The Left's Spin On The Ukraine War Makes Itself Known......We Must Wean Ourselves Off Of Fossil-Fuels To Beat Russia

Suck it buttercup. I just did a mike drop on you with facts. Beneath that video you will see where it says facts and sources. Let me say it again. FACTS AND SOURCES! That is a 5 minute video and it was less than that that your responded. Typical racist leftist.

Suck what up you idiot? I didn't even disagree with your facts, I simply provided further context that you either obviously didn't know or pretended not to know and obviously can't respond to. The Democrat Party of the 1800s - early 1900s was deeply racist. They were the Confederates who turned traitor on America in order to fight and murder Americans for their right to own black people as property. People like Robert E. Lee. and Jefferson Davis. They were deeply deplorable racists and their statues should be torn down and the people who venerate them should be mocked and scorned as racists and bigots. I have no problem with any of that. Not only wasn't I alive back then my family wasn't even in America. I have no nostalgic or patriotic love for old dead piece of shit Confederates. The problem with your argument is that a lot of Republican voters do. They love them some Confederacy and they fight desperately to preserve Confederate culture and Confederate heroes. That's why nobody but mutants and morons buys this stupid argument that the Democrats who supported slavery and segregation are the same Democrats today. No one. Least of all black voters. It's a dumb and pathetic argument that objectively doesn't work but keep trotting it out because you clowns don't really have a better one. It's one of the reasons your culture is going extinct.
You are a liar and nothing but a Russian bot.
Thanks for a unik opportunity to intervene in this discussion. I take my hat off to the Western media (or rather, the media of disinformation). You have achieved a truly unique result! Even Goebbels could not have dreamed of such a results... But I still hope that someday the real truth will reach both your ears and your brains! With hope, though very illusory, your friend and brother from Russia. Be healthy and happy! ... And as for me I am not a russian bot but an ordinary russian man, 67 years old. )

Suck what up you idiot? I didn't even disagree with your facts, I simply provided further context that you either obviously didn't know or pretended not to know and obviously can't respond to. The Democrat Party of the 1800s - early 1900s was deeply racist. They were the Confederates who turned traitor on America in order to fight and murder Americans for their right to own black people as property. People like Robert E. Lee. and Jefferson Davis. They were deeply deplorable racists and their statues should be torn down and the people who venerate them should be mocked and scorned as racists and bigots. I have no problem with any of that. Not only wasn't I alive back then my family wasn't even in America. I have no nostalgic or patriotic love for old dead piece of shit Confederates. The problem with your argument is that a lot of Republican voters do. They love them some Confederacy and they fight desperately to preserve Confederate culture and Confederate heroes. That's why nobody but mutants and morons buys this stupid argument that the Democrats who supported slavery and segregation are the same Democrats today. No one. Least of all black voters. It's a dumb and pathetic argument that objectively doesn't work but keep trotting it out because you clowns don't really have a better one. It's one of the reasons your culture is going extinct.
So, when did they stop being racist? They invented the housing projects which are the modern day urban plantations. This was in the 60s. In exchange for the free or reduced rent, they would send buses to pick them up at election time and made sure they voted democrat. To this very day those cities which are the worst cities in America are still ran by democrats. As for me I am not republican, I am a conservative. The America two party system is a sham.
Notice how the things that have really spiked in price just happen to be the things the left has been trying to force people to give up? Gasoline, natural gas, beef, milk, pork, firearms/ammunition, etc.

This is no coincidence.
You mean stuff like, printer paper, lumber, houses, stepping stones, drugs, liquor, paints and stains, vacation rentals, detergent, cell phones, potato chips, premium channels, nails, rope, Ka-Bar Knives, video game systems, hair cuts, refrigerators? Are those the thing the left wanted the price to rise on or the things business and the supply siders wanted the price to go up on? Ain't it cool? We can have the highest petroleum output in the world, not producing any more than last year, but higher profit at lower cost to big oil than ever and everybody will blame it on government policy instead of business decisions to catch up after Covid year or years, when there was less demand.
So, when did they stop being racist? They invented the housing projects which are the modern day urban plantations. This was in the 60s. In exchange for the free or reduced rent, they would send buses to pick them up at election time and made sure they voted democrat. To this very day those cities which are the worst cities in America are still ran by democrats. As for me I am not republican, I am a conservative. The America two party system is a sham.
Which they are you talking about? In much of the 60s and into the early 70s a large portion of the Democratic Party was incredibly racist as was a great deal of the white American population in general. They were of course largely Southern Democrats. Even though the Democratic party voted as a majority to pass the Civil Rights Act and end segregation in 64' almost 40% of Democratic legislators voted against it and they were all from the South. To answer your question, the South has never stopped being racist. But some time beginning in the mid 60s after losing the vote on segregation they started a two decades long migration over to the Republican Party. It's why I don't mind when dipshit conservatives try to come here and talk about how racist and deplorable Democrats were back in the day because I know they are talking about Confederates and Robert E. Lee. Now they don't say Robert E. Lee but that's the trap you fucking morons set for yourselves and I'm more than happy to watch you keep running into it over and over again. If you want to shit on old Southern Democratic culture which is ultimately old Confederate culture by all means be my guest. It paints you into a corner of having to agree Robert E Lee was a piece of shit Southern Democrat and that Southern Confederate culture was a shit culture or abandon any intellectual consistency.
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Thanks for a unik opportunity to intervene in this discussion. I take my hat off to the Western media (or rather, the media of disinformation). You have achieved a truly unique result! Even Goebbels could not have dreamed of such a results... But I still hope that someday the real truth will reach both your ears and your brains! With hope, though very illusory, your friend and brother from Russia. Be healthy and happy! ... And as for me I am not a russian bot but an ordinary russian man, 67 years old. )
"Russian Man"... how did I know that.
Did I claim the Democrats were perfect and didn't have any racists in their party? Nope. The racists in the Democratic party are all white moderates.

