The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Your guys (Austrian School of Economics) actually believe that the Great Depression, and the Great Recession were caused by easy credit which causes over-investment, and a boom, and bust cycle.

That means these Austrian Libertarians believe that Capitalist investments are a big problem.

Ludwig von Mises is the only economist to predict the financial panic of 1929 - the only one.

Communists predicted the financial panic of 1929... Back in 1928.

The Great Depression, to 1935

In 1928 the Communist International (Comintern) claimed that capitalism was entering its third stage since the Great War: stage-one being the crises just after the war; stage-two the recovery that followed in the mid-twenties; and stage-three being a crisis created by the old problem of production out-racing consumption. By 1932, rank and file Communists were impressed by the Comintern's analysis. With Karl Marx having predicted the fall of capitalism, they saw capitalism as having entered its final crisis. The failure of capitalism, they believed, would bring the discontented masses falling in behind Communist Party leadership and then they would be able to overthrow the capitalist system – matching economic inevitability with human activity.

The communists have predicted a financial panic every year since the death of Karl Marx. Communism isn't economics. It's the opposite of economics, as is fascism.

Where's your proof?

The labor theory of value is obviously absurd. That's all the proof needed.

Prove this Labor Theory of Value is Fascist?

I don't see Fascists mentioned here.

Labor theory of value - Wikipedia
So basic and obvious...only dumb polacks can’t grasp it:

View attachment 169079

That's Communism, NOT Fascism.

There's a lot of people starving to death, and dying from lack of healthcare in Capitalist countries.
No there isn't.

Every second a person dies of hunger

Right now, more than 1 billion people suffer from hunger. This means that 1 in every 6 people on Earth don’t get enough food to live a healthy life. This year 36 million of these people will die of hunger!

The world’s biggest health problem
The number of people suffering from hunger has been growing since the mid 1990s. Well into the 21st century hunger is still the worlds biggest health problem.

A growing problem
The number of people who suffer from hunger grew by 75 million in 2007 and by 40 million in 2008. This is partly because food prices have been rising.

People who died from hunger - in the world, this year

First off, your claims are all lies. The number of people starving this decade is vastly reduced from the number inthe 60s and 70s. A large part of this improvement is due to countries like China and India adopting a lof of the institutions of capitalism.

Second, people starve because they live under anti-capitalist governments. What this planet needs is more capitalism, not less.
Ludwig von Mises is the only economist to predict the financial panic of 1929 - the only one.

Communists predicted the financial panic of 1929... Back in 1928.

The Great Depression, to 1935

In 1928 the Communist International (Comintern) claimed that capitalism was entering its third stage since the Great War: stage-one being the crises just after the war; stage-two the recovery that followed in the mid-twenties; and stage-three being a crisis created by the old problem of production out-racing consumption. By 1932, rank and file Communists were impressed by the Comintern's analysis. With Karl Marx having predicted the fall of capitalism, they saw capitalism as having entered its final crisis. The failure of capitalism, they believed, would bring the discontented masses falling in behind Communist Party leadership and then they would be able to overthrow the capitalist system – matching economic inevitability with human activity.

The communists have predicted a financial panic every year since the death of Karl Marx. Communism isn't economics. It's the opposite of economics, as is fascism.

Where's your proof?

The labor theory of value is obviously absurd. That's all the proof needed.

Prove this Labor Theory of Value is Fascist?

I don't see Fascists mentioned here.

Labor theory of value - Wikipedia
I thought we were discussing communism.
Ludwig von Mises is the only economist to predict the financial panic of 1929 - the only one.

Communists predicted the financial panic of 1929... Back in 1928.

The Great Depression, to 1935

In 1928 the Communist International (Comintern) claimed that capitalism was entering its third stage since the Great War: stage-one being the crises just after the war; stage-two the recovery that followed in the mid-twenties; and stage-three being a crisis created by the old problem of production out-racing consumption. By 1932, rank and file Communists were impressed by the Comintern's analysis. With Karl Marx having predicted the fall of capitalism, they saw capitalism as having entered its final crisis. The failure of capitalism, they believed, would bring the discontented masses falling in behind Communist Party leadership and then they would be able to overthrow the capitalist system – matching economic inevitability with human activity.

The communists have predicted a financial panic every year since the death of Karl Marx. Communism isn't economics. It's the opposite of economics, as is fascism.

Where's your proof?

The labor theory of value is obviously absurd. That's all the proof needed.

You didn't prove that Communists predicted financial panic every year since the death of Karl Marx.

Read the Communist Manfesto. It says capitalism is doomed to blow up.
Communists predicted the financial panic of 1929... Back in 1928.

The Great Depression, to 1935

In 1928 the Communist International (Comintern) claimed that capitalism was entering its third stage since the Great War: stage-one being the crises just after the war; stage-two the recovery that followed in the mid-twenties; and stage-three being a crisis created by the old problem of production out-racing consumption. By 1932, rank and file Communists were impressed by the Comintern's analysis. With Karl Marx having predicted the fall of capitalism, they saw capitalism as having entered its final crisis. The failure of capitalism, they believed, would bring the discontented masses falling in behind Communist Party leadership and then they would be able to overthrow the capitalist system – matching economic inevitability with human activity.

