The Left's Spin On The Ukraine War Makes Itself Known......We Must Wean Ourselves Off Of Fossil-Fuels To Beat Russia

Do you really need me to tell you that just because me and someone might share one political belief that we don't necessarily share all political beliefs? Shouldn't you have learned basic reasoning skills in elementary school or something? Were you homeschooled?

I was only talking about one belief, the one you both share - that babies should be killed if they're inconvenient.

That you and Northam are also both racists is just a coincidence, I'm sure.
Heck no I'm just a smart Southern Belle who got thrown from my neighborhood by crime you yanks brought in. And besides, although my name aint Scarlett and your sure as hell no Bret,'frankly I do give a damn'.
So even though Robert E Lee and the Confederates were Democrats, you are now a Republican?
Throughout history there are countless books written about civilizations and how to survive. Our civilization through compassion then coercion and force force softened its ways of wrongful treatment of groups. Becoming empowered while being grateful at first. We were all supposed to work together. But then shysters or moles in the system infected many in the groups. Accusing others who in the past were at advantage of everything wrong because the new system created still has massive failures plus we chained ourselves with the results of a high tax government. To do a lot of the things traditional nuclear hetero families had to be diminished. And it has been. What makes it worse is that I have to type this.
Save that kumbya shit for your prayer circle cuck. I don't want to work with or break bread with white racists and their deplorable culture. I want to help push their culture towards extinction.
I was only talking about one belief, the one you both share - that babies should be killed if they're inconvenient.

That you and Northam are also both racists is just a coincidence, I'm sure.
Don't try to change your argument now that it was shown to be stupid. You gave one example and said we were basically the same. Agreeing with one thing doesn't make people basically the same. Stop embarrassing yourself. Admit your argument was booty and move on with your life. 😄
So even though Robert E Lee and the Confederates were Democrats, you are now a Republican?

No I'm a conservative not republican. Nobody said they were perfect. Great men are never perfect just right at the time of their greatness.
So even though Robert E Lee and the Confederates were Democrats, you are now a Republican?

The Confederates are still DemoKKKrats...

Don't try to change your argument now that it was shown to be stupid. You gave one example and said we were basically the same. Agreeing with one thing doesn't make people basically the same. Stop embarrassing yourself. Admit your argument was booty and move on with your life. 😄

You are the same. Both baby-killers, both racists, both DemoKKKrats. What's different between you? Nothing I can think of. You're identical.
No I'm a conservative not republican. Nobody said they were perfect. Great men are never perfect just right at the time of their greatness.
Conservative, whatever. Call yourself whatever you like but you and morons like Stashman really should sit down and get your stories straight so you aren't tripping over each other's dicks like it's a 3 Stooges episode. 😄
America does you little cuck thats why your cuck fantasies and fanfictions are so damn amusing.
Cuck, it feels good rolling out of your mouth. I can see why. The click of the k reminds you of the click whistle language you prefer,

I am here to justify and make palatable the worst forms of racism and you help. Immeasurably. In fact, you and those like you make it too easy. So, all those panderers who run around assuring you that they are not racist. Don't believe them. They hate your guts. The difference is, they wouldn't slit your gullet open. They would watch you bleed out in the street when some Mexican did.

Cue hysterics in three, two, one.
Cuck, it feels good rolling out of your mouth. I can see why. The click of the k reminds you of the click whistle language you prefer,

I am here to justify and make palatable the worst forms of racism and you help. Immeasurably. In fact, you and those like you make it too easy. So, all those panderers who run around assuring you that they are not racist. Don't believe them. They hate your guts. The difference is, they wouldn't slit your gullet open. They would watch you bleed out in the street when some Mexican did.

Cue hysterics in three, two, one.
Why should I be afraid of cucks who feel the need to pander to me? 😄 If they were racists with any balls that's not what they would be doing. Do progressive activists look like they're pandering to white racists? No. We shame and mock you and cancel you from mainstream popular spaces. We don't have to pretend to like you like you cucks do. When you have a movement big and powerful enough it doesn't have to bow its head and pretend come talk to me. 😄
Why should I be afraid of cucks who feel the need to pander to me? 😄 If they were racists with any balls that's not what they would be doing. Do progressive activists look like they're pandering to white racists? No. We shame and mock you and cancel you from mainstream popular spaces. We don't have to pretend to like you like you cucks do. When you have a movement big and powerful enough it doesn't have to bow its head and pretend come talk to me. 😄

YOU'RE the racist. You and your homie here:

He didn't lose, he termed out, because people like you kept re-electing him.
You continue to show a lack of basic reasoning skills. Just because Democrats vote for him doesn't mean they're like me. Unlike the Republican Party there is a large diversity of political opinion within the democratic party.
Why should I be afraid of cucks who feel the need to pander to me? 😄 If they were racists with any balls that's not what they would be doing. Do progressive activists look like they're pandering to white racists? No. We shame and mock you and cancel you from mainstream popular spaces. We don't have to pretend to like you like you cucks do. When you have a movement big and powerful enough it doesn't have to bow its head and pretend come talk to me. 😄
Told ya. Hysterics.
Is this a relative? You speak the same language. Fair question.
Told ya. Hysterics.
Is this a relative? You speak the same language. Fair question.

Same old shtick by cuck boy racists like yourself. 😄 You make an argument that you think sounds tough, like how white people are pandering to me and that should make me really really scared. I laugh at it and expose it for the cuck boy position that it is and then you respond with outlandish racist tropes that have nothing to do with me in reality. In otherwords I can laugh at your reality and you have to come back with fantasy cartoon racism because that's all a cuck like you has got.
Same old shtick by cuck boy racists like yourself. 😄 You make an argument that you think sounds tough, like how white people are pandering to me and that should make me really really scared. I laugh at it and expose it for the cuck boy position that it is and then you respond with outlandish racist tropes that have nothing to do with me in reality. In otherwords I can laugh at your reality and you have to come back with fantasy cartoon racism because that's all a cuck like you has got.
You do know I'm not a boy right?
Nothing should make you scared. I don't want anyone to hurt you. I want to see you treated with contempt. You, your entire people. Kill each other in the streets, shoot your children in the head as they sleep. Drug yourselves into overdoses. Hell, abort your entire next generation. It's up to whites to just not give a shit.
Click, whistle, click.
I was waiting for them to expose themselves.....and they have.
They keep saying we need to reduce our Carbon Footprint. Way too many Democrats are taking this opportunity to mention that we need to get off of hydro-carbons....or fossil-fuels.

They want to make gas more expensive, first by cutting off our oil....and now by starting a war. Yes.....they intentionally caused a world-wide pandemic and now they're causing a fuel shortage by starting a war.

Biden Admin: It's not our fault the price of gas went up 30 cents yesterday!!!

The truth: Yes it is.

Notice how all of the sudden COVID isn't even mentioned anymore. This is by design. They're deep into their latest hoax.....and they don't give a darn how many people have to die for them to get what they want.

The truth coverage is bunk. They keep showing old footage claiming it was recent. They're showing videos claiming it's in Ukraine when in fact it's in the West Bank or in another country. The other day they showed a video of a little girl balling up her fist and threatening to punch of Russian soldier.....but the truth is...that video was recorded on the West Bank in Israel years ago....not in Ukraine.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit if the democrats were deliberately causing a global crisis now just to try to FORCE the USA into green energy no matter how many millions more lives they ruin.

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