The Louisana Theater Shooter Is Tea Party Member AND White.

Janet Napolitano and DHS warned the country about the rise of domestic RW terrorism years ago.

But did they warn about the BLACK THUGERY, or the ILLEGAL ALIEN crime family....I think you are full of bullshit... No, let me rephrase that, you ARE full of bullshit!

Ha ha!. A White thug extolling the virtue of looking down his nose at Black thugs and illegal aliens after one of his domestic buddies goes on another murderous rampage. And bovine excrement doesn't stink enough to describe what YOU are full of!
And the point is what?
It shouldnt shock anyone that radical nutjobs get attracted to radical ideologies, whether it's radical Islam, radical nature worship or radical politics.

Its not surprising but what is surprising is to claim that someone with that profile is a liberal. But thats normal for you guys. If he's one of yours he's never technically one of yours. He even had a Tea Party page and someone said "Maybe that shows he actually HATES the Tea Party"!

Yes!! and maybe we're all pretending to be dumb-asses

The guy was a nut case. What difference does his politics make?

Thats funny, try that question again this time with more Derp.

We, as a country, need to get over making every act of every idiot and retard a political loss or gain.

Except the blacks, muslims, mexicans etc

This is destroying our country, there are a lot of things more important than whether someone has an R or D behind their name.

Now? Just RIGHT NOW?

But we get it. divide and conquer is how socialist tyrants come to power.

You're always so level headed when its some white republican asshole thats doing the shooting. Anyone else and you go into their politics, school records, criminal, youtube etc.
This TeaHadist admired Hitler and hated President Obama.....just another typical Conservative with a gun killing innocent civilians for fun and games.

Bitch slapping the stupid NeoCommies is SO FUCKING EASY!

No, it seems easier for you to deflect than to address the issue at hand!
And the point is what?
It shouldnt shock anyone that radical nutjobs get attracted to radical ideologies, whether it's radical Islam, radical nature worship or radical politics.

Its not surprising but what is surprising is to claim that someone with that profile is a liberal. But thats normal for you guys. If he's one of yours he's never technically one of yours. He even had a Tea Party page and someone said "Maybe that shows he actually HATES the Tea Party"!

Yes!! and maybe we're all pretending to be dumb-asses

The guy was a nut case. What difference does his politics make?

We, as a country, need to get over making every act of every idiot and retard a political loss or gain.

This is destroying our country, there are a lot of things more important than whether someone has an R or D behind their name.

But we get it. divide and conquer is how socialist tyrants come to power.
He was not "one of ours." ClosedMinded again exhibits radical stupidity.
An isolated nutjob is an isolated nutjob.

Suuure right, yeah, thats the ticket
And the point is what?
It shouldnt shock anyone that radical nutjobs get attracted to radical ideologies, whether it's radical Islam, radical nature worship or radical politics.

Its not surprising but what is surprising is to claim that someone with that profile is a liberal. But thats normal for you guys. If he's one of yours he's never technically one of yours. He even had a Tea Party page and someone said "Maybe that shows he actually HATES the Tea Party"!

Yes!! and maybe we're all pretending to be dumb-asses

The guy was a nut case. What difference does his politics make?

We, as a country, need to get over making every act of every idiot and retard a political loss or gain.

This is destroying our country, there are a lot of things more important than whether someone has an R or D behind their name.

But we get it. divide and conquer is how socialist tyrants come to power.
He was not "one of ours." ClosedMinded again exhibits radical stupidity.
An isolated nutjob is an isolated nutjob.

Suuure right, yeah, thats the ticket

mentally ill people are easy to manipulate. ISIS knows this, so do the radicals on both the right and left.

your anger is misplaced, as usual.
The guy was a nut case. What difference does his politics make?

How hypocritical of you.

Remember you said this the next time you say a nut case's religion makes a difference.

you are mixing things. When someone kills others in the name of his religion then that religion does matter, whether it be ISIS or Westboro baptist or the crusades or Waco.

the Chattanooga shooter was a religious nutcase who was inspired by ISIS. If the dude in Layfayette had yelled "Jesus is lord" before shooting then he too would be a religious nutcase, but he didn't.
So a killer has to announce his religious conviction during a murder to get tagged "religious nutcase." Hmmm, I learn something new every day!
Houser listed "God's Business" as one of his skills.

“He was a guest because he was good TV entertainment, not because it was a respected opinion that he had to say. But he was very entertaining all the time,” Floyd said in a phone interview with Yahoo news. “He had Tea Party-radical Republican views on everything. I’d have a Democratic spokesperson on [for the opposing perspective]. He generated a lot of phone calls.”

