The Lefts Pope (Pipe) Dream

do you go to jail if you refuse to pay your taxes?....yes or no....

When someone points a gun at you and takes your money that is stealing.

Are you alleging that the government is pointing a gun at you, yes or no?
Yes. They say, "If you do not pay your taxes, we will jail you."

The men and women responsible for jailing you don't come bearing daisies.

If someone on the street points a gun at you and threatens to shoot you if you don't hand over your money they are committing a crime.

When you don't pay your taxes you are committing a crime. You are effectively stealing government services that you are benefiting from without paying for them. This is theft of services from your fellow taxpayers.

Since you committed the crime of not paying taxes you are no different to the criminal with the gun.

Why should you be treated any differently to any other criminal?

"How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points?" - Pope Francis (Evangelii Guadium)

Pope Francis on Income Inequality. Can you believe this guy?

Nothing like doing your own cut and paste to keep the lie going is there?
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As I recall THE MAN BORN OF WOMAN NAMED JESUS threw the Money Lender's out of the Temple (My Father's House Should Be a House of Prayer)..

He did NOT hrough open the doors and welcome the Money Lenders.

Was the whole Loaves and Fishes things done with Seperate Checks?

How much did THE MAN BORN OF WOMAN NAMED JESUS charge for:

Making The Lame To Walk.

Making The Blind To See.

Making The Deaf to Hear.

How much money did Jesus make when he raised Lazarus from the dead?

What about "Turning Water Into Wine", how much money did Jesus make off of that stunt?

Was Walking on Water a money making venture?
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For the brain impaired I repeat. The government takes taxes at the point of a gun

I have to agree that only the "brain impaired" could possibly believe that the "government takes taxes at the point of a gun"
You are wrong in this.

If you do not pay your taxes, do you go to jail or not? No one vountarily goes to jail, so the logical conclusion is, if you don't pay your taxes, men with guns will come and take you to jail. They will use the guns to keep you in jail until such time as they see fit to pronounce your 'debt to society' is paid.

Government takes your money at the point of a gun cannot be reasonably refuted.

I am not wrong.

Failure to pay your taxes makes you a criminal.

That means you put yourself at the wrong end of that gun.
Thank you for conceding that you don't even have as much as a single example of the "government takes taxes at the point of a gun".

do you go to jail if you refuse to pay your taxes?....yes or no....

When someone points a gun at you and takes your money that is stealing.

Are you alleging that the government is pointing a gun at you, yes or no?

why did you not answer my question?.... when you do and you say armed police take you into custody?......
do you go to jail if you refuse to pay your taxes?....yes or no....

When someone points a gun at you and takes your money that is stealing.

Are you alleging that the government is pointing a gun at you, yes or no?
Yes. They say, "If you do not pay your taxes, we will jail you."

The men and women responsible for jailing you don't come bearing daisies.

Er...perhaps you did not get the memo. Nobody has been sent to prison for debt in the USA since the 1700's. The only exception I know of is failure to pay child support, and that is not imprisonment for debt. That is:

"If a non-custodial parent, charged with child support non-payment, moves to a different state to avoid child support payments, he or she may be be convicted of a federal offense under the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act. In order to secure a conviction under the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act, the federal government must prove:
•The non-custodial parent had the ability to pay child support
•The non-custodial parent failed to pay child support
•Child support has not been paid for at least a year
•The non-custodial parent owes more than $5000 of child support"

He can also be imprisoned in the same state for failure to comply with the orders of the court, under state law.

Don't confuse imprisonment for debt with imprisonment for fraud. They are not the same.
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When someone points a gun at you and takes your money that is stealing.

Are you alleging that the government is pointing a gun at you, yes or no?
Yes. They say, "If you do not pay your taxes, we will jail you."

The men and women responsible for jailing you don't come bearing daisies.

Er...perhaps you did not get the memo. Nobody has been sent to prison for debt in the USA since the 1700's. The only exception I know of is failure to pay child support, and that is not imprisonment for debt. That is:

"If a non-custodial parent, charged with child support non-payment, moves to a different state to avoid child support payments, he or she may be be convicted of a federal offense under the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act. In order to secure a conviction under the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act, the federal government must prove:
•The non-custodial parent had the ability to pay child support
•The non-custodial parent failed to pay child support
•Child support has not been paid for at least a year
•The non-custodial parent owes more than $5000 of child support"

He can also be imprisoned in the same state for failure to comply with the orders of the court, under state law.

Don't confuse imprisonment for debt with imprisonment for fraud. They are not the same.

child support?.....i thought this was about paying taxes?....
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When someone points a gun at you and takes your money that is stealing.

Are you alleging that the government is pointing a gun at you, yes or no?
Yes. They say, "If you do not pay your taxes, we will jail you."

