The lesson those 3 hero's could teach our law enforcement!!

Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017

That's amazing! Really! How do you take the heroic act of those three men on a train in France and make it a condemnation of Police here in America? Whenever I think I've heard about the most ridiculous nonsense EVER...someone like you comes along and tops it!

The Police are not your enemy. They protect you from the bad guys. I know this is a tough thing for so many of you to comprehend but it's the truth! Are there some bad cops out there? Yes...yes there are! There are also bad firefighters, bad mailmen, bad clerks at McDonalds. You can't accuse the tens of thousands of dedicated police officers who respond to trouble rather than run from it because of a few sensationalized cases of police misconduct. It's the epitome of stupidity.

Easy. They think these military guys disarming a gunman without shooting him is proof that cops can too.

But if PDs tried to train their guys to the same standards those military guys were trained....they say that's "militarized police" and criticize that too.

So in other words...demand cops do the same acts...but don't train them to do it.

That's the same type of "genius" that demands to know why the Police don't shoot rampaging suspects in the arm or leg instead of center mass.

I'm now waiting to see the response from those same geniuses...who don't think the Police should have any weapons deemed "military" type...if a major terrorist attack takes place in the US.

Every citizen in this country is entitled to a day in court. What about this formula that has worked for centuries, don't you moron's understand. This bullshit about perceived danger that these cowards use as an excuse to justify gunning down nigga's only, laminates the comment, that they're fuckin cowards. One more time until your white ass is brought back as a negro, i have nothing to add to your ignorance
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017

That's amazing! Really! How do you take the heroic act of those three men on a train in France and make it a condemnation of Police here in America? Whenever I think I've heard about the most ridiculous nonsense EVER...someone like you comes along and tops it!

The Police are not your enemy. They protect you from the bad guys. I know this is a tough thing for so many of you to comprehend but it's the truth! Are there some bad cops out there? Yes...yes there are! There are also bad firefighters, bad mailmen, bad clerks at McDonalds. You can't accuse the tens of thousands of dedicated police officers who respond to trouble rather than run from it because of a few sensationalized cases of police misconduct. It's the epitome of stupidity.

Easy. They think these military guys disarming a gunman without shooting him is proof that cops can too.

But if PDs tried to train their guys to the same standards those military guys were trained....they say that's "militarized police" and criticize that too.

So in other words...demand cops do the same acts...but don't train them to do it.

That's the same type of "genius" that demands to know why the Police don't shoot rampaging suspects in the arm or leg instead of center mass.

I'm now waiting to see the response from those same geniuses...who don't think the Police should have any weapons deemed "military" type...if a major terrorist attack takes place in the US.
National Guard? Until white cops can prove they can be trusted to be brave there is no way they should have military style weapons.

Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”

Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017

That's amazing! Really! How do you take the heroic act of those three men on a train in France and make it a condemnation of Police here in America? Whenever I think I've heard about the most ridiculous nonsense EVER...someone like you comes along and tops it!

The Police are not your enemy. They protect you from the bad guys. I know this is a tough thing for so many of you to comprehend but it's the truth! Are there some bad cops out there? Yes...yes there are! There are also bad firefighters, bad mailmen, bad clerks at McDonalds. You can't accuse the tens of thousands of dedicated police officers who respond to trouble rather than run from it because of a few sensationalized cases of police misconduct. It's the epitome of stupidity.

Easy. They think these military guys disarming a gunman without shooting him is proof that cops can too.

But if PDs tried to train their guys to the same standards those military guys were trained....they say that's "militarized police" and criticize that too.

So in other words...demand cops do the same acts...but don't train them to do it.

That's the same type of "genius" that demands to know why the Police don't shoot rampaging suspects in the arm or leg instead of center mass.

I'm now waiting to see the response from those same geniuses...who don't think the Police should have any weapons deemed "military" type...if a major terrorist attack takes place in the US.
Silly, terror attacks only happen to ppl who deserve them. The us is safe cuz the world thinks highly of Obama.
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017

That's amazing! Really! How do you take the heroic act of those three men on a train in France and make it a condemnation of Police here in America? Whenever I think I've heard about the most ridiculous nonsense EVER...someone like you comes along and tops it!

