The lefts knowledge of guns

They really think this happened:
View attachment 750348

Can any lefty tell me what is wrong with this picture?
How do you say “The Left” with a straight fact and continue to characterize millions of individuals like they are one likeminded group with the same beliefs and understandings. That’s such a obviously ignorant thing to do
There you go........did you get the rant out of your system for the day? Feel better?
Is this you?

How do you say “The Left” with a straight fact and continue to characterize millions of individuals like they are one likeminded group with the same beliefs and understandings. That’s such a obviously ignorant thing to do
They are. Lemming fools that believes all the media feeds them. The programmers like you spend all day trying to disrupt this country and deflect from it all.
They are. Lemming fools that believes all the media feeds them. The programmers like you spend all day trying to disrupt this country and deflect from it all.
Riiiight, you’re just showing off your ignorance by saying that. Hope you find reality some day
How do you say “The Left” with a straight fact and continue to characterize millions of individuals like they are one likeminded group with the same beliefs and understandings. That’s such a obviously ignorant thing to do
Why do the terms left and right exist?
Well they exists to provide a distinction. They are USED by many to stereotype and generalize
That's how you have conversations. I love it when people say not everyone agrees on the same things, ok, then how do you have those conversations? I go by what their elected officials and prominent figures voice, if you support them, I assume you support most if not all of their positions. Sure I disagree with Trump on a few things, but mostly I agree with him. For example, I don't agree with his vax stance, but since most of my side doesn't it would make sense. So if you are left and a democrat and you say there are only 2 genders, that is, but unusual....
That's how you have conversations. I love it when people say not everyone agrees on the same things, ok, then how do you have those conversations? I go by what their elected officials and prominent figures voice, if you support them, I assume you support most if not all of their positions. Sure I disagree with Trump on a few things, but mostly I agree with him. For example, I don't agree with his vax stance, but since most of my side doesn't it would make sense. So if you are left and a democrat and you say there are only 2 genders, that is, but unusual....
You have conversations about actual people and what they believe not some arbitrary group you want to stereotype. It’s not that hard
You have conversations about actual people and what they believe not some arbitrary group you want to stereotype. It’s not that hard
IT is, becasue those people just post talking points from......someone else in their group. Asking a lefty why they support something is extremely difficult to get an answer in their own words. Try it....But to say that those labels don't mean anything is atroucious.

Let me guess, you support abortion rights? Gay mariage? Reperations? CRT? Increased Taxes? Restrictions on guns? Legalization of drugs?

So how many of those did I get wrong?
IT is, becasue those people just post talking points from......someone else in their group. Asking a lefty why they support something is extremely difficult to get an answer in their own words. Try it....But to say that those labels don't mean anything is atroucious.

Let me guess, you support abortion rights? Gay mariage? Reperations? CRT? Increased Taxes? Restrictions on guns? Legalization of drugs?

So how many of those did I get wrong?
You got 2 wrong. But since I’m a lefty I guess those two don’t matter and we should just carry on like they all apply to me… right?
You got 2 wrong. But since I’m a lefty I guess those two don’t matter and we should just carry on like they all apply to me… right?
Which 2, some matter more than others. For example I don't like free trade (the concept is great, in practice it sucks, like communism and fascism).....For you I'm going to guess CRT and guns.
Which 2, some matter more than others. For example I don't like free trade (the concept is great, in practice it sucks, like communism and fascism).....For you I'm going to guess CRT and guns.
CRT and raising taxes… I own guns but don’t care if they are regulated as long as the regulations make sense
CRT and raising taxes… I own guns but don’t care if they are regulated as long as the regulations make sense
ok, not for increased taxes, now that is a big one...would never have picked it, it's been a staple of the left forever.
ok, not for increased taxes, now that is a big one...would never have picked it, it's been a staple of the left forever.

As opposed to debt? Stereotypes are often times not even actually real. Yes, I'm for increased taxes because we are 31 trillion in debt and I realize how much of a problem this is going to be for future generations. That makes me what?

Pretending simple cuts (which in many cases I support also for the same reason) is going to address all of the debt is pie in the sky thinking as Republicans when they had all three branches still increased the debt.

Now back on topic. I fully support our Constitutional rights. All of them. Not just some of them. Oddly for many that makes me left? (see previous comments about me). Even though I fully support our rights to own weapons even beyond what the government approves and have said so consistently I am accused of all sorts of things because I don't believe that silly things like claiming a simple picture shows anything other than what it shows is anything but lame. A bullet hole where someone has placed an unspent one in the hole. That's all it is.
ok, not for increased taxes, now that is a big one...would never have picked it, it's been a staple of the left forever.
Do you really think millions of people that are “on the left” love paying taxes and are hungry to raise them and pay more?
As opposed to debt? Stereotypes are often times not even actually real. Yes, I'm for increased taxes because we are 31 trillion in debt and I realize how much of a problem this is going to be for future generations. That makes me what?

Pretending simple cuts (which in many cases I support also for the same reason) is going to address all of the debt is pie in the sky thinking as Republicans when they had all three branches still increased the debt.

Now back on topic. I fully support our Constitutional rights. All of them. Not just some of them. Oddly for many that makes me left? (see previous comments about me). Even though I fully support our rights to own weapons even beyond what the government approves and have said so consistently I am accused of all sorts of things because I don't believe that silly things like claiming a simple picture shows anything other than what it shows is anything but lame. A bullet hole where someone has placed an unspent one in the hole. That's all it is.
Well if you support Constitutional rights, according to the culture (Hollywood, Academia, ect) and the establishment, that makes you a fascist....welcome aboard!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for spending cuts and taxes. I think we need spending cuts and that includes defense, entitlement reform, and getting rid of stupid budgetary items and slashing the enournmous federal govt beuracracy, many of those jobs are for activists and patronage, they don't do anything useful.

For taxes, I am for eliminating the federal income tax ( I have been since the 90s), but if we aren't going to do that, then we need to eliminate ALL deductions.......

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