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The Losertarian Party - Look at This List of Winners - LMAO

China’s environmental crisis is one of the most pressing challenges to emerge from the country’s rapid industrialization. Its economic rise, in which GDP grew on average 10 percent each year for more than a decade, has come at the expense of its environment and public health. China is the world’s largest source of carbon emissions, and the air quality of many of its major cities fails to meet international health standards. Life expectancy north of the Huai River is 5.5 years lower than in the south due to air pollution (life expectancy in China is 75.3 according to 2013 UN figures). Severe water contamination and scarcity have compounded land deterioration. Environmental degradation threatens to undermine the country’s growth and exhausts public patience with the pace of reform. It has also bruised China’s international standing and endangered domestic stability as the ruling party faces increasing scrutiny and public discontent. More recently, amid waning economic growth, leaders in Beijing appear more determined to institute changes to stem further degradation.
China is the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, having overtaken the United States in 2007, and was responsible for 27 percent of global emissions in 2014.

The country’s energy consumption has ballooned, with reports from late 2015 implying that it consumed up to 17 percent more coal than previously reported. In January 2013, Beijing experienced a prolonged bout of smog so severe that citizens dubbed it an “airpocalypse”; the concentration of hazardous particles was forty times the level deemed safe by the World Health Organization (WHO). In December 2015, Beijing issued red alerts for severe pollution—the first since the emergency alert system was established. The municipal government closed schools, limited road traffic, halted outdoor construction, and paused factory manufacturing. At least 80 percent of China’s 367 cities with real-time air quality monitoring failed to meet national small-particle pollution standards during the first three quarters of 2015, according to a Greenpeace East Asia report. In December 2015, the Asian Development Bank approved a $300 million loan to help China address the capital region’s choking smog.
Large companies are not thinking about the environmental consequences when they dispose of their unwanted waste. It is easier for the corporation to dump their waste into the local waterway than to dispose of it properly. When caught, the government fines them. However, a small fine is no issue for large-scale corporations. They just pay the fine and continue to dump their leftovers into the water. This brings the idea that there should be larger fines and personal accountability for corporations that pollute our waters.

Although fines should be raised, the government may point to policy reasons why there should not be larger fines for corporations. For example, the government maintains a corporation-protecting policy, claiming, for example, that companies deserve a right to privacy via the Constitution. Secondly, the government points to possible bankruptcy as the result of fines, which, in turn, leads to unemployment. Finally, the government may also believe that companies are not causing THAT much harm to the environment or that large-scale companies may not be the only factors of pollution.

Some people feel that the government shouldn't get involved in a company’s business. The cornerstone of our society is that we live in a free country, and have the right to privacy; by definition then, the government should not get involved or at the very least, be involved to the minimum extent possible. However, the government won’t be able to prevent pollution until it finds out the exact cause of the pollution in the company. Once it finds out what is causing the pollution, it could then find a way to get rid of the pollution. In addition, the government represents our nation and therefore must have its citizens’ best interest in mind. It has to care about our general welfare, which is stated in the Preamble of the Constitution. The government can’t take care of our health unless it tries to prevent pollution by raising fines.


But if the "local waterway" was privately owned then that would not happen.

You know WalMart owns a lot of easily accessible stores . Have you ever heard of one of those polluters dumping their garbage at one of Walmart stores?

Wonder why?

The retards never cease to amaze me -seriously consider the issue , then and ONLY then repost

Super-retailer Walmart has been slapped with $110 million in environmental fines after pleading guilty to improperly dumping pesticides — all of it returned by customers — into public sewers and landfills, creating a toxic nightmare.

The Justice Department's Environmental Crimes Section told Secrets that it was the second-largest environmental criminal fine ever imposed in U.S. history after the $4 billion BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Do I think the EPA sometimes goes too far, sure I do! Do I think they are a necessary organization? YES they are! You people are just soooo dumb, I can't even stand it. So fucking stupid.
Walmart pleaded guilty to an assortment of charges with fines totaling more than $110 million for violating state laws and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. The Arkansas firm will pay $81.6 million in fines in cases brought by Justice and the Environmental Protection Agency and the rest the result of cases brought by Missouri and California.

In announcing the guilty plea, Justice and the FBI said the case and huge fine were a warning to other retailers who take returns of pesticides and other poisons and simply toss them in the garbage or down the drain.
Super-retailer Walmart has been slapped with $110 million in environmental fines after pleading guilty to improperly dumping pesticides — all of it returned by customers — into public sewers and landfills, creating a toxic nightmare.

