The lesson those 3 hero's could teach our law enforcement!!

Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017

So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

GTFO.."put their lives on the line every day"....complete and utter BS...more INNOCENT, UNARMED civilians are killed by cops every year than cops killed by criminals...

...and it isn't even in the TOP TEN of most dangerous jobs.
Top 10 Most Deadly and Dangerous Jobs in America 2000-2020

commercial fishermen, farmers, truck drivers, steel workers etc..all have WAY more dangerous jobs than cops...and they don't get to beat people up or shoot them or put them in jail on whatever contrived whim they think up if they have a bad day at work..

Yeah? how about we take the poll that includes only the most dangerous cities.You're stupid list is meaningless. Come up to Detroit where cops get paid very little to risk their lives. People like you make it harder for police to do their job.:slap:

there is no magic circle around detroit...the data is accurate and includes cops in detroit.
If you're scared, quit and seek honest work

but you bring up a good point. WHY is it so dangerous in detroit? WHO is committing all the crime?
get to the root of THAT problem and things will be better for everyone.
it also includes cops in very nice areas with very low crime rates
We better equip fisherman with body cams. Need to have OSHA figure out how to make it safer...

btw, those fisherman kill a lot of fish...
So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

GTFO.."put their lives on the line every day"....complete and utter BS...more INNOCENT, UNARMED civilians are killed by cops every year than cops killed by criminals...

...and it isn't even in the TOP TEN of most dangerous jobs.
Top 10 Most Deadly and Dangerous Jobs in America 2000-2020

commercial fishermen, farmers, truck drivers, steel workers etc..all have WAY more dangerous jobs than cops...and they don't get to beat people up or shoot them or put them in jail on whatever contrived whim they think up if they have a bad day at work..

Yeah? how about we take the poll that includes only the most dangerous cities.You're stupid list is meaningless. Come up to Detroit where cops get paid very little to risk their lives. People like you make it harder for police to do their job.:slap:

there is no magic circle around detroit...the data is accurate and includes cops in detroit.
If you're scared, quit and seek honest work

but you bring up a good point. WHY is it so dangerous in detroit? WHO is committing all the crime?
get to the root of THAT problem and things will be better for everyone.
it also includes cops in very nice areas with very low crime rates

I think people understand that have a point you're trying to make?
Until you cloak your skin in the darkness of being a negro in this fuckin racist country, anything you have to say is a non motherfuckin factor, dig?

What a cheap, no-character, blanket excuse that is. You're a disgrace.
So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

Until you cloak your skin in the darkness of being a negro in this fuckin racist country, anything you have to say is a non motherfuckin factor, dig?

Until blacks abandon their sense of victimhood, and engage in a productive life, they will NEVER advance. The Chinese were brought to this country and were treated worse than the slaves. A asshole could shoot a Chinaman down in the street and no one would care. They were considered only a little above a dog.

No slave could be treated that way without serious consequence to the perpetrator.

After 150 years the Chinese are fully integrated and productive members of society. They did this with NO government money. The black experience is far different. They have been the recipients of trillions of dollars in government aid since the 1950's and they are still treading water.

Why is this? Part of it is they can't let go of their slave mentality. To this day they blame whitey for all of their ills when the vast majority are self inflicted. Black on black crime rates are astronomical. Whitey didn't do that to did. Black family units are non existent. Whitey didn't do that to you. You did.

Most of the problems that exist in the black experience are self inflicted. Martin Luther King was correct, it's not the color of your skin, it's your character that matters.

Until the black people demand more of themselves, and stop blaming whitey for all of their ills, they will never get better.
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017

Please....they got lucky...and do you support beating criminals in the face with the muzzle of a rifle...because that is what they did to subdue the asshole.

And let me finish this sentence accurately......

that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday
.....because another black democrat shot him to death.....

there, fixed that for you....
What law enforcement should learn from this.

Get the perp in a small room and confine him. Disarm him. Pistol whip the unarmed man.

Good to go.
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017
If the Marines had guns, they would have shot him. We all have enough intellectual honesty to admit that, right? So exactly what lesson do these guys have to give cops?
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So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

GTFO.."put their lives on the line every day"....complete and utter BS...more INNOCENT, UNARMED civilians are killed by cops every year than cops killed by criminals...

