The Legend of High Black Crime

Poverty has always been a precursor to crime. When a person has lost hope of success in normal endeavors, crime can seem like the only option.
IQ has always been a precursive indicator of both crime, and poverty...
Well to be accurate, IQ is an indicator of violent crime which is why crimes like murder, rape and assault are indeed legendary amongst blacks. The OP, being limited as he is, was unable to discern the difference between "mythological" and "legendary".

Whites commit the most violent crime. It's always been that way.
So now you're saying black folk just aren't too smart. That theory was proven to be bullshit long ago.
Actually just the opposite was proven. On average... The Bell Curve quite accurately points out the disparities between both sexes, and races.

Yet the Bell Curve never addressed why the data showed what it did.
Don’t pretend to have read it. You clearly didn’t...

When did you first realize you were clairvoyant?

Ever hear of Charles Murray? He said Jews were the smartest people. I stopped reading after that, being a Jew and all....
To be precise, Ashkenazi Jews do score the highest in testing, even higher than North-East Asians. At the other end of the spectrum are the Bushmen of the Kalahari, scoring even lower than their fellow sub-Saharan Africans.

Whether you chose to read it or not, or if you find it objectionable for reason of political correctness, matters little.

The honorable IM2 presiding.

"Ye shall learn the truth....."

Is There an “Obama Effect” on Crime?
A surprising new theory for the continuing crime decline among black Americans.
By James Verini

Ever since crime started declining in American cities in the 1990s, researchers have been hunting for the reasons why. After more than a decade of research, many argued that smarter policing, more incarceration, the waning of the crack epidemic, improved home security, and legislation such as the Brady Bill had a role in cutting crime. More speculatively, some posit that an aging population, legal abortion (an argument first advanced in the Quarterly Journal of Economics Steven Levitt and later popularized in his book Freakonomics), the rise of mood-improving drugs, and, a theory that’s attracted much attention lately, laws banning lead in paint, may have contributed to the decline.

Until recently, almost all criminologists could agree on one factor: the good economy. Nothing is as taken for granted (at least by liberals) as this connection between crime and economics. The higher are employment and wages, the thinking goes, the less crime people commit—and vice versa.

But then, unexpectedly, the crime decline of the last two decades did not end with the economic collapse of 2008. On the contrary, decreases in violent crime have not just continued in many places since, according to the latest numbers from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program, but they appear to have accelerated in some cities. In the first half of 2009, homicides plummeted an astounding 67 percent over 2008 in Minneapolis, 47 percent in Seattle, 39 percent in Charlotte, 31 percent in New York, and 17 percent in Los Angeles. As surprisingly, these declines occurred in black communities, which suffer disproportionately from unemployment and stagnating wages and from crime (about half of all violent crimes in the United States involve blacks)—even as the growth in the prison population, also disproportionately black, has halted.

<p>The Obama Effect: A surprising new theory for the continuing crime decline among black Americans.</p>

Hey IQ2,

The great Walter Williams has an outstanding column out today and it is pointed right at you. Please read.

Acceptable Racism - LewRockwell

I don't think so.
Absolute numbers make the most sense in this discussion in this particular place.

I don't think the choice to use absolute numbers is inherently misleading, I only think it's a bad idea to move back and forth between absolute numbers and rates in the same sentence without noting it, especially when the sentence is comparing absolute numbers to differences in rates. The version on the up-to-date NAACP page is written more clearly.

When my wife teaches Soc. 101 (which has a section on racial inequality) she usually starts with discussion about absolute numbers, so for example by asking the class which racial group has the most people on welfare. Without fail (going back years) they get the answer (white people) wrong. I think that's a useful exercise, but then it also pivots into a conversation about rates and how to properly interpret statistical data like that.
Dang.. black on black homocides have decreased that much and are still high as fuck?

White on white homicide has been is just as high and it is not decreasing.
Absolute numbers make the most sense in this discussion in this particular place.

I don't think the choice to use absolute numbers is inherently misleading, I only think it's a bad idea to move back and forth between absolute numbers and rates in the same sentence without noting it, especially when the sentence is comparing absolute numbers to differences in rates. The version on the up-to-date NAACP page is written more clearly.

