The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

how is socialism responsible for civil strife?
Socialism is responsible for deliberately starving 20 million people to death in Ukraine. The "strife" was caused by Stalin's thugs confiscating the harvests of Ukrainian farmers.
there was a "civil war" going on.
In 1932? No there wasn't. Stalin was making war on his own people.
civil strife for political reasons?
It wasn't "civil strife," moron. It was cold-blooded murder ordered by a dictator. Socialism is what made it possible.
like a civil war?
Socialism is responsible for deliberately starving 20 million people to death in Ukraine. The "strife" was caused by Stalin's thugs confiscating the harvests of Ukrainian farmers.
there was a "civil war" going on.
In 1932? No there wasn't. Stalin was making war on his own people.
civil strife for political reasons?
It wasn't "civil strife," moron. It was cold-blooded murder ordered by a dictator. Socialism is what made it possible.
like a civil war?
No. like socialist totalitarian regime committing mass murder
there was a "civil war" going on.
In 1932? No there wasn't. Stalin was making war on his own people.
civil strife for political reasons?
It wasn't "civil strife," moron. It was cold-blooded murder ordered by a dictator. Socialism is what made it possible.
like a civil war?
No. like socialist totalitarian regime committing mass murder
that happens for "civil strife reasons".
In 1932? No there wasn't. Stalin was making war on his own people.
civil strife for political reasons?
It wasn't "civil strife," moron. It was cold-blooded murder ordered by a dictator. Socialism is what made it possible.
like a civil war?
No. like socialist totalitarian regime committing mass murder
that happens for "civil strife reasons".
ROFL! You are too stupid to waste time arguing with.
civil strife for political reasons?
It wasn't "civil strife," moron. It was cold-blooded murder ordered by a dictator. Socialism is what made it possible.
like a civil war?
No. like socialist totalitarian regime committing mass murder
that happens for "civil strife reasons".
ROFL! You are too stupid to waste time arguing with.
you need a valid argument to do more than gossip, dear.
It wasn't "civil strife," moron. It was cold-blooded murder ordered by a dictator. Socialism is what made it possible.
like a civil war?
No. like socialist totalitarian regime committing mass murder
that happens for "civil strife reasons".
ROFL! You are too stupid to waste time arguing with.
you need a valid argument to do more than gossip, dear.
I have facts. What could be more valid than that?
like a civil war?
No. like socialist totalitarian regime committing mass murder
that happens for "civil strife reasons".
ROFL! You are too stupid to waste time arguing with.
you need a valid argument to do more than gossip, dear.
I have facts. What could be more valid than that?
in right wing fantasy, you are Always right.
No. like socialist totalitarian regime committing mass murder
that happens for "civil strife reasons".
ROFL! You are too stupid to waste time arguing with.
you need a valid argument to do more than gossip, dear.
I have facts. What could be more valid than that?
in right wing fantasy, you are Always right.
Aside from bleating "civil strife" over and over again, what have you got?
that happens for "civil strife reasons".
ROFL! You are too stupid to waste time arguing with.
you need a valid argument to do more than gossip, dear.
I have facts. What could be more valid than that?
in right wing fantasy, you are Always right.
Aside from bleating "civil strife" over and over again, what have you got?
Our Civil War caused a lot of civil strife.
ROFL! You are too stupid to waste time arguing with.
you need a valid argument to do more than gossip, dear.
I have facts. What could be more valid than that?
in right wing fantasy, you are Always right.
Aside from bleating "civil strife" over and over again, what have you got?
Our Civil War caused a lot of civil strife.
What the fuck is your point? Cannons and rifles are what killed people, not "civil strife."
you need a valid argument to do more than gossip, dear.
I have facts. What could be more valid than that?
in right wing fantasy, you are Always right.
Aside from bleating "civil strife" over and over again, what have you got?
Our Civil War caused a lot of civil strife.
What the fuck is your point? Cannons and rifles are what killed people, not "civil strife."
Civil strife can be a form of civil war.

