The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Correct, but we were undeniably involved in the coup regardless. The question is, do you support the actions taken by the US in Chile to oust the marxist president Allende?
Think about the extreme desperation that Tehon has reached by resorting to the argument that anyone who supports the ousting of communist Allende is a "fascist". It's so stupefying an argument, it's really hard to wrap your mind around it.

There could be a zillion reasons for the U.S. supporting the ousting of Allende. Maybe he poses a national security threat to the U.S. Maybe he poses an economic threat to the U.S. Maybe he has been guilty of extreme human rights violations. Maybe he harbors and assists terrorists.

There could literally be hundreds of reasons for supporting the ousting of this individual which have nothing to do with fascist beliefs. But...when one goes against all facts and reason....all one can do is desperately grasp at straws and pray something works.
Correct, but we were undeniably involved in the coup regardless. The question is, do you support the actions taken by the US in Chile to oust the marxist president Allende?
Think about the extreme desperation that Tehon has reached by resorting to the argument that anyone who supports the ousting of communist Allende is a "fascist". It's so stupefying an argument, it's really hard to wrap your mind around it.

There could be a zillion reasons for the U.S. supporting the ousting of Allende. Maybe he poses a national security threat to the U.S. Maybe he poses an economic threat to the U.S. Maybe he has been guilty of extreme human rights violations. Maybe he harbors and assists terrorists.

There could literally be hundreds of reasons for supporting the ousting of this individual which have nothing to do with fascist beliefs. But...when one goes against all facts and reason....all one can do is desperately grasp at straws and pray something works.
I'm not claiming it to be fascism (unlike you I understand what fascism means), it is authoritarian in nature however, which you claim the right is immune know..... because limited government.
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I'm not claiming it to be fascism (unlike you I understand what fascism means), it is authoritarian in nature however, which you claim the right is immune know..... because limited government.
How is it "authoritarian in nature" to oust a dictator? You clearly don't understand what authoritarian means if you think that is authoritarian. We ousted Saddam Hussein in Iraq and those people are freer than they've ever been. What is "authoritarian" about that?
I'm not claiming it to be fascism (unlike you I understand what fascism means), it is authoritarian in nature however, which you claim the right is immune know..... because limited government.
How is it "authoritarian in nature" to oust a dictator? You clearly don't understand what authoritarian means if you think that is authoritarian. We ousted Saddam Hussein in Iraq and those people are freer than they've ever been. What is "authoritarian" about that?

They now live under an Islamic Theocracy. We ousted Saddam to usher in Iran. But their oil has now been liberated and record number of Barrels per month have hit the international markets.

Hitler and the Nazi were Fascists. Not Socialist. Ask yourself was Franco a Socialist?

Were you raised in a bubble?
Correct, but we were undeniably involved in the coup regardless. The question is, do you support the actions taken by the US in Chile to oust the marxist president Allende?
Think about the extreme desperation that Tehon has reached by resorting to the argument that anyone who supports the ousting of communist Allende is a "fascist". It's so stupefying an argument, it's really hard to wrap your mind around it.

There could be a zillion reasons for the U.S. supporting the ousting of Allende. Maybe he poses a national security threat to the U.S. Maybe he poses an economic threat to the U.S. Maybe he has been guilty of extreme human rights violations. Maybe he harbors and assists terrorists.

There could literally be hundreds of reasons for supporting the ousting of this individual which have nothing to do with fascist beliefs. But...when one goes against all facts and reason....all one can do is desperately grasp at straws and pray something works.
I'm not claiming it to be fascism (unlike you I understand what fascism means), it is authoritarian in nature however, which you claim the right is immune know..... because limited government.
What do you think fascism is?
I'm not claiming it to be fascism (unlike you I understand what fascism means), it is authoritarian in nature however, which you claim the right is immune know..... because limited government.
How is it "authoritarian in nature" to oust a dictator? You clearly don't understand what authoritarian means if you think that is authoritarian. We ousted Saddam Hussein in Iraq and those people are freer than they've ever been. What is "authoritarian" about that?
Imposing your values on another society at the point of a gun. You can't see how that is authoritarian in nature......really? It is like talking to a wall, thanks Pumpkin Row . Here, allow your neoliberal hero Hayek to explain it to you again. At least he gets it.

