The Louisana Theater Shooter Is Tea Party Member AND White.

But most gun murder is committed by minorities.......they just do it one or two at a time.........and if you put all the dead from mass shootings in a year in the number of gun murders.....very small.......compared to everyday gun murder in cities controlled by democrats and the killers from small, multi block areas....
But the murders that COUNT for you should be those involving white people BY whiite people...those thousands of murders are underplayed,

Sadly, if you look at black on black murder far more blacks are killed by other blacks than by anyone else, including police and whites....also, sadly, they kill more whites than whites kill blacks....this is mainly due to their dependence on the democrat party for scraps from the government welfare table that allow their children to have children, generation after generation with no adult role models to teach them how to be good people...and then all they have to learn from are criminals and other children......after several generations you have the killing fields you see in these democrat controlled inner cities....
Whites on white murder is just as problematic as that of black on black.
Look at the numbers. BTW 88% of Blacks live above the poverty level and spend over 1 trillion yearly in white owned stores. Blacks are not the impoverished welfare cretins you make them out to be!
In fact 41% of the poor in the USA are non-Hispanic White people! called them cretins...not me....and your racism comes wonder you are in the democrat party.....and of course the number isn't white have to look at the percentage of each group that is on welfare....and again, it isn't their fault...they bought the lies of the political party that owned their ancestors.........and their children and grandchildren have suffered for it... still didn't refute that the groups and people I listed are racists throught and through......
Look again, I didn't call them cretins, I said you made them out to be cretins.

My racism comes out??? :lol: When?? I don't even believe in the concept of race, ass wipe! Yo have to believe in it to be a racist. You do believe in race so that makes YOU the racist.

I have looked at the percentage of each group that is on welfare and can quote you the numbers of non Hispanic whites, Hispanics and Blacks that are on welfare... I also know the total number of people on welfare...Do you have any idea, dummy?

I also know that there are more white people on food stamps than any other demographic but that number is conveniently hidden. We don't want white people to look bad, now do we?

Now, getting back to the "lies" backs supposedly bought, I would be interested in knowing what you think those lies were. From my perspective, as a college graduate, I would suggest just the opposite and say that it is YOU and people like you who have been lied to by the GOP.

One more thing: All that suffering you mentioned doesn't appear to jibe with the empirical evidence. Only 12% of the black population are receiving welfare checks. Stop blaming the majority 88% for something that they are not guilty of! Jerk!

Okay moron....this is being linked to "The Daily Kos," the rabid leftwing nut charges of right wing propaganda....

Black People on Welfare Let s Not Sugarcoat It

You see, Black Americans make up 32% of welfare recipients, even though they comprise a mere 12% of the US population. So the demographics of welfare recipients are not comparable to the overall demographics of the US. Even more concerning, Black Americans are more than twice as likely to have been on welfare than White Americans.

Democrats have a lot to answer for...slavery, jim crow, the klan....and purposefully hooking good people on government welfare to secure their votes for democrat power...... still didn't refute that the groups and people I listed are racists throught and through......

I did refute your asinine premise:

Tell me which group listed has murdered thousands of white people and enslaved them. Tell me just one entity in your listing that has not
had some justification for organizing to defend themselves against white supremacist conservatives : both democrat and republican conservatives. You want it all. These groups are there to see you don't get it! The are the only thing standing between your racial ideology and freedom for all.

You can't place wanton murder of innocent white people on the backs of any of the organizations you listed. You haven't done your research if yo believe the NAACP is a racist organization. To me, the wheels of racism turn on the assumption of racial supremacy. Many white people believe that equality means giving up something to inferior people who don't deserve it no matter what their qualifications are.
That kind of thinking is rampant in America and engenders hate.

Blacks, know that. Again, the organizations you listed represent a response to the ever present threat of white rage and discrimination.
All of the organizations mentioned work with white officials to solve grievances of civil rights violations. the exception being the NOI!