The men and women responsible for jailing you don't come bearing daisies.

Er...perhaps you did not get the memo. Nobody has been sent to prison for debt in the USA since the 1700's. The only exception I know of is failure to pay child support, and that is not imprisonment for debt. That is:

"If a non-custodial parent, charged with child support non-payment, moves to a different state to avoid child support payments, he or she may be be convicted of a federal offense under the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act. In order to secure a conviction under the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act, the federal government must prove:
•The non-custodial parent had the ability to pay child support
•The non-custodial parent failed to pay child support
•Child support has not been paid for at least a year
•The non-custodial parent owes more than $5000 of child support"

He can also be imprisoned in the same state for failure to comply with the orders of the court, under state law.

Don't confuse imprisonment for debt with imprisonment for fraud. They are not the same.

It isnt "debt" you four-time loser. It is a failure to pay taxes. Not all debt is tax liability. People are jailed for failure to pay taxes all the time.
Don't forget the indulgences. In the middle ages the Catholic church was the first multinational corporation. It was selling education and "get into heaven free passes" just as long as you left the church all of your worldly goods. This revenue was all sent to Avignon and hoarded by the pontiffs of that period.

The accumulation of wealth by the Catholic Church is one of the main reason priests aren't allowed to marry. Married priests pass their wealth on to their families...

were did you ever hear that?.....this is the stuff i was told growing up.....

Why can't a priest ever marry? | Catholic Answers

And you still believe everything you were told when you were growing up? Are you aware that priests used to be allowed to marry, that the first Pope was married? The first move the Vatican made (in the 11th Century) was to rule that the children of priests could not inherit their father's wealth. Odd rule don't you think?
Yes. They say, "If you do not pay your taxes, we will jail you."

The men and women responsible for jailing you don't come bearing daisies.

Er...perhaps you did not get the memo. Nobody has been sent to prison for debt in the USA since the 1700's. The only exception I know of is failure to pay child support, and that is not imprisonment for debt. That is:

"If a non-custodial parent, charged with child support non-payment, moves to a different state to avoid child support payments, he or she may be be convicted of a federal offense under the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act. In order to secure a conviction under the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act, the federal government must prove:
•The non-custodial parent had the ability to pay child support
•The non-custodial parent failed to pay child support
•Child support has not been paid for at least a year
•The non-custodial parent owes more than $5000 of child support"

He can also be imprisoned in the same state for failure to comply with the orders of the court, under state law.

Don't confuse imprisonment for debt with imprisonment for fraud. They are not the same.

It isnt "debt" you four-time loser. It is a failure to pay taxes. Not all debt is tax liability. People are jailed for failure to pay taxes all the time.

Not for a failure to pay taxes but for:

Tax evasion or tax fraud: This is when you intentionally try to evade taxes. It’s a felony with a maximum prison sentence of five years and a maximum penalty of $100,000.

Filing a false return: Lying on your tax return in some way, it’s often used instead of tax evasion because it’s easier to prove (you don’t have to prove intent to evade taxes). It’s also a felony but with a maximum 3 years and $100,000 fine.

Failure to file a tax return: The least serious of the three, this is a misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of 1 year and/or a $25,000 fine for each year not filed.
so?.....the Catholics seem to think every Pope is awesome.....i have heard this my whole life.....when i was going through that ridiculous catechism shit we were told that the Pope is the ONLY person on the planet with a direct line to "God".....he is special like that.....

Well we know why the Catholic Church needs all that wealth they've been's just to pay the phone bill for that "direct line".
make light of the bullshit that they feed their kids Wytch.....your buddy Dean says the Republicans would rather feed this kind of shit to their kids instead of science.....he wont be happy knowing you agree with them....

What? I'm not sure what you're talking about and how it relates to my post.

BTW, Catholic schools teach evolution.
Fighting poverty without capitalism is like fighting fire without pressurized water

This Marxist Popes thinks class envy ends poverty

The accumulation of wealth by the Catholic Church is one of the main reason priests aren't allowed to marry. Married priests pass their wealth on to their families...

were did you ever hear that?.....this is the stuff i was told growing up.....

Why can't a priest ever marry? | Catholic Answers

And you still believe everything you were told when you were growing up? Are you aware that priests used to be allowed to marry, that the first Pope was married? The first move the Vatican made (in the 11th Century) was to rule that the children of priests could not inherit their father's wealth. Odd rule don't you think?

And you still believe everything you were told when you were growing up

if i did i would still be a fucking Catholic...but unlike most Catholics ....i did something they dont like....i asked questions....
Well we know why the Catholic Church needs all that wealth they've been's just to pay the phone bill for that "direct line".
make light of the bullshit that they feed their kids Wytch.....your buddy Dean says the Republicans would rather feed this kind of shit to their kids instead of science.....he wont be happy knowing you agree with them....

