The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Africa, and India with a lot of Capitalist governments have a lot of people dying of hunger.
Uh...snowflake...most of Africa has never operated under capitalism. Tanzania, Ethiopia, and many other African nations collapsed under socialism.
In general, socialism in Africa did not outlive the collapse of the U.S.S.R. in 1989. The loss of a financial supporter and ally in the form of the U.S.S.R. was certainly a part of this, but so too was the need many African states had for loans from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. By the 1980s, these institutions required states to release state monopolies over production and distribution and privatize industry before they would agree to loans.
When you make shit kill your own credibility and your cause.

Socialism in Africa and African Socialism
Africa, and India with a lot of Capitalist governments have a lot of people dying of hunger.
...most of Africa has never operated under capitalism.

Social programs or as they call it in the article Social Safety nets are on the rise in Africa.

Social Safety Nets Expand in Developing Countries, But Majority of the Poorest Still Lack Coverage

Social Safety Nets Expand in Developing Countries, But Majority of the Poorest Still Lack Coverage
July 7, 2015

Safety net programs must be more efficient and effective to close the coverage gap: WB report

WASHINGTON, July 7, 2015 – A growing number of developing countries are investing in social safety nets to improve the lives and livelihoods of billions of poor and vulnerable people, yet around 55 percent of the world’s poor or 773 million people with acute needs still lack safety net coverage —especially in lower-income countries and in urban areas—and countries must take action to close this coverage gap, says a new World Bank Group report.

According to The State of Social Safety Nets 2015, more than 1.9 billion people in 136 low- and middle-income countries are now on beneficiary rolls of social safety net programs. In Africa alone, the number of countries setting up social safety net programs has doubled over the past three years, as evidenced by rigorous evaluations that prove these programs work. But three quarters of the poorest people in low- and lower-middle income countries, and more than one-third of the poorest people in middle-income countries, lack safety net coverage and remain at risk.
Africa, and India with a lot of Capitalist governments have a lot of people dying of hunger.
Uh...snowflake...most of Africa has never operated under capitalism. Tanzania, Ethiopia, and many other African nations collapsed under socialism.
In general, socialism in Africa did not outlive the collapse of the U.S.S.R. in 1989. The loss of a financial supporter and ally in the form of the U.S.S.R. was certainly a part of this, but so too was the need many African states had for loans from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. By the 1980s, these institutions required states to release state monopolies over production and distribution and privatize industry before they would agree to loans.
When you make shit kill your own credibility and your cause.

Socialism in Africa and African Socialism

Ethiopia was Communist for 4 years, or so.

People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia - Wikipedia

They didn't even build a single rail-way... Or repair the existing ones built long ago.

Rail transport in Ethiopia - Wikipedia

Ethio-Djibouti Railways - Wikipedia

According to the World Bank, the economy collapsed in Ethiopia in GDP post 1991 when the Communists collapsed.

Ethiopia | Data

Not, that I'm a Communist.

Just, Communism, and Capitalism to me are inferior.
Uh...yeah. No shit sherlock. That's the polar opposite of "capitalism". You got caught making shit up. Don't try to mask it with links while pretending they support what you previously said.

I didn't say there were no Communist countries in Africa.

Just that the majority were not.

I didn't say there were no Communist countries in Africa.
Here's the thing: you're whining like a little bitch. If you truly loved your fascism/socialism so much, you would leave the U.S. and go live in Cuba. You don't for a reason. But capitalism has created more wealth and a better standard of living than any system in the history of the world.

So do us all a favor already - shut the fuck up. You're just whinging for the sake of whining. You've been proven wrong. You've been caught lying. And at the end of the day - you haven't left the U.S. (for a reason).
I didn't say there were no Communist countries in Africa.
Here's the thing: you're whining like a little bitch. If you truly loved your fascism/socialism so much, you would leave the U.S. and go live in Cuba. You don't for a reason. But capitalism has created more wealth and a better standard of living than any system in the history of the world.

So do us all a favor already - shut the fuck up. You're just whinging for the sake of whining. You've been proven wrong. You've been caught lying. And at the end of the day - you haven't left the U.S. (for a reason).

Cuba is NOT Fascism.

Cuba is Communist.

Fascists are for Private property, Communists are not.

Fascists are for Nation first, Communists not as much.

