The leftist worship of the party/state is analogous with fascism


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
The modern American left's loyalty is to the Democratic Party and to the state. For the left, they are virtually one-in-the-same. What happens to average Americans is irrelevant compared to what happens to the party and state. Countless times on this forum I have asked leftists why they love the Democratic Party more than they love average Americans. I'm still waiting for an answer. Their total devotion to the party and state is exactly what Benito Mussolini wanted from Italian Fascists as evidenced by his writings, some of which I will share below.

Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State.

Fascism reasserts the rights of the State as expressing the real essence of the individual

Fascism stands for liberty, and for the only liberty worth having, the liberty of the State and of the individual within the State

No individuals or groups (political parties, cultural associations, economic unions, social classes) outside the State

but first and foremost they form the State

advancing, as one conscience and one will

the State which creates the nation

It arises, in short, from the existence, at least in fieri, of a State.

A nation, as expressed in the State, is a living, ethical entity only in so far as it is active. Inactivity is death. Therefore the State is not only Authority which governs and confers legal form and spiritual value on individual wills, but it is also Power which makes its will felt and respected beyond its own frontiers


The Fascist State, as a higher and more powerful expression of personality, is a force, but a spiritual one. It sums up all the manifestations of the moral and intellectual life of man.

Fascism, in short, is not only a law-giver and a founder of institutions, but an educator and a promoter of spiritual life.

Here are some interesting statements by Mussolini on fascism growing out of socialism:


in the great river of Fascism one can trace currents which had their source in Sorel, Peguy, Lagardelle of the Movement Socialists

And here Mussolini points out how fascism is opposed to both political and economic "liberalism". He is referring to, of course, economic and political freedom. The concept of "liberalism" in the 1920's (when this was written) is altogether different than what it is today.


Fascism is definitely and absolutely opposed to the doctrines of liberalism, both in the political and the economic sphere.

The irony involved in a tRumpling accusing anyone else of "worshipping" someone or something is staggering.
The irony involved in a tRumpling accusing anyone else of "worshipping" someone or something is staggering.

Bullshit. I criticize Trump all the time. You, conversely, can't acknowledge basic truths and facts when they cast an unfavorable light on your leftist masters in the party and in government. Mussolini had suckers like you in mind when he wrote all his drivel. Times change but not necessarily mindsets. What he wrote describes you and your ilk perfectly.
LMAO....CONservatives should look in the mirror as they bow down in front of Clown Trump and the almighty war god the hypocrisy.
Obama’s Socialist Army of Political Thugs spent 8 years breaking every law they could to pocket taxpayer dollars and enrich themselves and their friends all the while trying to undermine The Constitution, Our Economy, Our Military, Our Healthcare system, Our Courts, and Our Military.

They thought they had The 2016 Election rigged and that’s why Obama left so many court appointments for Clinton. It’s also why Clinton thought it was time to propose “A Borderless North America” and it was “Time to replace the dollar with The Amero”!

These Son of a Bitches thought they were on pace to End America.

And if you think we dodged a bullet, we did, but it isn’t over.

It will NEVER be over till The Return of Christ ends all this Globalism.

Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation of America” in to a Socialist Hell Hole, is the same as Warren’s “Structural Change”
Same as every Democrat talking points running for President Right Now!

UN Agenda 21 is now Agenda 2030.

If we don’t keep fighting like we do, we are going to witness America being overrun by Socialist Tyrants as it falls under The Yoke of Global Government.
I think this can be said to be true of any ideology. Agreeing with any party or any specific human with the assumption that everything they say or do is true and right is horrifying. There are some wonderful Democrats. There are some wonderful Republicans. And there are also greedy incarnations of actual evil on each side and to not recognize the possibility of this is naive.
We are so quick to discredit everything someone says if they are in the opposite party of ours...
Please stay on topic going forward, thanks in advance
There are some wonderful Democrats. There are some wonderful Republicans.

The topic isn't about who is or isn't "wonderful". A fascist can be an ardent Christian and a "wonderful" human being. Don't misconstrue fascism with Nazism. There is a difference.

The left advocates for the state running everything under the sun, the right does not.

Additionally, an objective person will notice how many on the right criticize Trump but it's rare for anyone on the left to have criticized Obama when he was in office or even thereafter.

The mindset of the leftist, is complete loyalty to the state, as Mussolini demanded from followers in 1920's Italy.

