The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

It looks like your attempt to change the meaning of word hasn't worked.
Bwahahahaha!!! More indisputable proof that fascism is exclusively left-wing. Seems your boy Adolf was a "struggling artist". All "struggling artists" are left-wing idiots. Conservatism is a practical ideology. That's why conservatives get degrees in law, technology, and political science, while liberals get degrees in art and gender studies. :laugh:

When Hitler Tried (and Failed) to Be an Artist
It looks like your attempt to change the meaning of word hasn't worked.
Bwahahahaha!!! More indisputable proof that fascism is exclusively left-wing. Seems your boy Adolf was a "struggling artist". All "struggling artists" are left-wing idiots. Conservatism is a practical ideology. That's why conservatives get degrees in law, technology, and political science, while liberals get degrees in art and gender studies. :laugh:

When Hitler Tried (and Failed) to Be an Artist
But Hitler had a mustache and we all know that artists with lip adornments are Fascists or Republicans.
It looks like your attempt to change the meaning of word hasn't worked.
Bwahahahaha!!! More indisputable proof that fascism is exclusively left-wing. Seems your boy Adolf was a "struggling artist". All "struggling artists" are left-wing idiots. Conservatism is a practical ideology. That's why conservatives get degrees in law, technology, and political science, while liberals get degrees in art and gender studies. :laugh:

When Hitler Tried (and Failed) to Be an Artist
Hilter's primary attribute is his disdain for racial diversity.
So, which party today is for or against racial diversity?
Hilter's primary attribute is his disdain for racial diversity.

Hilter's primary attributes are his socialism, fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people, antisemitism and his suppression of rights.

Democrats' primary attributes are their socialism (Bernie), fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people (Abortion), antisemitism (Omar and Tlaib) and his suppression of rights (throwing conservatives out of colleges and social media).

Congrats my friend, you are an American Nazi
Hilter's primary attribute is his disdain for racial diversity.

Hilter's primary attributes are his socialism, fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people, antisemitism and his suppression of rights.

Democrats' primary attributes are their socialism (Bernie), fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people (Abortion), antisemitism (Omar and Tlaib) and his suppression of rights (throwing conservatives out of colleges and social media).

Congrats my friend, you are an American Nazi

Sadly, you are insane. Insane to want others to believe anything you post. Of course the other ludicrous right wingers will shower you with the attention you desperately covet. The rest of us will wonder who or what occurred to make you into the lunatic you've become.
Hilter's primary attribute is his disdain for racial diversity.

Hilter's primary attributes are his socialism, fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people, antisemitism and his suppression of rights.

Democrats' primary attributes are their socialism (Bernie), fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people (Abortion), antisemitism (Omar and Tlaib) and his suppression of rights (throwing conservatives out of colleges and social media).

Congrats my friend, you are an American Nazi

That entire class of people Hitler targeted were the Communists. First targets of his S.A. ("Brownshirts"). First "guests" at Dachau. First political party to be banned. That's why he had supporters in Western Corporatocracy such as Henry Ford and Prescott Bush. That's why he targeted Jews with their cultural values of community -- as well as the labor unions, same thing for the same reason. Authoritarian nationalistic (from which "Nazi" derives) dictatorship doesn't mix well with ideas of community.

Any cultural conglomeratiton NOT fully subscribed to and subsumed under the ultimate authority of their temple of a uniformed, diversity-free Nationalism --- such as labor unions, religions, variant sexual preferences, higher education --- is a threat to that top-down lockstep power trip. "Me Me Me" is the polar opposite of "We". Where the latter thrives, the former cannot. Hitler knew this and was going to exterminate any such seeds of community, whether manifested in politics, labor, culture or religion. For that matter the Liberals who founded this country and wrote its Constitution knew this too, which is why they deliberately designed it that way as a thumb in the eye of such top-down lockstep authority, which at the time was called "divine right of kings", and put it squarely in the purview of the We -- the People. That's why Liberalism and Fascism are mutually exclusive polar opposites and it's why the title of this thread is an oxymoron contrived by a clown whose first name is Oxy.

As for "Socialist" that was a trendy and popular at the time marketing term which was already in the party name before Hitler joined it and to which he objected, but went along with to win elections. You'll notice out of "socialist" and "nationalist", which one got top billing as its actual focus.

"Willful ignorance" on the other hand is a choice you made to try to win bullshit points on a message board which you apparently think is some kind of football game unencumbered by the inconveniences of historical fact. Or to put it succinctly, Ignorance is Bliss.
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That entire class of people Hitler targeted were the Communists. First targets of his S.A. ("Brownshirts"). First "guests" at Dachau. First political party to be banned. ..........