The Police are not your enemy. They protect you from the bad guys. I know this is a tough thing for so many of you to comprehend but it's the truth! Are there some bad cops out there? Yes...yes there are! There are also bad firefighters, bad mailmen, bad clerks at McDonalds. You can't accuse the tens of thousands of dedicated police officers who respond to trouble rather than run from it because of a few sensationalized cases of police misconduct. It's the epitome of stupidity.

Easy. They think these military guys disarming a gunman without shooting him is proof that cops can too.

But if PDs tried to train their guys to the same standards those military guys were trained....they say that's "militarized police" and criticize that too.

So in other words...demand cops do the same acts...but don't train them to do it.

That's the same type of "genius" that demands to know why the Police don't shoot rampaging suspects in the arm or leg instead of center mass.

I'm now waiting to see the response from those same geniuses...who don't think the Police should have any weapons deemed "military" type...if a major terrorist attack takes place in the US.

Every citizen in this country is entitled to a day in court. What about this formula that has worked for centuries, don't you moron's understand. This bullshit about perceived danger that these cowards use as an excuse to justify gunning down nigga's only, laminates the comment, that they're fuckin cowards. One more time until your white ass is brought back as a negro, i have nothing to add to your ignorance
Every person in this country is entitled to protect themselves from rampaging, violent animals. Animals who rampage unwisely may get dead before they get to demand their day in court.
Easy. They think these military guys disarming a gunman without shooting him is proof that cops can too.

But if PDs tried to train their guys to the same standards those military guys were trained....they say that's "militarized police" and criticize that too.

So in other words...demand cops do the same acts...but don't train them to do it.

I took my daughter shooting last Friday.

I was teaching her the fine points of the Glock 17 at 35 yards. Glock has a weird trigger pull, so you want to engage until it just starts to resist, then aim and fire. After you fire, recover, aim, fire again.

Then we hear the bozo in the bay next to us - can't see them where I shoot, rapid firing 20 rounds. She looks at me and says "how can they hit anything shooting like that?" I told her they couldn't. Later I had to go pee, and walked by his bay, the bozo was three feet from his target, I'm serious, three feet - with a badge on - quick drawing a 9mm of some sort and emptying the mag in the target.

I went back and told her that it was indeed a fucking cop, practicing murder. But the good news is these fools can't shoot worth a shit, they only practice murder, so if they aren't in your face, they can't hit you. Get back 20 feet and you have the advantage. Always shoot the head, because they wear vests.
Easy. They think these military guys disarming a gunman without shooting him is proof that cops can too.

But if PDs tried to train their guys to the same standards those military guys were trained....they say that's "militarized police" and criticize that too.

So in other words...demand cops do the same acts...but don't train them to do it.

I took my daughter shooting last Friday.

I was teaching her the fine points of the Glock 17 at 35 yards. Glock has a weird trigger pull, so you want to engage until it just starts to resist, then aim and fire. After you fire, recover, aim, fire again.

Then we hear the bozo in the bay next to us - can't see them where I shoot, rapid firing 20 rounds. She looks at me and says "how can they hit anything shooting like that?" I told her they couldn't. Later I had to go pee, and walked by his bay, the bozo was three feet from his target, I'm serious, three feet - with a badge on - quick drawing a 9mm of some sort and emptying the mag in the target.

I went back and told her that it was indeed a fucking cop, practicing murder. But the good news is these fools can't shoot worth a shit, they only practice murder, so if they aren't in your face, they can't hit you. Get back 20 feet and you have the advantage. Always shoot the head, because they wear vests. were teaching your daughter to be sure to shoot cops in the head because they wear vests. Real classy. Hilary supporter I see.

"Practicing murder"???? Um....moron....everyone at the shooting range is practicing to shoot someone. That's what a gun is shoot stuff.

Typical liberal. Telling his child to be sure to shoot cops in the head....not their vest. You truly symbolize the modern Democrat
LOLOLOL......uh, if you hadn't noticed of late, some of your ancestors are still trying to emerge from em'......So I'll wait!!