What? I'm not sure what you're talking about and how it relates to my post.

BTW, Catholic schools teach evolution.

so big deal....they also teach that Jesus was God here walking the Earth.....i asked....if that was so....WHO would god be praying to in the Garden of Gethsemane? kids got a nice song and dance on that one....
Er...perhaps you did not get the memo. Nobody has been sent to prison for debt in the USA since the 1700's. The only exception I know of is failure to pay child support, and that is not imprisonment for debt. That is:

"If a non-custodial parent, charged with child support non-payment, moves to a different state to avoid child support payments, he or she may be be convicted of a federal offense under the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act. In order to secure a conviction under the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act, the federal government must prove:
•The non-custodial parent had the ability to pay child support
•The non-custodial parent failed to pay child support
•Child support has not been paid for at least a year
•The non-custodial parent owes more than $5000 of child support"

He can also be imprisoned in the same state for failure to comply with the orders of the court, under state law.

Don't confuse imprisonment for debt with imprisonment for fraud. They are not the same.

It isnt "debt" you four-time loser. It is a failure to pay taxes. Not all debt is tax liability. People are jailed for failure to pay taxes all the time.

Not for a failure to pay taxes but for:

Tax evasion or tax fraud: This is when you intentionally try to evade taxes. It’s a felony with a maximum prison sentence of five years and a maximum penalty of $100,000.

Filing a false return: Lying on your tax return in some way, it’s often used instead of tax evasion because it’s easier to prove (you don’t have to prove intent to evade taxes). It’s also a felony but with a maximum 3 years and $100,000 fine.

Failure to file a tax return: The least serious of the three, this is a misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of 1 year and/or a $25,000 fine for each year not filed.

Not paying taxes is defined as tax evasion.
You are playing semantic games. Like women lacking equal rights because they cant marry women.
You are very confused.
The pope is from Argentina.

Argentina is an economic basket case primarily due to government policies in response to similar criticisms of "unfettered capitalism"going back decades.

Nothing wrong about wanting to find solutions to the growing inequality but this pope should be ignored when he engages in economic ideology.
Er...perhaps you did not get the memo. Nobody has been sent to prison for debt in the USA since the 1700's. The only exception I know of is failure to pay child support, and that is not imprisonment for debt. That is:

"If a non-custodial parent, charged with child support non-payment, moves to a different state to avoid child support payments, he or she may be be convicted of a federal offense under the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act. In order to secure a conviction under the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act, the federal government must prove:
•The non-custodial parent had the ability to pay child support
•The non-custodial parent failed to pay child support
•Child support has not been paid for at least a year
•The non-custodial parent owes more than $5000 of child support"

He can also be imprisoned in the same state for failure to comply with the orders of the court, under state law.

Don't confuse imprisonment for debt with imprisonment for fraud. They are not the same.

It isnt "debt" you four-time loser. It is a failure to pay taxes. Not all debt is tax liability. People are jailed for failure to pay taxes all the time.

Not for a failure to pay taxes but for:

Tax evasion or tax fraud: This is when you intentionally try to evade taxes. It’s a felony with a maximum prison sentence of five years and a maximum penalty of $100,000.

Filing a false return: Lying on your tax return in some way, it’s often used instead of tax evasion because it’s easier to prove (you don’t have to prove intent to evade taxes). It’s also a felony but with a maximum 3 years and $100,000 fine.

Failure to file a tax return: The least serious of the three, this is a misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of 1 year and/or a $25,000 fine for each year not filed.

...and my point is that if you file an honest return, showing how much you owe, but fail to send a check, you do NOT go to jail.
The pope is from Argentina.

Argentina is an economic basket case primarily due to government policies in response to similar criticisms of "unfettered capitalism"going back decades.

Nothing wrong about wanting to find solutions to the growing inequality but this pope should be ignored when he engages in economic ideology.

There is nothing scriptural about making every one equal.
The pope is from Argentina.

Argentina is an economic basket case primarily due to government policies in response to similar criticisms of "unfettered capitalism"going back decades.

Nothing wrong about wanting to find solutions to the growing inequality but this pope should be ignored when he engages in economic ideology.

There is nothing scriptural about making every one equal.
And is it in the purview of this Republican form of government to ensure equality across the board since we ALL are born with the same opportunity, LIBERTY...but none the less have our own aspirations, desires?

The Declaration Of Independence addressed this and it was codified in the Constitution.

Equal outcome cannot be had unless by force...the fact that people are different in attitudes, motivation somehow escapes you.

WHY is that?

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