The Justice Department's Environmental Crimes Section told Secrets that it was the second-largest environmental criminal fine ever imposed in U.S. history after the $4 billion BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Ain't that some shit

Walmart has to pay a huge fine for placing the people in harms way

But your idols in DC who insist in placing us in harms way by arbitrarily murdering Muslims are IMMUNE

That is fucked up
24/7 Wall St. has put together a list of the Top Ten Greenwashers in America. There may be some large companies that are greater polluters than these firms. There may be other corporations that do more to promote their pro-environment credentials. But those can be counted on two hands.

Every company on this list makes a substantial investment in creating a perception that they are friendlier to the environment than their peers are or that they are on the side of good or that saving the global ecosystem should be part of a corporation’s broad public responsibility–its good citizenship. These firms often spend millions of dollars on advertising to support the way that their companies are perceived in the green world. But, hidden behind these efforts, each corporation on this list is a Herculean polluter. And, that fact points to a hypocrisy which is almost completely hidden from the public.

In the process of creating this list, 24/7 Wall St. examined hundreds of state and federal documents and interviewed experts in environmental law, and officials who review data for non-profit organizations which have charters to track environmental violations. We also reviewed annual reports from companies on their environment efforts. It was important to balance all of these. Some sources had axes to grind, but that was weighed in the process.
A more complete description of our methodology runs at the end of the article.

1) General Electric (GE)

In May 2005 GE announced its $90 million “Ecomagination” advertising campaign. According to Jeff Immelt, the company’s CEO, “Ecomagination is GE’s commitment to address challenges such as the need for cleaner, more efficient sources of energy, reduced emissions and abundant sources of clean water.” The company said that revenue from 70 Ecomagination products and services would be $17 billion in 2008. Since its inception, Ecomagination has provided GE with countless opportunities to reflect its corporate concern over the environment. Arguably the whole effort is greenwashing.

On Super Bowl Sunday GE debuted its ad campaign for Smart Grid Technologies. The premise behind this technology is that IT systems and products can make power grids more efficient. The ad explains that “Smart grid technology from GE will make the way we distribute electricity more efficient simply by making it more intelligent.” This will benefit the environment. The more efficient our energy grid, the less power we use. The less power used, the less carbon dioxide is emitted. That GE used Super Bowl Sunday to launch this initiative is important, not only because of the huge sums spent for the advertising time, but also because it marked the first time that GE has bought time during the Super Bowl.

GE also launched a website to further create buzz around its efforts. The online videos and interactive features include significant coverage about how the technology can be employed to better use alternative energy by improving the ability of the grid to deliver locally generated wind, sun and biogas power across the country. The technology will also facilitate the purchase of energy generated by the consumer from systems like wind turbines and solar panels. The cumulative effect of promoting the benefits that the technology will have on alternative energy is that it appears to equate the two.

The reality is that smart grid technology in one form is already required by 42 states. Although alternative energy may benefit from this new service, there are myriad ways that it will improve consumer spending and carbon emissions without adopting better alternative energy efforts. Ecomagination’s stated goal is to “meet customer demand for more energy-efficient products” by investing in “innovative solutions to environmental challenges.” The character of this statement is fair, but it belies the company’s larger corporate identity and its history as one of the country’s worst polluters.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), for the electrical equipment industry, GE was the fifth largest producer of chemicals with four facilities in the top 100 generating 332,336 pounds in waste in 2007. In the miscellaneous manufacturing industry, GE’s GE Osmonics facility was the fourth highest producing facility of TRI production-related waste with 1,919,437 pounds. According to the University of Massachusetts Political Economy Research Institute (PERI), General Electric is the sixth most toxic company when considering the amount of population exposed to its pollution and its toxicity level from its plants (last week 24/7 Wall St. incorrectly reported that GE was the most toxic company according to PERI).

According to the EPA, “From approximately 1947 to 1977, the General Electric Company (GE) discharged as much as 1.3 million pounds of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from its capacitor manufacturing plants” at two facilities on the Hudson River. The EPA says that “The primary health risk associated with the site is the accumulation of PCBs in the human body through eating contaminated fish.” The EPA has found that the cancer risk from eating fish from the Upper Hudson exceeds the EPA standard by 700 times.