Liberia son. You can escape the white devil who be holding you back. Thrive in Liberia, away from the encumbrance of white people. :thup:

Oh, and take Asslips with you. I know they don't like fat white trolls over there, but you can tell them that he plays an angry black on the interwebz to mock black people - and I'm sure they'll embrace him. (And if they kill him instead, really no loss...)
Wait...."Uncensored " I just read your post again.

You taught your daughter with a Glock to engage the trigger a little first....THEN aim and fire? Good God....I hope you never use a gun in public. Who taught you to shoot? You NEVER...ever ever ever...touch...much less pull on....the trigger until you have aquire the target and are immediately ready for it to go bang. Sympathetic reflex for one.

You're teaching her something that is destined to cause a bullet to go somewhere she didn't intend it to.
Until you cloak your skin in the darkness of being a negro in this fuckin racist country, anything you have to say is a non motherfuckin factor, dig?

Liberia is there for you.

Get going.

Don't wait and log out - just go...
The caves of europe beckon you. Go and spray some lysol as you go.

LOLOLOL......uh, if you hadn't noticed of late, some of your ancestors are still trying to emerge from em'......So I'll wait!!
Hey you can get lost in those caves since you dont know your way around.
What the hell you telling me for, send your people a damned map!
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017

Your ignorance to the realities of law enforcement is duly noted...

So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

Until you cloak your skin in the darkness of being a negro in this fuckin racist country, anything you have to say is a non motherfuckin factor, dig?

As is your abject bigotry.

I can't thank you enough. Seriously. Just one more member I never have to read. were teaching your daughter to be sure to shoot cops in the head because they wear vests. Real classy. Hilary supporter I see.

Cops are unionized public employees - sucking on the public teet - so no doubt they are Hillary supporters.

Let's be honest, the most violent and deadly gang in America is the police. A civilian is FAR more likely to be murdered by the cop gang than by the Crips, Bloods, or even the Sinaloa Cartel.

"Practicing murder"???? Um....moron....everyone at the shooting range is practicing to shoot someone. That's what a gun is shoot stuff.

Uh no. Normal people shoot just for fun. Making a bowling pin fall over and dance. Ringing the dinger.

Even when people practice for DEFENSE, most learn to shoot at a distance, because the assumption is protecting themselves and their property. The only ones practicing pulling a firearm from a holster and emptying a mag at point blank are cops - because their intent is to detain and then start blasting - nothing even remotely defensive about it.

Cops are a vicious and violent gang - the most dangerous one in America.

Typical liberal. Telling his child to be sure to shoot cops in the head....not their vest. You truly symbolize the modern Democrat

Why would I teach her to be ineffective against someone trying to kill her? That would be stupid.

Oh, and almost all cops are democrats, public leeches feeding off the public teet.
Wait...."Uncensored " I just read your post again.

You taught your daughter with a Glock to engage the trigger a little first....THEN aim and fire? Good God....I hope you never use a gun in public. Who taught you to shoot? You NEVER...ever ever ever...touch...much less pull on....the trigger until you have aquire the target and are immediately ready for it to go bang. Sympathetic reflex for one.

You're teaching her something that is destined to cause a bullet to go somewhere she didn't intend it to.

Point the muzzle at the target, then engage the trigger halfway, fine tune the aim, fire.

Glock has a long trigger pull that is all mush until the end and will obliterate your shot. were teaching your daughter to be sure to shoot cops in the head because they wear vests. Real classy. Hilary supporter I see.

Cops are unionized public employees - sucking on the public teet - so no doubt they are Hillary supporters.

Let's be honest, the most violent and deadly gang in America is the police. A civilian is FAR more likely to be murdered by the cop gang than by the Crips, Bloods, or even the Sinaloa Cartel.

"Practicing murder"???? Um....moron....everyone at the shooting range is practicing to shoot someone. That's what a gun is shoot stuff.

Uh no. Normal people shoot just for fun. Making a bowling pin fall over and dance. Ringing the dinger.

Even when people practice for DEFENSE, most learn to shoot at a distance, because the assumption is protecting themselves and their property. The only ones practicing pulling a firearm from a holster and emptying a mag at point blank are cops - because their intent is to detain and then start blasting - nothing even remotely defensive about it.

