The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

I only support some micro-management over Hollywood, and media, to ensure more balanced views to promote a more Conservative base.
That’s as astoundingly ignorant as stating “I only support the brutal rape of women to prevent a diminishing population”.

I don’t care what your “reasoning” is for your unamerican, ignorant, and criminal intentions. You’re so stupid, you literally don’t even understand how stupid you sound.
I only support some micro-management over Hollywood, and media, to ensure more balanced views to promote a more Conservative base.
That’s as astoundingly ignorant as stating “I only support the brutal rape of women to prevent a diminishing population”.

I don’t care what your “reasoning” is for your unamerican, ignorant, and criminal intentions. You’re so stupid, you literally don’t even understand how stupid you sound.

Your support of the 14th Amendment is anti-American, anti-White, anti-Republican, and anti-Conservative etc.

You can kindly go back to your stupid Great Shitstain Island your ancestors came from.

Africa, and India with a lot of Capitalist governments have a lot of people dying of hunger.
Uh...snowflake...most of Africa has never operated under capitalism. Tanzania, Ethiopia, and many other African nations collapsed under socialism.
Common principles of various versions of African socialism were: social development guided by a large public sector, incorporating the African identity and what it means to be African, and the avoidance of the development of social classes within society.[4] Senghor claimed that "Africa’s social background of tribal community life not only makes socialism natural to Africa but excludes the validity of the theory of class struggle," thus making African socialism, in all of its variations, different from Marxism and European socialist theory.
When you make shit kill your own credibility and your cause.

African socialism - Wikipedia
Africa, and India with a lot of Capitalist governments have a lot of people dying of hunger.
Uh...snowflake...most of Africa has never operated under capitalism. Tanzania, Ethiopia, and many other African nations collapsed under socialism.
In general, socialism in Africa did not outlive the collapse of the U.S.S.R. in 1989. The loss of a financial supporter and ally in the form of the U.S.S.R. was certainly a part of this, but so too was the need many African states had for loans from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. By the 1980s, these institutions required states to release state monopolies over production and distribution and privatize industry before they would agree to loans.
When you make shit kill your own credibility and your cause.

Socialism in Africa and African Socialism
Africa, and India with a lot of Capitalist governments have a lot of people dying of hunger.
Uh...snowflake...most of Africa has never operated under capitalism. Tanzania, Ethiopia, and many other African nations collapsed under socialism.
Common principles of various versions of African socialism were: social development guided by a large public sector, incorporating the African identity and what it means to be African, and the avoidance of the development of social classes within society.[4] Senghor claimed that "Africa’s social background of tribal community life not only makes socialism natural to Africa but excludes the validity of the theory of class struggle," thus making African socialism, in all of its variations, different from Marxism and European socialist theory.
When you make shit kill your own credibility and your cause.

African socialism - Wikipedia

I did not say that Africa did not have some Socialists.

I'm saying that Africa has been more Capitalist, than anything else.
Africa, and India with a lot of Capitalist governments have a lot of people dying of hunger.
Uh...snowflake...most of Africa has never operated under capitalism. Tanzania, Ethiopia, and many other African nations collapsed under socialism.
Common principles of various versions of African socialism were: social development guided by a large public sector, incorporating the African identity and what it means to be African, and the avoidance of the development of social classes within society.[4] Senghor claimed that "Africa’s social background of tribal community life not only makes socialism natural to Africa but excludes the validity of the theory of class struggle," thus making African socialism, in all of its variations, different from Marxism and European socialist theory.
When you make shit kill your own credibility and your cause.

African socialism - Wikipedia

I did not say that Africa did not have some Socialists.

I'm saying that Africa has been more Capitalist, than anything else.
And I already proved that was a lie (which is all you do). Don’t try to backpedal now.
Yeah, since the first conservative party violated the First Amendment, and it was the end of that party; the current conservative party are probably a more careful...
Now if we could only get the left to actually respect the 1st Amendment and the U.S. Constitution.
Yeah, since the first conservative party violated the First Amendment, and it was the end of that party; the current conservative party are probably a more careful...
Now if we could only get the left to actually respect the 1st Amendment and the U.S. Constitution.
The left was responsible for the First Amendment being added to the Constitution and much of its maintenance since.

