the long nightmare continues.

It's amazing how we can get these people to hate America by just doing things a little bit differently... and really in all honesty, not that much differently.

Totally shitting on and usurping the U.S. Constitution of the land is a very big fucking deal to a LOT of Americans. sorry if you're an un-Patriotic flake but it is what it is.

and it IS much much different.

Try that shit in China and you'll be burned alive and stuffed in a meat grinder.
The United States of America is still in trouble.

Note how the popular vote is very nearly split right down the middle?

And this split is not just a political division, this split represents two VERY DIFFERENT social philosophies.

There does not appear to be much room for compromise between these two very different POVs.

A nation so philosophically divided cannot stand for long.

Great post. And great point.

Seems that Obama inherited one hell of a mess from himself.

Romney could not even carry his home town.. That speaks volumes.

"President Obama won 65 percent of the vote in the town Romney has called home since 1971. Romney received 34 percent in a race that brought out 79 percent of Belmont’s 17,822 voters"

See, you think that says something about Romney, when in reality, it says a great deal about the electorate and what it has become. ;)
America exists, as an expression of geography. After all, we have to call this landmass something. The idea of America as the land of opportunity is dead. Now opportunity comes in the government's palm.
Great post. And great point.

Seems that Obama inherited one hell of a mess from himself.

Romney could not even carry his home town.. That speaks volumes.

"President Obama won 65 percent of the vote in the town Romney has called home since 1971. Romney received 34 percent in a race that brought out 79 percent of Belmont’s 17,822 voters"

See you think that says something about Romney, when in reality, it says a great deal about the electorate and what is has become. ;)

It says something about his campaign, his message and who he was trying to reach. I thought he was well qualified to be president, but, it was more minorities and women that he needed to get that message to. The branding of Romney was poorly constructed and spoke to a white male America that no longer exists as a powerhouse in the electorate.

"Ninety percent of Republican voters were white in 2008, according to exit polls, while white women tend to be more evenly split between the two parties.

The bulwark of white male support is slowly eroding. For decades, each presidential election has offered a smaller pool of white voters. That puts pressure on Romney to secure a greater share than previous Republican presidential nominees of the shrinking proportion of the electorate made up by white men."
Romney relies on shrinking pool of white male votes | Reuters
Romney could not even carry his home town.. That speaks volumes.

"President Obama won 65 percent of the vote in the town Romney has called home since 1971. Romney received 34 percent in a race that brought out 79 percent of Belmont’s 17,822 voters"

See you think that says something about Romney, when in reality, it says a great deal about the electorate and what is has become. ;)

It says something about his campaign, his message and who he was trying to reach. I thought he was well qualified to be president, but, it was more minorities and women that he needed to get that message to. The branding of Romney was poorly constructed and spoke to a white male America that no longer exists as a powerhouse in the electorate.

"Ninety percent of Republican voters were white in 2008, according to exit polls, while white women tend to be more evenly split between the two parties.

The bulwark of white male support is slowly eroding. For decades, each presidential election has offered a smaller pool of white voters. That puts pressure on Romney to secure a greater share than previous Republican presidential nominees of the shrinking proportion of the electorate made up by white men."
Romney relies on shrinking pool of white male votes | Reuters

It has nothing to do with who they appeal too since those that the democrats appeal to via their constant promises of handouts are already taken. It won't matter until those who are voting 'D' for other reasons than their future handouts come to their senses and realize where it's all going. What's described below is what is happening.

Entitlement or Empowerment? | What Would The Founders Think?

Societies which fail to transmit their core beliefs to the next generation can expect those beliefs to erode, sometimes by design, sometimes by default or by carelessness. Standards not reinforced whither away. Liberty, independence and equality under the law give way to less demanding ideals.

How many Americans nodded in agreement when candidate Obama told Joe the plumber, “when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody?” How many Americans saw nothing amiss with the concept that government should decide how much people should be allowed to keep of what they earn? How many agreed that government should redistribute those earnings to those it finds deserving?

How many people flinched when Michael Moore, on national television, told “the rich and bankers … we have a right to your money?”

