The leftwing premis: If you defend the Bill of Rights, then you are a racist.

Righties only care about the 2nd .

Go ahead and give an example of the right being pro any other part of the bill o rights .

Unlike you, I believe you have the right to say whatever you want whenever you want. If I don't like, that's OK.. I don't have to. If you don't like what I say, you fight to prevent me from saying it.
You call the police on assembly that's not peaceful or is inciting violence. There are limits on the 1st, dupe.
Could you translate the gibberish into English.

Are you drunk?
Read the 1st amendment duh...

Be a man and don't get your old ass so twisted up because you don't like WHAT is being said.
Righties only care about the 2nd .

Go ahead and give an example of the right being pro any other part of the bill o rights .

Unlike you, I believe you have the right to say whatever you want whenever you want. If I don't like, that's OK.. I don't have to. If you don't like what I say, you fight to prevent me from saying it.
You call the police on assembly that's not peaceful or is inciting violence. There are limits on the 1st, dupe.
Could you translate the gibberish into English.

Are you drunk?
Read the 1st amendment duh...

Be a man and don't get your old ass so twisted up because you don't like WHAT is being said.
So you're a Nazi now? Speech that incites violence is not protected.
Make no mistake about it, what the left is really doing with this propaganda campaign about Charlottesville is undermining the Bill of Rights. Anyone who defends the rights of the Alt-Right to demonstrate is branded as a racist. Anyone who points out the attacks of ANTIFA and BLM against the legal protesters is a bigot. The left has long been opposed to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They've been making war on them ever since the Civil War.

It's time to put an end to their anti-American horseshit.
Yup, Nazis should be able to armor themselves and have torch marches screaming bigotry all the time.

Who cares what blacks think?

Who put those welts and weals on the backs of slaves? Who fought for slavery? Who owned those slaves? Sure couldn't have been Demoncrats. Why, Democraps are the very essence of Godliness and Virtue.

Irrelevant, stupid argument for dupes only. Not today's Dems. Makes more sense to call them Southern conservatives. Your proud tradition. Miss the point much?

Missed it by a mile. I'm not a Southerner by birth. My ancestors fought for the North and I have a Northern attitude about slavery. Slavery is a Southern custom started by and perpetuated by Southern Democrats until we whupped they asses.
Freedom of assembly ?

They cheered the police using water cannons on pipeline protesters. You wanted to pass laws making it ok to run them over .

Freedom of assembly does not include a right to engage in violence and destruction and other overtly criminal behavior. Neither does freedom of speech,.
Righties only care about the 2nd .

Go ahead and give an example of the right being pro any other part of the bill o rights .

The Second Amendment is the catalyst that protects the whole Constitution and the Amendments. Without the Second Amendment, everything else isn't worth a bucket of spit. This is a truism that every stupid assed liberal progressive puke in America will never absorb into their pointy little heads.

LIbErals understand it all to well. They know that the biggest obstacle to their corrupt desires to impose their degenerate ideologies on the American people is that Americans possess the means to resist them, by force of arms, if necessary. Why do you think they are so intent on denying Americans our right to keep and bear arms? This stems from intents and desires which, if acted on, would give us just cause to use our arms against them.
Unlike you, I believe you have the right to say whatever you want whenever you want. If I don't like, that's OK.. I don't have to. If you don't like what I say, you fight to prevent me from saying it.
You call the police on assembly that's not peaceful or is inciting violence. There are limits on the 1st, dupe.
Could you translate the gibberish into English.

Are you drunk?
Read the 1st amendment duh...

Be a man and don't get your old ass so twisted up because you don't like WHAT is being said.
So you're a Nazi now? Speech that incites violence is not protected.

Speech you don't like doesn't mean it's inciting violence.

Do you support what the cowards in Durham NC did to a Confederate soldier statue?
You call the police on assembly that's not peaceful or is inciting violence. There are limits on the 1st, dupe.
Could you translate the gibberish into English.

Are you drunk?
Read the 1st amendment duh...

Be a man and don't get your old ass so twisted up because you don't like WHAT is being said.
So you're a Nazi now? Speech that incites violence is not protected.

Speech you don't like doesn't mean it's inciting violence.

Do you support what the cowards in Durham NC did to a Confederate soldier statue?
There are laws some places against masks and armor- expand them to everywhere.
Hate speech ditto.
No. Antifa suks too- Not as bad as the alt right and the giant New BS GOP and its hate/bs/character assassination/spin propaganda machine and 25% misinformed hater dupes like you- just because Antifa is tiny- arrest em all.
Righties only care about the 2nd .

Go ahead and give an example of the right being pro any other part of the bill o rights .

The Second Amendment is the catalyst that protects the whole Constitution and the Amendments. Without the Second Amendment, everything else isn't worth a bucket of spit. This is a truism that every stupid assed liberal progressive puke in America will never absorb into their pointy little heads.

LIbErals understand it all to well. They know that the biggest obstacle to their corrupt desires to impose their degenerate ideologies on the American people is that Americans possess the means to resist them, by force of arms, if necessary. Why do you think they are so intent on denying Americans our right to keep and bear arms? This stems from intents and desires which, if acted on, would give us just cause to use our arms against them.
Background checks, even banning assault weapons and handguns, is no such thing, dupe. Enjoy the carnage...
Freedom of the press ?

Righties attack our time tested media outlets as "fake news" whenever they don't like what's being said .
Being the press is a privilege, moron.

You don't get to stay part of the press just because your media corporation is "too big to fail".
Well I gave plenty of examples of righties being against the bill of rights . I still don't see any of the left ???

Funny . Righty asswipes actually put up bills trying to make it legal to run over protesters.
They don't give a shit about protesting until some nazis had a hard time . Disgraceful .
Well I gave plenty of examples of righties being against the bill of rights . I still don't see any of the left ???

Funny . Righty asswipes actually put up bills trying to make it legal to run over protesters.
They don't give a shit about protesting until some nazis had a hard time . Disgraceful .

Those who are in the street, in a position to be run over, are not merely “protesters”—they are violent criminals, obstructing the right of others to go about their own business in peace.

If you don't want to get run over, then stay the f••• out of the roadway.
Well I gave plenty of examples of righties being against the bill of rights . I still don't see any of the left ???

Funny . Righty asswipes actually put up bills trying to make it legal to run over protesters.
They don't give a shit about protesting until some nazis had a hard time . Disgraceful .
You have got to be kidding. in the last couple of years snowflakes have opposed freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the 4th amendment (they want to force Trump to release his tax returns) and every other amendment in the BOR. The EPA is waging constant war on the 5th
Could you translate the gibberish into English.

Are you drunk?
Read the 1st amendment duh...

Be a man and don't get your old ass so twisted up because you don't like WHAT is being said.
So you're a Nazi now? Speech that incites violence is not protected.

Speech you don't like doesn't mean it's inciting violence.

Do you support what the cowards in Durham NC did to a Confederate soldier statue?
There are laws some places against masks and armor- expand them to everywhere.
Hate speech ditto.
No. Antifa suks too- Not as bad as the alt right and the giant New BS GOP and its hate/bs/character assassination/spin propaganda machine and 25% misinformed hater dupes like you- just because Antifa is tiny- arrest em all.

Not hate speech because you don't like what is said, pussy.

I'm completely informed. I fully understand your kind and the motivation behind what you say. You're a fucking piece of shit that has been a loser since the day he was shit out.

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