When my wife teaches Soc. 101 (which has a section on racial inequality) she usually starts with discussion about absolute numbers, so for example by asking the class which racial group has the most people on welfare. Without fail (going back years) they get the answer (white people) wrong. I think that's a useful exercise, but then it also pivots into a conversation about rates and how to properly interpret statistical data like that.

That's fair. I can agree with that.

I said what I did because these guys misuse rates and only use homicide to argue about total crime.
Poverty has always been a precursor to crime. When a person has lost hope of success in normal endeavors, crime can seem like the only option.
Oh really? Then you should be able to name the top 5 most dangerous poor white neighborhoods.

In Commentary in April 2007, Charles Murray, the coauthor of The Bell Curve (1994), again made the claim that “Jews are smarter” than everyone else (Murray, 2007). In The Bell Curve, he and his late (and Jewish) coauthor, Richard Herrnstein, first presented their argument about the intellectual superiority of “Ashkenazic Jews of European origins,” who “test higher than any other ethnic group (Murray and Herrnstein, 1994). Jews in America and Britain have an overall IQ mean somewhere between a half and a full standard deviation above the mean, with the source of the difference concentrated in the verbal component.”

IQ has nothing to do with this thread.

Yet it is mentioned multiple times. Why is that?
Actually just the opposite was proven. On average... The Bell Curve quite accurately points out the disparities between both sexes, and races.

Yet the Bell Curve never addressed why the data showed what it did.
Don’t pretend to have read it. You clearly didn’t...

When did you first realize you were clairvoyant?

Ever hear of Charles Murray? He said Jews were the smartest people. I stopped reading after that, being a Jew and all....
To be precise, Ashkenazi Jews do score the highest in testing, even higher than North-East Asians. At the other end of the spectrum are the Bushmen of the Kalahari, scoring even lower than their fellow sub-Saharan Africans.

Whether you chose to read it or not, or if you find it objectionable for reason of political correctness, matters little.

That is moi, Ashkenazi. Thanks.
The Distorted Exaggeration of Black-on-Black Crime Ignores Much of America's Criminality
American discourse on crime is deeply politicized and influenced by racial and class bias.
By Adam Hudson

Blaming the crime problem on black people is unfair and ill-founded. On one hand, according to FBI homicide data, African Americans commit more homicides than other racial groups. In 2013, there were 5,375 black homicide offenders versus 4,396 who were white and over 4,000 whose races were unknown. However, that is a very small percentage of the national black population, which is over 40 million people. The vast majority of black people do not commit any crimes.

Moreover, so-called black-on-black crime has decreased over the decades. In the past 20 years, black-on-black homicides decreased by 67 percent—a sharper decline than white-on-white homicide—and "[a]mong black youth, rates of robbery and serious property offenses are the lowest in more than 40 years," according to Demos. Throughout the country, crime has continuously fallen since the 1990s. Plus, black-on-black crime is hardly unique. Most crime is intra-racial. Around 90 percent of black homicide victims are killed by black offenders, while white people kill each other at roughly the same rate.

The Distorted Exaggeration of Black-on-Black Crime Ignores Much of America's Criminality

So while you racists want to talk about how blacks commit more homicides, it was 979 higher for blacks in 2013 and there have been years whites committed more homicides. Given the fact whits kill each other at the same rate blacks do, it stands to reason that you white racists shut your damn mouths up about us and do something aboui you own murder problem.
In Commentary in April 2007, Charles Murray, the coauthor of The Bell Curve (1994), again made the claim that “Jews are smarter” than everyone else (Murray, 2007). In The Bell Curve, he and his late (and Jewish) coauthor, Richard Herrnstein, first presented their argument about the intellectual superiority of “Ashkenazic Jews of European origins,” who “test higher than any other ethnic group (Murray and Herrnstein, 1994). Jews in America and Britain have an overall IQ mean somewhere between a half and a full standard deviation above the mean, with the source of the difference concentrated in the verbal component.”

IQ has nothing to do with this thread.

Yet it is mentioned multiple times. Why is that?

Because those in charge allow racists to troll threads by some of us and do nothing.

The OP was not about IQ.