Moore was defending public employees in Wisconsin who don’t want to contribute 5.8% of their salaries to help pay for their pensions, or 12.6% of their health-insurance premiums, (both numbers far below what most private sector workers pay). Public sector unions are important benefactors for the Democratic Party. In exchange for campaign contributions, unions receive unfettered access to the public till. That Wisconsin is 3.6 billion in debt is immaterial. Moore told them where to get the money.

Ben Franklin predicted that the end of the republic would come “when the people find that they can vote themselves money.”

To stay in power, the regime only needs to keep increasing the population who receive economic benefits from it. When does the entitlement mentality become so pervasive, (an important part of Obama’s health care strategy) that Ben Franklin’s dour prophecy is fulfilled?
Romney could not even carry his home town.. That speaks volumes.

"President Obama won 65 percent of the vote in the town Romney has called home since 1971. Romney received 34 percent in a race that brought out 79 percent of Belmont’s 17,822 voters"

See you think that says something about Romney, when in reality, it says a great deal about the electorate and what is has become. ;)

It says something about his campaign, his message and who he was trying to reach. I thought he was well qualified to be president, but, it was more minorities and women that he needed to get that message to. The branding of Romney was poorly constructed and spoke to a white male America that no longer exists as a powerhouse in the electorate.

"Ninety percent of Republican voters were white in 2008, according to exit polls, while white women tend to be more evenly split between the two parties.

The bulwark of white male support is slowly eroding. For decades, each presidential election has offered a smaller pool of white voters. That puts pressure on Romney to secure a greater share than previous Republican presidential nominees of the shrinking proportion of the electorate made up by white men."
Romney relies on shrinking pool of white male votes | Reuters

I don't believe in that 100%.

I think the honest American is disappearing. Government reflects it's constituency.

If America is more dishonest then a dishonest government is popular.
See you think that says something about Romney, when in reality, it says a great deal about the electorate and what is has become. ;)

It says something about his campaign, his message and who he was trying to reach. I thought he was well qualified to be president, but, it was more minorities and women that he needed to get that message to. The branding of Romney was poorly constructed and spoke to a white male America that no longer exists as a powerhouse in the electorate.

"Ninety percent of Republican voters were white in 2008, according to exit polls, while white women tend to be more evenly split between the two parties.

The bulwark of white male support is slowly eroding. For decades, each presidential election has offered a smaller pool of white voters. That puts pressure on Romney to secure a greater share than previous Republican presidential nominees of the shrinking proportion of the electorate made up by white men."
Romney relies on shrinking pool of white male votes | Reuters

I don't believe in that 100%.

I think the honest American is disappearing. Government reflects it's constituency.

If America is more dishonest then a dishonest government is popular.


More an more you see foreigners taking office.
-- ie Govenor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. I think he's from Turkey originally

His wiki page says he's a Republican but I don't by that shit. Most if not ALL foreigners are Liberals
See you think that says something about Romney, when in reality, it says a great deal about the electorate and what is has become. ;)

It says something about his campaign, his message and who he was trying to reach. I thought he was well qualified to be president, but, it was more minorities and women that he needed to get that message to. The branding of Romney was poorly constructed and spoke to a white male America that no longer exists as a powerhouse in the electorate.

"Ninety percent of Republican voters were white in 2008, according to exit polls, while white women tend to be more evenly split between the two parties.

The bulwark of white male support is slowly eroding. For decades, each presidential election has offered a smaller pool of white voters. That puts pressure on Romney to secure a greater share than previous Republican presidential nominees of the shrinking proportion of the electorate made up by white men."
Romney relies on shrinking pool of white male votes | Reuters

I don't believe in that 100%.

I think the honest American is disappearing. Government reflects it's constituency.

If America is more dishonest then a dishonest government is popular.

What is an honest American?
It says something about his campaign, his message and who he was trying to reach. I thought he was well qualified to be president, but, it was more minorities and women that he needed to get that message to. The branding of Romney was poorly constructed and spoke to a white male America that no longer exists as a powerhouse in the electorate.

"Ninety percent of Republican voters were white in 2008, according to exit polls, while white women tend to be more evenly split between the two parties.

