see. Did you break that law in the name of Rump? If you didn't you are safe. He isn't talking about going after citizens that voted for Rump. HE's talking about the enablers in the Government that actually broke the laws in the name of their "Father". He is talking about going after Political Criminals. I doubt you fall into this category. But a few hundred to including at least 53 Senators.
Kangaroo Courts? Try it.

Rump has been trying to do Kangaroo Courts all along and has failed so we wouldn't look at his own crimes. And even though we may not go after Rump for his crimes (Good for America and all that Rot) I look for some courts to go after the political in house enablers like Rudy and a few more. And do after those in the Senate that have benefited from the crime ridden Rump Administration. If you aren't guilty in the first place you don't have anything to worry about. I predict that once it starts, there are going be some serious deals cut and resignation.
You speak of "crimes" but don't list any.
What potential crimes are you fantasizing about?

Stop it, just stop it. That's like the Criminal taking over the Courtroom with his constant "Oh, Yah, prove it" and "You can't prove it". Newsflash: that's why the are in court in the first place. To prove it beyond a Shadow of the Doubt. And the ship has sailed on that one.
LOL!! You just have TDS. Your judgment and sense of reality are distorted. Just take a few deep breaths and realize that you have a mild case of TDS and it will fade.

View attachment 404264
After all the Evidence that has come out including form the FBI and about every Alphabet Agency in Washington, you still enable. And your defense? Those 3 letters.
1. What hard evidence? The Biden emails? Biden's extortion video in Ukraine?
2. Unless YOU provide evidence of a crime against Trump's "enablers" all you have is TDS.

There you go again, using those 3 lone letters as a response. And then going "Hey, look over there" We don't bother presenting the proof anymore. Instead of going "WhataboutHillary" now it's Whatabout Hunter. As far as I can see neither of those two will EVER be the President of the United States. One of the many symptoms of "Trump Disabling Syndrome" is the failure to admit that your "Orange Deity" isn't send by God. More like the opposite. Just keep deflecting and experiencing your own from of TDS. But you will need to seek help someday. And you are going to be begging forgiveness. God forgives, we may not.

The point was
You have no evidence

It won't be good enough just for Biden to win. No, they will come after everyone who supported Trump and ruin their lives

Then they will change laws, policies, and make sure the DNC never loses another election.

The Brown shirts are on the march.

What is interesting is that they will set up a "truth commission". Presumably anyone who disagrees with it will face the consequences.

let's see. Did you break that law in the name of Rump? If you didn't you are safe. He isn't talking about going after citizens that voted for Rump. HE's talking about the enablers in the Government that actually broke the laws in the name of their "Father". He is talking about going after Political Criminals. I doubt you fall into this category. But a few hundred to including at least 53 Senators.
Kangaroo Courts? Try it.

Rump has been trying to do Kangaroo Courts all along and has failed so we wouldn't look at his own crimes. And even though we may not go after Rump for his crimes (Good for America and all that Rot) I look for some courts to go after the political in house enablers like Rudy and a few more. And do after those in the Senate that have benefited from the crime ridden Rump Administration. If you aren't guilty in the first place you don't have anything to worry about. I predict that once it starts, there are going be some serious deals cut and resignation.
You speak of "crimes" but don't list any.
What potential crimes are you fantasizing about?

Stop it, just stop it. That's like the Criminal taking over the Courtroom with his constant "Oh, Yah, prove it" and "You can't prove it". Newsflash: that's why the are in court in the first place. To prove it beyond a Shadow of the Doubt. And the ship has sailed on that one.
LOL!! You just have TDS. Your judgment and sense of reality are distorted. Just take a few deep breaths and realize that you have a mild case of TDS and it will fade.

View attachment 404264
After all the Evidence that has come out including form the FBI and about every Alphabet Agency in Washington, you still enable. And your defense? Those 3 letters.
1. What hard evidence? The Biden emails? Biden's extortion video in Ukraine?
2. Unless YOU provide evidence of a crime against Trump's "enablers" all you have is TDS.

There you go again, using those 3 lone letters as a response. And then going "Hey, look over there" We don't bother presenting the proof anymore. Instead of going "WhataboutHillary" now it's Whatabout Hunter. As far as I can see neither of those two will EVER be the President of the United States. One of the many symptoms of "Trump Disabling Syndrome" is the failure to admit that your "Orange Deity" isn't send by God. More like the opposite. Just keep deflecting and experiencing your own from of TDS. But you will need to seek help someday. And you are going to be begging forgiveness. God forgives, we may not.