I love the way you retards pretend you have something in common with the Founding Fathers.
It was a liberal age that changed the course of history and made America a liberal nation.

A liberal then was someone who believed in free enterprise. You believe in socialism - the exact opposite.
Africa, and India with a lot of Capitalist governments have a lot of people dying of hunger.
Uh...snowflake...most of Africa has never operated under capitalism. Tanzania, Ethiopia, and many other African nations collapsed under socialism.
In general, socialism in Africa did not outlive the collapse of the U.S.S.R. in 1989. The loss of a financial supporter and ally in the form of the U.S.S.R. was certainly a part of this, but so too was the need many African states had for loans from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. By the 1980s, these institutions required states to release state monopolies over production and distribution and privatize industry before they would agree to loans.
When you make shit kill your own credibility and your cause.

Socialism in Africa and African Socialism

In a lot of Africa they hardly, if at all have state education, or healthcare.

Kind of like what a lot of people like you would like to do to America.

Not that I'd think that America would live like Africa.

Africa is largely the way it is because of low productivity, from a lack of innovation, intelligence, and work ethic to propel forward.
I can see I am debating someone who's mentally a 5 year old.
What does that say about you that you’ve had your ass handed to you by someone of that limited intellect? :laugh:
I have destroyed all your points.
I’ve proven you have lied in almost every post. You can’t destory anything by lying except for your own credibility.

India's a Capitalist success?

Feeding India

) India is home to 194.6 million undernourished people. That’s three times the entire population of France.

2) One fourth of all undernourished people on the planet live in India.

3) The country is home to over one third of the world’s stunted (chronically malnourished) children. A 38.7 percent of children under 5 are stunted.

4) Hunger has been dropping at a moderate rate since 1990.

5) Yet progress in reducing stunting needs further improvement and still lags behind many poorer countries. If progress continues at the current rate, India will achieve the current stunting rate of Ghana only by 2030 and that of China by 2055.

6) India’s economic growth has not been fully translated into higher food consumption, let alone better diets overall, suggesting that the poor and hungry may have failed to benefit much from overall growth.

7) The rates of obesity and diabetes increased between 2010 and 2014. Today 9.5% of Indian adults are diagnosed with diabetes and 4.9% with obesity.

8) Low social status affects women's health and nutrition and makes it more likely that they will give birth to underweight babies.
India Child Hunger: 25 Million Children Suffer From Malnutrition And Starvation

“Six days I would eat, then the next six days I wouldn’t eat at all,” 9-year-old Roshan tells Al Jazeera. The tiny girl grew up on a diet of 600 calories per day, not even half as much as a child her age should receive.

Across India, millions of children like Roshan suffer from starvation — making malnutrition more common in the Asian country than in sub-Saharan Africa, Al Jazeera reports. Every second a child under the age of 3 is underfed, according to the network.

India does have welfare systems aimed to aid millions of the hungry; school meals theoretically feed poor children across the country, and the Anganwadi services provide support to mothers in every district. Yet the services are plagued by mismanagement and corruption, Al Jazeera reports. School meals carry worms and insects in them, children told Al Jazeera, and the Aganwadi centers are often closed and dysfunctional.

In the Indian province of Madhya Pradesh, 60 percent of children are malnourished — the highest percentage in the world. According to Al Jazeera, many villages survive on roots and grass. In one of the towns the network visited, children fed themselves on seeds found in cow manure. “They just wash the cow dung and get the seeds out of it,” says legal advocate Sachin Jain. “They can’t find these seeds fresh in the forest.” Jain blames government neglect for chronic hunger.

According to UNICEF, a third of the world’s malnourished children live in India. A new report by the Naandi Foundation concluded that around 46 percent of all children below the age of three are too small for their age, 47 percent are underweight and at least 16 percent are acutely malnourished, or wasted.

