The Lefts Masking of the Servant Class: Ugly COVID Images From the Met Gala Are Now Commonplace

Socialism is all about the 1% living like royalty and the 99% bowing to them as servant slaves.

This entire COVID thing has never been about health. It was first a useful tool to get rid of Trump. Second, it’s keeping you underlings in your proper space. The amazing thing about this is those that have decided they can do what they want and you need to obey their rules, are indeed a woman who was so piss poor at her college major she was a bar tender. Yet now, she knows what’s best for you.
The first thing I noticed in that video of Pelosi's fund raiser in Napa valley was the only people forced to wear masks were the help. It was obvious the rich, white, liberal elite didn't want those smelly brown people breathing on them.
They should all put them in a zoo, at that same scene for people to mock
The left used to say eat the rich.
Now they obediently obey the rich.

Socialism is all about the 1% living like royalty and the 99% bowing to them as servant slaves.

And Dems definition of the royalty class as made up of the political elites who rule with an iron fist. Dems have a serious Stalin envy issue these days.

Ivermectin LITERALLY SAVED INDIA and Fauci says there is no proof it works. When India was having a massive Delta outbreak, the Media LOVED to talk about India, India, India.
But now that Ivermectin has WIPED OUT COVID in India, the Media doesn't want to talk about India.
Socialism is all about the 1% living like royalty and the 99% bowing to them as servant slaves.

Good piece, but this is a leftist (Greenwald) criticizing Democrats.

Confusing Democrats with the left is like thinking Nazis are Jews.

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