The Left's continued war against science


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
It does seem ironic that left wingers continue to point to science as all important when it comes to the truth about the world around us, especially when discussing matters of religion. They would have us believe that the main problem with man is his lack of knowledge about science and all our answers can be solved with science.

It is then ironic that they now point to climate change as a threat to life on earth as we know it, especially because it was science that allowed man to discover fossil fuels and how to exploit it for his own benefit. We are dependent on it, not only for energy needs, but such vital activity as agriculture.

John Beale is a former top ranking EPA official in the Obama administration who told a Congressional committee he was working on a "green economics project" to "modify the DNA of the capitalist system. Why? It is because capitalism brings prosperity, prosperity brings more pollution and increased usage of natural resources, and technology is the engine that has got us where we are today. Mankind could simply not have created such large centers of population without technology related to fossil fuels.

The environmentalist movement naturally attracts anti-capitalistic minded people. After all, a sagging economy means less use of fossil fuels. These people want to bring back down material production to the levels of the 1960's and return to small scale farming. Environmentalist Naomi Klein said it best, "Capitalism is waging war on the planet's life support system." This is just how they think. She also admits that the focus has shifted away from climate change to economic transformation.

Karl Marx also recognized the correlation to capitalism and the way it sparks technological advances. He once wrote: "The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionizing the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society. Constant revolutionizing of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation, distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones. All fixed, fast frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away; all new formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into thin air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his realy conditions of life and his relations with his kind. The need of a constantly expanding market for its products chases the bourgeoisie over the whole surface of the globe. It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere."

As far back as Ayn Rand even saw this truth in her book "Return to the Primitive -- the Industrial Anti-revolution" She writes, "Instead of their old promises that collectivism would create universal abundance and their denunciations of capitalism for creating poverty, they are not denouncing capitalism for creating abundance. Instead of promising comfort and security for everyone, they are not denouncing people for being comfortable and secure. The demand to restrict technology is the demand to restrict man's mind. It is nature -- I. e., reality -- that makes both these goals impossible to achieve. Technology can be destroyed, and the mind can be paralyzed, but neither can be restricted. Whether and wherever such restrictions are attempted, it is the mind -- not the state -- that withers away. To restrict technology would require omniscience -- a total knowledge of all the possible effects and consequences of a given development for all the potential innovators of the future. Short of such omniscience, restrictions mean the attempt to regulate the unknown, to limit the unborn, to set rules for the undiscovered. A stagnant technology is the equivalent of a stagnant mind. A restricted technology is the equivalent of a censored mind."

And that is exactly what we have today. We have restriction after restriction of technology that is responsible for our life's blood, fossil fuels. And as we see, the key to combating technology is to destroy capitalism.
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I have a feeling that fighting this is futile.

After all, energy taxes will bring in trillions of dollars to governments all around the world. And as we know, there is no one above government to stop them.

But fight we must. Just because we may lose, dose not mean we should not fight.
I have a feeling that fighting this is futile.

After all, energy taxes will bring in trillions of dollars to governments all around the world. And as we know, there is no one above government to stop them.

But fight we must. Just because we may lose, dose not mean we should not fight.

Of course you will lose. You'r wrong and stupid.
I have a feeling that fighting this is futile.

After all, energy taxes will bring in trillions of dollars to governments all around the world. And as we know, there is no one above government to stop them.

But fight we must. Just because we may lose, dose not mean we should not fight.


"Frontiers of any type, physical or mental, are but a challenge to our breed. Nothing can stop the questing of men, not even Man. If we will it, not only the wonders of space, but the very stars are ours!"
Andre Norton


I have a feeling that fighting this is futile.

After all, energy taxes will bring in trillions of dollars to governments all around the world. And as we know, there is no one above government to stop them.

But fight we must. Just because we may lose, dose not mean we should not fight.

Of course you will lose. You'r wrong and stupid.

A French newsman probably feels that way. He was fired for questioning climate change

French weatherman fired for promoting book sceptical of climate change

The odd part was, he did not dispute climate change, rather, he disputed the tactics for combating it

What is odd is, scientists readily admit that if cap and trade were up and running in the US, it would not stop global warming. In fact, it would do precious little to effect it yet they insist on pursing it.

