The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Education is poor. with a lot of Africans having very limited, and quite a few never going to school.
Apparently it is in Poland as well... :lmao:

Nope... You're stupid, like usual.
All I need to know is that you capitalize words that are not proper nouns (like "white" and "black"), you think Africa leads the world in capitalism, and you claim that the founders should be obeyed at all costs while preaching about fascism and stripping people of their 1st Amendment rights.

You are a genetic defect.

You are a OCD retarded, maniac.

You care nothing about your culture, or preserving it, or even doing the same for Republicans.

But, you start Chimping out because someone on PURPOSE emphasizes certain words with caps, that shouldn't be.

You prove everything I've noticed about Western Europeans for years.
They're very dumb, and massive OCD issues.
The center of a Nation is the culture of it,
The center of a dumb polacks brain is empty air. It is so funny to see why a stereotype exists. This board thanks you for not only illustrating it for us, but for the laughs as well.

I've actually proven that Poles are a fairly smart population.

No, it's you who have brain problems,.

Actually that stereotype exists for Southern White yokels like you being dumb.

These were Liberal media plots to divide, and conquer Whites, you DUMB BOZO.

You follow Liberal propaganda, because you CAN NOT THINK FOR YOUR SELF.

You're just a Liberal who hates taxes, and hates National healthcare that's what I've gathered.

Then go live in Africa, idiot.

Africa typically has very low taxes, and no National healthcare.

You're basically a White Negro, anyways.... You are rude, obnoxious and stupid just like they are.
You care nothing about your culture, or preserving it, or even doing the same for Republicans.
That's the first thing you've said that is actually accurate. You're right - I couldn't care any less about "culture". And you sound like a liberal little pussy for whining about it.

I care about liberty. And we will protect it from dumb polacks such as yourself. You can accept that - or you can get the fuck out of my country. Raoul Castro is the ultimate fascist. Go live in Cuba. Put your money where your big, ignorant mouth is.
These were Liberal media plots to divide, and conquer Whites, you DUMB BOZO.

You care nothing about your culture, or preserving it, or even doing the same for Republicans.
That's the first thing you've said that is actually accurate. You're right - I couldn't care any less about "culture". And you sound like a liberal little pussy for whining about it.

I care about liberty. And we will protect it from dumb polacks such as yourself. You can accept that - or you can get the fuck out of my country. Raoul Castro is the ultimate fascist. Go live in Cuba. Put your money where your big, ignorant mouth is.

1.) You ARE supporting the demise of Republicans in the process, because Brown people generally don't support Republicans much. STUPID.

2.) You ARE too stupid, and unfeeling (Apathetic + Psychopathic) to get that our culture has value, and that you lived in this culture, and that has meaning.

3.) You ARE too stupid, to grasp that there is no equality in race.

4.) You ARE too stupid, and unfeeling (Apathetic + Psychopathic) to get that you're leaving a mess for future generations.


You are 100% a genetic defect... The poster boy for Eugenics.
2.) You ARE too stupid, and unfeeling (Apathetic + Psychopathic) to get that our culture has value, and that you lived in this culture, and that has meaning.
Not nearly as much meaning as liberty has. The founders risked life and limb to create a nation for people to escape miserable morons like you.
The center of a Nation is the culture of it, the Government is supposed to be there to protect that culture.
Political systems (fascism, communism, democracies, etc.) are strictly about government, you dimwit. It has nothing to do with culture.

Now...for the tenth time...if you hate capitalism so much, why don't you get the fuck out of the U.S.? Enough said.


The culture is the center of the nation.

Political systems can be changed by the masses.

However, the culture is NOT supposed to change much, and retain a core .

That is unless someone conquers it, and wipes it out.

You are THAT DUMB.
You support Wiping out American culture, and Republicans in the Immigrant take over.
1.) You ARE supporting the demise of Republicans in the process I'm supporting the demise of the dumb polack. We have to get you people out of the human gene pool because you people are so astoundingly stupid, you're lowering the collective IQ of mankind.
These were Liberal media plots to divide, and conquer Whites, you DUMB BOZO.

View attachment 168754

You are the #1 genetic defect on this forum.

You definitely have massive mental problems both in intelligence, and in mental disorders.
Says the dumb polack screaming "these were liberal media plots to divide and conquer 'Whites' (capital W...LMAO!!!)".

The Liberal media is a major source of prejudices against Poles, and Southern Whites.

You follow it?

Is it because you're a LIBERAL.
Republicans in the Immigrant take over.
In all might be the biggest pussy I have encountered. You live 24x7 in fear of someone who doesn't look like you "taking over" (while, ironically enough, you scream to take over black people). I've never seen such a scared little boy.
However, the culture is NOT supposed to change much
Seriously? Says who? Where is that written? :lmao:

You're a very dumb Southern hick.

In Europe many words, foods, customs go back 100's, sometimes 1000's of years.

Yes, there is change.

However Political systems changed more, for sure.

Changes from Feudalism to Mercantilism to Capitalism to Fascism to Communism to Social Democracy etc. etc.

Yes, that's EXACTLY the changes East Germany went through politically.

However, the Germans did retain a core culture for 1,000's of years.

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