The lesson those 3 hero's could teach our law enforcement!!

gotta love this....euros make fun of americans...say that when everyone realizes the situation is impossible...its the american going well lets try perhaps they will understand and appreciate that attitude more now
Try working on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. You couldnt possibly fathom how many hazards are constantly in play around you.

no kidding i worked the F.D. on 14 or more carriers over my 25 years, i saw many tragedies and nearly was nearly involved in one, missed me by that ____________________________ much!
Try working on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. You couldnt possibly fathom how many hazards are constantly in play around you.

no kidding i worked the F.D. on 14 or more carriers over my 25 years, i saw many tragedies and nearly was nearly involved in one, missed me by that ____________________________ much!
I was an AME, but i was also a Plane Captain for the line division.
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017
You don't deserve the right to use the brave act of these heroes to bash all police.
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Try working on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. You couldnt possibly fathom how many hazards are constantly in play around you.

no kidding i worked the F.D. on 14 or more carriers over my 25 years, i saw many tragedies and nearly was nearly involved in one, missed me by that ____________________________ much!
. Was it the catapult? (If that's what it's called?)
Try working on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. You couldnt possibly fathom how many hazards are constantly in play around you.

no kidding i worked the F.D. on 14 or more carriers over my 25 years, i saw many tragedies and nearly was nearly involved in one, missed me by that ____________________________ much!
. Was it the catapult? (If that's what it's called?)
Its the slingshot that launches the plane off the flight deck. Itll take you from 0-160 mph in about 2 seconds. Working on those is messy god damn work. Oil and greese everywhere. When they are handing out jobs, you want to avoid "cat operator", heh.

I got to launch off of a carrier once in a C-2. Trust me, the catapult is the wildest fucking ride youll ever go on.
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gotta love this....euros make fun of americans...say that when everyone realizes the situation is impossible...its the american going well lets try perhaps they will understand and appreciate that attitude more now
When most Europeans would yell "run" at the sound of that terrorist's gunshots, these Americans yelled "go!". True.
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017

What a dumbass post.
So you want cops to try and take down criminals on a regular basis by tackling them?
How long would a cops life expectancy be if he did that?
So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

Until you cloak your skin in the darkness of being a negro in this fuckin racist country, anything you have to say is a non motherfuckin factor, dig?

Dont like it here? Move to africa.
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017
Who was selling e cigs? A loosey isn't an e cig.

The fat black guy in NY. Pay attention, paleeezzee

You mean the fat dumbass that was selling cigarettes?
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017
If the Marines had guns, they would have shot him. We all have enough intellectual honesty to admit that, right? So exactly what lesson do these guys have to give cops?

The fact that they didn't have guns, makes my point even more valuable....they put the interest of the public first....what about this can't you fucked up people understand....real hero's think about others first

If they had done nothing they would have died along with the cheese eating surrender monkeys.
It's called self preservation.
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017
Who was selling e cigs? A loosey isn't an e cig.

The fat black guy in NY. Pay attention, paleeezzee

You mean the fat dumbass that was selling cigarettes?
Yeah, the fat dumbass selling cigarettes trying to avoid the taxes that liberals put on cigarettes.
So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

Until you cloak your skin in the darkness of being a negro in this fuckin racist country, anything you have to say is a non motherfuckin factor, dig?
serious question.... if you think its so bad...why are you still here?....
So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

Until you cloak your skin in the darkness of being a negro in this fuckin racist country, anything you have to say is a non motherfuckin factor, dig?
serious question.... if you think its so bad...why are you still here?....
It's hard to be a victim where people don't give a fuck.
So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

GTFO.."put their lives on the line every day"....complete and utter BS...more INNOCENT, UNARMED civilians are killed by cops every year than cops killed by criminals...

...and it isn't even in the TOP TEN of most dangerous jobs.
Top 10 Most Deadly and Dangerous Jobs in America 2000-2020

commercial fishermen, farmers, truck drivers, steel workers etc..all have WAY more dangerous jobs than cops...and they don't get to beat people up or shoot them or put them in jail on whatever contrived whim they think up if they have a bad day at work..
a lot of that depends on where you are a cop.....a cop here out here in Irvine Ca.has a much safer job than one in S.Central LA...
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017
If the Marines had guns, they would have shot him. We all have enough intellectual honesty to admit that, right? So exactly what lesson do these guys have to give cops?

The fact that they didn't have guns, makes my point even more valuable....they put the interest of the public first....what about this can't you fucked up people understand....real hero's think about others first
hey could have been that their lives were in danger its do nothing and die or try and do something and maybe live...what about that did you not understand?...
So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

Until you cloak your skin in the darkness of being a negro in this fuckin racist country, anything you have to say is a non motherfuckin factor, dig?
serious question.... if you think its so bad...why are you still here?....

Listen, my black ass is running around the fuckin Kuntry whining about shit, its your red fuckin neck shit for brain bastards thats doing that, so the question then becomes, why the fuck don't you motherfuckers leave!!
So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

Until you cloak your skin in the darkness of being a negro in this fuckin racist country, anything you have to say is a non motherfuckin factor, dig?
serious question.... if you think its so bad...why are you still here?....
It's hard to be a victim where people don't give a fuck.

So true, and when these sorry sell out need a white bitch negro's get that through they fuckin heads, everybody's gonna be alright!!
So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

Until you cloak your skin in the darkness of being a negro in this fuckin racist country, anything you have to say is a non motherfuckin factor, dig?
serious question.... if you think its so bad...why are you still here?....

Listen, my black ass is running around the fuckin Kuntry whining about shit, its your red fuckin neck shit for brain bastards thats doing that, so the question then becomes, why the fuck don't you motherfuckers leave!!

Because we're not only smarter than you,we also out number you.

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