The lesson those 3 hero's could teach our law enforcement!!

Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

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If they had the option, they'd have wasted him with a gun...

The common denominator in all the cases you mentioned was someone NOT listening to a peace officer and doing something illegal. Try changing that behavior.

Bitch please.....I have seen and so have you video after fuckin video of you white motherfuckers running, mouthing off, etc and you mf's manage to live another fuckin day, so miss me on this Wayne Brady nigg* shit.
But he resisted arrest. Maybe the cops should have let him eat them?

Why not?

He bought a pack of cigarettes, and sold individual ones. Who was harmed by this? The taxes were already paid, when he bought the pack.
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Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

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If they had the option, they'd have wasted him with a gun...

The common denominator in all the cases you mentioned was someone NOT listening to a peace officer and doing something illegal. Try changing that behavior.

Bitch please.....I have seen and so have you video after fuckin video of you white motherfuckers running, mouthing off, etc and you mf's manage to live another fuckin day, so miss me on this Wayne Brady nigg* shit.

Try again, in English.
Btw sclep did you know I'm black now? So whenever you disagree with me, you're a racist engaged in hate speech. Just thought I'd give you fair warning.
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

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That's amazing! Really! How do you take the heroic act of those three men on a train in France and make it a condemnation of Police here in America? Whenever I think I've heard about the most ridiculous nonsense EVER...someone like you comes along and tops it!

The Police are not your enemy. They protect you from the bad guys. I know this is a tough thing for so many of you to comprehend but it's the truth! Are there some bad cops out there? Yes...yes there are! There are also bad firefighters, bad mailmen, bad clerks at McDonalds. You can't accuse the tens of thousands of dedicated police officers who respond to trouble rather than run from it because of a few sensationalized cases of police misconduct. It's the epitome of stupidity.
So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

Until you cloak your skin in the darkness of being a negro in this fuckin racist country, anything you have to say is a non motherfuckin factor, dig?

LOL...who are you, "Link" from the Mod Squad? That's some pitiful stuff, Homeslice!:afro:
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017

That's amazing! Really! How do you take the heroic act of those three men on a train in France and make it a condemnation of Police here in America? Whenever I think I've heard about the most ridiculous nonsense EVER...someone like you comes along and tops it!

The Police are not your enemy. They protect you from the bad guys. I know this is a tough thing for so many of you to comprehend but it's the truth! Are there some bad cops out there? Yes...yes there are! There are also bad firefighters, bad mailmen, bad clerks at McDonalds. You can't accuse the tens of thousands of dedicated police officers who respond to trouble rather than run from it because of a few sensationalized cases of police misconduct. It's the epitome of stupidity.

Easy. They think these military guys disarming a gunman without shooting him is proof that cops can too.

But if PDs tried to train their guys to the same standards those military guys were trained....they say that's "militarized police" and criticize that too.

So in other words...demand cops do the same acts...but don't train them to do it.
So Police are cowards? Really? What do you do for a living? Do you put your life in harm's way every day, deal with the scum of the Earth every day? Do you kiss your wife goodbye in the morning wondering if you'll see her that night? Police are cowards? There are none so blind as a hater who ignores Truth because he wants to hate.

GTFO.."put their lives on the line every day"....complete and utter BS...more INNOCENT, UNARMED civilians are killed by cops every year than cops killed by criminals...

...and it isn't even in the TOP TEN of most dangerous jobs.
Top 10 Most Deadly and Dangerous Jobs in America 2000-2020

commercial fishermen, farmers, truck drivers, steel workers etc..all have WAY more dangerous jobs than cops...and they don't get to beat people up or shoot them or put them in jail on whatever contrived whim they think up if they have a bad day at work..

Preach, preach preach......thank you for the this insightful comment!!
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017

That's amazing! Really! How do you take the heroic act of those three men on a train in France and make it a condemnation of Police here in America? Whenever I think I've heard about the most ridiculous nonsense EVER...someone like you comes along and tops it!

The Police are not your enemy. They protect you from the bad guys. I know this is a tough thing for so many of you to comprehend but it's the truth! Are there some bad cops out there? Yes...yes there are! There are also bad firefighters, bad mailmen, bad clerks at McDonalds. You can't accuse the tens of thousands of dedicated police officers who respond to trouble rather than run from it because of a few sensationalized cases of police misconduct. It's the epitome of stupidity.

Easy. They think these military guys disarming a gunman without shooting him is proof that cops can too.

But if PDs tried to train their guys to the same standards those military guys were trained....they say that's "militarized police" and criticize that too.

So in other words...demand cops do the same acts...but don't train them to do it.

That's the same type of "genius" that demands to know why the Police don't shoot rampaging suspects in the arm or leg instead of center mass.

I'm now waiting to see the response from those same geniuses...who don't think the Police should have any weapons deemed "military" type...if a major terrorist attack takes place in the US.
Until you cloak your skin in the darkness of being a negro in this fuckin racist country, anything you have to say is a non motherfuckin factor, dig?

Liberia is there for you.

Get going.

Don't wait and log out - just go...
The caves of europe beckon you. Go and spray some lysol as you go.

LOLOLOL......uh, if you hadn't noticed of late, some of your ancestors are still trying to emerge from em'......So I'll wait!!
Its being report that the young man most responsible for staving off this masecre lunged first without a gun and tackled the guy to the ground. His first thoughts was to protect. Understand the way we as humans react in a second, determines the character of you.

They didn't put 6 bullets in a man reaching for a wallet, after you requested the damn wallet, they didn't put 4 bullets in a man after running, they didn't shoot a man several yards away from you and danger, simply because you thought your life was in danger.....they didn't slam a female teenager to the ground because she walked away, and they didn't choke a fuckin man to death because he was selling e cigs on a corner...the list is endless as we all know.

True hero's put the public interest first and then their own lives.

And the most beautiful part in all this, it consisted of friends, that included a black man, who if left in this country, will probably end up dead someday just because some COWARDLY COP IS HAVING A BAD FUCKIN DAY.

Take notes from these guys, PA LEEEEZZZZEEE!!

View attachment 48017

That's amazing! Really! How do you take the heroic act of those three men on a train in France and make it a condemnation of Police here in America? Whenever I think I've heard about the most ridiculous nonsense EVER...someone like you comes along and tops it!

The Police are not your enemy. They protect you from the bad guys. I know this is a tough thing for so many of you to comprehend but it's the truth! Are there some bad cops out there? Yes...yes there are! There are also bad firefighters, bad mailmen, bad clerks at McDonalds. You can't accuse the tens of thousands of dedicated police officers who respond to trouble rather than run from it because of a few sensationalized cases of police misconduct. It's the epitome of stupidity.
One more time, my comments are never ever meant for those who follow the rules of enforcing the laws, its for those COWARDS, who I pay my hard earned money to each and every paycheck, who gunned down my son's, just because they're having a bad fuckin day. Lets get something clear also, a mail man, a Mcdonalds clerk, etc.....DON'T KILL N*****...OKAY?
Until you cloak your skin in the darkness of being a negro in this fuckin racist country, anything you have to say is a non motherfuckin factor, dig?

Liberia is there for you.

Get going.

Don't wait and log out - just go...
The caves of europe beckon you. Go and spray some lysol as you go.

LOLOLOL......uh, if you hadn't noticed of late, some of your ancestors are still trying to emerge from em'......So I'll wait!!
Hey you can get lost in those caves since you dont know your way around.

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