The Lefts Pope (Pipe) Dream

The pope is from Argentina.

Argentina is an economic basket case primarily due to government policies in response to similar criticisms of "unfettered capitalism"going back decades.

Nothing wrong about wanting to find solutions to the growing inequality but this pope should be ignored when he engages in economic ideology.

There is nothing scriptural about making every one equal.

.... See Acts 2 and 4. :eusa_angel:
The pope is from Argentina.

Argentina is an economic basket case primarily due to government policies in response to similar criticisms of "unfettered capitalism"going back decades.

Nothing wrong about wanting to find solutions to the growing inequality but this pope should be ignored when he engages in economic ideology.

You have to first recognize the growing inequality.
The pope is from Argentina.

Argentina is an economic basket case primarily due to government policies in response to similar criticisms of "unfettered capitalism"going back decades.

Nothing wrong about wanting to find solutions to the growing inequality but this pope should be ignored when he engages in economic ideology.

You have to first recognize the growing inequality.

IN argentina that isnt hard. There inequality is the result of crony capitalism and state controls over business.
About what Democrats want for the U.S.
The pope is from Argentina.

Argentina is an economic basket case primarily due to government policies in response to similar criticisms of "unfettered capitalism"going back decades.

Nothing wrong about wanting to find solutions to the growing inequality but this pope should be ignored when he engages in economic ideology.

You have to first recognize the growing inequality.

IN argentina that isnt hard. There inequality is the result of crony capitalism and state controls over business.
About what Democrats want for the U.S.

We already have the inequality...thanks to "trickle down" economics.

Here, watch it happen. Red is good, green is bad...

You have to first recognize the growing inequality.

IN argentina that isnt hard. There inequality is the result of crony capitalism and state controls over business.
About what Democrats want for the U.S.

We already have the inequality...thanks to "trickle down" economics.

Here, watch it happen. Red is good, green is bad...
What trickle down economics? Can you do anything beyond mouthing slogans of the Left?
Obama has been president for 5 years. Has he pushed trickle down economics (whatever the hell that is)? Because the gap between the top 5% and the rest has gotten bigger during his tenure than it was under Bush.
We have disparities of wealth and income here because our system rewards hard work and innovation. And some people are better at that than others. It has grown because with globalization the markets, and the rewards for doing well in them, have grown.
That isn't a problem. That's natural. The problem is entitlement queers like you want to short circuit a natural mechanism and make sure everyone is poor and miserable.
IN argentina that isnt hard. There inequality is the result of crony capitalism and state controls over business.
About what Democrats want for the U.S.

We already have the inequality...thanks to "trickle down" economics.

Here, watch it happen. Red is good, green is bad...
What trickle down economics? Can you do anything beyond mouthing slogans of the Left?
Obama has been president for 5 years. Has he pushed trickle down economics (whatever the hell that is)? Because the gap between the top 5% and the rest has gotten bigger during his tenure than it was under Bush.
We have disparities of wealth and income here because our system rewards hard work and innovation. And some people are better at that than others. It has grown because with globalization the markets, and the rewards for doing well in them, have grown.
That isn't a problem. That's natural. The problem is entitlement queers like you want to short circuit a natural mechanism and make sure everyone is poor and miserable.

What has happened, historically, when inequality gets this bad?

This isn't natural no matter how many names you call me.
We already have the inequality...thanks to "trickle down" economics.

Here, watch it happen. Red is good, green is bad...
What trickle down economics? Can you do anything beyond mouthing slogans of the Left?
Obama has been president for 5 years. Has he pushed trickle down economics (whatever the hell that is)? Because the gap between the top 5% and the rest has gotten bigger during his tenure than it was under Bush.
We have disparities of wealth and income here because our system rewards hard work and innovation. And some people are better at that than others. It has grown because with globalization the markets, and the rewards for doing well in them, have grown.
That isn't a problem. That's natural. The problem is entitlement queers like you want to short circuit a natural mechanism and make sure everyone is poor and miserable.

What has happened, historically, when inequality gets this bad?

This isn't natural no matter how many names you call me.

Why dont you tell me historically what happens? Be specific.
Of course it is natural. Some people are better at making money, so they earn more. It isn't the same as the crony capitalism of South America, no matter how much you want to confuse the two.
And calling you names is so fun.
The pope is from Argentina.

Argentina is an economic basket case primarily due to government policies in response to similar criticisms of "unfettered capitalism"going back decades.