The communists have predicted a financial panic every year since the death of Karl Marx. Communism isn't economics. It's the opposite of economics, as is fascism.

Where's your proof?

The labor theory of value is obviously absurd. That's all the proof needed.

You didn't prove that Communists predicted financial panic every year since the death of Karl Marx.

Read the Communist Manfesto. It says capitalism is doomed to blow up.
Capitalism died in 1929, socialism has been bailing it out, ever since.
Communists predicted the financial panic of 1929... Back in 1928.

The Great Depression, to 1935

In 1928 the Communist International (Comintern) claimed that capitalism was entering its third stage since the Great War: stage-one being the crises just after the war; stage-two the recovery that followed in the mid-twenties; and stage-three being a crisis created by the old problem of production out-racing consumption. By 1932, rank and file Communists were impressed by the Comintern's analysis. With Karl Marx having predicted the fall of capitalism, they saw capitalism as having entered its final crisis. The failure of capitalism, they believed, would bring the discontented masses falling in behind Communist Party leadership and then they would be able to overthrow the capitalist system – matching economic inevitability with human activity.

The communists have predicted a financial panic every year since the death of Karl Marx. Communism isn't economics. It's the opposite of economics, as is fascism.

Where's your proof?

The labor theory of value is obviously absurd. That's all the proof needed.

You didn't prove that Communists predicted financial panic every year since the death of Karl Marx.

Read the Communist Manfesto. It says capitalism is doomed to blow up.

That doesn't prove that Communists predicted such panic economies every year.
So basic and obvious...only dumb polacks can’t grasp it:

View attachment 169079

That's Communism, NOT Fascism.

There's a lot of people starving to death, and dying from lack of healthcare in Capitalist countries.
No there isn't.

Every second a person dies of hunger

Right now, more than 1 billion people suffer from hunger. This means that 1 in every 6 people on Earth don’t get enough food to live a healthy life. This year 36 million of these people will die of hunger!

The world’s biggest health problem
The number of people suffering from hunger has been growing since the mid 1990s. Well into the 21st century hunger is still the worlds biggest health problem.

A growing problem
The number of people who suffer from hunger grew by 75 million in 2007 and by 40 million in 2008. This is partly because food prices have been rising.

People who died from hunger - in the world, this year

First off, your claims are all lies. The number of people starving this decade is vastly reduced from the number inthe 60s and 70s. A large part of this improvement is due to countries like China and India adopting a lof of the institutions of capitalism.

Second, people starve because they live under anti-capitalist governments. What this planet needs is more capitalism, not less.

I'm not a Communist, Communism is bad just like Capitalism.

Communism, and Capitalism both killed way more than Fascism.

India's a bad example for you, India was a victim of Capitalist Britain who stole food from under them, and allowed 30 - 60 million of them to starve.

Sure, now India's in better shape, but still not in great shape under Capitalism.
Communists predicted the financial panic of 1929... Back in 1928.

The Great Depression, to 1935

In 1928 the Communist International (Comintern) claimed that capitalism was entering its third stage since the Great War: stage-one being the crises just after the war; stage-two the recovery that followed in the mid-twenties; and stage-three being a crisis created by the old problem of production out-racing consumption. By 1932, rank and file Communists were impressed by the Comintern's analysis. With Karl Marx having predicted the fall of capitalism, they saw capitalism as having entered its final crisis. The failure of capitalism, they believed, would bring the discontented masses falling in behind Communist Party leadership and then they would be able to overthrow the capitalist system – matching economic inevitability with human activity.

The communists have predicted a financial panic every year since the death of Karl Marx. Communism isn't economics. It's the opposite of economics, as is fascism.

Where's your proof?

The labor theory of value is obviously absurd. That's all the proof needed.

You didn't prove that Communists predicted financial panic every year since the death of Karl Marx.

Read the Communist Manfesto. It says capitalism is doomed to blow up.

If Capitalism is doing so great, why do we have a decline in real wages?

The communists have predicted a financial panic every year since the death of Karl Marx. Communism isn't economics. It's the opposite of economics, as is fascism.

Where's your proof?

The labor theory of value is obviously absurd. That's all the proof needed.

You didn't prove that Communists predicted financial panic every year since the death of Karl Marx.

Read the Communist Manfesto. It says capitalism is doomed to blow up.

If Capitalism is doing so great, why do we have a decline in real wages?


That's only production and non-supervisory personel. That's not all wages. However, our wages have been stagnate for the last 15 years because we've been importing low wage labor from Mexico and India. That drives the price of labor down.
Where's your proof?

The labor theory of value is obviously absurd. That's all the proof needed.

You didn't prove that Communists predicted financial panic every year since the death of Karl Marx.

Read the Communist Manfesto. It says capitalism is doomed to blow up.

If Capitalism is doing so great, why do we have a decline in real wages?


