The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

I have facts. What could be more valid than that?
in right wing fantasy, you are Always right.
Aside from bleating "civil strife" over and over again, what have you got?
Our Civil War caused a lot of civil strife.
What the fuck is your point? Cannons and rifles are what killed people, not "civil strife."
Civil strife can be a form of civil war.

Your canard about socialism in Venezuela being the problem is the point. It is our socialism that is interfering with their socialism.
Spare us the "civil strife" crapola. I don't even know what point you're trying to make.
But in order to get Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor, Hitler had to disavow any socialism and kill off all his old cronies. By 1934, there were no socialist left.
Oh you poor dimwit. So easily duped by left-wing propaganda. Nazi stands for National Socialists. :laugh:
So you swallow all extreme right-wing propaganda even the Nazis'..... Brand new history just for you dupes...
So the Nazis were so sophisticated in their propaganda - and were such profound visionaries - that they intentionally labeled themselves the opposite of what they actually were in hopes of duping future generations over a hundred years down the road? Even though that would have isolated allies they needed at the time???

in right wing fantasy, you are Always right.
Aside from bleating "civil strife" over and over again, what have you got?
Our Civil War caused a lot of civil strife.
What the fuck is your point? Cannons and rifles are what killed people, not "civil strife."
Civil strife can be a form of civil war.

Your canard about socialism in Venezuela being the problem is the point. It is our socialism that is interfering with their socialism.
Spare us the "civil strife" crapola. I don't even know what point you're trying to make.
our civil war caused a lot of civil strife.
Aside from bleating "civil strife" over and over again, what have you got?
Our Civil War caused a lot of civil strife.
What the fuck is your point? Cannons and rifles are what killed people, not "civil strife."
Civil strife can be a form of civil war.

Your canard about socialism in Venezuela being the problem is the point. It is our socialism that is interfering with their socialism.
Spare us the "civil strife" crapola. I don't even know what point you're trying to make.
our civil war caused a lot of civil strife.
You're spewing a lot of stupidity.
Our Civil War caused a lot of civil strife.
What the fuck is your point? Cannons and rifles are what killed people, not "civil strife."
Civil strife can be a form of civil war.

Your canard about socialism in Venezuela being the problem is the point. It is our socialism that is interfering with their socialism.
Spare us the "civil strife" crapola. I don't even know what point you're trying to make.
our civil war caused a lot of civil strife.
You're spewing a lot of stupidity.
it is just your lousy comprehension.
It looks like your attempt to change the meaning of word hasn't worked.
Fascism is too well known and there are too many books on ideologies that are easily obtained. I'd like to say it was a good try, but it wasn't. It was pretty dumb.
It looks like your attempt to change the meaning of word hasn't worked.
Who tried to "change the meaning of the word"? That's an odd thing to attempt. Only the left tries shit lie that though.
Fascism is too well known and there are too many books on ideologies that are easily obtained.
Right? And almost all of them properly acknowledge that it is a left-wing ideology. It is totalitarian. You can't have right-wing totalitarian.

There was a reason you panicked and quit when I asked you to explain how the fuck fascism could be further right on the political scale than libertarianism or Sovereign Citizens. Because it's not. Therefore, it can't be explained.
I'd like to say it was a good try, but it wasn't. It was pretty dumb.
Hey...are you posing as male or female today? You went with female for like two years, until you made the mistake of claiming that you served in infantry during WWII. Women wouldn't permitted to serve in infantry at that time.

And last month you were claiming to be around 102. What age are you claiming to be this month?
It looks like your attempt to change the meaning of word hasn't worked.
This is still my all-time favorite response on USMB:
I sure don't have to explain my position.
Not only does it acknowledge defeat (there is simply no way to explain how libertarianism is to the right of constitutional conservative and Sovereign Citizen is to the right of libertarian, and then declare that fascism is further right than all of it when each stage to the right shows the ideology increasing personal liberty and decreasing government power and control), but it also illustrates that he/she recognizes that they are telling a lie. Note the word "my". If fascism were truly right wing, he/she would have said "I don't have to explain that obvious position". It's his/her position that fascism is right-wing. It is not the reality.

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