The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

I oppose rule by means of supernatural beings and ancient books. That's not liberation.
Thankfully for the people of Iran, you opinion means less than that of a pet goldfish. Nobody cares what you oppose. Literally nobody. The Iraqi people have the right to chart their own course and that is exactly what they have been handed to them.

And thank you for illustrating once again that there is nothing more regressive than progressives.

We should oppose Theocracy's IMO. They are ruled by a small repressive minority. I'm sure the Mullahs appreciate your support.
I don't support the "Mullahs". Unlike you - I just oppose fascism. You want the world to Nazi goose-step in the exact same direction. I believe the people of every nation are entitled to chart their own course. Sad how that upsets you so much.
Iraq was once the most secular of all Arab States.
It was also one the most tortured and oppressed... It speaks volumes about progressives that they would rather see women raped and people tortured rather than see a nation governed by faith.
Iraq was once the most secular of all Arab States.
It was also one the most tortured and oppressed... It speaks volumes about progressives that they would rather see women raped and people tortured rather than see a nation governed by faith.

Raygun choose to support the dictator who made it so. Progressives, liberals did not.
Iraq was once the most secular of all Arab States.
It was also one the most tortured and oppressed... It speaks volumes about progressives that they would rather see women raped and people tortured rather than see a nation governed by faith.

Raygun choose to support the dictator who made it so. Progressives, liberals did not.
What are you talking about? You are the one supporting it right here and you are the one I'm referring to. You're sooooooo upset that they are no longer "secular". You would rather see Saddam Hussein in there than the "theocracy" that you keep complaining about.
Typical progressive fascist here. Nobody should be allowed to be elected by the people unless that person believes exactly what an ignorant and uninformed actor believes...

Leonardo DiCaprio: Climate change deniers ‘should not be allowed to hold public office’

So you support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? Weren't they elected?
I do not support the Muslim Brotherhood. At all. But were they "elected"? I don't know enough about their rise to power to say for sure but I wouldn't be surprised if they assumed power through some nefarious action rather than being elected.
Who gives 2 shits about what some entertainer thinks?
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

ironic given reality: the right wing's push for less government and the left wing's push for more government and authoritarian social organization.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
Wow....a left wing definition. Here is an independent source which actually outlines what fascism is (hint - there is nothing mentioned with regards to right-wing here)
  1. often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

  2. a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>
play \-shist also -sist\ noun or adjective often capitalized
play \fa-ˈshis-tik also -ˈsis-\ adjective often capitalized
play \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb often capitalized

Definition of FASCISM
Typical progressive fascist here. Nobody should be allowed to be elected by the people unless that person believes exactly what an ignorant and uninformed actor believes...

Leonardo DiCaprio: Climate change deniers ‘should not be allowed to hold public office’

So you support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? Weren't they elected?
I do not support the Muslim Brotherhood. At all. But were they "elected"? I don't know enough about their rise to power to say for sure but I wouldn't be surprised if they assumed power through some nefarious action rather than being elected.
Who gives 2 shits about what some entertainer thinks?

Egypt Muslim Brotherhood ought to be encouraged.

Egypt's venerable Muslim Brotherhood won some 48% of the vote, confirming it as the primary voice of 81 million Egyptians. In North America, the Brotherhood has long been wrongly branded an extremist, even terrorist organization by the seriously misinformed. This view is not only wrong, but harmful to US Mideast policy.

The Muslim Brotherhood is made up primarily of middle class, middle-aged professionals: doctors, engineers, lawyers. It is seriously stodgy and conservative. Many younger Egyptians derided it as "your grandfather's party." It sits squarely in the middle of Egypt's political spectrum."

Typical progressive fascist here. Nobody should be allowed to be elected by the people unless that person believes exactly what an ignorant and uninformed actor believes...

Leonardo DiCaprio: Climate change deniers ‘should not be allowed to hold public office’

So you support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? Weren't they elected?
I do not support the Muslim Brotherhood. At all. But were they "elected"? I don't know enough about their rise to power to say for sure but I wouldn't be surprised if they assumed power through some nefarious action rather than being elected.
Who gives 2 shits about what some entertainer thinks?

Egypt Muslim Brotherhood ought to be encouraged.

Egypt's venerable Muslim Brotherhood won some 48% of the vote, confirming it as the primary voice of 81 million Egyptians. In North America, the Brotherhood has long been wrongly branded an extremist, even terrorist organization by the seriously misinformed. This view is not only wrong, but harmful to US Mideast policy.

The Muslim Brotherhood is made up primarily of middle class, middle-aged professionals: doctors, engineers, lawyers. It is seriously stodgy and conservative. Many younger Egyptians derided it as "your grandfather's party." It sits squarely in the middle of Egypt's political spectrum."


The Tyranny of Democracy or the Tyranny of the Military.

The military was always in control.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
The OP is a perfect example of the RW tendency to accuse the other Political Wing of the very thing they are doing.

Note the Orange Messiah calling H. Clinton a liar all the time.
No my dear....that is what the left does. Ironically - you just proved that again.
Boom! More indisputable evidence of the progressive march towards extreme fascism. From the article:
  • But an infinite number of pronouns may still be insufficient. UWM reminds us that some particularly precious snowflakes are offended by all pronouns — even fake ones – and so they may demand that people speak like malfunctioning robots in their presence: “Just my name please! (Xena ate Xena’s food because Xena was hungry.) Some people prefer not to use pronouns at all, using their name as a pronoun instead.”
  • He managed to highlight not only the absurdity but the astonishing arrogance of this ”choose your own pronoun” thing. Every pronoun on the list may as well be “His Majesty” because that’s the kind of power and authority someone is claiming when they begin dictating how you must speak to them.
  • Our steadfast belief in our own importance has brought us finally to this point, where we think we can not only reject the laws of biology and the English language, but insist that everything within earshot plays along. And not only those within earshot. Indeed, we demand that strangers refer to us in a way consistent with the fantasies we’ve concocted in our heads even when they aren’t in our presence, which is like assigning everyone a list of adjectives that they may use to describe you when in conversation with one another. Anyone who wants to converse with us or about us must obey our arbitrary rules, like little kids who won’t let you into their tree fort unless you can repeat the secret password.
  • That said, all of this pronoun madness does come in handy for one reason: it finally puts to bed the false notion that the progressive LGBT agenda is only about giving LGBT folks the freedom to live as they wish. It’s now abundantly clear that they want to control not only how they conduct themselves, but how the rest of us speak, live, and behave.
  • But it is not “living as one wishes” to demand that others participate in the fantasy by using words that aren’t applicable or even real when referring to you.

Gee....see a pattern here folks? I sure do. The left is pure, unadulterated, fascism. Control actions. Control language. Hell, even control thought.

I don’t care about your ‘preferred pronoun.’ I’ll simply call you what you are.
It is useless to exchange with those who are determined to be wrong.

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