Nothing wrong about wanting to find solutions to the growing inequality but this pope should be ignored when he engages in economic ideology.

There is nothing scriptural about making every one equal.

.... See Acts 2 and 4. :eusa_angel:

While Acts 2-4 tells of people selling all their goods, it was in a period where the Holy Spirit had extreme influence. It was not a commandment.

There is another case in Mathew where a rich man proclaimed to be perfect, so Jesus told him to sell his goods, give them to the poor, then come and follow him.

But there are numerous other parts, the parable of the talents, one got five, one got two and one got one, being asked to invest them. When the one with one did nothing the little he had was given back to the one who originally got five.

God does not treat everyone equal. Some are saved, some aren’t. He has compassion and forgiveness, but no guarantee of equality.

"How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points?" - Pope Francis (Evangelii Guadium)

Pope Francis on Income Inequality. Can you believe this guy?

so tell him to give up some of that gold and silver in the Vatican.....that might make a difference in some homeless peoples lives...just sayin....

He doesn't own that Gold and Silver.

The Catholic Church is the 5th largest Charity in the world. No "evangelical" christian charity even comes close.

Pat Robinson is worth over $100K -- the Pope will die penniless.

Fuck the evangelical Christians and their hypocrisy.
We already have the inequality...thanks to "trickle down" economics.

Here, watch it happen. Red is good, green is bad...
What trickle down economics? Can you do anything beyond mouthing slogans of the Left?
Obama has been president for 5 years. Has he pushed trickle down economics (whatever the hell that is)? Because the gap between the top 5% and the rest has gotten bigger during his tenure than it was under Bush.
We have disparities of wealth and income here because our system rewards hard work and innovation. And some people are better at that than others. It has grown because with globalization the markets, and the rewards for doing well in them, have grown.
That isn't a problem. That's natural. The problem is entitlement queers like you want to short circuit a natural mechanism and make sure everyone is poor and miserable.

What has happened, historically, when inequality gets this bad?

This isn't natural no matter how many names you call me.

Below a link to wealth inequality before and after Reagan. I've seen us go downhill since Reagan, having been worker, ex military , business owner, landlord etc since early 60's. People work harder than ever but the average worker hasn't had a pay raise adjusted for inflation for decades. We are the most productive nation so where did the benefits of productivity go? When I was a kid it was rare for a mother to work at least in the middle class neighborhoods. Now it's rare to see mom stay home and be a housewife. It costs too much to live and also people do like their nice things which also keeps the economy going. Not that I really blame Reagan, he was just a well paid pitch man for the super wealthy and corporations and he paid off like a slot machine.
There is nothing scriptural about making every one equal.

.... See Acts 2 and 4. :eusa_angel:

While Acts 2-4 tells of people selling all their goods, it was in a period where the Holy Spirit had extreme influence. It was not a commandment.

There is another case in Mathew where a rich man proclaimed to be perfect, so Jesus told him to sell his goods, give them to the poor, then come and follow him.

But there are numerous other parts, the parable of the talents, one got five, one got two and one got one, being asked to invest them. When the one with one did nothing the little he had was given back to the one who originally got five.

God does not treat everyone equal. Some are saved, some aren’t. He has compassion and forgiveness, but no guarantee of equality.

You didn't ask for one of the Commandments; you asked for "scriptural" and I gave you the community of goods. Stop the desperate spinning and accept your answer.

There are entire religious communities basing their culture on that communistic philosophy. And they're doing very well.

"God does not treat everyone equal" is an interesting twist though...
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What trickle down economics? Can you do anything beyond mouthing slogans of the Left?
Obama has been president for 5 years. Has he pushed trickle down economics (whatever the hell that is)? Because the gap between the top 5% and the rest has gotten bigger during his tenure than it was under Bush.
We have disparities of wealth and income here because our system rewards hard work and innovation. And some people are better at that than others. It has grown because with globalization the markets, and the rewards for doing well in them, have grown.
That isn't a problem. That's natural. The problem is entitlement queers like you want to short circuit a natural mechanism and make sure everyone is poor and miserable.

What has happened, historically, when inequality gets this bad?

This isn't natural no matter how many names you call me.

Why dont you tell me historically what happens? Be specific.
Of course it is natural. Some people are better at making money, so they earn more. It isn't the same as the crony capitalism of South America, no matter how much you want to confuse the two.
And calling you names is so fun.

When less than 20% of the population holds 80% of the nation's wealth, that's not natural and it is certainly not healthy for an economy. A rising tide is supposed to lift all ships, but as we've seen since the 1970s, only the wealthy are rising while the rest of us remain stagnant or sink.