Cops are a vicious and violent gang - the most dangerous one in America.

Typical liberal. Telling his child to be sure to shoot cops in the head....not their vest. You truly symbolize the modern Democrat

Why would I teach her to be ineffective against someone trying to kill her? That would be stupid.

Oh, and almost all cops are democrats, public leeches feeding off the public teet.

So much jibberish in one post.

1- The majority of police shootings occur inside of 3-5 yards. wonder they practice there too.

2- If a person is 35 yards away....unless they're shooting at you...they aren't a threat. You're setting her up for a tragedy.

3- DUDE.....YOU REALLY JUST ADMITTED.....THAT YOU'RE TELLING YOUR DAUGHTER....your be sure she shoots cops in the head and not the vest???!!!!!

Wow. Just no more words. You are a horrible person and an even worse father.
Wait...."Uncensored " I just read your post again.

You taught your daughter with a Glock to engage the trigger a little first....THEN aim and fire? Good God....I hope you never use a gun in public. Who taught you to shoot? You NEVER...ever ever ever...touch...much less pull on....the trigger until you have aquire the target and are immediately ready for it to go bang. Sympathetic reflex for one.

You're teaching her something that is destined to cause a bullet to go somewhere she didn't intend it to.

Point the muzzle at the target, then engage the trigger halfway, fine tune the aim, fire.

Glock has a long trigger pull that is all mush until the end and will obliterate your shot.

Oh no no. For plinking targets on a range...sure.

For SELF DEFENSE?? You don't touch the trigger until you're ready to shoot. You don't "fine tune" handgun aim in close quarters self defense. Your tunnel vision, heart rate and sympathetic nervous system doesn't work the same as it does in an air conditioned range shooting paper.

You're teaching your daughter in a way that as her attacker is closing the gap....she's wobbling the gun trying to "fine tune" her aim. WRONG. You aim that fucking front sight...and FIRE. And you keep firing....until the THREAT HAS STOPPED. That's the reason you shot....and deadly threat.

The best thing you could do for your excuse yourself from teaching her and hire someone who has been in a high stress self defense scenario to teach her.

My're scary with a gun. And not in a good way.
So much jibberish in one post.

1- The majority of police shootings occur inside of 3-5 yards. wonder they practice there too.

So cops like to detain people, get close and shoot them to death. That was my point.

2- If a person is 35 yards away....unless they're shooting at you...they aren't a threat. You're setting her up for a tragedy.

You are insane.

90% of American shooters are fully effective at 35 yards. Cops are not because they intend to detain and THEN shoot. Normal people don't look to gun down others.

3- DUDE.....YOU REALLY JUST ADMITTED.....THAT YOU'RE TELLING YOUR DAUGHTER....your be sure she shoots cops in the head and not the vest???!!!!!

Wow. Just no more words. You are a horrible person and an even worse father.

DUDE, you just admitted that cops empty mags into people from 3 to 5 feet away. Why the fuck would anyone shoot a cop in the vest? The cop will kill you without a thought - as you have demonstrated.

Cops are the most violent and vicious criminals in America - avoid them if possible, if not, inflict as much damage as possible.

How many people have cops murdered this year alone? Tigerred only cares about black people - but cops have slaughtered black and white nation wide, and the numbers are only going up.
Oh....and on a's called "trigger reset". Not a "mushy trigger". Just so you know what it's called. And it's primarily for the 2nd and subsequent shots....and particularly for precision shots at distance...not inside of 3 yards under rapid response.
Oh no no. For plinking targets on a range...sure.

For SELF DEFENSE?? You don't touch the trigger until you're ready to shoot. You don't "fine tune" handgun aim in close quarters self defense. Your tunnel vision, heart rate and sympathetic nervous system doesn't work the same as it does in an air conditioned range shooting paper.

You're teaching your daughter in a way that as her attacker is closing the gap....she's wobbling the gun trying to "fine tune" her aim. WRONG. You aim that fucking front sight...and FIRE. And you keep firing....until the THREAT HAS STOPPED. That's the reason you shot....and deadly threat.

