The "Log-Jam in Washington"

George Costanza

A Friendly Liberal
Mar 10, 2009
Los Angeles area.
One of the main themes of the Republicans during this election season is, "Vote Republican to end the log-jam in Washington." "Tired of nothing getting done in Washington? Vote Republican!" That kind of stuff.

Yes - there has been a log-jam in Washington. Yes, nothing is getting done. But why is that?

Answer: Republicans. So long as a Democrat is in the White House, Republicans are 100% devoted to seeing to it that nothing gets done. Simple as that.

So what are the Republicans really saying this election year? They are threatening the American public with more of the same if a Democrat wins in November. In other words, "Play it our way or NOBODY plays."

It sounds good to promise the electorate a government that actually works. Never mind the fact that the only reason it hasn't worked is the very people promising that it will work.

It has been my observation that Republicans and Democrats react quite differently when the other party is in control of the White House. When a Republican is President, the Democratic Party doesn't like it, of course, but Dems generally go along with the program. Not so when it's the other way around. When a Dem is in office, Republicans go crazy, 24/7. A constant, unending crescendo of criticism is presented to America, designed to accomplish one thing - to convince the American public that the party in power is crooked, useless and is destroying America as we have come to know it.

"The Obama administration is shredding the U.S. Constitution," screams the Republican Noise Machine. That one always makes me laugh. What does that mean? It means that the Obama administration isn't doing what Republicans want it to do. Never mind that it is generally what Republicans want to do that shreds the Constitution, not the other way around.

Republicans - be honest. Don't scream that Democrats hold the Constitution in contempt. Instead, address the particular issue involved. Point out exactly how and in what manner the policy in question is "destroying the Constitution." Funny, I don't hear too much in the way of specifics when it comes to this topic. Only generalizations.

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