That's only production and non-supervisory personel. That's not all wages. However, our wages have been stagnate for the last 15 years because we've been importing low wage labor from Mexico and India. That drives the price of labor down.

A mixture of low wage labor, and outsourcing of manufacturing, has definitely made for lower wages.

So glad we have charts like this to see who's making the big bucks.

Capitalism died in 1929, socialism has been bailing it out, ever since.
You’ve used that same idiotic line every day for the past 12 months. It’s time to come up with some new lies.

Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats tried socialism and took the economy from 7% unemployment to over 10% unemployment. What did the American people do? Turned the entire nation over to Republicans who immediately implemented proven conservative policy (ie free market capitalism). The turnaround started immediately and has continued ever since.

The U.S.S.R. completely collapsed under socialism. What did Russia turn to to rebuild? Capitalism.
I think you're talking about yourself, you have piss-poor ability for abstract thought, planning ahead, logic, or factual analysis.
I plan ahead every day (both in my private life and in my professional life). The difference is, I’m not a desperate, dumb, dictator-wannabe who thinks he has the right to “plan ahead” for others.

We get feel completely incapable of running your own life (and rightfully so - dumb polack). But just ask a friend or family member to be your parent for life. Don’t ask the government to do it.
You seem to be ;painfully dumb, and also painfully selfish.
Have you noticed that every time I own you with facts, you have absolutely nothing intelligent to say? You immediately resort to you “you’re just dumb”. Which is exactly what a dumb person who can’t defend their position would say.
Society falls, you will be burdened.
By the the history of the world...society has never “fallen”. Never. There is no such thing. It just changes.

Rome still exists to this day, snowflake. And people still live there.

So you’re absolutely idiotic position is this: “we should immediately surrender all liberty and live under oppression because....because....because I fear black people taking all liberty and forcing me to live under oppression”. I mean - you really are that stupid. You call for fascism out of fear that you’ll have to live under fascism from black people. You are literally too stupid to see the irony or even understand what you are calling for.

All of which boils down to this: you’re a moron (too dumb to see what you’re calling for) and a pussy (calling for it out of fear). You can’t understand why I don’t see it your way. Well, I’m not stupid and I’m not a pussy like you. And that’s what it takes to see things your way: fear and ignorance.
I want my government to make sure White America exists on
That’s not up to government, snowflake. That’s up to white America to engage in the right behaviors. If they make the right choices (education, lawful actions, monogamous marriages, etc.), they will flourish. If they make the wrong choices (drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, illegal activity, etc.), they will facilitate their own demise. Either way - government has nothing to do with it.
that our unique culture is preserved
That’s not up to government, snowflake. That’s up to white America to engage in the right behaviors. If they make the right choices (education, lawful actions, monogamous marriages, etc.), they will “preserve” their own culture. If they make the wrong choices (drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, illegal activity, etc.), they will facilitate the demise of their own culture. Either way - government has nothing to do with it.
that we don't lose our Jobs to China, Vietnam, and Mexico hurting society economically
That’s not up to government, snowflake. That’s up to all of America to engage in the right behaviors. If they make the right choices (education, pro-business policies such as low taxes, limited regulations, etc.), then jobs will not only remain here - but will move here from other nations. If they make the wrong choices (socialist idiocy that you advocate for like high taxes, high regulations, greedy unions, etc.), they will force jobs overseas as the Dumbocrats have been doing for decades now. Either way - government has nothing to do with it.
that the stupid, and criminals of society are punished for having kids for Positive Eugenics.
You don’t get to engage in murder and/or sterilization just becuase you hate other people, Hitler. Sorry. It’s not happening. Ever.
You believe that the government should do nothing, and that we should degrade society, because you are oblivious.
No snowflake. I don’t “believe” anything. I know for a fact that what you advocate is criminal. It is an egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution.
Capitalism died in 1929, socialism has been bailing it out, ever since.
You’ve used that same idiotic line every day for the past 12 months. It’s time to come up with some new lies.

Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats tried socialism and took the economy from 7% unemployment to over 10% unemployment. What did the American people do? Turned the entire nation over to Republicans who immediately implemented proven conservative policy (ie free market capitalism). The turnaround started immediately and has continued ever since.

The U.S.S.R. completely collapsed under socialism. What did Russia turn to to rebuild? Capitalism.

It's hilarious to see people blame Obama for the Great Recession.

Some Republicans are stupid, losers.

Capitalism died in 1929, socialism has been bailing it out, ever since.
You’ve used that same idiotic line every day for the past 12 months. It’s time to come up with some new lies.

The U.S.S.R. completely collapsed under socialism. What did Russia turn to to rebuild? Capitalism.

Lancet Study Confirms Millions Died From "Shock Therapy"

A new Lancet study, "Mass privatisation and the post-communist mortality crisis," confirms what has been known but little discussed in the past eight to ten years: millions of people, mostly men of employment age, died as a result of the effects of the "shock therapy" transition from a collectivized to a privatized economy in Russia and other formerly "communist" states in East Europe. According to the Times article, by 2007 "the life expectancy of Russian men was less than 60 years, compared with 67 years in 1985."

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