The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
It's a cute left-wing propaganda campaign. Doesn't change the fact that fascism is the polar opposite of right-wing extremism. Would you like to try again? Let me guess - you need me to explain the basic political spectrum for you?

Fascism *IS* right-wing extremism. Although it's not the only form it takes. There's also, for instance, racism and classism in general. The Klan for example.
No, that is not the definition of fascism. Even right wing extremists dont want a dictatorship.
The precursor to fascist dictatorship is degraded democracy.
Gerrymandered districts.
Blocking voter registration drives.

David Frum told us years ago that if conservatives can’t win at the ballot box, they won’t abandon conservatism — they will abandon democracy.

Where is Trump's favorite dictator (he has alot of them).
I dont know what any of that rambling nonsense has to do with the definition of "fascism".
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
It's a cute left-wing propaganda campaign. Doesn't change the fact that fascism is the polar opposite of right-wing extremism. Would you like to try again? Let me guess - you need me to explain the basic political spectrum for you?

Fascism *IS* right-wing extremism. Although it's not the only form it takes. There's also, for instance, racism and classism in general. The Klan for example.
No, that is not the definition of fascism. Even right wing extremists dont want a dictatorship.
The precursor to fascist dictatorship is degraded democracy.
Gerrymandered districts.
Blocking voter registration drives.

David Frum told us years ago that if conservatives can’t win at the ballot box, they won’t abandon conservatism — they will abandon democracy.

Where is Trump's favorite dictator (he has alot of them).
I dont know what any of that rambling nonsense has to do with the definition of "fascism".
The answer was in the first sentence:
The precursor to fascist dictatorship is degraded democracy.

You might want try reading words.
You might want try reading words.

.......says one of the dumbest fucks in the forum.

The OP is true:

"...The left has always been fascist in nature (obviously - since fascism is a form of government oppression). But in the past few years, the left has made a rapid march towards extreme fascism.

They engage in massive speech control campaigns. If Donald Trump attempts to hold a political rally - they riot (costing a fortune in damage to public and private property). If someone attempts to merely attend a Donald Trump political rally, the left engages in violent assaults. Fascism.

They engage in massive thought control campaigns. If someone wishes to avoid homosexual acts or homosexual celebrations (whether it be for religious reasons, comfort reasons, or just plain old hate), the left attempts to turn that into a crime and advocates for the government to place a gun to the head of those individuals and force them to take part in the homosexual activities. And of course - they've advocated for and manufactured the comical "hate crime" fallacy. Fascism.

This story here is a remarkable indication of the left's embrace of extreme fascism. It revolves around the "Soldiers of Odin". A group rightfully concerned with radical islam. And yet despite being peaceful while liberals engage in violent assaults, the left wants to label these individuals as a "hate" group. So what happened when this group deployed members to a mosque in Denver? Did they brutally attack and bloody muslims like liberals do? Nope. Quite the contrary - the imam of the mosque invited the group in to sit down and talk. They had a peaceful and cordial interaction?

This "incident" is literally the shining example of America at its finest. Concerned citizens form a group of their own free will. The muslims not only continue to engage in their right to religious freedom - but they invite the concerned group into their mosque to see for themselves and to engage in dialect. Everything America was built on and intended to be. And yet the left is angry about this - desperate to falsely label the group a "hate" group and to eliminate them.

A Growing Vigilante Group Is Targeting U.S. Mosques
Hilter's primary attribute is his disdain for racial diversity.

Hilter's primary attributes are his socialism, fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people, antisemitism and his suppression of rights.

Democrats' primary attributes are their socialism (Bernie), fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people (Abortion), antisemitism (Omar and Tlaib) and his suppression of rights (throwing conservatives out of colleges and social media).

Congrats my friend, you are an American Nazi
:udaman: :udaman: :udaman:

T4T just delivered a knockout blow with that post!
Hilter's primary attribute is his disdain for racial diversity.