The last time income inequality was this bad was in the 1920s...then we had a crash.

Inequality and Its Perils
What has happened, historically, when inequality gets this bad?

This isn't natural no matter how many names you call me.

Why dont you tell me historically what happens? Be specific.
Of course it is natural. Some people are better at making money, so they earn more. It isn't the same as the crony capitalism of South America, no matter how much you want to confuse the two.
And calling you names is so fun.

When less than 20% of the population holds 80% of the nation's wealth, that's not natural and it is certainly not healthy for an economy. A rising tide is supposed to lift all ships, but as we've seen since the 1970s, only the wealthy are rising while the rest of us remain stagnant or sink.

The last time income inequality was this bad was in the 1920s...then we had a crash.

Inequality and Its Perils

The middle class is better off today than they were 30 years ago. More people entered the middle class from working class than vice versa. And probably more people became wealthy in the last 30 years than in the previous 30 year period. Look at all the tech millionaires.
So another fail post from the intellectual weakling of this site.
Why dont you tell me historically what happens? Be specific.
Of course it is natural. Some people are better at making money, so they earn more. It isn't the same as the crony capitalism of South America, no matter how much you want to confuse the two.
And calling you names is so fun.

When less than 20% of the population holds 80% of the nation's wealth, that's not natural and it is certainly not healthy for an economy. A rising tide is supposed to lift all ships, but as we've seen since the 1970s, only the wealthy are rising while the rest of us remain stagnant or sink.

The last time income inequality was this bad was in the 1920s...then we had a crash.

Inequality and Its Perils

The middle class is better off today than they were 30 years ago. More people entered the middle class from working class than vice versa. And probably more people became wealthy in the last 30 years than in the previous 30 year period. Look at all the tech millionaires.
So another fail post from the intellectual weakling of this site.

No they aren't. The middle class is all but disappearing and they aren't moving up. How do you deny reality?




You can pretend it's not there or that it doesn't matter...
Why am I shocked you cannot read a chart?

OK, tell me exactly, in your own words, what you think the first chart represents.
Hey....look around you. Disaster after disaster and what do you hear about? People helping people. Stories of generosity; heroism; philanthropy;....

We do share the wealth.

Here in the US, we give more to international disasters PRIVATELY than all countries combined.

We don't need the government to force us to be generous.

We are by nature.

Curious.....when was the last time some poor person who spent their food stamps on food turned to some rich guy and thanked him?

But who do they thank?

Obama. The democrats.

Think about it.

Pork Holding Up Senate Sandy Relief Bill Funneled Into The Troughs Of GOP Deficit Hawks? You Betcha.


However, as it turns out, the pork portions of the Senate bill were not earmarked to benefit Democratic members of the upper chamber of Congress. And you may be quite surprised to discover where that money is actually headed once the rich Senate legislation is passed by the House.

A review of the mark-up of the Senate bill reveals that all that extra, non-Sandy related cash is actually set to provide billions for “storm events that occurred in 2012 along the Gulf Coast and Atlantic Coast within the boundaries of the North Atlantic and Mississippi Valley divisions of the Corps that were affected by Hurricanes Sandy and Isaac.”

Here’s the mark-up:


Why, you might ask, would the Senate be packing billions of taxpayer dollars for these areas of the country that are nowhere near the devastation brought about by superstorm Sandy into a bill designed to bring relief to those suffering from the storm that ripped the northeastern part of the nation?

The answer can be found in a quick review of the states that are set to benefit from the Senate’s extra-special benevolence—states including Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Louisiana.

What, you may ask, do these states far from New York and New Jersey have in common?

Each is not only a red state, but each of these states are represented by two Republican senators—with the exception of Louisiana with its one GOP senator.

And what happens when you buy off seven Republican senators with a package of goodies under the guise of storm relief supposedly meant to benefit two blue states?

You get yourself a filibuster proof piece of legislation.
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Just goes to show that if Jesus were to come back the christian right would waste no time nailing him to a cross.

Awesome! In the ideological war between Christian love and unbridled capitalism, it's not hard to see where some people stand.
Why am I shocked you cannot read a chart?

OK, tell me exactly, in your own words, what you think the first chart represents.

A decline in the Middle Class's share of the nation's wealth. The growing income inequality brought about by piss, I mean trickle down economics.

OK that is incorrect. And it doesn't say anything about real people, just statistical abstractions.

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