...and it isn't even in the TOP TEN of most dangerous jobs.
Top 10 Most Deadly and Dangerous Jobs in America 2000-2020

commercial fishermen, farmers, truck drivers, steel workers etc..all have WAY more dangerous jobs than cops...and they don't get to beat people up or shoot them or put them in jail on whatever contrived whim they think up if they have a bad day at work..

That list doesn't include military. Huh. Never knew fishing and truck driving was more dangerous than being an infantry Marine.
WHAT?...we weren't talking about the military...we were talking about cops and how they "put their life on the line"..etc...etc...blah..blah..
I presented you with you want to change the subject?

EDIT..I'll play, though...I suggest that all those professions I listed ARE more dangerous than being an ordinary marine NOT ON THE BATTLEFIELD.
Try working on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. You couldnt possibly fathom how many hazards are constantly in play around you.
So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

GTFO.."put their lives on the line every day"....complete and utter BS...more INNOCENT, UNARMED civilians are killed by cops every year than cops killed by criminals...

...and it isn't even in the TOP TEN of most dangerous jobs.
Top 10 Most Deadly and Dangerous Jobs in America 2000-2020

commercial fishermen, farmers, truck drivers, steel workers etc..all have WAY more dangerous jobs than cops...and they don't get to beat people up or shoot them or put them in jail on whatever contrived whim they think up if they have a bad day at work..

That list doesn't include military. Huh. Never knew fishing and truck driving was more dangerous than being an infantry Marine.
WHAT?...we weren't talking about the military...we were talking about cops and how they "put their life on the line"..etc...etc...blah..blah..
I presented you with you want to change the subject?

EDIT..I'll play, though...I suggest that all those professions I listed ARE more dangerous than being an ordinary marine NOT ON THE BATTLEFIELD.
Try working on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. You couldnt possibly fathom how many hazards are constantly in play around you. we're off on some other tangent...
So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

He's a professional welfare recipient.
So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

GTFO.."put their lives on the line every day"....complete and utter BS...more INNOCENT, UNARMED civilians are killed by cops every year than cops killed by criminals...

...and it isn't even in the TOP TEN of most dangerous jobs.
Top 10 Most Deadly and Dangerous Jobs in America 2000-2020

commercial fishermen, farmers, truck drivers, steel workers etc..all have WAY more dangerous jobs than cops...and they don't get to beat people up or shoot them or put them in jail on whatever contrived whim they think up if they have a bad day at work..

That list doesn't include military. Huh. Never knew fishing and truck driving was more dangerous than being an infantry Marine.
WHAT?...we weren't talking about the military...we were talking about cops and how they "put their life on the line"..etc...etc...blah..blah..
I presented you with you want to change the subject?

EDIT..I'll play, though...I suggest that all those professions I listed ARE more dangerous than being an ordinary marine NOT ON THE BATTLEFIELD. it's more dangerous than being a Marine...when Marines aren't at war.

Ok. Sure. Fishing and trucking are more dangerous than being cops....****when cops arent fighting a thug or getting shot at.
These 3 hero's did teach us something.

That UNARMED people can easily TAKE A GUN away from an armed one.

Remember that next time a thug tries to take a cops gun.
So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

GTFO.."put their lives on the line every day"....complete and utter BS...more INNOCENT, UNARMED civilians are killed by cops every year than cops killed by criminals...

...and it isn't even in the TOP TEN of most dangerous jobs.
Top 10 Most Deadly and Dangerous Jobs in America 2000-2020

commercial fishermen, farmers, truck drivers, steel workers etc..all have WAY more dangerous jobs than cops...and they don't get to beat people up or shoot them or put them in jail on whatever contrived whim they think up if they have a bad day at work..

That list doesn't include military. Huh. Never knew fishing and truck driving was more dangerous than being an infantry Marine.
WHAT?...we weren't talking about the military...we were talking about cops and how they "put their life on the line"..etc...etc...blah..blah..
I presented you with you want to change the subject?

EDIT..I'll play, though...I suggest that all those professions I listed ARE more dangerous than being an ordinary marine NOT ON THE BATTLEFIELD. it's more dangerous than being a Marine...when Marines aren't at war.

