The Louisana Theater Shooter Is Tea Party Member AND White.

Do you realize that all the racist groups in the country belong to the democrat party and believe left wing ideology..
I stopped reading after "all the racist groups in the country belong to the democrat party."

If you are that disconnected from reality, what is the point of going any further.

Ponder this:

Berkeley study links Reagan Hitler
A broad range of conservatives share a resistance to change and acceptance of inequality, the researchers said, linking Reagan, Hitler, Mussolini and talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

These men were all right-wing conservatives, the study said, because they preached a return to an idealized past and condoned inequality in some form.

Glaser conceded the research could be viewed as partisan because it focused on political conservatism, but he argued there is a vast amount of information about conservatism and little about liberalism.

The researchers acknowledged left-wing ideologues such as Stalin, Castro and Nikita Kruschev resisted change in the name of egalitarianism after they established power.

But these men, the study said, might be considered politically conservative in the context of the systems that they defended.

Stalin, for example, was concerned about defending and preserving the existing Soviet system.
Do you realize that all the racist groups in the country belong to the democrat party and believe left wing ideology..
I stopped reading after "all the racist groups in the country belong to the democrat party."

If you are that disconnected from reality, what is the point of going any further.

Ponder this:

Berkeley study links Reagan Hitler
A broad range of conservatives share a resistance to change and acceptance of inequality, the researchers said, linking Reagan, Hitler, Mussolini and talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

These men were all right-wing conservatives, the study said, because they preached a return to an idealized past and condoned inequality in some form.

Glaser conceded the research could be viewed as partisan because it focused on political conservatism, but he argued there is a vast amount of information about conservatism and little about liberalism.

The researchers acknowledged left-wing ideologues such as Stalin, Castro and Nikita Kruschev resisted change in the name of egalitarianism after they established power.

But these men, the study said, might be considered politically conservative in the context of the systems that they defended.

Stalin, for example, was concerned about defending and preserving the existing Soviet system. are really that stupid.........

La Raza...racist, core democrat group..

The NAACP...racist, core democrat group

The Nation of Islam...racist, core democrat group

The Black Congressional Caucus....racist, democrat house of represntative group....

George takei...member asian racists of democrat party...

Jesse Jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright (obama's pastor for 20 years) black racists and prominent leaders and members of democrat party..

bill clinton, robert byrd, barak obama ......racists and members of democrat party leadership

Tell me these groups and people are not racists.......
I'm not sure how any of this matters... most mass murderers are/were white males... hardly news.
I'm not sure how any of this matters... most mass murderers are/were white males... hardly news.

But most gun murder is committed by minorities.......they just do it one or two at a time.........and if you put all the dead from mass shootings in a year in the number of gun murders.....very small.......compared to everyday gun murder in cities controlled by democrats and the killers from small, multi block areas....
Houser listed "God's Business" as one of his skills.

“He was a guest because he was good TV entertainment, not because it was a respected opinion that he had to say. But he was very entertaining all the time,” Floyd said in a phone interview with Yahoo news. “He had Tea Party-radical Republican views on everything. I’d have a Democratic spokesperson on [for the opposing perspective]. He generated a lot of phone calls.”

Houser posted about his fondness for Hitler, neo-Nazis and lone wolves on several online forums.

John Russel Houser What we know about Louisiana movie theater shooting suspect - Yahoo News
Dude, did you see this part?

Elsewhere, on the U.S. Message Board, a political discussion forum, he wrote, "Hitler accomplished far more than any other through 'pragmatically forming.'"

So he was a lefty socialist....fits the killer part of his actions....
Like the guy in my sig? Here is the truth:


Are you that fucking stupid....the kkk was created by members of the democrat party, the first grand wizard of the klan was nathan beford forest...another democrat.....

the internet is preventing morons like you from spreading more lies and myths about which side are the actual racists...the left wing and the democrats in America are the racists, they have been since they owned slaves and went to war to keep them and then started jim crow...

So again, sell it to someone who can't research the truth...
Stupid like a fox! I guess you didn't notice there is NO democrat party and that Nathan B. Forrest (not forest) is the buring soul in my sig,
Are YOU that stupid? No need to answer we can plainly see, you are. Heh heh heh!.