Your canard about socialism in Venezuela being the problem is the point. It is our socialism that is interfering with their socialism.
Liberalism and fascism are extreme opposites. Who doesn’t know that?
One cannot “know” what simply isn’t true.

It's part of the left-wing propaganda campaign.
In the modern world, there is no left-wing propaganda campaign, it is called journalism and looking for the truth. the entire world of Journalism and law enforcement is aghast at your idiocy, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus. Only the GOP propaganda machine in the United States is propaganda, dumbass. And the greatest generation is spinning in their graves listening to your garbage. Of course Nazis are right-wing, they loved corporations, capitalism, and aristocrats as long as they weren't Jewish or against them.
ROFL! It's called statist goons promoting the police state. Everything the left spews is propaganda. Leftists are incapable of telling the truth.

Try some historic perspective.
The right wing has always been the wealthy elite.
Like Hamilton and the Federalists.
They have always been conservative, because they did not do badly under the previous British aristocracy system.
The progressive, leftist, liberals have always been the ones for reform, individual liberties, and the most freedom possible.

The Republicans were liberal, leftist, progressives under Lincoln, and did not become right wing conservatives until the corruption of the 1890s or so.

That was pretty much the divide until the Clintons.
With the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, repealing Glass-Steagall, etc., the Clintons turned the democrats into right wing, anti-liberals.

So who is liberal and who is a fascist, is very unclear these days.
Clinton understood economics, unlike the right wing.
The clintons went along with the GOP way too much, but cannot be blamed for the George W bush disasters.... The ongoing giveaway to the rich Reagan experiment which has given us the modern world's worst inequality and upward Mobility the last 35 years... Clinton and Obama thought they would get some compromise out of the GOP oh, but that never happened. The GOP is totally bought off and corrupt, look at the lobbyist situation and campaign finance lack of law....

Keep voting for democrats. Maybe THIS time they'll give you what you want!
And all those books on Political Ideologiies, must be wrong also, and the colleges and thuniversities wrong too?
Well not all of them, snowflake. Just the one’s that dishonestly attempt to claim that fascism is further right on the political spectrum than libertarianism and Sovereign Citizens (out of a deep shame of it being aligned with the left-wing ideology).

Books such as The Road to Serfdom (written by a man with 3 PhDs - including one in political science) and The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left
(written by another man with a PhD) accurately identify fascism as being exclusively left-wing.

Allow me to remind you what your response was right here in this very thread when it was noted how you are completely and totally incapable of explaining how fascism could be further to the right than libertarianism and Sovereign Citizens when it is in fact the polar opposite of those two ideologies :
I sure don't have to explain my position.
People who are dead-wrong, cannot rationally explain their position. People who are furious that they are dead-wrong, refuse to even try.
Zionists are illegal immigrants who invaded Palestine and stole all of it by the use of force provided by the US.
Oh you anti-semite buffoon. That never happened. Nobody “invaded” Palestine. The U.N. legally and properly handed Israel back to the people it had been stolen from through force.
But in order to get Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor, Hitler had to disavow any socialism and kill off all his old cronies. By 1934, there were no socialist left.
Oh you poor dimwit. So easily duped by left-wing propaganda. Nazi stands for National Socialists. :laugh:
The progressive, leftist, liberals have always been the ones for...individual liberties, and the most freedom possible.
Snowflake...the left believes in total government control. That’s why I don’t have the “individual liberty” and “most most freedom possible” to opt out of Social Security. That’s why I don’t have the “individual liberty” and “most most freedom possible” to opt out of Obamacare. That’s why I don’t have the “individual liberty” and “most most freedom possible” to opt out of Medicare.
But in order to get Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor, Hitler had to disavow any socialism and kill off all his old cronies. By 1934, there were no socialist left.
Oh you poor dimwit. So easily duped by left-wing propaganda. Nazi stands for National Socialists. :laugh:
So you swallow all extreme right-wing propaganda even the Nazis'..... Brand new history just for you dupes...

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