The Lord is mentioned in the Constitution

Lord - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Lord" is used as a title of deference for various gods or deities. The earliest recorded use of Lord in the English language in a religious context was by English Bible translators such as Bede. It was widely used in the King James Bible translated in the 17th century.

Judaism: the Hebrew name YHWH (the Tetragrammaton) is usually rendered "LORD" in English language Old Testament bibles.[9][10] Following practice in spoken Hebrew, the complete Septuagint mainly used the Greek word Kyrios (Greek: Κύριος, meaning 'lord') to translate YHWH.
Islam: The English term Lord is often used to translate the Arabic term rabb, used with respect to Allah.
Hinduism: In Hindu theology, The Svayam Bhagavan may refer to the concept of the Absolute representation of the monotheistic God. Another name used more commonly used in Hindu theology is Ishvara, meaning "The Lord", the personal god consisting of the holy trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
Semitic religions: Other deities given corresponding appellations to "Lord" include:
Baal, or Hadad, among the Caananites and most pre-monotheistic religion Semites was "The Lord" with whom only priests were allowed to speak. References to Baal in the Hebrew Bible, such as the prophet Elijah's confrontation with Baal's priests, usually correspond to local gods rather than to Hadad.
Bel meaning 'Lord' is a common title of the Babylonian deity Marduk.
En meaning 'Lord' as in Sumerian deities Enki and Enlil.
Buddhism: it refers to the Buddha and in Jainism to the Mahavira.
Nahuatl: the word 'Ahau' is translated as 'Lord' in reference to Aztec deities.
Classical Greece: The name of the Greek god Adonis is regarded by many as a cognate of the Hebrew word for "lord", Adonai.
Mormonism: it is believed that Jesus Christ was the YHVH (Jehovah) of the Old Testament in his pre-mortal existence, and since that name is translated "The Lord" in the King James Bible, in Mormonism "The Lord" refers to Jesus Christ, while Elohim, the being that created the cosmos, is referred to as "God". (See Mormon cosmology for references)
Wicca: the Wiccan God is often referred to as 'The Lord' and the Wiccan Goddess as 'The Lady', or in the combination 'Lord and Lady' (in this form, the definite article "the" is usually omitted), usually in reference to a mythological pairing such as Cernunos and Cerridwen, Lucifer and Diana (as in Stregheria, sometimes along with their daughter, Aradia, for whom alternate titles applied, such as 'Holy Pilgrimess' or 'Holy Sister'), Hades and Persephone, and so forth. Some Wiccans such as Gerald Gardner taught that there is another pantheistic Deity above these two which he called by the Aristotlean name the Prime Mover; Patricia Crowther uses the term "Dryghten", an Old English name for The Lord to refer to this Deity; while Starhawk uses the name Star Goddess to describe the being that created the cosmos. (See Wiccan views of divinity for references)

Man I'm owning you so hard I just can't stop.

Fair enough But I did say this country was built on judeo christian roots. And could you give me some reference to what founders might have had some teaching of those other religions that you mentioned that they would have used the name Lord in any other way than talking about God?

Cool, our founders were Jewish.

Small mind with blinders.
This is almost as sad as the OP’s failed ‘judge disqualifies Obama from Georgia presidential ballot’ thread.

I ahd almost forgotten about that. How about it, OP? You got any comment on the fact that Obama WAS NEVER REMOVED FROM THE GA BALLOT, like you said he was? :rofl:

I really hate your fucking gut's I honestly do. I would treat you no differently than a little piss ant under my feet.

There it is!
Why does this even matter? The FF also understood or at least seemed to understand that if religious whack jobs got into Government they could write laws that give power to the church... hence the amendment that strips out Government of being able to do so.

This whole argument stems from religious crazy’s wanting to claim we are “Christian nation” when in fact we are all just Americans with the freedom to hold any or no religious beliefs. That is the polar opposite of a “Christian nation,” by literal definition.

I doubt one in 1 hundred Christians honestly believe they lead a good Christian life.

Most of the people were Christians. That's history. Their influence is still with us today. We were also founded as a Slave Nation. That too is History. The influence of demonizing and entire race is still with us today.

That was then and this is now.

What are you(in a figurative way) gonna do about it?
This is almost as sad as the OP’s failed ‘judge disqualifies Obama from Georgia presidential ballot’ thread.

I ahd almost forgotten about that. How about it, OP? You got any comment on the fact that Obama WAS NEVER REMOVED FROM THE GA BALLOT, like you said he was? :rofl:

I really hate your fucking gut's I honestly do. I would treat you no differently than a little piss ant under my feet.

Such Charitable Christianity.
You just have to pause for a second and scratch your head and wonder how some people can actually justify their thought process and the founding fathers

It's so simple, and right before them...easy language to understand...but still denied. Even in the DOI...(which is codified BY the Constitution), talks at length about God and affairs of men.