Today, the loyalty of the average American leftist is 100% to the Democratic Party, even when what they're doing is detrimental to average Americans.
I guess I don’t see how a fascist can be a wonderful human.:21:

I can absolutely agree I rarely see criticism for Obama. I will be forthcoming with you in that u am very young. I was not of age to vote when Obama was an option. This is my first election and my introduction into adult life, when this actually started meaning something to me personally. Hopefully you can forgive my childhood self for not caring about politics. However everyone I have encountered in my life who has been for Trump has never criticized him. I have been floored the levels they would go to to excuse his actions. Perhaps this is confirmation bias on both of our sides?
I still think loyalty to any party can lead to catastrophe. If you are not able to see the faults of your own party and good things in the other then you are blinded somehow
I guess I don’t see how a fascist can be a wonderful human.:21:

Fascism is first and foremost an ideology of governance and economics. It's about undivided loyalty to the state. It's also about the state exerting control over the economy as opposed to a free-market, capitalist system. Fascism also entails federal control over the nation's healthcare, education and everything else.

Some well-meaning people go along with the idea of the government managing every facet of one's existence.

We have a member here who is like that and is active in animal rescue. Nice person, but their ideology is in-line in many regards with fascism.

Fascism would not be viewed in the same light that it is today had it not been for Hitler and is Nazi version of fascism, which introduced racial superiority and a rabid hatred of Jews. You may recall that, even Mussolini declined to deliver Italy's Jews to the Nazis.
LMAO....CONservatives should look in the mirror as they bow down in front of Clown Trump and the almighty war god the hypocrisy.
So what you are saying is that President Trump who is working for the people and showing how corrupt the establishment Repugnicans and Demoncrats are, anyone who voted for the President is just a mind numbed useful idiot? You are just a typical idiot who follows what Mika Brezniki tells you to. Dumbass....
I guess that’s true, I can see how maybe someone well meaning could possibly want that. Again, back to happy medium. Complete control is horrifying, but to me complete lack of control is just as frustrating.

Can you explain to me your view on how undying devotion to the “left” is different from undying devotion to the “right”? For me they are very similar. I have two friends in particular I am thinking and they are absolute extremists for either end. They are the type of person who will share something on Facebook that benefits their side without fact checking it first and it’s very easily shown to be false. But because they are so die hard for their party they have tunnel vision and forget to think about the country they are in
I guess I don’t see how a fascist can be a wonderful human.:21:

I can absolutely agree I rarely see criticism for Obama. I will be forthcoming with you in that u am very young. I was not of age to vote when Obama was an option. This is my first election and my introduction into adult life, when this actually started meaning something to me personally. Hopefully you can forgive my childhood self for not caring about politics. However everyone I have encountered in my life who has been for Trump has never criticized him. I have been floored the levels they would go to to excuse his actions. Perhaps this is confirmation bias on both of our sides?
I still think loyalty to any party can lead to catastrophe. If you are not able to see the faults of your own party and good things in the other then you are blinded somehow

Well, welcome!

In my experience, government typically provides services that are inferior in quality and far more expensive than what the private sector offers. As well, politicians typically have NO PROBLEM squandering your money on ill-conceived ideas but, privately, with their own money, they are FAR more frugal. For instance, on average, Democrats typically contribute FAR less than Republicans to charity.

Why does a college education cost so much? I'll tell you. It's because the federal government provides loans to anyone and everyone that wants them. University administrations and faculty have become wealthy by overcharging students with preposterous tuition rates. Why do you think they all support the Democratic Party? They've become wealthy on the backs of college students and their parents and on the backs of the American taxpayer when they default, which is an exorbitant 22%.

Why should I be responsible to finance another adult's college education? And why should I be on the hook when they default? Leftists will tell you that society is "better off" when everyone in society has a college degree, but they cannot produce any real evidence to support it. The fact is, a leftist has never seen a government program that they haven't loved, outside of the military and immigration enforcement, of course.

The 2008 housing crash was caused by the federal government being in the mortgage business. They loaned money to way too many people who weren't qualified to receive them. Private banks certainly wouldn't have loaned them the money, so the government stupidly did. The Bush Administration actually warned that the massive mortgage risks that the government was taking could cause a major problem. Sure enough, massive numbers of people couldn't and didn't pay back the mortgages and that resulted in an economic catastrophe in 2008, which helped pave the way for Barack Obama.

I could go on, but I don't want to hijack my own thread any more than I have done so already.