Houser posted about his fondness for Hitler, neo-Nazis and lone wolves on several online forums.

John Russel Houser What we know about Louisiana movie theater shooting suspect - Yahoo News
Dude, did you see this part?

Elsewhere, on the U.S. Message Board, a political discussion forum, he wrote, "Hitler accomplished far more than any other through 'pragmatically forming.'"
And the point is what?
It shouldnt shock anyone that radical nutjobs get attracted to radical ideologies, whether it's radical Islam, radical nature worship or radical politics.

Its not surprising but what is surprising is to claim that someone with that profile is a liberal. But thats normal for you guys. If he's one of yours he's never technically one of yours. He even had a Tea Party page and someone said "Maybe that shows he actually HATES the Tea Party"!

Yes!! and maybe we're all pretending to be dumb-asses

The guy was a nut case. What difference does his politics make?

We, as a country, need to get over making every act of every idiot and retard a political loss or gain.

This is destroying our country, there are a lot of things more important than whether someone has an R or D behind their name.

But we get it. divide and conquer is how socialist tyrants come to power.
He was not "one of ours." ClosedMinded again exhibits radical stupidity.
An isolated nutjob is an isolated nutjob.

Suuure right, yeah, thats the ticket

mentally ill people are easy to manipulate. ISIS knows this, so do the radicals on both the right and left.

your anger is misplaced, as usual.

Its just that no one plays by your rules because you dont control anyone. So cry away about unfairness and I'll see you in the Muslim / Minority shot someone thread going on about Muslims / Minorities in general
And the point is what?
It shouldnt shock anyone that radical nutjobs get attracted to radical ideologies, whether it's radical Islam, radical nature worship or radical politics.

Its not surprising but what is surprising is to claim that someone with that profile is a liberal. But thats normal for you guys. If he's one of yours he's never technically one of yours. He even had a Tea Party page and someone said "Maybe that shows he actually HATES the Tea Party"!

Yes!! and maybe we're all pretending to be dumb-asses

The guy was a nut case. What difference does his politics make?

We, as a country, need to get over making every act of every idiot and retard a political loss or gain.

This is destroying our country, there are a lot of things more important than whether someone has an R or D behind their name.

But we get it. divide and conquer is how socialist tyrants come to power.
He was not "one of ours." ClosedMinded again exhibits radical stupidity.
An isolated nutjob is an isolated nutjob.

Suuure right, yeah, thats the ticket

mentally ill people are easy to manipulate. ISIS knows this, so do the radicals on both the right and left.

your anger is misplaced, as usual.
Where did he get the gun and bullets? Who the heck sold a gun to a mentally ill person? That ought to be an interesting discovery!
John Russel Houser, the Lafayette Lousiana Theater Shooter is a.....member of the Tea Party Nation. The TeaHadist registered on the page with that name in June 2013.

Lafayette Shooter Had Tea Party Page - The Daily Beast

He was also WHITE.

Which is Faux Snooze is ignoring this story.

No Black Man.

No Muslim.

Just another White Man with a gun killing innocent people in a theater.

Well the ODDS do favor a White man... since White men are 31 percent of the American population.
White men are 31 percent of the American population. They hold 65 percent of all elected offices. - The Washington Post

But most gun murders are not committed by white males......
I think this thread is quite informative and shows how violent and demented some of you right wing fucks are!

How is that...since we support the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Rule of Law and individual rights and liberty.....vs.... the left...responsible for close to 100 million murdered innocent people around the world......?

Again, it is said he admired left wing socialist adolf hitler...not a habit of the American right.....
Houser listed "God's Business" as one of his skills.

“He was a guest because he was good TV entertainment, not because it was a respected opinion that he had to say. But he was very entertaining all the time,” Floyd said in a phone interview with Yahoo news. “He had Tea Party-radical Republican views on everything. I’d have a Democratic spokesperson on [for the opposing perspective]. He generated a lot of phone calls.”

Houser posted about his fondness for Hitler, neo-Nazis and lone wolves on several online forums.

John Russel Houser What we know about Louisiana movie theater shooting suspect - Yahoo News
Dude, did you see this part?

Elsewhere, on the U.S. Message Board, a political discussion forum, he wrote, "Hitler accomplished far more than any other through 'pragmatically forming.'"

So he was a lefty socialist....fits the killer part of his actions....
I think this thread is quite informative and shows how violent and demented some of you right wing fucks are!

How is that...since we support the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Rule of Law and individual rights and liberty.....vs.... the left...responsible for close to 100 million murdered innocent people around the world......?