Only at first foes it seem paradoxical that the anti-internationalism of conservatism is so frequently associated with imperialism. But the more a person dislikes the strange and thinks his own ways superior, the more he tends to regard it as his mission to "civilize" other[10] - not by the voluntary and unhampered intercourse which the liberal favors, but by bringing them the blessings of efficient government. It is significant that here again we frequently find the conservatives joining hands with the socialists against the liberals - not only in England, where the Webbs and their Fabians were outspoken imperialists, or in Germany, where state socialism and colonial expansionism went together and found the support of the same group of "socialists of the chair," but also in the United States, where even at the time of the first Roosevelt it could be observed

Why I Am Not a Conservative By Nobel laureate F. A. Hayek
They now live under an Islamic Theocracy. We ousted Saddam to usher in Iran.
By their own choice, cupcake. They voted (had something like a 90% turn out) and have continued to vote for the government they want. If they choose to have an "islamic theocracy" that that is their business. You're sounding very fascist by complaining about the type of government the people of another nation choose to have.
But their oil has now been liberated and record number of Barrels per month have hit the international markets.
Seriously my friend - you have to stop getting your "information" (and I use that term lightly here) from Hollywood. There was no giant conspiracy driven by the corporations to take Iraq's oil. If there was, we would currently have all of the oil and Iraq wouldn't have any. And just in case you're uncertain - Men in Black and Independence Day were both fake as well. There are no aliens invading our nation or living among us.

We ousted a vicious dictator guilty of horrific human rights violations who presented major security threats in the region and around the world. And then we handed that country back over to the people to decide for themselves. It really is that simple.
Correct, but we were undeniably involved in the coup regardless. The question is, do you support the actions taken by the US in Chile to oust the marxist president Allende?
Think about the extreme desperation that Tehon has reached by resorting to the argument that anyone who supports the ousting of communist Allende is a "fascist". It's so stupefying an argument, it's really hard to wrap your mind around it.

There could be a zillion reasons for the U.S. supporting the ousting of Allende. Maybe he poses a national security threat to the U.S. Maybe he poses an economic threat to the U.S. Maybe he has been guilty of extreme human rights violations. Maybe he harbors and assists terrorists.

There could literally be hundreds of reasons for supporting the ousting of this individual which have nothing to do with fascist beliefs. But...when one goes against all facts and reason....all one can do is desperately grasp at straws and pray something works.
Or maybe the US govt. is anti-Marxist...
Imposing your values on another society at the point of a gun. You can't see how that is authoritarian in nature......really?
No. Because it's not. At all. Authoritarian would be putting those people under our rule. Removing an oppressive dictator and handing the nation back over to the people of that nation is the polar opposite of "authoritarian".

Guess what genius...we removed Adolf Hitler from power. Was that "authoritarian" in your mind as well? :cuckoo: Or maybe...just maybe....we're we defending ourselves, our allies, and our interests?
Imposing your values on another society at the point of a gun. You can't see how that is authoritarian in nature......really?
No. Because it's not. At all. Authoritarian would be putting those people under our rule. Removing an oppressive dictator and handing the nation back over to the people of that nation is the polar opposite of "authoritarian".

Guess what genius...we removed Adolf Hitler from power. Was that "authoritarian" in your mind as well? :cuckoo: Or maybe...just maybe....we're we defending ourselves, our allies, and our interests?
Actually you dumb asses handed Iraq over to the Iranians after first having destroyed all their institutions and infrastructure. You turned a modern secular society into a third world hell. Nicely done, and it wasn't done to spread democracy I can assure you, not that the reason matters, it's still imposing your will on another society in an authoritarian manner.

Now why are you avoiding my original example, Chile?
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They now live under an Islamic Theocracy. We ousted Saddam to usher in Iran.
By their own choice, cupcake. They voted (had something like a 90% turn out) and have continued to vote for the government they want. If they choose to have an "islamic theocracy" that that is their business. You're sounding very fascist by complaining about the type of government the people of another nation choose to have.
But their oil has now been liberated and record number of Barrels per month have hit the international markets.
Seriously my friend - you have to stop getting your "information" (and I use that term lightly here) from Hollywood. There was no giant conspiracy driven by the corporations to take Iraq's oil. If there was, we would currently have all of the oil and Iraq wouldn't have any. And just in case you're uncertain - Men in Black and Independence Day were both fake as well. There are no aliens invading our nation or living among us.

We ousted a vicious dictator guilty of horrific human rights violations who presented major security threats in the region and around the world. And then we handed that country back over to the people to decide for themselves. It really is that simple.

I oppose rule by means of supernatural beings and ancient books. That's not liberation.