The fact that many of these people oppose nuclear power is a dead give away for me. This just shows that they have no sense of urgency to reduce carbon emissions. Why should they if the real goal is for economic transformation.

The world now has a new religion and a new Spanish Inquisition.
I have a feeling that fighting this is futile.

After all, energy taxes will bring in trillions of dollars to governments all around the world. And as we know, there is no one above government to stop them.

But fight we must. Just because we may lose, dose not mean we should not fight.


"Frontiers of any type, physical or mental, are but a challenge to our breed. Nothing can stop the questing of men, not even Man. If we will it, not only the wonders of space, but the very stars are ours!"
Andre Norton



What is odd is, Progs continue to speak of limited resources in an infinite universe.

The only interest Progs would have in the universe is if they could find another life form to exploit and/or control.

I always wondered why aliens would hide from us if they were actually visiting the earth.

obama looking through telescope.jpg

Now I understand.
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I have a feeling that fighting this is futile.

After all, energy taxes will bring in trillions of dollars to governments all around the world. And as we know, there is no one above government to stop them.

But fight we must. Just because we may lose, dose not mean we should not fight.

If you ever decide to explore reality, I'm sure many people will be happy to help you sort out facts from the stories you learned from right wing radio.
I have a feeling that fighting this is futile.

After all, energy taxes will bring in trillions of dollars to governments all around the world. And as we know, there is no one above government to stop them.

But fight we must. Just because we may lose, dose not mean we should not fight.

If you ever decide to explore reality, I'm sure many people will be happy to help you sort out facts from the stories you learned from right wing radio.

Thanks for your contribution to this thread.

I've learned that I'm stupid and so is "right winged media", presumably meaning anyone that disagrees with climate activists.

Your intellect is overwhelming.
I have a feeling that fighting this is futile.

After all, energy taxes will bring in trillions of dollars to governments all around the world. And as we know, there is no one above government to stop them.

But fight we must. Just because we may lose, dose not mean we should not fight.

If you ever decide to explore reality, I'm sure many people will be happy to help you sort out facts from the stories you learned from right wing radio.

Thanks for your contribution to this thread.

I've learned that I'm stupid and so is "right winged media", presumably meaning anyone that disagrees with climate activists.

Your intellect is overwhelming.

It's good that you finally learned that. There might be hope for you yet.
Both extremes are anti-science
The right is anti-science when it comes to funding our institutions right, stem cells, renewable energy, etc.
The left is anti-science when it comes to gmo's and using monkeys.

Both suck! The moderates are the only ones that are sane.
Both extremes are anti-science
The right is anti-science when it comes to funding our institutions right, stem cells, renewable energy, etc.
The left is anti-science when it comes to gmo's and using monkeys.

Both suck! The moderates are the only ones that are sane.

No, Progs supports stem cell research because it is linked to abortion. This is part of their anti-growth stance. They are preoccupied with reducing population levels, much like Red China. It is also why they are so adamant about supporting issues like euthanasia and gay sex and refusing to execute murders who will no doubt kill again if given the chance and defend jihadists while attacking Christians.

It's what you call, the culture if death.

As for renewable energy, any scientist worth his salt will tell you that solar and wind only get you so far. If you really want viable renewable energy you go nuclear. But alas, Progs don't seem to like this renewable energy, do they?

Now you can better understand why they constantly introduce such harmful economic policies to the country. They literally want to rip it to shreds.
Both extremes are anti-science
The right is anti-science when it comes to funding our institutions right, stem cells, renewable energy, etc.
The left is anti-science when it comes to gmo's and using monkeys.

Both suck! The moderates are the only ones that are sane.


Why should government fund the institutions if the only scholarships worthwhile go to the jocks and 'so called' minorities and why should political correctness in a progressive sort of way be the norm on a campus that is supposed to be a learning experience for all? Let the alumni take care of it since they seem to have millions to spend on their sports teams.

Wasn't there a research lab that created stem cells from regular cells?

What makes you think throwing a lot of money at renewable energy is the policy to be followed while ignoring other things like research into high power alternatives?

Can you prove the GMO's aren't modified out of the norm to where they don't cause allergic reactions to the general population?

I don't have a problem with monkeys being used for research so long as it's in a humane way and so long as they are not part of the endangered species list so we're good there.