UNICEF explains that child malnourishment has devastating consequences. Not only is hunger responsible for about 50 percent of all childhood deaths, but also has tragic long-term effects:

Malnourished children have lowered resistance to infection, they are more likely to die from common childhood ailments like diarrheal diseases and respiratory infections; and for those who survive, frequent illness saps their nutritional status, locking them into a vicious cycle of recurring sickness, faltering growth and diminished learning ability.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has publicly addressed the epidemic, calling child malnutrition “a national shame,” according to the BBC, but widespread hunger remains an unwavering problem for the Asian country.

India Child Hunger: 25 Million Children Suffer From Malnutrition And Starvation | HuffPost
At 2.5 million, India tops list of pollution-related deaths in world: Study
Updated: Oct 20, 2017 | 04:32 IST | Times Now Digital, Agencies


New Delhi: A new study revealed that India accounts for the maximum number of premature deaths from pollution in the world in 2015, with as many as 2.5 million people dying prematurely in the country in that year due to illnesses linked to environmental pollution.

As per a major study published in the medical journal The Lancet, as many as 2.5 million people died because of pollution in India in 2015, a figure which is more than total number of deaths due to smoking, hunger, and natural disasters. Perhaps, even more than AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. Read: Firecrackers are dangerous to health – Here are 12 ways to deal with pollution post-Diwali

The report said that globally the number of pollution-related deaths stood at 9 million.

The report also said that one in six of all deaths worldwide is caused by pollution, and the vast majority occur in developing countries.

“With globalisation, mining and manufacturing shifted to poorer countries, where environmental regulations and enforcement can be lax,” said Karti Sandilya, one of the authors and an adviser to environmental group Pure Earth.

China, the previous claimant to this unenviable position, has now been pushed to the second spot with its current figure of 1.8 million pollution-related deaths in 2015.

Exposure to high levels of air pollution, especially over many years, can affect human respiratory and inflammatory systems and can lead to heart disease, stroke and lung cancer.

“People in poorer countries - like construction workers in New Delhi - are more exposed to air pollution and less able to protect themselves from exposure, as they walk, bike or ride the bus to workplaces that may also be polluted,” Sandilya added.

In contrast, many people in developed countries commute to air-conditioned offices in air-conditioned cars, he told the news agency Reuters in an email.

Moreover, billions in developing countries cook on open fires with wood or coal, exposing people - mainly women and children - to dangerous fumes.

Earlier this year, the State of Global Air 2017 report showed that India has witnessed a 150 per cent rise in lives lost over the past two decades from ozone pollutants.

To combat high pollution levels in the city, the Supreme Court recently imposed a ban on the sale of firecrackers in Delhi and National Capital Region (NCR) few days ahead of Diwali, but to no avail. Also Read: Delhi witnesses a 'cleaner' Diwali, but air quality deteriorates next morning

Although the air quality in the national capital this Diwali was better than last year, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) on Friday reported that the Air Quality Index (AQI) value on Thursday night was recorded at 319, categorising it in a 'very poor' category.

The Lancet report added dirty air caused the highest number of deaths - 6.5 million.

The report was prepared from a research conducted by about 40 international scientists, who used data from the Global Burden of Disease study from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington.

(With Agencies Input)

Air pollutionAir qualityDeathDiwaliHealth news

by Taboola
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Africa, and India with a lot of Capitalist governments have a lot of people dying of hunger.
Uh...snowflake...most of Africa has never operated under capitalism. Tanzania, Ethiopia, and many other African nations collapsed under socialism.
In general, socialism in Africa did not outlive the collapse of the U.S.S.R. in 1989. The loss of a financial supporter and ally in the form of the U.S.S.R. was certainly a part of this, but so too was the need many African states had for loans from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. By the 1980s, these institutions required states to release state monopolies over production and distribution and privatize industry before they would agree to loans.
When you make shit kill your own credibility and your cause.

Socialism in Africa and African Socialism

Only 1 country in Africa has National healthcare.

List of countries with universal health care - Wikipedia

Education is poor. with a lot of Africans having very limited, and quite a few never going to school.

Africa’s Education Crisis: In School But Not Learning

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