The bottom line is that the American left's ideology on government management and involvement in every aspect of society is eerily similar to what Benito Mussolini advocated, as I have demonstrated.
Obama’s Socialist Army of Political Thugs spent 8 years breaking every law they could to pocket taxpayer dollars and enrich themselves and their friends all the while trying to undermine The Constitution, Our Economy, Our Military, Our Healthcare system, Our Courts, and Our Military.

They thought they had The 2016 Election rigged and that’s why Obama left so many court appointments for Clinton. It’s also why Clinton thought it was time to propose “A Borderless North America” and it was “Time to replace the dollar with The Amero”!

These Son of a Bitches thought they were on pace to End America.

And if you think we dodged a bullet, we did, but it isn’t over.

It will NEVER be over till The Return of Christ ends all this Globalism.

Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation of America” in to a Socialist Hell Hole, is the same as Warren’s “Structural Change”
Same as every Democrat talking points running for President Right Now!

UN Agenda 21 is now Agenda 2030.

If we don’t keep fighting like we do, we are going to witness America being overrun by Socialist Tyrants as it falls under The Yoke of Global Government.

All this talk about democrats being the bad guys. Who are the guys going to jail? trumpbots or repubs or conservatives. Half a dozen trumpsters in prison, one waiting for sentencing, and anybody's guess about Guiliani. Then of course there's the big kahunatard trump getting his dumb ass impeached. Democrats just don't do the crimes that republicans do. They're for the most part fairly honest. Well, Clinton got impeached, but not for a serious crime like bribing the president of another country, but for getting a blow job. For free too. Trump had to pay $150k for a night with an over the hill hooker. Then there's this stuff you picked up on some whacko right wing website about 'socialist tyrants that fall under the yoke of global governance etc.' Where the heck do get this this garbage from?
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The modern American left's loyalty is to the Democratic Party and to the state. For the left, they are virtually one-in-the-same. What happens to average Americans is irrelevant compared to what happens to the party and state. Countless times on this forum I have asked leftists why they love the Democratic Party more than they love average Americans. I'm still waiting for an answer. Their total devotion to the party and state is exactly what Benito Mussolini wanted from Italian Fascists as evidenced by his writings, some of which I will share below.

Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State.

Fascism reasserts the rights of the State as expressing the real essence of the individual

Fascism stands for liberty, and for the only liberty worth having, the liberty of the State and of the individual within the State

No individuals or groups (political parties, cultural associations, economic unions, social classes) outside the State

but first and foremost they form the State

advancing, as one conscience and one will

the State which creates the nation

It arises, in short, from the existence, at least in fieri, of a State.

A nation, as expressed in the State, is a living, ethical entity only in so far as it is active. Inactivity is death. Therefore the State is not only Authority which governs and confers legal form and spiritual value on individual wills, but it is also Power which makes its will felt and respected beyond its own frontiers


The Fascist State, as a higher and more powerful expression of personality, is a force, but a spiritual one. It sums up all the manifestations of the moral and intellectual life of man.

Fascism, in short, is not only a law-giver and a founder of institutions, but an educator and a promoter of spiritual life.

Here are some interesting statements by Mussolini on fascism growing out of socialism:


in the great river of Fascism one can trace currents which had their source in Sorel, Peguy, Lagardelle of the Movement Socialists

And here Mussolini points out how fascism is opposed to both political and economic "liberalism". He is referring to, of course, economic and political freedom. The concept of "liberalism" in the 1920's (when this was written) is altogether different than what it is today.


Fascism is definitely and absolutely opposed to the doctrines of liberalism, both in the political and the economic sphere.

This fails as a strawman fallacy.

And fascism is on the right side of the political spectrum.
The irony involved in a tRumpling accusing anyone else of "worshipping" someone or something is staggering.

Bullshit. I criticize Trump all the time. You, conversely, can't acknowledge basic truths and facts when they cast an unfavorable light on your leftist masters in the party and in government. Mussolini had suckers like you in mind when he wrote all his drivel. Times change but not necessarily mindsets. What he wrote describes you and your ilk perfectly.
Your thread premise is a lie – as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.
I guess that’s true, I can see how maybe someone well meaning could possibly want that. Again, back to happy medium. Complete control is horrifying, but to me complete lack of control is just as frustrating.