Hilter's primary attributes are his socialism, fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people, antisemitism and his suppression of rights.

Democrats' primary attributes are their socialism (Bernie), fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people (Abortion), antisemitism (Omar and Tlaib) and his suppression of rights (throwing conservatives out of colleges and social media).

Congrats my friend, you are an American Nazi
Sadly, you are insane. Insane to want others to believe anything you post. Of course the other ludicrous right wingers will shower you with the attention you desperately covet. The rest of us will wonder who or what occurred to make you into the lunatic you've become.
Look at Guy Catcher's response to that brilliant post by T4T. That post covered all facets of fascism and pointed out in detail the leftists who embrace each facet.

Guy Catcher's response? "You're insane". "You want people to believe what you post". The kind of stuff one would expect from a second grader. couldn't even form ONE rational, fact-filled response to T4T who hit you hard with a half a dozen facts. That really says it all. You've been thoroughly defeated here. Either be man enough to admit it, or smart enough to walk away.
The first prisoners of Dachau were communists and socialists. They both opposed the nazi party.
Hey ignorant tool? Neither the communists nor the socialists were imprisoned because of their economic ideology. They were imprisoned because they wanted power. It's the same reason Saddam Hussein executed and imprisoned dozens of people the week he took over Iraq. It wasn't due to economic ideology, dumb-shit. It was due to loyalties and power-struggle.
David Frum told us years ago that if conservatives can’t win at the ballot box, they won’t abandon conservatism — they will abandon democracy.
Hey's not conservatives that want to eliminate the Electoral College. It's the Dumbocrats. And it's not conservatives that are blocking voter ID for clean elections. It's the Dumbocrats. And it's not conservatives that force unconstitutional bullshit like Obamacare and Social Security on the American people. It's the Dumbocrats.

If you can't do better than that weak post, just stop posting. Seriously.
David Frum told us years ago that if conservatives can’t win at the ballot box, they won’t abandon conservatism — they will abandon democracy.

Did you express concerns about "abandoning democracy" when Obama used the IRS to prevent conservative organizations from participating in the 2012 election? Yea, I didn't think so.
David Frum told us years ago that if conservatives can’t win at the ballot box, they won’t abandon conservatism — they will abandon democracy.
Did you express concerns about "abandoning democracy" when Obama used the IRS to prevent conservative organizations from participating in the 2012 election? Yea, I didn't think so.
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
David Frum told us years ago that if conservatives can’t win at the ballot box, they won’t abandon conservatism — they will abandon democracy.
And where was your concern about "democracy" when MaObama proudly declared he would usurp the U.S. Constitution, bypass Congress, and assume powers never granted when he bragged "I have a pen and a phone and will take action when Congress fails to"? Idiot.
David Frum told us years ago that if conservatives can’t win at the ballot box, they won’t abandon conservatism — they will abandon democracy.
And where was your concern about "democracy" when MaObama refused to turn over evidence?
Yesterday, the Obama administration invoked executive privilege to prevent the release of certain documents to Congress related to Operation Fast and Furious all don't give a shit about democracy.

The Facts Behind Obama’s Executive Privilege Claim — ProPublica
The Nazi insert "socialist" into their party's name simply as a lure to discontented workers.
Hahahahahahahahaha!!!! Once again, the facts prove that Regent is either ignorant or a liar.
One, socialism has never succeeded anywhere, including the Marxism-Leninism of the Soviet Union, the National Socialism of Nazi Germany, the Maoism of Communist China, the Chavez-Maduro socialism of Venezuela. It has never come close to anywhere near Marx’s ideal of a classless society.
Oops! Seems like the entire world realizes that the Nazis nationalized just about everything because they were socialists. Fascism is exclusively a left-wing ideology. It's totalitarianism - and you cannot have right-wing totalitarianism. Fascism cannot be to the right of libertarianism and Sovereign Citizens. Period.

3 of the Most Telling Failures of Socialism

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