I know ALL those things. I was studying war history before you were born I'll bet.
None of that changes the facts that I posted, nor does it change my comparison of Hitler to Democrats, which is right on the money.
That entire class of people Hitler targeted were the Communists. First targets of his S.A. ("Brownshirts"). First "guests" at Dachau. First political party to be banned. That's why he had supporters in Western Corporatocracy such as Henry Ford and Prescott Bush. That's why he targeted Jews with their cultural values of community -- as well as the labor unions, same thing for the same reason. Authoritarian nationalistic (from which "Nazi" derives) dictatorship doesn't mix well with ideas of community.

Any cultural conglomeratiton NOT fully subscribed to and subsumed under the ultimate authority of their temple of a uniformed, diversity-free Nationalism --- labor unions, religions, sexual preferences, higher education --- is a threat to that top-down lockstep power trip. "Me Me Me" is the polar opposite of "We". Where the latter thrives, the former cannot. Hitler knew this and was going to exterminate any such seeds of community, whether manifested in politics, labor, culture or religion. For that matter the Liberals who founded this country and wrote its Constitution knew this too, which is why they deliberately designed it that way as a thumb in the eye of such top-down lockstep authority, which at the time was called "divine right of kings", and put it squarely in the purview of the We -- the People. That's why Liberalism and Fascism are mutually exclusive polar opposites and it's why the title of this thread is an oxymoron contrived by a clown whose first name is Oxy.

As for "Socialist" that was a trendy and popular at the time marketing term which was already in the party name before Hitler joined it and to which he objected, but went along with to win elections. You'll notice out of "socialist" and "nationalist", which one got top billing as its actual focus.

"Willful ignorance" on the other hand is a choice you made to try to win bullshit points on a message board which you apparently think is some kind of football game unencumbered by the inconveniences of historical fact. Or to put it succinctly, Ignorance is Bliss.

I know ALL those things. I was studying war history before you were born I'll bet.
None of that changes the facts that I posted, nor does it change my comparison of Hitler to Democrats, which is right on the money.

Apparently you don't, since I had to post them all while you were posting the rhetorical equivalent of a chamber pot dump.
Apparently you don't..........

Apparently you're a dimwit who should STFU. My posts on this subject in several threads are absolutely correct.

Once again for the slow witted:

Among Hilter's primary attributes are his socialism, fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people, antisemitism and his suppression of rights.

Democrats' primary attributes are their socialism (Bernie), fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people (Abortion), antisemitism (Omar and Tlaib) and his suppression of rights (throwing conservatives out of colleges and social media).

Those are a little thing we call FACTS. Now, go eat a bowl of dicks and sod off, loser.
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NAZI = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
or, "National Socialist German Workers’ Party"

Funny, I don’t see a lot of Germans in the Republican Party but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party.
In fact, not only do I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party, but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to be able to murder an entire class of people (abortion) just like Hitler did, and who violently attack people in the streets who disagree with them, just like Hitler did. Plus, I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to teach junk science about the human race (transgenderism) just like Hitler did. AND NOW their antisemitism has also percolated to the top in recent months.

As has already been noted:
  • Democrats are no different from Nazis from their strong arm tactics, to their roving blackshirts in the streets, to their murder of millions of innocent people in Planned Butcherhood death camps, to their embracing of socialism (Hitler always spoke of national socialism), to their willingness to squash free speech and other rights, and to their embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism), the Democrats are EXACTLY like Nazis.
There is no denying the sameness of Democrats and Nazis.
Apparently you don't, since I had to post them all while you were posting the rhetorical equivalent of a chamber pot dump.

Apparently you're a dimwitted piece of shit who should shut the fuck up. My posts on this subject in several threads are absolutely correct.

Once again for the slow witted:

Among Hilter's primary attributes are his socialism, fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people, antisemitism and his suppression of rights.

Democrats' primary attributes are their socialism (Bernie), fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people (Abortion), antisemitism (Omar and Tlaib) and his suppression of rights (throwing conservatives out of colleges and social media).

Those are a little thing we call FACTS. Now, go eat a bowl of dicks and fuck off, loser.

Apparently the useful idiots are oblivious to not only the value of "facts" but the very definition of the term. Those are not "facts" but what we call "opinions" and as already demonstrated, vastly undereducated ones born of a superficial intellectual sloth and sold in leaking bags of Argument from Emotion like some amateur carnival barker who throws in a "bag of dicks" as a bonus. If that's all you have for what you laughingly call "argument" you're WAY out of your league here Toots.

The actual "facts" would be those parts of my posts that you cut out as inconvenient. You know, the ones I restored because you can't handle them.