Being the stupid klutz that you are it is little wonder that you failed to notice the Democratic Party has become the bastion of liberalism while the GOP is overrun by the old democrat racists from the south and elsewhere under the banner of "conservatism." There are racist conservatives in both parties but few if any of them voted for the black guy. Just look at the political maps...or ask a KKK member if he supports your president and voted for him, ALl would claim to be conservatives.
I'm not sure how any of this matters... most mass murderers are/were white males... hardly news.

But most gun murder is committed by minorities.......they just do it one or two at a time.........and if you put all the dead from mass shootings in a year in the number of gun murders.....very small.......compared to everyday gun murder in cities controlled by democrats and the killers from small, multi block areas....
But the murders that COUNT for you should be those involving white people BY whiite people...those thousands of murders are underplayed,
Dude, did you see this part?

Elsewhere, on the U.S. Message Board, a political discussion forum, he wrote, "Hitler accomplished far more than any other through 'pragmatically forming.'"

So he was a lefty socialist....fits the killer part of his actions....
Like the guy in my sig? Here is the truth:


Are you that fucking stupid....the kkk was created by members of the democrat party, the first grand wizard of the klan was nathan beford forest...another democrat.....

the internet is preventing morons like you from spreading more lies and myths about which side are the actual racists...the left wing and the democrats in America are the racists, they have been since they owned slaves and went to war to keep them and then started jim crow...

So again, sell it to someone who can't research the truth...
Stupid like a fox! I guess you didn't notice there is NO democrat party and that Nathan B. Forrest (not forest) is the buring soul in my sig,
Are YOU that stupid? No need to answer we can plainly see, you are. Heh heh heh!.

Being the stupid klutz that you are it is little wonder that you failed to notice the Democratic Party has become the bastion of liberalism while the GOP is overrun by the old democrat racists from the south and elsewhere under the banner of "conservatism." There are racist conservatives in both parties but few if any of them voted for the black guy. Just look at the political maps...or ask a KKK member if he supports your president and voted for him, ALl would claim to be conservatives. didn't refute the fact that all of those groups I listed are all core groups in the democrat party and are all openly are all the individuals I listed.......and your image...nathan bedford forrest....a democrat, and first grand wizard of the klan.......all of the racists stayed in the democrat party, and all the racists from the minority groups joined the racists in the democrat party....they all share one thing in common, they all want a large, central government to use to attack their race enemies and to increase their own power....

again...which of those groups I listed, which of those individuals I listed vote republican...?

Holy shit, Rusty Houser sounds like many NaziCons on USMB. Scary...

You keep lying and lying....American Conservatives have no relationship with nazis....if you look at the nazi party platfrom you will see it closely resembles the democrat party platform....the reason...they were socialists, and the modern democrat party is socialist......look how well bernie sanders, and hilary clinton are doing, both socialists to the core......
I'm not sure how any of this matters... most mass murderers are/were white males... hardly news.

But most gun murder is committed by minorities.......they just do it one or two at a time.........and if you put all the dead from mass shootings in a year in the number of gun murders.....very small.......compared to everyday gun murder in cities controlled by democrats and the killers from small, multi block areas....
But the murders that COUNT for you should be those involving white people BY whiite people...those thousands of murders are underplayed,

Sadly, if you look at black on black murder far more blacks are killed by other blacks than by anyone else, including police and whites....also, sadly, they kill more whites than whites kill blacks....this is mainly due to their dependence on the democrat party for scraps from the government welfare table that allow their children to have children, generation after generation with no adult role models to teach them how to be good people...and then all they have to learn from are criminals and other children......after several generations you have the killing fields you see in these democrat controlled inner cities....
Do you realize that all the racist groups in the country belong to the democrat party and believe left wing ideology..
I stopped reading after "all the racist groups in the country belong to the democrat party."

If you are that disconnected from reality, what is the point of going any further.

Ponder this:

Berkeley study links Reagan Hitler
A broad range of conservatives share a resistance to change and acceptance of inequality, the researchers said, linking Reagan, Hitler, Mussolini and talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

These men were all right-wing conservatives, the study said, because they preached a return to an idealized past and condoned inequality in some form.