The point was
You have no evidence

It's already been presented over and over again. Sorry, cupcake, no free rides. Just because your Orange Individual One was bagged but not convicted due the complicity of the Republicans in the Senate, doesn't mean you can take those truths and then just manufacture something for Biden. I am not for Biden but I am for getting Rump out of office and allowing NY and other States to carve up his "Empire" until the only job he can get is a Hotdog Vendor as long as one of his old buddies will vouch for him and there isn't much of a chance of that either. Maybe he can buy a box of Pencils and a cup and sell them on 5th Ave.

It won't be good enough just for Biden to win. No, they will come after everyone who supported Trump and ruin their lives

Then they will change laws, policies, and make sure the DNC never loses another election.

The Brown shirts are on the march.

What is interesting is that they will set up a "truth commission". Presumably anyone who disagrees with it will face the consequences.

let's see. Did you break that law in the name of Rump? If you didn't you are safe. He isn't talking about going after citizens that voted for Rump. HE's talking about the enablers in the Government that actually broke the laws in the name of their "Father". He is talking about going after Political Criminals. I doubt you fall into this category. But a few hundred to including at least 53 Senators.
Kangaroo Courts? Try it.

Rump has been trying to do Kangaroo Courts all along and has failed so we wouldn't look at his own crimes. And even though we may not go after Rump for his crimes (Good for America and all that Rot) I look for some courts to go after the political in house enablers like Rudy and a few more. And do after those in the Senate that have benefited from the crime ridden Rump Administration. If you aren't guilty in the first place you don't have anything to worry about. I predict that once it starts, there are going be some serious deals cut and resignation.
You speak of "crimes" but don't list any.
What potential crimes are you fantasizing about?

Stop it, just stop it. That's like the Criminal taking over the Courtroom with his constant "Oh, Yah, prove it" and "You can't prove it". Newsflash: that's why the are in court in the first place. To prove it beyond a Shadow of the Doubt. And the ship has sailed on that one.
LOL!! You just have TDS. Your judgment and sense of reality are distorted. Just take a few deep breaths and realize that you have a mild case of TDS and it will fade.

View attachment 404264
After all the Evidence that has come out including form the FBI and about every Alphabet Agency in Washington, you still enable. And your defense? Those 3 letters.
1. What hard evidence? The Biden emails? Biden's extortion video in Ukraine?
2. Unless YOU provide evidence of a crime against Trump's "enablers" all you have is TDS.

There you go again, using those 3 lone letters as a response. And then going "Hey, look over there" We don't bother presenting the proof anymore. Instead of going "WhataboutHillary" now it's Whatabout Hunter. As far as I can see neither of those two will EVER be the President of the United States. One of the many symptoms of "Trump Disabling Syndrome" is the failure to admit that your "Orange Deity" isn't send by God. More like the opposite. Just keep deflecting and experiencing your own from of TDS. But you will need to seek help someday. And you are going to be begging forgiveness. God forgives, we may not.

The point was
You have no evidence

It's already been presented over and over again. Sorry, cupcake, no free rides. Just because your Orange Individual One was bagged but not convicted due the complicity of the Republicans in the Senate, doesn't mean you can take those truths and then just manufacture something for Biden. I am not for Biden but I am for getting Rump out of office and allowing NY and other States to carve up his "Empire" until the only job he can get is a Hotdog Vendor as long as one of his old buddies will vouch for him and there isn't much of a chance of that either. Maybe he can buy a box of Pencils and a cup and sell them on 5th Ave.

They didn't even claim that there was a crime.
They wanted to keep hidden the Ukrainian-Biden corruption
Alas, they failed
Its all coming out. Ejaculateing all over you.
Poor icky Darryl.

It won't be good enough just for Biden to win. No, they will come after everyone who supported Trump and ruin their lives

Then they will change laws, policies, and make sure the DNC never loses another election.

The Brown shirts are on the march.

What is interesting is that they will set up a "truth commission". Presumably anyone who disagrees with it will face the consequences.

let's see. Did you break that law in the name of Rump? If you didn't you are safe. He isn't talking about going after citizens that voted for Rump. HE's talking about the enablers in the Government that actually broke the laws in the name of their "Father". He is talking about going after Political Criminals. I doubt you fall into this category. But a few hundred to including at least 53 Senators.
Kangaroo Courts? Try it.

