The Liberal Media is saying the Russians are interferring with the election.

Do you think the liberal media is interferring with the 2016 elections?

  • N0, since i am a liberal, my head is up Uranus, and cant see the double standard.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe, maybe not, just because the 2 Debates so far, the media has brow beat the Donald.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Definately, as everyday when Trumps says something wrong, you can bet Hillary has done worse.

    Votes: 20 100.0%

  • Total voters
Republicans think our Intel agencies have no integrity and are liars


Did you seriously just say that? Dude, you've been saying that ever since 9/11/2001, remember?

You're stupid meter is on "unbelievably"
Republicans think our Intel agencies have no integrity and are liars.

And that it's Trump who is honest and truthful.
Have you seen James Comey lately? Weasel? Yep, you are quite correct how some of us think Obama's agencies have no integrity and are liars.

By the way, remember Eric(the racist) Holder, yeah he did a bang up job also.

No convictions no arrests, but that will change when Trump take office.
Have you ever read the constitution? Might be an interesting read.
Republicans think our Intel agencies have no integrity and are liars


Did you seriously just say that? Dude, you've been saying that ever since 9/11/2001, remember?

You're stupid meter is on "unbelievably"
Our intel agencies have said again and again they have proof of Russian hacking.

In fact, Trump was briefed on that back in August before the first debate which I previously posted. So one of the is lying. Trump or US Intel. Which do you believe it is?
Republicans think our Intel agencies have no integrity and are liars


Did you seriously just say that? Dude, you've been saying that ever since 9/11/2001, remember?

You're stupid meter is on "unbelievably"
Our intel agencies have said again and again they have proof of Russian hacking.

In fact, Trump was briefed on that back in August before the first debate which I previously posted. So one of the is lying. Trump or US Intel. Which do you believe it is?

And you seriously can't see any parallel with that and your undying belief that they lied about WMDs after 9/11? You're a joke of a human being, Deanie baby
When did we start calling Intelligence Officials the "Liberal Media"?

I'd ask who you consider a good source but I want to avoid asking you that for the next 7 posts while you dance around it and finally admit that you dont consider anyone a good source for anything
They're all in it together: The "liberal media," intelligence officials, the globalists - conservatives alone know the "truth."
Yeah, like the US never interferes in foreign elections. Americans continue to buy into Government/Corporate Media Bullshite. No other country on earth interferes with foreign nations' affairs more than the US does. It's not even close. And most illegal coups in the world are manufactured by the US. So for the US to whine about such things, really is preposterous.
US blames Russia for targeting election systems -
The Obama administration said Friday it was "confident" that Russia was behind recent hackings of emails about upcoming US elections in an attempt to interfere with the process.

Mexico Interfering With U.S. Election - To Keep Trump OUT
In an historic move, Mexican officials are working feverishly to help their country’s immigrants in the U.S. gain American citizenship – so they can vote against Donald Trump.
Hayden and Inboden are such liberals.

Hayden on DNC Hack: Trump Inviting Foreign Govt. to Steal, Release State Secrets
Obviously Obama is biased in this wanting to point at Russia. After Comey folded like a cheap camera, our government has less credibility than the Russians right now and they're putting a lot of effort into hiding any personal responsibililty

Are you really so stupid as to believe the Russians over the US government? I always knew that you were dumb, but this is willful ignorance.
There are a lot of hackers in other countries that are capable of using the same Russian methods, and a lot of countries know they can't play Trump for the fool, whereas they know they can fool Hillary.
No, you can never fool the Rump, that's why he read the doctored version of the Wikileaks emails from the Russian press.

Some fools actually think they are doctored. LOL
Trump just got caught reading verbatim from a state owned Russian propaganda site that "mistakenly" claimed to have the smoking gun on Clinton and Benghazi mere hours after a massive Email dump on Wikileaks.

The timing suggests two things: Trump is being fed information from Russian sources and that the propaganda site had the leaked emails before wikileaks. I find this far more disturbing than some lewd remarks.
This is amusing. Knowing their boy will lose on November 8th, the "I don't know how to spell 'definitely'" mob is already lining up ways to blame the loss on anyone and everyone but Duh Donald.

Obviously Obama is biased in this wanting to point at Russia. After Comey folded like a cheap camera, our government has less credibility than the Russians right now and they're putting a lot of effort into hiding any personal responsibililty

Are you really so stupid as to believe the Russians over the US government? I always knew that you were dumb, but this is willful ignorance.

You mean like you on WMDs? You're a lying dry hole, Mrs. Mao
You're stupid meter is on "unbelievably"

You said you believe the Russians over your own government, so you have no room to talk.

Like you on WMDs? You're a lying dry hole, Mrs. Mao

I believed the UN Inspectors who said there were no WMD's. I believed my government which refused to participate in the Iraqi invasion because there was no justification for invading Iraq. I knew BUSH was lying as sure I know you're a brainless twit.

Last but not least, it's obvious you don't know the difference between a socially liberal and fiscally conservative social democrat and an left wing totalitarian dictator.

That's why idiots such are yourself, with no critical faculties and no grasp of history outside of your own borders, are so willing to hand your ass over to Big Daddy Trump.

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