Can you explain to me your view on how undying devotion to the “left” is different from undying devotion to the “right”? For me they are very similar. I have two friends in particular I am thinking and they are absolute extremists for either end. They are the type of person who will share something on Facebook that benefits their side without fact checking it first and it’s very easily shown to be false. But because they are so die hard for their party they have tunnel vision and forget to think about the country they are in

The more government one wants, the more to the left they go. Western European democracies typically have high taxes but also provide lots of programs to their people. They're not, regardless of what Bernie or AOC says, "socialist" states. In fact, the prime minister of Denmark had to come out and correct Bernie and others who falsely claimed that Denmark is socialist. You can read about that here:

Denmark, Germany, France, UK, etc. have been labeled "welfare" states. They have free-market capitalism, but they also have high taxes and many social programs.

Communism and fascism both spring from the concept of socialism. All three reject free-market capitalism in favor of a government-managed economy. I have to laugh when people call Trump a "Nazi". Trump is the biggest capitalist ever elected president.

Communism exists in North Korea, wherein the state owns EVERYTHING.

Socialism, by its definition, exists nowhere other than on paper.

Fascism exists in China and previously existed in Nazi German, Italy and Spain. Fascism permits private ownership of business, but they dictate to business how they must operate and it goes far beyond safety regulations and the like. For instance, under fascism, the government can and may order a business to produce a certain product, how much of it to produce, how many workers it must use, how much they must pay them, etc. That is the antithesis of free-market capitalism. Fascism, communism and socialism are ALL extreme left-wing ideologies.
Obama’s Socialist Army of Political Thugs spent 8 years breaking every law they could to pocket taxpayer dollars and enrich themselves and their friends all the while trying to undermine The Constitution, Our Economy, Our Military, Our Healthcare system, Our Courts, and Our Military.

They thought they had The 2016 Election rigged and that’s why Obama left so many court appointments for Clinton. It’s also why Clinton thought it was time to propose “A Borderless North America” and it was “Time to replace the dollar with The Amero”!

These Son of a Bitches thought they were on pace to End America.

And if you think we dodged a bullet, we did, but it isn’t over.

It will NEVER be over till The Return of Christ ends all this Globalism.

Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation of America” in to a Socialist Hell Hole, is the same as Warren’s “Structural Change”
Same as every Democrat talking points running for President Right Now!

UN Agenda 21 is now Agenda 2030.

If we don’t keep fighting like we do, we are going to witness America being overrun by Socialist Tyrants as it falls under The Yoke of Global Government.

All this talk about democrats being the bad guys. Who are the guys going to jail? trumpbots or repubs or conservatives. Half a dozen trumpsters in prison, one waiting for sentencing, and anybody's guess about Guiliani. Then of course there's the big kahunatard trump getting his dumb ass impeached. Democrats just don't do the crimes that republicans do. They're for the most part fairly honest. Well, Clinton got impeached, but not for a serious crime like bribing the president of another count ry, but for getting a blow job.. For free too. Trump had to pay $150k for a night with an over the hill hooker. Then there's this stuff you picked up on some whacko right wing website about 'socialist tyrants that fall under the yoke of global governance etc.' Where the heck do get this garbage from?
Democrats just don't do the crimes that republicans do.
I would say that your IQ is around 30... Now lets see what you have said.
Demoncrats just dont do the crimes that repugnicans do.
1. Reps do stupid stuff like put their gay foot under a bathroom stall, he gets voted out of office. Barney Frank fucks a male intern, gets reelected.
2. Rep Sheriff arrests illegal alien from Mexico goes to jail. Eric (the racist) Holder gives guns to Mexican Cartels, 10,000 Mexican citizens and 1 border agent get killed. Obama uses executive privilege to not have Eric tried for war crimes.
3. Bush Spent 5 trillion dollars over 8 years you said he was unpatriotic for the debt. Obama spent 14 trillion dollars 9.5 national, and 4.5 QE forever, he was best thing since chocolate pudding for you guys.
4. President Trump waved his magic wand and has the lowest unemployment for everyone, you hate his guts. Obama had to the most in poverty and largest income inequality, you loved that brown turd.

Now if you can pull that peabrain out of Uranus, you might learn something, but I doubt you know how...

Your thread premise is a lie – as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

You made a statement, not an argument.

Much of the modern, American left is in goose-step synchrocity with fascist ideals. You guys never criticize Democrats in power and you want the state to run education, healthcare and regulate the private sector to the point of state control.
President Trump has the lowest unemployment for everyone, you hate his guts.

That's exactly right and that's because the loyalty of many leftists is to the Democratic Party and NOT to their fellow Americans.

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