The leftwing premis: If you defend the Bill of Rights, then you are a racist.

Freedom of the press ?

Righties attack our time tested media outlets as "fake news" whenever they don't like what's being said .
Yes. That's the way it's supposed to work. You speak. We speak. You trash our views. We trash yours....

BUT, we don't deny you the right to spew your worthless tripe. Can't say the same for you commies.
Freedom of the press ?

Righties attack our time tested media outlets as "fake news" whenever they don't like what's being said .
Yes. That's the way it's supposed to work. You speak. We speak. You trash our views. We trash yours....

BUT, we don't deny you the right to spew your worthless tripe. Can't say the same for you commies.

I'm given specific examples anytime you want to do the same feel free.
Freedom of assembly ?

They cheered the police using water cannons on pipeline protesters. You wanted to pass laws making it ok to run them over .
None of your business as I recall you are from England, worry about the problems in YOUR country not ours and worry about the fact you have no protected rights at all, your Parliament and Government can do ANYTHING they chose because there are no written rights protected for British Subjects.

Born n raised in Massachusetts.

That explains the brain damage.
Righties only care about the 2nd .

Go ahead and give an example of the right being pro any other part of the bill o rights .

First amendment all the way. They're not the ones trying to prevent people from speaking. That's the left.

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Make no mistake about it, what the left is really doing with this propaganda campaign about Charlottesville is undermining the Bill of Rights. Anyone who defends the rights of the Alt-Right to demonstrate is branded as a racist. Anyone who points out the attacks of ANTIFA and BLM against the legal protesters is a bigot. The left has long been opposed to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They've been making war on them ever since the Civil War.

It's time to put an end to their anti-American horseshit.
Yup, Nazis should be able to armor themselves and have torch marches screaming bigotry all the time.

Who cares what blacks think?
Righties only care about the 2nd .

Go ahead and give an example of the right being pro any other part of the bill o rights .

First amendment all the way. They're not the ones trying to prevent people from speaking. That's the left.

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Only on Fox!! 3 incidents where leftie colleges TRIED to have total RW a-holes speak. Arrest Antifa and Nazis. Check RW college speakers sometime...
Make no mistake about it, what the left is really doing with this propaganda campaign about Charlottesville is undermining the Bill of Rights. Anyone who defends the rights of the Alt-Right to demonstrate is branded as a racist. Anyone who points out the attacks of ANTIFA and BLM against the legal protesters is a bigot. The left has long been opposed to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They've been making war on them ever since the Civil War.

It's time to put an end to their anti-American horseshit.
Yup, Nazis should be able to armor themselves and have torch marches screaming bigotry all the time.

Who cares what blacks think?

Who put those welts and weals on the backs of slaves? Who fought for slavery? Who owned those slaves? Sure couldn't have been Demoncrats. Why, Democraps are the very essence of Godliness and Virtue.
No one is arguing the rightmost them to protest. But their message is what people despise. The alt right has a right to protest. People who disagree with the alt right's message also has a right to counter protest them.

People have a right to speak out against these Nazi sympathizer.
Righties only care about the 2nd .

Go ahead and give an example of the right being pro any other part of the bill o rights .

Unlike you, I believe you have the right to say whatever you want whenever you want. If I don't like, that's OK.. I don't have to. If you don't like what I say, you fight to prevent me from saying it.
Make no mistake about it, what the left is really doing with this propaganda campaign about Charlottesville is undermining the Bill of Rights. Anyone who defends the rights of the Alt-Right to demonstrate is branded as a racist. Anyone who points out the attacks of ANTIFA and BLM against the legal protesters is a bigot. The left has long been opposed to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They've been making war on them ever since the Civil War.

It's time to put an end to their anti-American horseshit.
Yup, Nazis should be able to armor themselves and have torch marches screaming bigotry all the time.

Who cares what blacks think?

So you admit you oppose the First Amendment. Is that about right?
Freedom of assembly ?

They cheered the police using water cannons on pipeline protesters. You wanted to pass laws making it ok to run them over .
None of your business as I recall you are from England, worry about the problems in YOUR country not ours and worry about the fact you have no protected rights at all, your Parliament and Government can do ANYTHING they chose because there are no written rights protected for British Subjects.

Born n raised in Massachusetts.

Just another Masshole....
No one is arguing the rightmost them to protest. But their message is what people despise. The alt right has a right to protest. People who disagree with the alt right's message also has a right to counter protest them.

People have a right to speak out against these Nazi sympathizer.
All those ANTIFA thugs claim neo-Nazis don't have a right to free speech, and you're defending them.
Freedom of the press ?

Righties attack our time tested media outlets as "fake news" whenever they don't like what's being said .
Yes. That's the way it's supposed to work. You speak. We speak. You trash our views. We trash yours....

BUT, we don't deny you the right to spew your worthless tripe. Can't say the same for you commies.

I'm given specific examples anytime you want to do the same feel free.

Freedom of the press ?

Righties attack our time tested media outlets as "fake news" whenever they don't like what's being said .

They don't give news, but only opinions. Those are like assholes. Everybody has one

No one is arguing the rightmost them to protest. But their message is what people despise. The alt right has a right to protest. People who disagree with the alt right's message also has a right to counter protest them.

People have a right to speak out against these Nazi sympathizer.
All those ANTIFA thugs claim neo-Nazis don't have a right to free speech, and you're defending them.

Where in my post did I mention antifa? You don't have to be antifa to speak out against white supremacy. Just human.
Make no mistake about it, what the left is really doing with this propaganda campaign about Charlottesville is undermining the Bill of Rights. Anyone who defends the rights of the Alt-Right to demonstrate is branded as a racist. Anyone who points out the attacks of ANTIFA and BLM against the legal protesters is a bigot. The left has long been opposed to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They've been making war on them ever since the Civil War.

It's time to put an end to their anti-American horseshit.
Yup, Nazis should be able to armor themselves and have torch marches screaming bigotry all the time.

Who cares what blacks think?

Who put those welts and weals on the backs of slaves? Who fought for slavery? Who owned those slaves? Sure couldn't have been Demoncrats. Why, Democraps are the very essence of Godliness and Virtue.
Irrelevant, stupid argument for dupes only. Not today's Dems. Makes more sense to call them Southern conservatives. Your proud tradition. Miss the point much?
Make no mistake about it, what the left is really doing with this propaganda campaign about Charlottesville is undermining the Bill of Rights. Anyone who defends the rights of the Alt-Right to demonstrate is branded as a racist. Anyone who points out the attacks of ANTIFA and BLM against the legal protesters is a bigot. The left has long been opposed to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They've been making war on them ever since the Civil War.

It's time to put an end to their anti-American horseshit.
Yup, Nazis should be able to armor themselves and have torch marches screaming bigotry all the time.

Who cares what blacks think?

As long as they don't act like the far left by burning buildings and assaulting people, yes they have that right. That's what free speech is about, protecting even speech you despise. Once you give government the right to suppress speech you don't like, it will eventually suppress speech you do like.

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Righties only care about the 2nd .

Go ahead and give an example of the right being pro any other part of the bill o rights .

You're the dumbfucks who are trying to shut down free speech.
According to your giant New BS GOP hate/misinformation propaganda machine, dupe. Truth is liberal. 1st amendment is for PEACEFUL assembly and not incitement to violence. Not Nazis (or Antifa). Arrest the shytteheads...
Righties only care about the 2nd .

Go ahead and give an example of the right being pro any other part of the bill o rights .
They're so confused these last few days.......we have to be understanding......and now one of their heroes is gone from the WH.

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