IQ is artificial and doesn't have a mother fucking thing to do with this matter. If IQ does, we can accurately say that since America started whites are the dumbest bastards in world history.
Poverty has always been a precursor to crime. When a person has lost hope of success in normal endeavors, crime can seem like the only option.
Oh really? Then you should be able to name the top 5 most dangerous poor white neighborhoods.

He says poverty has always been the precursor to crime. If that's true, name the top five most dangerous poor white neighborhoods in the nation. You can't even name even name one notoriously dangerous white neighborhood. No one can.

Shitty cultures are what creates crime. Any attempt to suggest otherwise it's just plain ignorant.
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Just face it, you white racists here live in a lie. And no matter how much you try to argue, that lie has been exposed once again.
Poverty has always been a precursor to crime. When a person has lost hope of success in normal endeavors, crime can seem like the only option.
Oh really? Then you should be able to name the top 5 most dangerous poor white neighborhoods.

He says poverty has always been the precursor to crime. If that's true, name the top five most dangerous poor white neighborhoods in the nation. You can't even name even name one notoriously dangerous white neighborhood. No one can.

Shity cultures are what creates crime. Any attempt to suggest otherwise it's just plain ignorant.

Actually we can. There are entire states that are dangerous to anyone but whites. And there is a simple reality you refuse to understand.

We live in the AMERICAN CULTURE. Remember that when you talk about shitty cultures.
He says poverty has always been the precursor to crime. If that's true, name the top five most dangerous poor white neighborhoods in the nation. You can't even name even name one notoriously dangerous white neighborhood. No one can.

Shity cultures are what creates crime. Any attempt to suggest otherwise it's just plain ignorant.
Doubtless, poverty exacerbates crime, but the violence involved is largely due to low IQ. It is not by chance that violent crime is consistently more pervasive in communities populated by people of low intelligence.

This is not an endemic phenomenon in the US, but in the world itself. Black populations in areas predominately populated by whites makes the contrast stark anywhere in the world.
Poverty has always been a precursor to crime. When a person has lost hope of success in normal endeavors, crime can seem like the only option.
Oh really? Then you should be able to name the top 5 most dangerous poor white neighborhoods.

He says poverty has always been the precursor to crime. If that's true, name the top five most dangerous poor white neighborhoods in the nation. You can't even name even name one notoriously dangerous white neighborhood. No one can.

Shity cultures are what creates crime. Any attempt to suggest otherwise it's just plain ignorant.

Actually we can. There are entire states that are dangerous to anyone but whites. And there is a simple reality you refuse to understand.

We live in the AMERICAN CULTURE. Remember that when you talk about shitty cultures.
Name the WORST one, then lets examine the data. We already know you will fail to produce the name of any crime ridden white neighborhood.

The honorable IM2 presiding.

"Ye shall learn the truth....."

Is There an “Obama Effect” on Crime?
A surprising new theory for the continuing crime decline among black Americans.
By James Verini

Ever since crime started declining in American cities in the 1990s, researchers have been hunting for the reasons why. After more than a decade of research, many argued that smarter policing, more incarceration, the waning of the crack epidemic, improved home security, and legislation such as the Brady Bill had a role in cutting crime. More speculatively, some posit that an aging population, legal abortion (an argument first advanced in the Quarterly Journal of Economics Steven Levitt and later popularized in his book Freakonomics), the rise of mood-improving drugs, and, a theory that’s attracted much attention lately, laws banning lead in paint, may have contributed to the decline.

Until recently, almost all criminologists could agree on one factor: the good economy. Nothing is as taken for granted (at least by liberals) as this connection between crime and economics. The higher are employment and wages, the thinking goes, the less crime people commit—and vice versa.

But then, unexpectedly, the crime decline of the last two decades did not end with the economic collapse of 2008. On the contrary, decreases in violent crime have not just continued in many places since, according to the latest numbers from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program, but they appear to have accelerated in some cities. In the first half of 2009, homicides plummeted an astounding 67 percent over 2008 in Minneapolis, 47 percent in Seattle, 39 percent in Charlotte, 31 percent in New York, and 17 percent in Los Angeles. As surprisingly, these declines occurred in black communities, which suffer disproportionately from unemployment and stagnating wages and from crime (about half of all violent crimes in the United States involve blacks)—even as the growth in the prison population, also disproportionately black, has halted.