The bulwark of white male support is slowly eroding. For decades, each presidential election has offered a smaller pool of white voters. That puts pressure on Romney to secure a greater share than previous Republican presidential nominees of the shrinking proportion of the electorate made up by white men."
Romney relies on shrinking pool of white male votes | Reuters

I don't believe in that 100%.

I think the honest American is disappearing. Government reflects it's constituency.

If America is more dishonest then a dishonest government is popular.

What is an honest American?

The one that lost.
The America we all once knew is dead.

Hope you're ready for what is coming.

I get to say for the 4 next years "I told you so you stupid assholes".

America is not dead.

God, such a drama queen.

If you think it's dead... fucking leave. Why would you want to live in a country you hate?

I could say the same about you........and Obama for that matter.

You know if I had won I wouldn't be telling you and the rest of the libs to leave. I would be a bit more reasonable. Happier too.

That's pretty much the difference between you and me.

Truth is playing to the American electorate's better has become clear is an outdated concept.

I guess the only way to take this country back is to become what we despise the most.

I'm not sure selling one's soul to the Devil is worth it.

I knew that just winning wouldn't mean the end of this. I knew that would be simply the beginning.

Funny, the only silver-lining is that regardless of the corrupt media the truth won't be as easy to hide once this elections' chickens come home to roost.

I don't think ether of us will be happy then.

Who was to stupid to get elected? If you do it right you don't have to give up your high ideals, but you may have to welcome people that you don't approve of into your party. I am guessing you would rather do the silver-lining roost thing.
Everyone should be required to carry a jar of vaseline with them, because we are all going to get screwed by Obama over the next 4 years.

We need an Official rw Whining Thread.

This seems like as good a place as any.

Lots of lies and lots of whining.

Carry on.

(Oh, and btw, your piss poor clown candidates LOST.)
We need an Official rw Whining Thread.

This seems like as good a place as any.

Lots of lies and lots of whining.

Carry on.

(Oh, and btw, your piss poor clown candidates LOST.)

Dudley who the hell do you think your fooling? have been whining since Sept 2011 with your first post......"hi my name is Dudley and i hate Republicans....:(.......they are haters .....:(.........and Anti-American.....:(......and with this post......
The America we all once knew is dead.

Hope you're ready for what is coming.

I get to say for the 4 next years "I told you so you stupid assholes".

The nightmare is yours, muddie. What's even worse, Democrats picked up seats in the senate.

The people have spoken.

That's right! Just reinforces the fact that these irrational haters are really just the fringe of our society...sincerely,

an EX Republican
If by 2016 the economy is much worse than it is currently is and that unemployment is much higher, I wonder if those stupid Obama-supporters will still blame Bush? :cuckoo:
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You have to remember 50% of the people have never seen Detroit.

Democrats own it. But that's why the other morons keep voting Democrat.

This Detroit?
Vision: Urban Gardening and Green Economy Flourish in Detroit | Alternet

I wonder who these young people voted for... I really wonder.

THESE are the people we should be subsidizing. Not big oil, big agra and big pharma. It would cost a whole lot less than the gravy train the megacorps are on.
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If by 2016 the economy is much worse than it is currently is and that unemployment is much higher, I wonder if those stupid Obama-supporters will still blame Bush? :cuckoo:

Wow. By golly I'm skeered! Because rightwingnuts are such accurate predictors! Ay-yup!

Regards from Rosie
The America we all once knew is dead.

Hope you're ready for what is coming.

I get to say for the 4 next years "I told you so you stupid assholes".

You won't ever be able to tell them "I told you so" Mud because their kind of stupidity cannot ever be fixed. They could be living out of a paper box, burning worthless US Dollars for warmth, and they'd claim that if Obama just had 4 more years, he'd fix it.

The Teacher's Unions control what kids learn and they vote Democrat. They graduate dumber and dumber students each year. All ready to obediently march for the democrat party. We've crossed the Event Horizon Mr.Spock.
More an more you see foreigners taking office.
-- ie Govenor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. I think he's from Turkey originally

Your stupidity seems to be without limit. You may be the most ignorant, deranged, fucking idiot on this site, and that's saying something.

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