On December 4, 2001, the EPA issued a “record of decision” calling for the dredging of 2.65 million cubic yards from the upper section of the Hudson River to remove approximately 150 thousand pounds of PCBs. According to the company’s website, “From 1990 to 2007 GE has spent over $1 billion in addressing PCB-related issues, with the majority of those expenses (82%) coming from just three sites” including the Hudson River. However, Riverkeeper and other non-for-profit organizations focused on the environment contend that GE has stymied the government’s efforts to clean up the river and enforce the dredging requirement. In 2008, Alex Matthiessen, president of Riverkeeper, stated that CEO, Jeffery Immelt “continues to be, as is GE, very defensive about the Hudson River cleanup.”

Each year the League of Conservation Voters publishes the “Dirty Dozen,” a program targeting candidates for Congress “who consistently vote against clean energy and conservation.” Out of this list, GE’s PAC has donated thousands of dollars to six of the dirty dozen. Additionally, GE’s PAC donated to two leading deniers of global warming, Senator Jim Inhofe, included in the Dirty Dozen list, and Congressman Joe Barton.

Read more: The “Green” Hypocrisy: America’s Corporate Environment Champions Pollute The World - 24/7 Wall St. The “Green” Hypocrisy: America’s Corporate Environment Champions Pollute The World
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Super-retailer Walmart has been slapped with $110 million in environmental fines after pleading guilty to improperly dumping pesticides — all of it returned by customers — into public sewers and landfills, creating a toxic nightmare.

The Justice Department's Environmental Crimes Section told Secrets that it was the second-largest environmental criminal fine ever imposed in U.S. history after the $4 billion BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Ain't that some shit

Walmart has to pay a huge fine for placing the people in harms way

But your idols in DC who insist in placing us in harms way by arbitrarily murdering Muslims are IMMUNE

That is fucked up

YOU are fucked up. I don't have any "idols" in Washington. I hate both parties, you idiot.
Elected Officials | Libertarian Party

This site lists the 100 or so Losertarians currently holding office. Lol it is pathetic.

No state or Federal legislature, maybe 5 mayors of insignificant tiny cities and 2 low level judges.

The vast vast majority of Losertarian officials occupy meaningless "clutter" posts that goes against every one of their stated positions of small government.

Congrats you have accomplished so much in you near 5 decades of existence!

Lib Party has NEVER been focused on gaining power. And your OP is wrong. There have been about FIVE state legislature seats won. Three in Alaska. Doesn't matter. We're winning on ideas.

The Cato and Reason Institutes are highly cited Research Tanks. We have many "closet" libertarians in high places. Including guys like Gary Johnson.. Who will debating tonight (friday) on Stossel (another major public figure). Even candidates such as Rand Paul are often self-described as Libertarian.

You just think that declaring a PARTY affiliation is the end of it. We are not FOCUSED on the party. We are focused on the goals. Which is being consistently more socially liberal than the Dems and consistently more fiscally conservative than the Republicans.

It is a place on the political map that is EXTREMELY American., And if the two parties didn't force us to spend $10Mill every cycle just to GET ON the ballot and then SUE us in court for TRYING to get on the ballot --- we might have energy and money left to campaign.

Since ONLY Libertarians would actually kill corporate welfare -- the fund-raising is a bit harder for us than your Loyal DEM/REP re-tred...

The OP's obsession with "winners" and "losers" --- both terms are in his title --- belies his inability to discern between political dynamics and a sports event. Sadly he's not alone in that. Far too many armchair pundits fall into this errant path, as if the whole thing means no more than "our team" versus "their team", as if the interests of, and the effects on, the people electing them to govern are not even relevant.

Methinks they should go find a sport to follow where those values actually DO apply, and leave politics to those who understand its real meaning.
2) American Electric Power (AEP)

According to the company, American Electric Power’s 2008 Sustainability Report is a “comprehensive report offering a frank discussion” about their environmental performance and their strategies for sustainability. Michael G. Morris, the chairman, president, and CEO, says that sustainability is “Transparency and accountability, along with a close working relationship with our stakeholders, will grow our business, serve our shareholders’ interest and create a better world for our children and grandchildren.”