Both extremes are anti-science
The right is anti-science when it comes to funding our institutions right, stem cells, renewable energy, etc.
The left is anti-science when it comes to gmo's and using monkeys.

Both suck! The moderates are the only ones that are sane.

No, Progs supports stem cell research because it is linked to abortion. This is part of their anti-growth stance. They are preoccupied with reducing population levels, much like Red China. It is also why they are so adamant about supporting issues like euthanasia and gay sex and refusing to execute murders who will no doubt kill again if given the chance and defend jihadists while attacking Christians.

It's what you call, the culture if death.

As for renewable energy, any scientist worth his salt will tell you that solar and wind only get you so far. If you really want viable renewable energy you go nuclear. But alas, Progs don't seem to like this renewable energy, do they?

Now you can better understand why they constantly introduce such harmful economic policies to the country. They literally want to rip it to shreds.

Stem cell research has nothing to do with abortion. There more than enough unused embryos from fertility clinics that are thrown away to supply almost unlimited research.
Environmentalist Naomi Klein said it best, "Capitalism is waging war on the planet's life support system." This is just how they think. She also admits that the focus has shifted away from climate change to economic transformation.

That says it all, follow the money and power. Global warming was never about saving the planet, it's nothing but a wealth redistribution scheme and power over the people. I've said that from day one but the regressives have swallowed the whole series of lies.
Both extremes are anti-science
The right is anti-science when it comes to funding our institutions right, stem cells, renewable energy, etc.
The left is anti-science when it comes to gmo's and using monkeys.

Both suck! The moderates are the only ones that are sane.

No, Progs supports stem cell research because it is linked to abortion. This is part of their anti-growth stance. They are preoccupied with reducing population levels, much like Red China. It is also why they are so adamant about supporting issues like euthanasia and gay sex and refusing to execute murders who will no doubt kill again if given the chance and defend jihadists while attacking Christians.

It's what you call, the culture if death.

As for renewable energy, any scientist worth his salt will tell you that solar and wind only get you so far. If you really want viable renewable energy you go nuclear. But alas, Progs don't seem to like this renewable energy, do they?

Now you can better understand why they constantly introduce such harmful economic policies to the country. They literally want to rip it to shreds.

Stem cell research has nothing to do with abortion. There more than enough unused embryos from fertility clinics that are thrown away to supply almost unlimited research.

Not so loud. People will stop buying into the Dim lie that conservatives are trying to stop stem cell research.
Both extremes are anti-science
The right is anti-science when it comes to funding our institutions right, stem cells, renewable energy, etc.
The left is anti-science when it comes to gmo's and using monkeys.

Both suck! The moderates are the only ones that are sane.

No, Progs supports stem cell research because it is linked to abortion. This is part of their anti-growth stance. They are preoccupied with reducing population levels, much like Red China. It is also why they are so adamant about supporting issues like euthanasia and gay sex and refusing to execute murders who will no doubt kill again if given the chance and defend jihadists while attacking Christians.

It's what you call, the culture if death.

As for renewable energy, any scientist worth his salt will tell you that solar and wind only get you so far. If you really want viable renewable energy you go nuclear. But alas, Progs don't seem to like this renewable energy, do they?

Now you can better understand why they constantly introduce such harmful economic policies to the country. They literally want to rip it to shreds.

Stem cell research has nothing to do with abortion. There more than enough unused embryos from fertility clinics that are thrown away to supply almost unlimited research.

Not so loud. People like Matt will stop buying into the Dim lie that conservatives are trying to stop stem cell research.
There is hardly any reason to counter the nonsense of the right when it comes to science. Bringing up religion and then moving into science shows a lack of thought so deep there is no return. Faith is not verifiable, emotions hardly trustworthy, gut reactions often empty of sense, the right confuses them in their debate. Science and the obvious can be ignored cause you feel like it. When one believes something there is no place for argument as it forms their person, for those still unsure and thinking, see the books referenced below. Pierce's book covers much of the stupidity concerning education, Iraq, evolution - the right is ruled by emotion, and fear is the motivator, thus the appeal today of Trump.

"Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming"
by Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. M. Conway

'Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free' by Charles P. Pierce
From a guy that bows down to statues and eats a cracker that is believed to be a god and says the left is against science is laughable

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