So...they are racist organizations...why didn't you just say so at the yes, the democrat party was and still is the party of racists of all just have to admit and accept the truth......
So, you have a reading comprehension problem. Why didn't you say so?
But the murders that COUNT for you should be those involving white people BY whiite people...those thousands of murders are underplayed,

Sadly, if you look at black on black murder far more blacks are killed by other blacks than by anyone else, including police and whites....also, sadly, they kill more whites than whites kill blacks....this is mainly due to their dependence on the democrat party for scraps from the government welfare table that allow their children to have children, generation after generation with no adult role models to teach them how to be good people...and then all they have to learn from are criminals and other children......after several generations you have the killing fields you see in these democrat controlled inner cities....
Whites on white murder is just as problematic as that of black on black.
Look at the numbers. BTW 88% of Blacks live above the poverty level and spend over 1 trillion yearly in white owned stores. Blacks are not the impoverished welfare cretins you make them out to be!
In fact 41% of the poor in the USA are non-Hispanic White people! called them cretins...not me....and your racism comes wonder you are in the democrat party.....and of course the number isn't white have to look at the percentage of each group that is on welfare....and again, it isn't their fault...they bought the lies of the political party that owned their ancestors.........and their children and grandchildren have suffered for it... still didn't refute that the groups and people I listed are racists throught and through......
Look again, I didn't call them cretins, I said you made them out to be cretins.

My racism comes out??? :lol: When?? I don't even believe in the concept of race, ass wipe! Yo have to believe in it to be a racist. You do believe in race so that makes YOU the racist.

I have looked at the percentage of each group that is on welfare and can quote you the numbers of non Hispanic whites, Hispanics and Blacks that are on welfare... I also know the total number of people on welfare...Do you have any idea, dummy?

I also know that there are more white people on food stamps than any other demographic but that number is conveniently hidden. We don't want white people to look bad, now do we?

Now, getting back to the "lies" backs supposedly bought, I would be interested in knowing what you think those lies were. From my perspective, as a college graduate, I would suggest just the opposite and say that it is YOU and people like you who have been lied to by the GOP.

One more thing: All that suffering you mentioned doesn't appear to jibe with the empirical evidence. Only 12% of the black population are receiving welfare checks. Stop blaming the majority 88% for something that they are not guilty of! Jerk!

Okay moron....this is being linked to "The Daily Kos," the rabid leftwing nut charges of right wing propaganda....

Black People on Welfare Let s Not Sugarcoat It

You see, Black Americans make up 32% of welfare recipients, even though they comprise a mere 12% of the US population. So the demographics of welfare recipients are not comparable to the overall demographics of the US. Even more concerning, Black Americans are more than twice as likely to have been on welfare than White Americans.

Democrats have a lot to answer for...slavery, jim crow, the klan....and purposefully hooking good people on government welfare to secure their votes for democrat power......

I do understand proportional statistics and how they are used to shape public opinion. That is exactly what was done when some one first pointed that disparity out. The differencwe for me is that I see 11,400,000 Americans on welfare while you focus on some divisive proportional racial disparity. Does that really matter to the 88% of backs who are NOT on welfare? You seem to think it should. Why?

Without considering the context in which that proportional disparity arose it is easy to attach the moniker "black failure" to the 88% who are not on welfare. Instead of a pat on the back for not being on the public dole, you, and "the system," consciously use the paltry 12.1% of black welfare recipients against the larger 88% who don't participate in welfare

Non Hispanic WhitesNon Hispanic Blacks*Number of People on Welfare % of black@* % of Whites (NH)
196,745,5389{ 63.7}37,685,848 {12.2}11,400,000 39.8% 38.9%
White welfareblack welfareblacks not on welfare% of black pop.on welfare.

Out of a population of 37,685,848 (millions) Blacks only 4,457,200 are on welfare
That means 33,148,648 (millions) are NOT on welfare YOU IDIOT!
Does that look like the Black community meathead, Matthew, Shootspeeders and other rabid racists project here? Using proportional statistics distorts the true picture of Black life in America and gives the erroneous impression that the vast majority of Blacks are "failing" in some way. BTW, my new research has revealed that 33 million blacks who are not on welfare represents a whopping 88% of the Black US population.
Democrats have a lot to answer for...slavery, jim crow, the klan....and purposefully hooking good people on government welfare to secure their votes for democrat power......

It would take more than 11, 400,000 votes to secure votes for Democrat power, chuckles. Thats the people you are referring to when you say government welfare isn't it?

The sad part of all of this is you really believe that the Jews, White women, liberals, the Asians Blacks Mexicans and blue collar white unionists are all wrong. These intelligent Americans are being hoodwinked by evil democrats who are smarter than all of them put together...Right?

You are bat shit crazy! Fool! The democrats of today are not the democrats of old. Those Southern CONSERVATIVE values are now Republican values. I am tired of having to tell your dumb ass that!
The guy was a nut case. What difference does his politics make?