NAZI = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
or, "National Socialist German Workers’ Party"

Funny, I don’t see a lot of Germans in the Republican Party but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party.
In fact, not only do I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party, but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to be able to murder an entire class of people (abortion) just like Hitler did, and who violently attack people in the streets who disagree with them, just like Hitler did.

Yeah? Like these?


-- or do you mean more like this sort of thing? Or this sort of thing? Or this sort of thing?

Oh by the way ---- which one of us tried to dictate that the other should "shut the fuck up" and "eat a bowl of dicks"?

Where do you even get the idea that there is such a thing as a "bowl of dicks"? Same place you (don't) get history lessons?
Apparently you don't..........

Apparently you're a dimwit who should STFU. My posts on this subject in several threads are absolutely correct.

Once again for the slow witted:

Among Hilter's primary attributes are his socialism, fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people, antisemitism and his suppression of rights.

Democrats' primary attributes are their socialism (Bernie), fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people (Abortion), antisemitism (Omar and Tlaib) and his suppression of rights (throwing conservatives out of colleges and social media).

Those are a little thing we call FACTS. Now, go eat a bowl of dicks and sod off, loser.
The first prisoners of Dachau were communists and socialists.
They both opposed the nazi party.

For antisemitism in the democrat party, nearly all the jews in congress are democrats. There are only two jewish republicans in congress.

Omar and Tlaib have only criticized the state of Israel, not jewish people.
That would be equivalent to saying that those who criticize the USA are anti-christian.

Abortion doesnt know any racial or ethnic boundaries, its just the unborn of any race.
Bismarck brought socialism to Germany in 1883 a few years before Hitler was even born. Or as a 1933
time magazine reported: The Nazi insert "socialist" into their party's name simply as a lure to discontented workers.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
Your weird definition created by democrats at Google isnt going to fly. Try using a real dictionary like Websters.

fas·cism | \ ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi- \
Definition of fascism

1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocraticgovernment headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
It's a cute left-wing propaganda campaign. Doesn't change the fact that fascism is the polar opposite of right-wing extremism. Would you like to try again? Let me guess - you need me to explain the basic political spectrum for you?

So the dictionary is a left wing propaganda campaign?
Name the dictionary you got that silly definition from.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
It's a cute left-wing propaganda campaign. Doesn't change the fact that fascism is the polar opposite of right-wing extremism. Would you like to try again? Let me guess - you need me to explain the basic political spectrum for you?

Fascism *IS* right-wing extremism. Although it's not the only form it takes. There's also, for instance, racism and classism in general. The Klan for example.
No, that is not the definition of fascism. Even right wing extremists dont want a dictatorship.
Apparently you don't, since I had to post them all while you were posting the rhetorical equivalent of a chamber pot dump.

Apparently you're a dimwitted piece of shit who should shut the fuck up. My posts on this subject in several threads are absolutely correct.

Once again for the slow witted:

Among Hilter's primary attributes are his socialism, fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people, antisemitism and his suppression of rights.

Democrats' primary attributes are their socialism (Bernie), fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people (Abortion), antisemitism (Omar and Tlaib) and his suppression of rights (throwing conservatives out of colleges and social media).

Those are a little thing we call FACTS. Now, go eat a bowl of dicks and fuck off, loser.

Apparently the useful idiots are oblivious to not only the value of "facts" but the very definition of the term. Those are not "facts" but what we call "opinions" and as already demonstrated, vastly undereducated ones born of a superficial intellectual sloth and sold in leaking bags of Argument from Emotion like some amateur carnival barker who throws in a "bag of dicks" as a bonus. If that's all you have for what you laughingly call "argument" you're WAY out of your league here Toots.

The actual "facts" would be those parts of my posts that you cut out as inconvenient. You know, the ones I restored because you can't handle them.

This is the definition of fascism. I see no mention of right or left wing.

fas·cism | \ ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi- \
Definition of fascism

1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlearly instances of army fascism and brutality— J. W. Aldridge

Definition of FASCISM
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
It's a cute left-wing propaganda campaign. Doesn't change the fact that fascism is the polar opposite of right-wing extremism. Would you like to try again? Let me guess - you need me to explain the basic political spectrum for you?

Fascism *IS* right-wing extremism. Although it's not the only form it takes. There's also, for instance, racism and classism in general. The Klan for example.
No, that is not the definition of fascism. Even right wing extremists dont want a dictatorship.
The precursor to fascist dictatorship is degraded democracy.
Gerrymandered districts.
Blocking voter registration drives.

David Frum told us years ago that if conservatives can’t win at the ballot box, they won’t abandon conservatism — they will abandon democracy.

Where is Trump's favorite dictator (he has alot of them).

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