Rump has been trying to do Kangaroo Courts all along and has failed so we wouldn't look at his own crimes. And even though we may not go after Rump for his crimes (Good for America and all that Rot) I look for some courts to go after the political in house enablers like Rudy and a few more. And do after those in the Senate that have benefited from the crime ridden Rump Administration. If you aren't guilty in the first place you don't have anything to worry about. I predict that once it starts, there are going be some serious deals cut and resignation.
You speak of "crimes" but don't list any.
What potential crimes are you fantasizing about?

Stop it, just stop it. That's like the Criminal taking over the Courtroom with his constant "Oh, Yah, prove it" and "You can't prove it". Newsflash: that's why the are in court in the first place. To prove it beyond a Shadow of the Doubt. And the ship has sailed on that one.
LOL!! You just have TDS. Your judgment and sense of reality are distorted. Just take a few deep breaths and realize that you have a mild case of TDS and it will fade.

View attachment 404264
After all the Evidence that has come out including form the FBI and about every Alphabet Agency in Washington, you still enable. And your defense? Those 3 letters.
1. What hard evidence? The Biden emails? Biden's extortion video in Ukraine?
2. Unless YOU provide evidence of a crime against Trump's "enablers" all you have is TDS.

There you go again, using those 3 lone letters as a response. And then going "Hey, look over there" We don't bother presenting the proof anymore. Instead of going "WhataboutHillary" now it's Whatabout Hunter. As far as I can see neither of those two will EVER be the President of the United States. One of the many symptoms of "Trump Disabling Syndrome" is the failure to admit that your "Orange Deity" isn't send by God. More like the opposite. Just keep deflecting and experiencing your own from of TDS. But you will need to seek help someday. And you are going to be begging forgiveness. God forgives, we may not.

The point was
You have no evidence

It's already been presented over and over again. Sorry, cupcake, no free rides. Just because your Orange Individual One was bagged but not convicted due the complicity of the Republicans in the Senate, doesn't mean you can take those truths and then just manufacture something for Biden. I am not for Biden but I am for getting Rump out of office and allowing NY and other States to carve up his "Empire" until the only job he can get is a Hotdog Vendor as long as one of his old buddies will vouch for him and there isn't much of a chance of that either. Maybe he can buy a box of Pencils and a cup and sell them on 5th Ave.

They didn't even claim that there was a crime.
They wanted to keep hidden the Ukrainian-Biden corruption
Alas, they failed
Its all coming out. Ejaculateing all over you.
Poor icky Darryl.

Wow, another 33 years and you will still have no conviction. Just like Hillary. Even by the time you do get a conviction, you are going to have to dig up a corpes since Biden will be long since dead.

Remember the Senate investigation of late? It drew goose eggs. Nothing illegal. Now you want to go by what Fairtale Rudy says with his "Proof". If that proof existed, the Senate would have had it already and so would the DOJ. And they would either have acted on it or would be acting on it now. It's not hurting Biden one bit but it's killing Rump. So keep it up. Its just another case of an out of control Wannabe Dictator.

It won't be good enough just for Biden to win. No, they will come after everyone who supported Trump and ruin their lives

Then they will change laws, policies, and make sure the DNC never loses another election.

The Brown shirts are on the march.

What is interesting is that they will set up a "truth commission". Presumably anyone who disagrees with it will face the consequences.

let's see. Did you break that law in the name of Rump? If you didn't you are safe. He isn't talking about going after citizens that voted for Rump. HE's talking about the enablers in the Government that actually broke the laws in the name of their "Father". He is talking about going after Political Criminals. I doubt you fall into this category. But a few hundred to including at least 53 Senators.
Kangaroo Courts? Try it.

Rump has been trying to do Kangaroo Courts all along and has failed so we wouldn't look at his own crimes. And even though we may not go after Rump for his crimes (Good for America and all that Rot) I look for some courts to go after the political in house enablers like Rudy and a few more. And do after those in the Senate that have benefited from the crime ridden Rump Administration. If you aren't guilty in the first place you don't have anything to worry about. I predict that once it starts, there are going be some serious deals cut and resignation.
You speak of "crimes" but don't list any.
What potential crimes are you fantasizing about?

Stop it, just stop it. That's like the Criminal taking over the Courtroom with his constant "Oh, Yah, prove it" and "You can't prove it". Newsflash: that's why the are in court in the first place. To prove it beyond a Shadow of the Doubt. And the ship has sailed on that one.
LOL!! You just have TDS. Your judgment and sense of reality are distorted. Just take a few deep breaths and realize that you have a mild case of TDS and it will fade.