Glaser conceded the research could be viewed as partisan because it focused on political conservatism, but he argued there is a vast amount of information about conservatism and little about liberalism.

The researchers acknowledged left-wing ideologues such as Stalin, Castro and Nikita Kruschev resisted change in the name of egalitarianism after they established power.

But these men, the study said, might be considered politically conservative in the context of the systems that they defended.

Stalin, for example, was concerned about defending and preserving the existing Soviet system. are really that stupid.........

La Raza...racist, core democrat group..

The NAACP...racist, core democrat group

The Nation of Islam...racist, core democrat group

The Black Congressional Caucus....racist, democrat house of represntative group....

George takei...member asian racists of democrat party...

Jesse Jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright (obama's pastor for 20 years) black racists and prominent leaders and members of democrat party..

bill clinton, robert byrd, barak obama ......racists and members of democrat party leadership

Tell me these groups and people are not racists.......
Tell me which group listed has murdered thousands of white people and enslaved them. Tell me just one entity in your listing that has not
had some justification for organizing to defend themselves against white supremacist conservatives : both democrat and republican conservatives. You want it all. These groups are there to see you don't get it! The are the only thing standing between your racial ideology and freedom for all.
The fed should require all NaziCons to turn in their weapons! By force if need be! socialists are always for disarming this theater, in that church.....and eventually you always bring in the violence........and in Europe you guys murdered 12 million people who you first disarmed...and around the world you murdered 100 million people who you first disarmed....

Hence the founders and their creation of the 2nd Amendment.....
Holy shit, Rusty Houser sounds like many NaziCons on USMB. Scary...

You keep lying and lying....American Conservatives have no relationship with nazis....if you look at the nazi party platfrom you will see it closely resembles the democrat party platform....the reason...they were socialists, and the modern democrat party is socialist......look how well bernie sanders, and hilary clinton are doing, both socialists to the core......

No true, Captain Berserk.

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis
I'm not sure how any of this matters... most mass murderers are/were white males... hardly news.

But most gun murder is committed by minorities.......they just do it one or two at a time.........and if you put all the dead from mass shootings in a year in the number of gun murders.....very small.......compared to everyday gun murder in cities controlled by democrats and the killers from small, multi block areas....
But the murders that COUNT for you should be those involving white people BY whiite people...those thousands of murders are underplayed,

Sadly, if you look at black on black murder far more blacks are killed by other blacks than by anyone else, including police and whites....also, sadly, they kill more whites than whites kill blacks....this is mainly due to their dependence on the democrat party for scraps from the government welfare table that allow their children to have children, generation after generation with no adult role models to teach them how to be good people...and then all they have to learn from are criminals and other children......after several generations you have the killing fields you see in these democrat controlled inner cities....
Whites on white murder is just as problematic as that of black on black.
Look at the numbers. BTW 88% of Blacks live above the poverty level and spend over 1 trillion yearly in white owned stores. Blacks are not the impoverished welfare cretins you make them out to be!
In fact 41% of the poor in the USA are non-Hispanic White people!
Do you realize that all the racist groups in the country belong to the democrat party and believe left wing ideology..
I stopped reading after "all the racist groups in the country belong to the democrat party."

If you are that disconnected from reality, what is the point of going any further.

Ponder this:

Berkeley study links Reagan Hitler
A broad range of conservatives share a resistance to change and acceptance of inequality, the researchers said, linking Reagan, Hitler, Mussolini and talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

These men were all right-wing conservatives, the study said, because they preached a return to an idealized past and condoned inequality in some form.

Glaser conceded the research could be viewed as partisan because it focused on political conservatism, but he argued there is a vast amount of information about conservatism and little about liberalism.

The researchers acknowledged left-wing ideologues such as Stalin, Castro and Nikita Kruschev resisted change in the name of egalitarianism after they established power.

But these men, the study said, might be considered politically conservative in the context of the systems that they defended.

Stalin, for example, was concerned about defending and preserving the existing Soviet system. are really that stupid.........

La Raza...racist, core democrat group..

