The lefts infactuation with trans surguries reminds me of nazi germany and forced sterilization


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Funny ... it's only conservatives who post about this ... maybe it's the right who's infatuated ... [giggle] ...
Clearly you lie. You bastards can't stop talking about faggots and mutilators.
we're one election away from the left declaring rw's as needing forced tran surgeries to be cured

Gateway Pundit is not the “left”
we're one election away from the left declaring rw's as needing forced tran surgeries to be cured

Sorry, that's too much of an effort to expend. And it's not my job to fix stupid.
I think I'll just sit back and watch your ilk slowly wind their way out of the gene pool by attrition.

Now, after searching high and low for a story on this from a reputable source (and only finding one that came..close), it looks like this teacher usurped the parents (entirely). That's a big no-no. If she's found guilty...fry her.

Decisions like this are only made on the consult of doctors, psychologists..and PARENTS. And only after years of evaluation. I understand you're looking to take these one-off cases and apply them to the whole...but it don't work that way in real life.
Clearly you lie. You bastards can't stop talking about faggots and mutilators.

When have I ever talked about this? ... except to condemn Democrats' use of preteen girls to lure folks into elective office ... better to let the office go vacant than rape a little girl IMEIO ...

If someone is nothing but their sexuality, then we have very little in common ... there's a time for making children, then there's a time to enjoy the children, then there's a time to bitch and complain about children ... and then you've have to hear from your own children just how nasty and awful and lazy their children are ...

I could give a rat's ass about my great-great-great-great-grandchildren ... let the oceans boils off for all I care ...
Decisions like this are only made on the consult of doctors, psychologists..and PARENTS.

I would include a State Judge ... lawyers aren't quite as expensive as doctors, but the child should be entitled to one ... even at tax-payer expense ... and I mean a lawyer for the child, someone complete unattached to parents or advocates ... parents can hire their own lawyer ...
Sorry, that's too much of an effort to expend. And it's not my job to fix stupid.
I think I'll just sit back and watch your ilk slowly wind their way out of the gene pool by attrition.

Now, after searching high and low for a story on this from a reputable source (and only finding one that came..close), it looks like this teacher usurped the parents (entirely). That's a big no-no. If she's found guilty...fry her.

Decisions like this are only made on the consult of doctors, psychologists..and PARENTS. And only after years of evaluation. I understand you're looking to take these one-off cases and apply them to the whole...but it don't work that way in real life.

What "years of evaluation"?

The majority of the current cases in kids are of "sudden onset dysphoria" which may or may not be a social contagion.

It used to be any hormones, blockers or surgery were a LAST resort, done only after everything else is exhausted. Now they are step one.

Supporting this idiocy is one thing, but lying about it is something else.
What "years of evaluation"?

The majority of the current cases in kids are of "sudden onset dysphoria" which may or may not be a social contagion.

It used to be any hormones, blockers or surgery were a LAST resort, done only after everything else is exhausted. Now they are step one.

Supporting this idiocy is one thing, but lying about it is something else.
I understand you're outraged by these one-off cases and want to apply them to the whole. Again, decisions like this are never made quickly and without countless hours of evaluation.
It takes a weak and misguided mind to look at forced sterilization or adolescent sex reassignment as valid and useful procedures. Nazis and Democrats have this in common.
I understand you're outraged by these one-off cases and want to apply them to the whole. Again, decisions like this are never made quickly and without countless hours of evaluation.

It's not a few one off cases, it's a growing trend.

Your downplaying of the situation is an outright falsehood, about what I expect from you.
About one half of one percent of the population identifies a trans.

About one half of one percent of the population identifies a trans.

yet every tv show has them on now. how's that at all possible? The results don't match your number.

Fk, even the new series Alert has a trans version on as the medical examiner. Laugh my ass off. I knew it, then they confirmed it.
yet every tv show has them on now. how's that at all possible? The results don't match your number.

Fk, even the new series Alert has a trans version on as the medical examiner. Laugh my ass off. I knew it, then they confirmed it.
That`s what people were saying in the late 60s and early 70s when Black characters were shown on tv. " Geez, Marge, those darkies are taking over our televisions". :(
That`s what people were saying in the late 60s and early 70s when Black characters were shown on tv. " Geez, Marge, those darkies are taking over our televisions". :(
They’re real people, and it’s confirmation blacks were included! Shaming people is your tool for discussing truths!
Demofks standard play. Boring

Hey, explain why you need to promote it?
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Reiny is correct. You perverts are obsessed with this topic. A day doesn`t pass here without a Deplorable bringing this shit up. Why is that?
I just told you why you babbling liar. You monsters are gonna keep trying to get kids roped in into your evil, really bad things are gonna start happening. Or good things depending on your view.

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