View attachment 404264
After all the Evidence that has come out including form the FBI and about every Alphabet Agency in Washington, you still enable. And your defense? Those 3 letters.
1. What hard evidence? The Biden emails? Biden's extortion video in Ukraine?
2. Unless YOU provide evidence of a crime against Trump's "enablers" all you have is TDS.

There you go again, using those 3 lone letters as a response. And then going "Hey, look over there" We don't bother presenting the proof anymore. Instead of going "WhataboutHillary" now it's Whatabout Hunter. As far as I can see neither of those two will EVER be the President of the United States. One of the many symptoms of "Trump Disabling Syndrome" is the failure to admit that your "Orange Deity" isn't send by God. More like the opposite. Just keep deflecting and experiencing your own from of TDS. But you will need to seek help someday. And you are going to be begging forgiveness. God forgives, we may not.
1. YOU claimed that Trump's enablers committed "crimes", yet you do NOT specify the crime nor any evidence. So you are a simple liar, or a simpleton, pick one.
2. I'm letting the LAW come down on the Bidens, or not. I'm not acting as judge and jury. However, those emails on Hunter's laptop are damning. That is what we call "hard evidence" verified by those copied on the emails.
3. Do you see the difference? If not, you're an idiot.

It won't be good enough just for Biden to win. No, they will come after everyone who supported Trump and ruin their lives

Then they will change laws, policies, and make sure the DNC never loses another election.

The Brown shirts are on the march.

What is interesting is that they will set up a "truth commission". Presumably anyone who disagrees with it will face the consequences.

let's see. Did you break that law in the name of Rump? If you didn't you are safe. He isn't talking about going after citizens that voted for Rump. HE's talking about the enablers in the Government that actually broke the laws in the name of their "Father". He is talking about going after Political Criminals. I doubt you fall into this category. But a few hundred to including at least 53 Senators.
Kangaroo Courts? Try it.

Rump has been trying to do Kangaroo Courts all along and has failed so we wouldn't look at his own crimes. And even though we may not go after Rump for his crimes (Good for America and all that Rot) I look for some courts to go after the political in house enablers like Rudy and a few more. And do after those in the Senate that have benefited from the crime ridden Rump Administration. If you aren't guilty in the first place you don't have anything to worry about. I predict that once it starts, there are going be some serious deals cut and resignation.
You speak of "crimes" but don't list any.
What potential crimes are you fantasizing about?

Stop it, just stop it. That's like the Criminal taking over the Courtroom with his constant "Oh, Yah, prove it" and "You can't prove it". Newsflash: that's why the are in court in the first place. To prove it beyond a Shadow of the Doubt. And the ship has sailed on that one.
LOL!! You just have TDS. Your judgment and sense of reality are distorted. Just take a few deep breaths and realize that you have a mild case of TDS and it will fade.

View attachment 404264
After all the Evidence that has come out including form the FBI and about every Alphabet Agency in Washington, you still enable. And your defense? Those 3 letters.
1. What hard evidence? The Biden emails? Biden's extortion video in Ukraine?
2. Unless YOU provide evidence of a crime against Trump's "enablers" all you have is TDS.

There you go again, using those 3 lone letters as a response. And then going "Hey, look over there" We don't bother presenting the proof anymore. Instead of going "WhataboutHillary" now it's Whatabout Hunter. As far as I can see neither of those two will EVER be the President of the United States. One of the many symptoms of "Trump Disabling Syndrome" is the failure to admit that your "Orange Deity" isn't send by God. More like the opposite. Just keep deflecting and experiencing your own from of TDS. But you will need to seek help someday. And you are going to be begging forgiveness. God forgives, we may not.
1. YOU claimed that Trump's enablers committed "crimes", yet you do NOT specify the crime nor any evidence. So you are a simple liar, or a simpleton, pick one.
2. I'm letting the LAW come down on the Bidens, or not. I'm not acting as judge and jury. However, those emails on Hunter's laptop are damning. That is what we call "hard evidence" verified by those copied on the emails.
3. Do you see the difference? If not, you're an idiot.

Read the Mueller Report and listen to the witnesses from the House. You know, the same witnesses and more that the Senate should have called but didn't. The Proof and the charges are out there and the Public knows it. We don't need to do the long list over and over and have you deny, deny deny over and over.

And if LAW had what you claimed they had, it would have been presented long ago without Rudy. Rudy is part of the original crime and sees his way to vindication through shifting blame. Rudy is a goner once we get a sane AG in office.

So you keep circling the women and children and hiding the wagon out of desperation as Rump slowly moves into the small chapter of history that is probably more than he deserves.

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