In an effort to be more energy efficient, the company adopted principals set forth by the Clinton Global Initiative, committing approximately $100 million over the next five years to build or update its facilities using the LEED green building rating system. In 2008, construction was completed on a new facility for which the company is seeking LEED certification and which it claims “will use 15 percent less energy and 20 percent less water than comparable non-LEED building.” Through another initiative the company will conform to the International Management System Standard ISO 14001, which outlines the requirements for organizations to operate in an environmentally sustainable manner. The company further argues that is has “completed more than two-thirds of our $5.4 billion investment program to reduce airborne emissions from our coal-fired power plants,” in order to comply with the federal environmental regulations.

Although these investments are laudable, it appears that they were not entirely motivated by the company’s desire to be a good steward of the environment. As the report sets forth, “AEP’s court-approved settlement of the New Source Review (NSR) litigation provides us with additional opportunities to reduce our power plant emissions.” The complaint by the U.S. EPA and others alleged that AEP had made major modifications at some of its coal-fueled generating units without obtaining the necessary permits and without installing controls required by the Clean Air Act to reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide (“SO2”), nitrogen oxide (“NOx”) and particulate matter. Despite the company’s eagerness to be a leader in environmental conservation, “AEP did not admit to wrongdoing by agreeing to this settlement.”

According to Frank O’Donnell, President of Clean Air Watch, an environmental policy group and whistleblower, “AEP is one of nation’s biggest polluters, now that GM is making fewer cars, and is one the key lobbyist against political interest on global warming.” O’Donnell also says that the company “aggressively seeks to block legislation unless it receives a huge financial wind fall in the deal.” The company’s corporate PAC donated to five members of the Dirty Dozen as well as Congressman Barton.

On October 9, 2007, the Department of Justice, eight states, and 13 citizen groups announced a settlement agreement with AEP under the Clean Air Act, obtaining caps on emissions of pollutants from 16 plants in five states. According to the EPA, it is the single largest environmental enforcement settlement by several measures. The EPA estimates that the company will spend more that $4.6 billion to achieve the emission caps. The settlement also will have one of the greatest individual impacts on pollution, reducing it by 813,000 tons per year. According to assistant administrator for EPA’s enforcement and compliance assurance program, Granta Nakayma, “Today’s settlement will save $32 billion in health costs per year for Americans. Less air pollution from power plants means fewer cases of asthma and other respiratory illnesses.”

Read more: The “Green” Hypocrisy: America’s Corporate Environment Champions Pollute The World - 24/7 Wall St. The “Green” Hypocrisy: America’s Corporate Environment Champions Pollute The World
Follow us: @247wallst on Twitter | 247wallst on Facebook

Seriously??? Shall I continue. Are you corporate lackeys going to continue to insist that corporations care about the environment rather than saving some money? Really?
Corporations do NOT care about you, me or anything else except for making as much money as possible. GREED! Money and greed = the root of all evil done in the world.
Elected Officials | Libertarian Party

This site lists the 100 or so Losertarians currently holding office. Lol it is pathetic.

No state or Federal legislature, maybe 5 mayors of insignificant tiny cities and 2 low level judges.

The vast vast majority of Losertarian officials occupy meaningless "clutter" posts that goes against every one of their stated positions of small government.

Congrats you have accomplished so much in you near 5 decades of existence!

Lib Party has NEVER been focused on gaining power. And your OP is wrong. There have been about FIVE state legislature seats won. Three in Alaska. Doesn't matter. We're winning on ideas.

The Cato and Reason Institutes are highly cited Research Tanks. We have many "closet" libertarians in high places. Including guys like Gary Johnson.. Who will debating tonight (friday) on Stossel (another major public figure). Even candidates such as Rand Paul are often self-described as Libertarian.

You just think that declaring a PARTY affiliation is the end of it. We are not FOCUSED on the party. We are focused on the goals. Which is being consistently more socially liberal than the Dems and consistently more fiscally conservative than the Republicans.

It is a place on the political map that is EXTREMELY American., And if the two parties didn't force us to spend $10Mill every cycle just to GET ON the ballot and then SUE us in court for TRYING to get on the ballot --- we might have energy and money left to campaign.

Since ONLY Libertarians would actually kill corporate welfare -- the fund-raising is a bit harder for us than your Loyal DEM/REP re-tred...

The OP's obsession with "winners" and "losers" --- both terms are in his title --- belies his inability to discern between political dynamics and a sports event. Sadly he's not alone in that. Far too many armchair pundits fall into this errant path, as if the whole thing means no more than "our team" versus "their team", as if the interests of, and the effects on, the people electing them to govern are not even relevant.