Ok. Sure. Fishing and trucking are more dangerous than being cops....****when cops arent fighting a thug or getting shot at.

the fact remains that despite all that fighting and shooting you allege that more innocent, unarmed civilians are shot/beaten to death every year by cops, than cops killed by criminals.

..and those jobs I cited are still more dangerous than being a cop.Period....there was no caveat that said "except when they're fighting thugs or getting shot at"...
GTFO.."put their lives on the line every day"....complete and utter BS...more INNOCENT, UNARMED civilians are killed by cops every year than cops killed by criminals...

...and it isn't even in the TOP TEN of most dangerous jobs.
Top 10 Most Deadly and Dangerous Jobs in America 2000-2020

commercial fishermen, farmers, truck drivers, steel workers etc..all have WAY more dangerous jobs than cops...and they don't get to beat people up or shoot them or put them in jail on whatever contrived whim they think up if they have a bad day at work..

That list doesn't include military. Huh. Never knew fishing and truck driving was more dangerous than being an infantry Marine.
WHAT?...we weren't talking about the military...we were talking about cops and how they "put their life on the line"..etc...etc...blah..blah..
I presented you with you want to change the subject?

EDIT..I'll play, though...I suggest that all those professions I listed ARE more dangerous than being an ordinary marine NOT ON THE BATTLEFIELD. it's more dangerous than being a Marine...when Marines aren't at war.

Ok. Sure. Fishing and trucking are more dangerous than being cops....****when cops arent fighting a thug or getting shot at.

the fact remains that despite all that fighting and shooting you allege that more innocent, unarmed civilians are shot/beaten to death every year by cops, than cops killed by criminals.

..and those jobs I cited are still more dangerous than being a cop.Period....there was no caveat that said "except when they're fighting thugs or getting shot at"...

You inserted the caveat. Infantry Marine isn't on that list. So I assume being a fisherman is more dangerous. Then you said *only when not on the battlefield.

Why aren't more cops killed than those blue collar jobs? For one...Bullet proof vests save many lives. And better training which helps them WIN fights and not die (I know....time to riot).

I'm glad police isn't listed in that list. It's not worth them dying.

But....explain again to our vets how Marine infantryman is a safer job than driving a truck???
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017
If the Marines had guns, they would have shot him. We all have enough intellectual honesty to admit that, right? So exactly what lesson do these guys have to give cops?

The fact that they didn't have guns, makes my point even more valuable....they put the interest of the public first....what about this can't you fucked up people understand....real hero's think about others first
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017
If the Marines had guns, they would have shot him. We all have enough intellectual honesty to admit that, right? So exactly what lesson do these guys have to give cops?

The fact that they didn't have guns, makes my point even more valuable....they put the interest of the public first....what about this can't you fucked up people understand....real hero's think about others first

So you're saying we should disarm Marines and cops??? Hmmm. That should work out well.

They didn't CHOOSE not to have guns. They were on vacation as tourists. They acted heroically.

But if you surveyed 100 random military members....and told them that they would have to confront a terrorist carrying a pistol and AK47....and they could either do it armed...or unarmed.....I'm guessing 100 out of 100 will want to have a gun. I guess they would be considered unthoughtful and disrespectful towards other Bystanders right?
The fact that they didn't have guns, makes my point even more valuable....they put the interest of the public first....what about this can't you fucked up people understand....real hero's think about others first
I've never seen you make a valid point. You're completely full of shit.

It was an Airman, National Guardsman, college student and a Brit involved with his take down. The NG guy took the handgun and AK from him. The pistol had no magazine because the terrorist, thank God, was a moron so only got one round off. When the NG guy emptied the chamber the round's primer had been struck, so a dead primer (misfire) but the moron didn't know how to clear it. Again, thank God. They were very brave because none of that was known when they rushed him and had some very good luck.

If they had weapons no doubt they would have shot his ass instead of becoming potential human target practice, like any sane person.
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017

makes me wonder how many lives could have been saved at Columbine High School had the cops acted like these three heros, there is no praise high enough for those three young heros.

where were the french men ? no wonder they are called FROGS :up: ... :lmao:

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