The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

While I am an extreme leftists, the 9th amendment of the Bill of Rights precludes any federal jurisdiction beyond the explicit articles.
And welfare is not one of them. States should be doing welfare, not the feds. But the feds also should not be taxing for welfare then.
You just don't get much of anything, because like most Liberals you're incapable of logical processes.
You are the liberal, snowflake. You’re the pussy crying like chicken little declaring that Jews and black people will make you their sex slave if we all don’t surrender liberty immediately. :laugh:
America has had welfare since the Constitution, and even before.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Are you suggesting they didn't?
There is no “suggestion” about it. America has had charity since the U.S. Constitution. But welfare? That’s literally more absurd than claiming that America has had the NFL since the U.S. Constitution.

Does America have welfare now? Did it have welfare during the Great Depression. Of course if you make the definitions, for welfare, as has been done with fascism, you can define most things and declare your definitions correct. So we should start with your definition of welfare. What is welfare, what is charity? We can leave the NFL for later.
Charity is voluntary. Paying for welfare is compulsory.
So America has had welfare since the Constitution.
David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

Nazi's wouldn't be caught dead voting for anyone but a Republican.
That’s not a Nazi, dumb ass. Duke was KKK. And guess what? That’s a typical propaganda tactic of the left. Convince everyone you’re rooting for the person you actually want to lose in hopes that their hatred for you will get them to vote the opposite.
Did both the Nazi and the KKK believe in racial superiority?
While I am an extreme leftists, the 9th amendment of the Bill of Rights precludes any federal jurisdiction beyond the explicit articles.
And welfare is not one of them. States should be doing welfare, not the feds. But the feds also should not be taxing for welfare then.

All left wingers need to do is bring up the general welfare clause and say, "See, I believe whatever it may be that I want is for the general welfare so it's Constitutional"

Makes for a quick discussion and you need to know virtually nothing else, which is probably the case anyway.
You just don't get much of anything, because like most Liberals you're incapable of logical processes.
You are the liberal, snowflake. You’re the pussy crying like chicken little declaring that Jews and black people will make you their sex slave if we all don’t surrender liberty immediately. :laugh:

You are by definition a Liberal

You are in fact a Liberal, you support Racial equality.

You're obviously not smart enough to see many Communist like Whites are being used to divide, and conquer America along side of Jews, Blacks, and Mexicans etc.

They want to take away your freedom of speech, and you don't want to fight back, because you're a weak, moron.
Progressive propaganda in full swing...
ric Lieberman at The Daily Caller recently found that the fact checks displayed in Google’s search engine results are targeted almost exclusively at conservative publications. You can test it out yourself.
Almost exclusively targeting conservative publications (ironic of course considering that conservatives are the one's almost exclusively telling the truth).

Google's New 'Fact-Checker' Is Partisan Garbage
Fascism in its purest form...
Campus Reform posted audio footage of an in-class rant by a sociology professor at the University of California, Merced, in which he said he would never debate conservative commentator Ben Shapiro — but did offer to fight him.

“Y’all think I wouldn’t enjoy ripping this fool’s shoulder out of his socket? Oh my God, y’all don’t know. Y’all don’t know,” lecturer Fernando Cortes Chirino can be heard saying.
Like all progressives, this facist refuses to debate because the left has been so thoroughly and so soundly defeated on the battlefield of ideas. So instead he wants to resort to force and violence.

Listen: California professor refuses to debate Ben Shapiro — but would like to fight him
Socialism/Progressivism is Communism. And Communism = Totalitarianism. Most people who boast about being 'Socialists' or 'Progressives', are Communists. They may not realize it, but it's the truth. Most are what Lenin called 'Useful Idiots.'

Everyone needs to check out the documentary 'Agenda.' It's on Amazon Prime right now. The Communist agenda in America has been ongoing for almost 100yrs. Folks really should watch the film. It lays it all out.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage so the health care sector can reform itself via Capitalism!

And you've popped up again for another round of fallacies and excuses.
projecting much, right winger?

Higher paid labor can afford to pay for healthcare products and services.

I've destroyed your argument too many times to pretend you'll learn from yet another drubbing.
dude, you Have no argument if you believe in speculative growth through tax cuts.

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