The best thing you could do for your excuse yourself from teaching her and hire someone who has been in a high stress self defense scenario to teach her.

My're scary with a gun. And not in a good way.

Again, you practice for murder, not for defense. You assume that your victim was pulled from a car and is only a few feet back. I never intend to let an aggressor get that close. Because you ARE the aggressor, you plan for getting close. were teaching your daughter to be sure to shoot cops in the head because they wear vests. Real classy. Hilary supporter I see.

Cops are unionized public employees - sucking on the public teet - so no doubt they are Hillary supporters.

Let's be honest, the most violent and deadly gang in America is the police. A civilian is FAR more likely to be murdered by the cop gang than by the Crips, Bloods, or even the Sinaloa Cartel.

"Practicing murder"???? Um....moron....everyone at the shooting range is practicing to shoot someone. That's what a gun is shoot stuff.

Uh no. Normal people shoot just for fun. Making a bowling pin fall over and dance. Ringing the dinger.

Even when people practice for DEFENSE, most learn to shoot at a distance, because the assumption is protecting themselves and their property. The only ones practicing pulling a firearm from a holster and emptying a mag at point blank are cops - because their intent is to detain and then start blasting - nothing even remotely defensive about it.

Cops are a vicious and violent gang - the most dangerous one in America.

Typical liberal. Telling his child to be sure to shoot cops in the head....not their vest. You truly symbolize the modern Democrat

Why would I teach her to be ineffective against someone trying to kill her? That would be stupid.

Oh, and almost all cops are democrats, public leeches feeding off the public teet.
So you were practicing murder with your daughter...and teaching her really dangerous gun handling. Interesting.
So much jibberish in one post.

1- The majority of police shootings occur inside of 3-5 yards. wonder they practice there too.

So cops like to detain people, get close and shoot them to death. That was my point.

2- If a person is 35 yards away....unless they're shooting at you...they aren't a threat. You're setting her up for a tragedy.

You are insane.

90% of American shooters are fully effective at 35 yards. Cops are not because they intend to detain and THEN shoot. Normal people don't look to gun down others.

3- DUDE.....YOU REALLY JUST ADMITTED.....THAT YOU'RE TELLING YOUR DAUGHTER....your be sure she shoots cops in the head and not the vest???!!!!!

Wow. Just no more words. You are a horrible person and an even worse father.

DUDE, you just admitted that cops empty mags into people from 3 to 5 feet away. Why the fuck would anyone shoot a cop in the vest? The cop will kill you without a thought - as you have demonstrated.

Cops are the most violent and vicious criminals in America - avoid them if possible, if not, inflict as much damage as possible.

How many people have cops murdered this year alone? Tigerred only cares about black people - but cops have slaughtered black and white nation wide, and the numbers are only going up.

What a moron.

Cop shootings most happen that close....because that's the distance that cops are usually attacked at. Traffic stops. Arrests. People tend to shoot at cops....when the cop has closed in to make an arrest.

How many murders have cops committed in 2015? 4 or 5 maybe? Out of 1000000 cops.
Oh no no. For plinking targets on a range...sure.

For SELF DEFENSE?? You don't touch the trigger until you're ready to shoot. You don't "fine tune" handgun aim in close quarters self defense. Your tunnel vision, heart rate and sympathetic nervous system doesn't work the same as it does in an air conditioned range shooting paper.

You're teaching your daughter in a way that as her attacker is closing the gap....she's wobbling the gun trying to "fine tune" her aim. WRONG. You aim that fucking front sight...and FIRE. And you keep firing....until the THREAT HAS STOPPED. That's the reason you shot....and deadly threat.

The best thing you could do for your excuse yourself from teaching her and hire someone who has been in a high stress self defense scenario to teach her.

My're scary with a gun. And not in a good way.

Again, you practice for murder, not for defense. You assume that your victim was pulled from a car and is only a few feet back. I never intend to let an aggressor get that close. Because you ARE the aggressor, you plan for getting close.

Ah. I get it. That's gonna be your premise. That cops are the aggressor.....always.

So when you teach your daughter to shoot cops in the's not murder. And you don't even deny this.

You are borderline on needing to be reported to the Feds for a watch list.

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