The following is a list of International Oil Companies (IOCs) operating in Iraq under licences granted by the Ministry of Oil in Baghdad:

List of International Oil Companies in Iraq

Iraq, which relies on oil to fund nearly its entire government, increased daily oil production to an all-time high of 4.5 million barrels in May, according to estimates from research firm JBC Energy.

That's up by 100,000 barrels a day from April and helps fill the void left by big outages in Nigeriaand Canada. It's also about 2 million barrels a day more than what Iraq was pumping before the 2003 U.S. invasion.

Iraq is pumping oil at record pace despite chaos

The West supported Saddam and allowed him to buy his lethal arsenal from a host of Western Corporations. Furthermore, Ronnie Raygun stood by silent and allowed Saddam to gas Iranian troops and rebellious Kurdish Villages.
Imposing your values on another society at the point of a gun. You can't see how that is authoritarian in nature......really?
No. Because it's not. At all. Authoritarian would be putting those people under our rule. Removing an oppressive dictator and handing the nation back over to the people of that nation is the polar opposite of "authoritarian".

Guess what genius...we removed Adolf Hitler from power. Was that "authoritarian" in your mind as well? :cuckoo: Or maybe...just maybe....we're we defending ourselves, our allies, and our interests?
Actually you dumb asses handed Iraq over to the Iranians after first having destroyed all their institutions and infrastructure. You turned a modern secular society into a third world hell. Nicely done, and it wasn't done to spread democracy I can assure you, not that the reason matters, it's still imposing your will on another society in an authoritarian manner.

Now why are you avoiding my original example, Chile?
I addressed your absurd "example" Chile and I blew it out of the water. Perhaps you missed my responses? You might want to go back and look.

By the way genius - Iraq was a third world hell when Saddam was in power. There is nothing more "third world" than an oppressive dictatorship.
I oppose rule by means of supernatural beings and ancient books. That's not liberation.
Thankfully for the people of Iran, you opinion means less than that of a pet goldfish. Nobody cares what you oppose. Literally nobody. The Iraqi people have the right to chart their own course and that is exactly what they have been handed to them.

And thank you for illustrating once again that there is nothing more regressive than progressives.
[The following is a list of International Oil Companies (IOCs) operating in Iraq under licences granted by the Ministry of Oil in Baghdad:

List of International Oil Companies in Iraq

Iraq, which relies on oil to fund nearly its entire government, increased daily oil production to an all-time high of 4.5 million barrels in May, according to estimates from research firm JBC Energy.
Saddam was doing business with all of those nations and all of those corporations long before you ever heard of him, cupcake. Your post is literally pointless. have to stop getting your "information" from Hollywood. That's the land of make believe (which I know you progressives prefer but it simply isn't useful when discussing reality).
The West supported Saddam and allowed him to buy his lethal arsenal from a host of Western Corporations. Furthermore, Ronnie Raygun stood by silent and allowed Saddam to gas Iranian troops and rebellious Kurdish Villages.
You'll have to forgive Ronald Reagan - he was just a little busy defeating the world's second greatest superpower. And he did so without firing a shot. Something that would normally make you spineless, gutless progressives swoon like little girls towards a teen idol if it wasn't for the fact that it was done by a conservative and that made all of you insanely jealous.

Defeated the U.S.S.R. Stopped the spread of communism. Stopped Muammar Gaddfi's terrorist nonsense in Libya. Put a smack down on Manuel Noriega. And turned an economy - dedicated by progressive stupidity - from the second worst in U.S. history into one of the best in U.S. history. He only had 8 years. He just didn't have enough time to clean up Iraq as well. Too busy cleaning up after the failures of Democrats here at home.
The West supported Saddam and allowed him to buy his lethal arsenal from a host of Western Corporations. Furthermore, Ronnie Raygun stood by silent and allowed Saddam to gas Iranian troops and rebellious Kurdish Villages.
You'll have to forgive Ronald Reagan - he was just a little busy defeating the world's second greatest superpower. And he did so without firing a shot. Something that would normally make you spineless, gutless progressives swoon like little girls towards a teen idol if it wasn't for the fact that it was done by a conservative and that made all of you insanely jealous.

Defeated the U.S.S.R. Stopped the spread of communism. Stopped Muammar Gaddfi's terrorist nonsense in Libya. Put a smack down on Manuel Noriega. And turned an economy - dedicated by progressive stupidity - from the second worst in U.S. history into one of the best in U.S. history. He only had 8 years. He just didn't have enough time to clean up Iraq as well. Too busy cleaning up after the failures of Democrats here at home.