<p>The Obama Effect: A surprising new theory for the continuing crime decline among black Americans.</p>

Hey IQ2,

The great Walter Williams has an outstanding column out today and it is pointed right at you. Please read.

Acceptable Racism - LewRockwell

I don't think so.
I think so.
In Commentary in April 2007, Charles Murray, the coauthor of The Bell Curve (1994), again made the claim that “Jews are smarter” than everyone else (Murray, 2007). In The Bell Curve, he and his late (and Jewish) coauthor, Richard Herrnstein, first presented their argument about the intellectual superiority of “Ashkenazic Jews of European origins,” who “test higher than any other ethnic group (Murray and Herrnstein, 1994). Jews in America and Britain have an overall IQ mean somewhere between a half and a full standard deviation above the mean, with the source of the difference concentrated in the verbal component.”

IQ has nothing to do with this thread.

Yet it is mentioned multiple times. Why is that?

Because those in charge allow racists to troll threads by some of us and do nothing.

The OP was not about IQ.

IQ is artificial and doesn't have a mother fucking thing to do with this matter. If IQ does, we can accurately say that since America started whites are the dumbest bastards in world history.

You seem upset? Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Mark Cuban, Robert Kraft, Warren Buffet...all idiots. LOL.

Since this thread is not about IQ why should I be upset that you run from the truth? Seems like you whites are the ones upset.

The honorable IM2 presiding.

"Ye shall learn the truth....."

Is There an “Obama Effect” on Crime?
A surprising new theory for the continuing crime decline among black Americans.
By James Verini

Ever since crime started declining in American cities in the 1990s, researchers have been hunting for the reasons why. After more than a decade of research, many argued that smarter policing, more incarceration, the waning of the crack epidemic, improved home security, and legislation such as the Brady Bill had a role in cutting crime. More speculatively, some posit that an aging population, legal abortion (an argument first advanced in the Quarterly Journal of Economics Steven Levitt and later popularized in his book Freakonomics), the rise of mood-improving drugs, and, a theory that’s attracted much attention lately, laws banning lead in paint, may have contributed to the decline.

Until recently, almost all criminologists could agree on one factor: the good economy. Nothing is as taken for granted (at least by liberals) as this connection between crime and economics. The higher are employment and wages, the thinking goes, the less crime people commit—and vice versa.

But then, unexpectedly, the crime decline of the last two decades did not end with the economic collapse of 2008. On the contrary, decreases in violent crime have not just continued in many places since, according to the latest numbers from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program, but they appear to have accelerated in some cities. In the first half of 2009, homicides plummeted an astounding 67 percent over 2008 in Minneapolis, 47 percent in Seattle, 39 percent in Charlotte, 31 percent in New York, and 17 percent in Los Angeles. As surprisingly, these declines occurred in black communities, which suffer disproportionately from unemployment and stagnating wages and from crime (about half of all violent crimes in the United States involve blacks)—even as the growth in the prison population, also disproportionately black, has halted.

<p>The Obama Effect: A surprising new theory for the continuing crime decline among black Americans.</p>

Hey IQ2,

The great Walter Williams has an outstanding column out today and it is pointed right at you. Please read.

Acceptable Racism - LewRockwell

I don't think so.
I think so.

Then YOU read it.
Poverty has always been a precursor to crime. When a person has lost hope of success in normal endeavors, crime can seem like the only option.
Oh really? Then you should be able to name the top 5 most dangerous poor white neighborhoods.

He says poverty has always been the precursor to crime. If that's true, name the top five most dangerous poor white neighborhoods in the nation. You can't even name even name one notoriously dangerous white neighborhood. No one can.

Shity cultures are what creates crime. Any attempt to suggest otherwise it's just plain ignorant.

Actually we can. There are entire states that are dangerous to anyone but whites. And there is a simple reality you refuse to understand.

We live in the AMERICAN CULTURE. Remember that when you talk about shitty cultures.
Name the WORST one, then lets examine the data. We already know you will fail to produce the name of any crime ridden white neighborhood.
As i predicted, you couldnt even name ONE! :laugh:

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