The lesson those 3 hero's could teach our law enforcement!!

So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

Until you cloak your skin in the darkness of being a negro in this fuckin racist country, anything you have to say is a non motherfuckin factor, dig?

Fuck you. If it is that miserable, I'll gladly start a fund to buy your ignorant ass a ticket anywhere else in the world that you'd be happier. Deal?
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017

I don't think this is the best comparison. These three guys on the train were unarmed. They had no choice but to apprehend this guy with their bare hands. I assure you if one of them had a gun it would have been used on him and I would expect the police to do the same thing. It is irrational to expect anybody to stop an armed person without using arms of their own if available.
Tony the tiger only knows about frosted flakes...........

So true, because conservatives are flakey shit heads. They'reeeee stupid!!

Say's the chick who types in ebonics.....
Says the rednecks that not only understands ebonics, but have no problems ever of responding to it.

Once more in english please.
Tony the tiger only knows about frosted flakes...........

So true, because conservatives are flakey shit heads. They'reeeee stupid!!

Say's the chick who types in ebonics.....
Says the rednecks that not only understands ebonics, but have no problems ever of responding to it.

Ebonics isn't hard to understand. See, we can understand you. You just can't understand English.

Its obvious that I can, because clearly you got better things to do with your sorry as time, than debate back n forth with a ebonic's n*****, or do you?

I would hardly call what were doing here debating...more like patronizing.
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017

God you're an idiot.

If either of them had had a gun they would have used it. Since they didn't they used bodies and were able to get the job done. Three to one worked.

Go to school. Put on a cop uniform and hit the streets. Lets see how long your lousy ass lasts on those streets.

I don't need a fuckin cops uniform or experience to know that a unarmed any motherfuckin body can be controlled and handle not only with the tax payer training I've recieved, but also with the arsenal of weapons I have at my side, ie tasers, billy bats and a partner...end of fuckin story you ignorant sap!!


I dunno, you tell me!!
Don't do crack. Think of the children.
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017

I don't think this is the best comparison. These three guys on the train were unarmed. They had no choice but to apprehend this guy with their bare hands. I assure you if one of them had a gun it would have been used on him and I would expect the police to do the same thing. It is irrational to expect anybody to stop an armed person without using arms of their own if available.
Tony the tiger only knows about frosted flakes...........

So true, because conservatives are flakey shit heads. They'reeeee stupid!!
your right many of them are....
So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

Until you cloak your skin in the darkness of being a negro in this fuckin racist country, anything you have to say is a non motherfuckin factor, dig?

Always the victim, never the victor.

I pity retards like you.
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017

God you're an idiot.

If either of them had had a gun they would have used it. Since they didn't they used bodies and were able to get the job done. Three to one worked.

Go to school. Put on a cop uniform and hit the streets. Lets see how long your lousy ass lasts on those streets.

Excellent post.

Those 3 guys are heroes. No doubt. America has millions of heroes.

But this incident had a huge reaction from retard liberal cop haters of "OH SEE LOOK....YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOOT A MAN WITH A GUN TO SUBDUE HIM!!"

First off this guy was ARMED...if anyone is deserving of a COPS fuckin bullet, its this sand ni*****.......but lets get clear, the deaths that blacks are experiencing in this fukin country....WHITE PERSON..... are due to expired tags, reaching for a fuckin wallet, selling cigs, mouthing off, I mean, you must know that these people are unarmed and black, thus the use of deadly force. I live for the day, you white folk understand that all lives matter and everyone is entitled to a day in court, even a bad ass black motherfucker!!

More whites are killed by cops than blacks are. But hey, don't let the facts stop your ignorant racist rants.
I still haven't figured out the lessons these brave Americans are supposed to teach cops. To actively profile, perhaps???
i assure you if these dudes had guns they would have used them.....they just used the weapons they had....their hands and bodies...

and their bond....
I still haven't figured out the lessons these brave Americans are supposed to teach cops. To actively profile, perhaps???

No. Libs say this is PROOF that cops should be able to take down a gunman with bare hands and never ever have to shoot.

I see it as proof....that an unarmed man can take the weapon away from an armed one. This time....the unarmed were our heroic military guys who won that fight.

But when the unarmed man is a thug trying to take a gun from a cop....the cop CANNOT let him win. At any cost. Otherwise...the cost may be his life.

Libs want one of those lessons to be highlighted.
did you see where one of the dudes said the terrorist had no real weapons training .....that is what saved them....when they went for him
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017

God you're an idiot.

If either of them had had a gun they would have used it. Since they didn't they used bodies and were able to get the job done. Three to one worked.

Go to school. Put on a cop uniform and hit the streets. Lets see how long your lousy ass lasts on those streets.

I don't need a fuckin cops uniform or experience to know that a unarmed any motherfuckin body can be controlled and handle not only with the tax payer training I've recieved, but also with the arsenal of weapons I have at my side, ie tasers, billy bats and a partner...end of fuckin story you ignorant sap!!


I dunno, you tell me!!
Don't do crack. Think of the children.
You should wait until youve kicked your own crack habit before counseling people.
Libs are idiots. The obvious lesson here is that racial profiling saves lives. Armed Arab looking dude equals terrorist.
did you see where one of the dudes said the terrorist had no real weapons training .....that is what saved them....when they went for him
The idiots who carry out these acts are not the brightest bulbs in the forest lolol

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