What a friggin' moron.

The USSR collapsed under its own rhetorical weight, and that was after Reagan was out of office thanks for playin'. But fun fact --- the only US President since Herbert Hoover to this day who never fired a shot, never started a war anywhere -- was Jimmy Carter. That's why he had to go... bad for business, thus spake the MIC.

And Noriega, utterly illegal action though it was, was Bush, Dumbshit. Go look something up for once in your waste of a life.
I oppose rule by means of supernatural beings and ancient books. That's not liberation.
Thankfully for the people of Iran, you opinion means less than that of a pet goldfish. Nobody cares what you oppose. Literally nobody. The Iraqi people have the right to chart their own course and that is exactly what they have been handed to them.

And thank you for illustrating once again that there is nothing more regressive than progressives.

We should oppose Theocracy's IMO. They are ruled by a small repressive minority. I'm sure the Mullahs appreciate your support.
The West supported Saddam and allowed him to buy his lethal arsenal from a host of Western Corporations. Furthermore, Ronnie Raygun stood by silent and allowed Saddam to gas Iranian troops and rebellious Kurdish Villages.
You'll have to forgive Ronald Reagan - he was just a little busy defeating the world's second greatest superpower. And he did so without firing a shot. Something that would normally make you spineless, gutless progressives swoon like little girls towards a teen idol if it wasn't for the fact that it was done by a conservative and that made all of you insanely jealous.

Defeated the U.S.S.R. Stopped the spread of communism. Stopped Muammar Gaddfi's terrorist nonsense in Libya. Put a smack down on Manuel Noriega. And turned an economy - dedicated by progressive stupidity - from the second worst in U.S. history into one of the best in U.S. history. He only had 8 years. He just didn't have enough time to clean up Iraq as well. Too busy cleaning up after the failures of Democrats here at home.

Raygun enriched his big business buddies and it was Levis that brought down the old USSR. He choose the easy path and we're still paying for it.

Get out of the bubble.

Iraq was once the most secular of all Arab States.
The left has always been fascist in nature (obviously - since fascism is a form of government oppression). But in the past few years, the left has made a rapid march towards extreme fascism.

They engage in massive speech control campaigns. If Donald Trump attempts to hold a political rally - they riot (costing a fortune in damage to public and private property). If someone attempts to merely attend a Donald Trump political rally, the left engages in violent assaults. Fascism.

They engage in massive thought control campaigns. If someone wishes to avoid homosexual acts or homosexual celebrations (whether it be for religious reasons, comfort reasons, or just plain old hate), the left attempts to turn that into a crime and advocates for the government to place a gun to the head of those individuals and force them to take part in the homosexual activities. And of course - they've advocated for and manufactured the comical "hate crime" fallacy. Fascism.

This story here is a remarkable indication of the left's embrace of extreme fascism. It revolves around the "Soldiers of Odin". A group rightfully concerned with radical islam. And yet despite being peaceful while liberals engage in violent assaults, the left wants to label these individuals as a "hate" group. So what happened when this group deployed members to a mosque in Denver? Did they brutally attack and bloody muslims like liberals do? Nope. Quite the contrary - the imam of the mosque invited the group in to sit down and talk. They had a peaceful and cordial interaction?

This "incident" is literally the shining example of America at its finest. Concerned citizens form a group of their own free will. The muslims not only continue to engage in their right to religious freedom - but they invite the concerned group into their mosque to see for themselves and to engage in dialect. Everything America was built on and intended to be. And yet the left is angry about this - desperate to falsely label the group a "hate" group and to eliminate them.

A Growing Vigilante Group Is Targeting U.S. Mosques

Modern American Liberalism (Democrats/ progressives) and Fascism are mutually exclusive concepts.

So I have to ask, are you a friggin idiot?
Imposing your values on another society at the point of a gun. You can't see how that is authoritarian in nature......really?
No. Because it's not. At all. Authoritarian would be putting those people under our rule. Removing an oppressive dictator and handing the nation back over to the people of that nation is the polar opposite of "authoritarian".

Guess what genius...we removed Adolf Hitler from power. Was that "authoritarian" in your mind as well? :cuckoo: Or maybe...just maybe....we're we defending ourselves, our allies, and our interests?

Guess what moron --- it was the USSR that did the most to remove Hitler from power, not counting Hitler himself.

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