Methinks they should go find a sport to follow where those values actually DO apply, and leave politics to those who understand its real meaning.

By the time you get a third party ON to the Ballot in America -- you're exhausted and forgot why you did all that. YET we do it every cycle. In the past -- we've had some REALLY REALLY BAD candidates. (Ron Paul excepted) But LATELY -- we've been offering up past Governors and US Congressman. I'm not embarrass to suggest that people take a look at them now..
Super-retailer Walmart has been slapped with $110 million in environmental fines after pleading guilty to improperly dumping pesticides — all of it returned by customers — into public sewers and landfills, creating a toxic nightmare.

The Justice Department's Environmental Crimes Section told Secrets that it was the second-largest environmental criminal fine ever imposed in U.S. history after the $4 billion BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Ain't that some shit

Walmart has to pay a huge fine for placing the people in harms way

But your idols in DC who insist in placing us in harms way by arbitrarily murdering Muslims are IMMUNE

That is fucked up

YOU are fucked up. I don't have any "idols" in Washington. I hate both parties, you idiot.

WHY do you hate both parties? You seem contented with fascism/corporatism. That's their specialty - except Comrade Sanders.

Corporations do NOT care about you, me or anything else except for making as much money as possible. GREED! Money and greed = the root of all evil done in the world.

SOME Corporations do not care, but in a fascist environment they don't have to please WE THE PEOPLE - they are only required to please the apparatchik..

Walmart pleaded guilty to an assortment of charges with fines totaling more than $110 million for violating state laws and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. The Arkansas firm will pay $81.6 million in fines in cases brought by Justice and the Environmental Protection Agency and the rest the result of cases brought by Missouri and California.

In announcing the guilty plea, Justice and the FBI said the case and huge fine were a warning to other retailers who take returns of pesticides and other poisons and simply toss them in the garbage or down the drain.

You should have a talk with Elon Musk and the electric car folks then. Because of the GIGATONS of toxic battery waste that's gonna end up in junkyards and landfills from THEIR Products. The government is ALWAYS BEHIND the curve. And they are generally incompetent when they DO ACT.

That's why direct legal actions and Libertarian ideas about proving harm are the more effective than expecting the government to be dealing with this. Corporations RESPOND to hits in their profits. They OWN the process of making "laws" and re-writing old ones.
Most of that collusion needs to go....
Corporations do NOT care about you, me or anything else except for making as much money as possible. GREED! Money and greed = the root of all evil done in the world.

SOME Corporations do not care, but in a fascist environment they don't have to please WE THE PEOPLE - they are only required to please the apparatchik..


You are an extremist weirdo. That is all.
Corporations do NOT care about you, me or anything else except for making as much money as possible. GREED! Money and greed = the root of all evil done in the world.

Of course they do.. They Spend $MILLs telling you how green they are. They DEPEND on customer loyalty and return sales. Costs them a fortune in revenue and stock prices everytime they screw up.. Their public IMAGE is their most important asset... That's how it works --- kiddo...
Super-retailer Walmart has been slapped with $110 million in environmental fines after pleading guilty to improperly dumping pesticides — all of it returned by customers — into public sewers and landfills, creating a toxic nightmare.

The Justice Department's Environmental Crimes Section told Secrets that it was the second-largest environmental criminal fine ever imposed in U.S. history after the $4 billion BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Ain't that some shit

Walmart has to pay a huge fine for placing the people in harms way

But your idols in DC who insist in placing us in harms way by arbitrarily murdering Muslims are IMMUNE

That is fucked up

YOU are fucked up. I don't have any "idols" in Washington. I hate both parties, you idiot.

WHY do you hate both parties? You seem contented with fascism/corporatism. That's their specialty - except Comrade Sanders.


You are truly a moron.
Corporations do NOT care about you, me or anything else except for making as much money as possible. GREED! Money and greed = the root of all evil done in the world.

Of course they do.. They Spend $MILLs telling you how green they are. They DEPEND on customer loyalty and return sales. Costs them a fortune in revenue and stock prices everytime they screw up.. Their public IMAGE is their most important asset... That's how it works --- kiddo...

The fact you think that's funny -- tells me you don't know how things work.. That seems to be the case of a lot of people that just parrot how bad the free market concepts are..

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