The lefts knowledge of guns

As opposed to debt? Stereotypes are often times not even actually real. Yes, I'm for increased taxes because we are 31 trillion in debt and I realize how much of a problem this is going to be for future generations. That makes me what?

Pretending simple cuts (which in many cases I support also for the same reason) is going to address all of the debt is pie in the sky thinking as Republicans when they had all three branches still increased the debt.

Now back on topic. I fully support our Constitutional rights. All of them. Not just some of them. Oddly for many that makes me left? (see previous comments about me). Even though I fully support our rights to own weapons even beyond what the government approves and have said so consistently I am accused of all sorts of things because I don't believe that silly things like claiming a simple picture shows anything other than what it shows is anything but lame. A bullet hole where someone has placed an unspent one in the hole. That's all it is.
Also on stereotypes, show me a post of dragonlady where you are like I didn't expect her to have that position. I have never seen her suprise me on one take.

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