Northam is a radical leftist baby-killer. Just like you. You two are basically the same.
Did I claim the Democrats were perfect and didn't have any racists in their party? Nope. The racists in the Democratic party are all white moderates.
No....most of the racists in the Dem party are minorities.
You just think that blacks and Hispanics can't be racist because of the color of their skin.
And that makes you a racist too.

Definition of racism

: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
No....most of the racists in the Dem party are minorities.
You just think that blacks and Hispanics can't be racist because of the color of their skin.
And that makes you a racist too.

Definition of racism

: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
We were talking about racism in the context of who was racist against minorities you idiot. Obviously there are racists in every group of people but also just as obvious the people in the Democratic party who would be pushing policies that are racist against minorities wouldn't be those same minorities. That makes sense doesn't it? Or maybe a moron like you needs me to explain it slower?
Suck it buttercup. I just did a mike drop on you with facts. Beneath that video you will see where it says facts and sources. Let me say it again. FACTS AND SOURCES! That is a 5 minute video and it was less than that that your responded. Typical racist leftist.
This is for you. You will feel better.
This is for you. You will feel better.

That fucking article was hilarious. Is that the kind of ignorant fuckery you clowns think passes for intelligent commentary? How hilariously sad and wonderful. 😄
Am I wrong?
Do you really need me to tell you that just because me and someone might share one political belief that we don't necessarily share all political beliefs? Shouldn't you have learned basic reasoning skills in elementary school or something? Were you homeschooled?
Which they are you talking about? In much of the 60s and into the early 70s a large portion of the Democratic Party was incredibly racist as was a great deal of the white American population in general. They were of course largely Southern Democrats. Even though the Democratic party voted as a majority to pass the Civil Rights Act and end segregation in 64' almost 40% of Democratic legislators voted against it and they were all from the South. To answer your question, the South has never stopped being racist. But some time beginning in the mid 60s after losing the vote on segregation they started a two decades long migration over to the Republican Party. It's why I don't mind when dipshit conservatives try to come here and talk about how racist and deplorable Democrats were back in the day because I know they are talking about Confederates and Robert E. Lee. Now they don't say Robert E. Lee but that's the trap you fucking morons set for yourselves and I'm more than happy to watch you keep running into it over and over again. If you want to shit on old Southern Democratic culture which is ultimately old Confederate culture by all means be my guest. It paints you into a corner of having to agree Robert E Lee was a piece of shit Southern Democrat and that Southern Confederate culture was a shit culture or abandon any intellectual consistency.

You wouldn't make a pimple on the great Southern Gen. Robert E.Lees butt.
Now go find some Woke mind to finish off and leave us in whats left of peace.
You wouldn't make a pimple on the great Southern Gen. Robert E.Lees butt.
Now go find some Woke mind to finish off and leave us in whats left of peace.
So you love you some old racist Democratic Confederates huh? Tell me are you now a loyal liberal Democratic voter? 😄

That fucking article was hilarious. Is that the kind of ignorant fuckery you clowns think passes for intelligent commentary? How hilariously sad and wonderful. 😄
Don't care what you think. Look up contempt. Learn yourself something. Actually, no one cares about you, what you think or do.
So you love you some old racist Democratic Confederates huh? Tell me are you now a loyal liberal Democratic voter? 😄

Heck no I'm just a smart Southern Belle who got thrown from my neighborhood by crime you yanks brought in. And besides, although my name aint Scarlett and your sure as hell no Bret,'frankly I do give a damn'.
I know American history well. I call the Republican Party the white wing because it sounds humorously similar to right wing and because it's true. The Republican Party ideology is dominated by the same sort of racist white southern conservatism that has been on the wrong side of history since this Country's inception.
Throughout history there are countless books written about civilizations and how to survive. Our civilization through compassion then coercion and force force softened its ways of wrongful treatment of groups. Becoming empowered while being grateful at first. We were all supposed to work together. But then shysters or moles in the system infected many in the groups. Accusing others who in the past were at advantage of everything wrong because the new system created still has massive failures plus we chained ourselves with the results of a high tax government. To do a lot of the things traditional nuclear hetero families had to be diminished. And it has been. What makes it worse is that I have to type this.

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