The deniers have a problem with powers beyond thier understanding. They're afraid of it, and therefore MUST deny it. Only explination I have my friend.


The DOI? Mostly about the affairs between the colonist and the English. God? Not so much except to turn the tables on the King, who also had many proclamations and writs that say he was anointed by God to rule over the yabba, yabbas....

Guess WHAT? The Founders proved the KING wrong.

*Deal with it*
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I ahd almost forgotten about that. How about it, OP? You got any comment on the fact that Obama WAS NEVER REMOVED FROM THE GA BALLOT, like you said he was? :rofl:

I really hate your fucking gut's I honestly do. I would treat you no differently than a little piss ant under my feet.

There it is!

Never have I claimed to be a Christian I have to hot of a temper to be one. But I can believe in God.
Why does this even matter? The FF also understood or at least seemed to understand that if religious whack jobs got into Government they could write laws that give power to the church... hence the amendment that strips out Government of being able to do so.

This whole argument stems from religious crazy’s wanting to claim we are “Christian nation” when in fact we are all just Americans with the freedom to hold any or no religious beliefs. That is the polar opposite of a “Christian nation,” by literal definition.

I doubt one in 1 hundred Christians honestly believe they lead a good Christian life.

I haven't said anything about America being a Christian nation It's just built on that foundation. It was here in this land long before America became a nation and not much other Religion had any influence on the building of this nation. Other than judeo christian belief's

Oh well yeah the Europeans brought their bloody religious war here.....hence the first article in the Bill of Rights.
This is almost as sad as the OP’s failed ‘judge disqualifies Obama from Georgia presidential ballot’ thread.

I ahd almost forgotten about that. How about it, OP? You got any comment on the fact that Obama WAS NEVER REMOVED FROM THE GA BALLOT, like you said he was? :rofl:

I really hate your fucking gut's I honestly do. I would treat you no differently than a little piss ant under my feet.

care to elaborate? Or is the veiled threat of violence you just gave all you are going to try???
I ahd almost forgotten about that. How about it, OP? You got any comment on the fact that Obama WAS NEVER REMOVED FROM THE GA BALLOT, like you said he was? :rofl:

I really hate your fucking gut's I honestly do. I would treat you no differently than a little piss ant under my feet.

Such Charitable Christianity.

Never have I claimed to be a Christian I have to hot of a temper to be one. But I can believe in God.
Why does this even matter? The FF also understood or at least seemed to understand that if religious whack jobs got into Government they could write laws that give power to the church... hence the amendment that strips out Government of being able to do so.

This whole argument stems from religious crazy’s wanting to claim we are “Christian nation” when in fact we are all just Americans with the freedom to hold any or no religious beliefs. That is the polar opposite of a “Christian nation,” by literal definition.

I doubt one in 1 hundred Christians honestly believe they lead a good Christian life.

Most of the people were Christians. That's history. Their influence is still with us today. We were also founded as a Slave Nation. That too is History. The influence of demonizing and entire race is still with us today.

That was then and this is now.

What are you(in a figurative way) gonna do about it?

The right wants to bring back indentured servitude.
Why does this even matter? The FF also understood or at least seemed to understand that if religious whack jobs got into Government they could write laws that give power to the church... hence the amendment that strips out Government of being able to do so.

This whole argument stems from religious crazy’s wanting to claim we are “Christian nation” when in fact we are all just Americans with the freedom to hold any or no religious beliefs. That is the polar opposite of a “Christian nation,” by literal definition.

I doubt one in 1 hundred Christians honestly believe they lead a good Christian life.

I haven't said anything about America being a Christian nation It's just built on that foundation. It was here in this land long before America became a nation and not much other Religion had any influence on the building of this nation. Other than judeo christian belief's

Oh well yeah the Europeans brought their bloody religious war here.....hence the first article in the Bill of Rights.

The Virginia bill of rights comes to mind number 16
I haven't said anything about America being a Christian nation It's just built on that foundation. It was here in this land long before America became a nation and not much other Religion had any influence on the building of this nation. Other than judeo christian belief's

It's where the argument comes from, otherwise why should you care about God being in the constitution, when "God" is not found anywhere in the constitution... Unless you can give me a direct quote of the three letter work spelled "God."



/good luck, I'm out of this nutty religion pushing bullshit thread.

This thread should be in CT or religion area, not politics.
The LORD is written in the Constitution it is also another name some people call God. The Lord God The Lord Jehovah

Your disembodied voice will now always sound just like Charleston Heston! (In my heaad)
It's where the argument comes from, otherwise why should you care about God being in the constitution, when "God" is not found anywhere in the constitution... Unless you can give me a direct quote of the three letter work spelled "God."



/good luck, I'm out of this nutty religion pushing bullshit thread.

This thread should be in CT or religion area, not politics.
The LORD is written in the Constitution it is also another name some people call God. The Lord God The Lord Jehovah

Your disembodied voice will now always sound just like Charleston Heston! (In my heaad)


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