How hypocritical of you.

Remember you said this the next time you say a nut case's religion makes a difference.

you are mixing things. When someone kills others in the name of his religion then that religion does matter, whether it be ISIS or Westboro baptist or the crusades or Waco.

the Chattanooga shooter was a religious nutcase who was inspired by ISIS. If the dude in Layfayette had yelled "Jesus is lord" before shooting then he too would be a religious nutcase, but he didn't.
So a killer has to announce his religious conviction during a murder to get tagged "religious nutcase." Hmmm, I learn something new every day!

of course not. But when a killer screams allahu akbar just before killing people, its pretty clear that the murders are for religious reasons.
Its not surprising but what is surprising is to claim that someone with that profile is a liberal. But thats normal for you guys. If he's one of yours he's never technically one of yours. He even had a Tea Party page and someone said "Maybe that shows he actually HATES the Tea Party"!

Yes!! and maybe we're all pretending to be dumb-asses

The guy was a nut case. What difference does his politics make?

We, as a country, need to get over making every act of every idiot and retard a political loss or gain.

This is destroying our country, there are a lot of things more important than whether someone has an R or D behind their name.

But we get it. divide and conquer is how socialist tyrants come to power.
He was not "one of ours." ClosedMinded again exhibits radical stupidity.
An isolated nutjob is an isolated nutjob.

Suuure right, yeah, thats the ticket

mentally ill people are easy to manipulate. ISIS knows this, so do the radicals on both the right and left.

your anger is misplaced, as usual.
Where did he get the gun and bullets? Who the heck sold a gun to a mentally ill person? That ought to be an interesting discovery!

Yes, it would be good to know where he got the gun and ammo. But the truth is that the government cannot protect all of the people all of the time. Being alive carries the risk of death. (actually the certainty of death).
Thanks again NRA and gun nutters for more deaths and lives ruined.

Alleged Movie Theater Gunman Left Online Trail Of Extreme Right Wing Views

More blood on your hands.

Houser also had a history of political activism in Columbus, Ga., the city where he was raised, according to Ledger-Enquirer in Columbus. People who knew Houser described him as "strange" and said he didn't "really didn't trust government and anything about government."

In the 1980s, he allegedly tried to hire a man to set fire to the offices of a lawyer who was representing owners of pornographic theaters, according to the Ledger Enquirer. However, the arsonist Houser was accused of trying to hire was a police informant.

Houser has allegedly posted messages to numerous online forums, suggesting that he held extreme right-wing views and sympathized with white supremacists. It cannot be independently confirmed that these online postings were made by Houser himself before the shooting. The postings on seem to match based on his age and location. There is less to connect Houser to the postings on Twitter and Golden Dawn that are cited below by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Jesus fucking Christ, this guy was probably posting here as well.

Let's hope the FBI and ATF are on top of these forums, taking down names of all the Tea Brains and Gun Nuts.

Latest Theater Gun was devout right-winger

There's right-wing, and then there's batshit fucking loon, which he and many here are. And yes, he made a dozen or so posts here. There are threads on it.
Thanks again NRA and gun nutters for more deaths and lives ruined.

Alleged Movie Theater Gunman Left Online Trail Of Extreme Right Wing Views

More blood on your hands.

Houser also had a history of political activism in Columbus, Ga., the city where he was raised, according to Ledger-Enquirer in Columbus. People who knew Houser described him as "strange" and said he didn't "really didn't trust government and anything about government."

In the 1980s, he allegedly tried to hire a man to set fire to the offices of a lawyer who was representing owners of pornographic theaters, according to the Ledger Enquirer. However, the arsonist Houser was accused of trying to hire was a police informant.

Houser has allegedly posted messages to numerous online forums, suggesting that he held extreme right-wing views and sympathized with white supremacists. It cannot be independently confirmed that these online postings were made by Houser himself before the shooting. The postings on seem to match based on his age and location. There is less to connect Houser to the postings on Twitter and Golden Dawn that are cited below by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Jesus fucking Christ, this guy was probably posting here as well.

Let's hope the FBI and ATF are on top of these forums, taking down names of all the Tea Brains and Gun Nuts.


yeah sure

but after so many shooters being leftist wackos

yous guys are desperate to "pin" one on a righty

Crazy is just crazy, hazel. It nullifies any political espousings, left or right.

Nice try though.

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