Communists are for Equality first, Fascists are not really especially in terms of social equality.
I didn't say there were no Communist countries in Africa.
You've been proven wrong. You've been caught lying. And at the end of the day - you haven't left the U.S. (for a reason).

I said "Mostly in Capitalist countries" in Africa, and India.

(The key word is "Mostly")

True facts.

1.) Most of Africa was not Socialist.

2.) Most of Africa that was Socialist, was not Socialist very long.

3.) Most of Africa that was Socialist, is not Socialist now.
Fascists are for Nation first, Communists not as much.
Good grief, you are truly a special kind of stupid. Communism is absolutely nation first. Nation second. Nation only. Do you not understand that the entire concept of communism is to sacrifice for the good of the state?

Of course you don't - you are the quintessential dumb polack.
Fascists are for Private property, Communists are not.
No...snowflake...they are not. Fascism is totalitarianism. The government controls everything. You continue to illustrate why the dumb polack stereotype exists.

You are wrong, over, and over again.. You even make Negroes on this forum look smart..... You are the poster child of why eugenics should be practiced, you truly have no business having children.

Economics of fascism - Wikipedia

l, fascist economies were based on private property and private initiative, but these were contingent upon service to the state.[17]

Fascist governments encouraged the pursuit of private profit and offered many benefits to large businesses, but they demanded in return that all economic activity should serve the national interest.
Education is poor. with a lot of Africans having very limited, and quite a few never going to school.
Apparently it is in Poland as well... :lmao:

Nope... You're stupid, like usual.
Snowflake...posting meme's you created in your mom's basement doesn't mean anything. All I need to know is that you capitalize words that are not proper nouns (like "white" and "black"), you think Africa leads the world in capitalism, and you claim that the founders should be obeyed at all costs while preaching about fascism and stripping people of their 1st Amendment rights.
Fascists are for Nation first, Communists not as much.
Good grief, you are truly a special kind of stupid. Communism is absolutely nation first. Nation second. Nation only. Do you not understand that the entire concept of communism is to sacrifice for the good of the state?

Of course you don't - you are the quintessential dumb polack.

I mean Nation as also culture.... If I meant government, I would've said so.

Communists care more about culture not much, more or less than Capitalists. (probably actually more)'

But, Fascists care much about the benefits of culture, generally, how to hold onto it, better it, and promote their culture.
Fascists are for Nation first, Communists not as much.
Good grief, you are truly a special kind of stupid. Communism is absolutely nation first. Nation second. Nation only. Do you not understand that the entire concept of communism is to sacrifice for the good of the state?

Of course you don't - you are the quintessential dumb polack.

I mean Nation as also culture....
Then you would have said "culture". You didn't because you literally have no clue what fascism is, what communism is, or what capitalism is.
Fascists are for Nation first, Communists not as much.
Good grief, you are truly a special kind of stupid. Communism is absolutely nation first. Nation second. Nation only. Do you not understand that the entire concept of communism is to sacrifice for the good of the state?

Of course you don't - you are the quintessential dumb polack.

I mean Nation as also culture....
Then you would have said "culture". You didn't because you literally have no clue what fascism is, what communism is, or what capitalism is.

The center of a Nation is the culture of it, the Government is supposed to be there to protect that culture.

You don't get this.

You don't get much of ANYTHING.

You're an obvnoxious, rude, ANTIFA Liberal simpleton, who has done poor research , who obviously thinks little, and who even when thinks has difficulty with abstract thought, planning ahead, and problem solving.
Economics of fascism - Wikipedia

l, fascist economies were based on private property and private initiative, but these were contingent upon service to the state.[17]

Fascist governments encouraged the pursuit of private profit and offered many benefits to large businesses, but they demanded in return that all economic activity should serve the national interest.
Bwahahahahaha! If it is (and I quote) "contingent upon service to the state" then there is nothing "private" about it. My God you are a special sort of stupid.

bripat9643 - help me out here. Would you please explain to this dimwit that control by the state means it is not "private". He's one of those "special" children that requires special education teachers. I don't have the skillset to get through to people that stupid. Maybe you do?
The center of a Nation is the culture of it, the Government is supposed to be there to protect that culture.
Political systems (fascism, communism, democracies, etc.) are strictly about government, you dimwit. It has nothing to do with culture.

Now...for the tenth time...if you hate capitalism so much, why don't you get the fuck out of the U.S.? Enough said.

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