The NAACP...racist, core democrat group

The Nation of Islam...racist, core democrat group

The Black Congressional Caucus....racist, democrat house of represntative group....

George takei...member asian racists of democrat party...

Jesse Jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright (obama's pastor for 20 years) black racists and prominent leaders and members of democrat party..

bill clinton, robert byrd, barak obama ......racists and members of democrat party leadership

Tell me these groups and people are not racists.......
Tell me which group listed has murdered thousands of white people and enslaved them. Tell me just one entity in your listing that has not
had some justification for organizing to defend themselves against white supremacist conservatives : both democrat and republican conservatives. You want it all. These groups are there to see you don't get it! The are the only thing standing between your racial ideology and freedom for all.

Moron...the people who owned the slaves were democrats....of course the people who sold the slaves in the first place were Africans....their fellow Africans......and they were brought her by Europeans...who found slavery pracitsed here by the native Americans....who also ate their prisoners...and committed mass murder on their alters. Of course you would need to know history to understand that truth and reality.....

Conservatives who beleived in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the founding principals of the Declartaion of Independence, that all men are created equal....fought to free the slaves from the democrats, helped fight the democrats in the kkk, and passed the civil rights legislation giving the protections of the Constitution to the freed slaves.....

The democrats have always been the party of race hate and control.....they fight for big government today, because they now realize that instead of just owning and controlling blacks, they can control all Americans...which is why they are the party of big government.

This is the truth, this is reality, learn it, live freedom...escape from the racist democrat party......
I'm not sure how any of this matters... most mass murderers are/were white males... hardly news.

But most gun murder is committed by minorities.......they just do it one or two at a time.........and if you put all the dead from mass shootings in a year in the number of gun murders.....very small.......compared to everyday gun murder in cities controlled by democrats and the killers from small, multi block areas....
But the murders that COUNT for you should be those involving white people BY whiite people...those thousands of murders are underplayed,

Sadly, if you look at black on black murder far more blacks are killed by other blacks than by anyone else, including police and whites....also, sadly, they kill more whites than whites kill blacks....this is mainly due to their dependence on the democrat party for scraps from the government welfare table that allow their children to have children, generation after generation with no adult role models to teach them how to be good people...and then all they have to learn from are criminals and other children......after several generations you have the killing fields you see in these democrat controlled inner cities....
Whites on white murder is just as problematic as that of black on black.
Look at the numbers. BTW 88% of Blacks live above the poverty level and spend over 1 trillion yearly in white owned stores. Blacks are not the impoverished welfare cretins you make them out to be!
In fact 41% of the poor in the USA are non-Hispanic White people! called them cretins...not me....and your racism comes wonder you are in the democrat party.....and of course the number isn't white have to look at the percentage of each group that is on welfare....and again, it isn't their fault...they bought the lies of the political party that owned their ancestors.........and their children and grandchildren have suffered for it... still didn't refute that the groups and people I listed are racists throught and through......
Holy shit, Rusty Houser sounds like many NaziCons on USMB. Scary...

You keep lying and lying....American Conservatives have no relationship with nazis....if you look at the nazi party platfrom you will see it closely resembles the democrat party platform....the reason...they were socialists, and the modern democrat party is socialist......look how well bernie sanders, and hilary clinton are doing, both socialists to the core......

No true, Captain Berserk.

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis

Which part of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all men comes close to being what the left wing socialists in Germany believed in? assholes can't lie and get away with it anymore. When you try to smear people as nazis, when everything they believe in is anti are going to be fucking called on it....and there will be links showing how youy lied.........your day of smearing people and getting away with it because you controlled hollywood, and the press is fuck you....the truth is getting out and will no longer be hidden by your lies....

And when blacks finally realize what you have done to is never good when people who held others down get found out.....
John Russel Houser, the Lafayette Lousiana Theater Shooter is a.....member of the Tea Party Nation. The TeaHadist registered on the page with that name in June 2013.

Lafayette Shooter Had Tea Party Page - The Daily Beast

He was also WHITE.

Which is Faux Snooze is ignoring this story.

No Black Man.

No Muslim.

Just another White Man with a gun killing innocent people in a theater.
And the rest of the media are the opposite as we have seen. So what?

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