Again, it is said he admired left wing socialist adolf hitler...not a habit of the American right.....
You don't support anything but materialism, exploitation and racism. You are just like the Nazis who were socialist only as long as their fellow socialists were White. Like them, you only believe in your Constitution, Individual rights and liberty only as long as those doctrines benefit white "conservatives."
American conservatives and Nazis are/were both White supremacist groups and that underlying ideology was/is the core of their very existence!
I think this thread is quite informative and shows how violent and demented some of you right wing fucks are!

How is that...since we support the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Rule of Law and individual rights and liberty.....vs.... the left...responsible for close to 100 million murdered innocent people around the world......?

Again, it is said he admired left wing socialist adolf hitler...not a habit of the American right.....
You don't support anything but materialism, exploitation and racism. You are just like the Nazis who were socialist only as long as their fellow socialists were White. Like them, you only believe in your Constitution, Individual rights and liberty only as long as those doctrines benefit white "conservatives."
American conservatives and Nazis are/were both White supremacist groups and that underlying ideology was/is the core of their very existence!

Do you realize that all the racist groups in the country belong to the democrat party and believe left wing ideology....I keep posting the list of core groups of the democrat party that are well as the individual leaders of the democrat party who are all leftwing and racists....and they belong to all races....and they are all racists.....all the way up to obama...a racist, who sat in an openly racist church for 20 years....which also spouted left wing political goals.....

The nazis were socialists who hated people of color and jews...the communists were socialists who hated inferior people...people of color and ethnicity who were too far behind the historical curve to become true communists and who would have to be murdered beause they just couldn't be real communists...and they also hated jews.....for the same reasons the national socialists hated jews...

So sell your left wing lies somewhere your left wing drone buddies....

YOu need to lie about the nazis because if you don't, then the worst mass murderers in history will rightly be seen as leftwing socialists......

And it is hilarious to here you say Individual rights and liberty and then accuse us of hating other see how stupid that is don't you....well, no you don't...if you did you wouldn't have posted something that stupid......
Houser listed "God's Business" as one of his skills.

“He was a guest because he was good TV entertainment, not because it was a respected opinion that he had to say. But he was very entertaining all the time,” Floyd said in a phone interview with Yahoo news. “He had Tea Party-radical Republican views on everything. I’d have a Democratic spokesperson on [for the opposing perspective]. He generated a lot of phone calls.”

Houser posted about his fondness for Hitler, neo-Nazis and lone wolves on several online forums.

John Russel Houser What we know about Louisiana movie theater shooting suspect - Yahoo News
Dude, did you see this part?

Elsewhere, on the U.S. Message Board, a political discussion forum, he wrote, "Hitler accomplished far more than any other through 'pragmatically forming.'"

So he was a lefty socialist....fits the killer part of his actions....
Like the guy in my sig? Here is the truth:

Ah, no ISIS.

Ah, no Al_Qeada.

Ah, no Muslim.

Just another White Moron TeaHadist with delousions of people coming for his guns.

A ConJob with firearm killing people.

Made you look and that is why I started this thread.
Ah, no ISIS.

Ah, no Al_Qeada.

Ah, no Muslim.

Just another White Moron TeaHadist with delousions of people coming for his guns.

A ConJob with firearm killing people.

Made you look and that is why I started this thread.

It will be revealed that he had schizophrenia and severe mental illness.

I suppose your attempt to politicize this deserves a very slow clap of a single pair of hands in an empty theater. Bravo.
Houser listed "God's Business" as one of his skills.

“He was a guest because he was good TV entertainment, not because it was a respected opinion that he had to say. But he was very entertaining all the time,” Floyd said in a phone interview with Yahoo news. “He had Tea Party-radical Republican views on everything. I’d have a Democratic spokesperson on [for the opposing perspective]. He generated a lot of phone calls.”

Houser posted about his fondness for Hitler, neo-Nazis and lone wolves on several online forums.

John Russel Houser What we know about Louisiana movie theater shooting suspect - Yahoo News
Dude, did you see this part?

Elsewhere, on the U.S. Message Board, a political discussion forum, he wrote, "Hitler accomplished far more than any other through 'pragmatically forming.'"

So he was a lefty socialist....fits the killer part of his actions....
Like the guy in my sig? Here is the truth:


Are you that fucking stupid....the kkk was created by members of the democrat party, the first grand wizard of the klan was nathan beford forest...another democrat.....

the internet is preventing morons like you from spreading more lies and myths about which side are the actual racists...the left wing and the democrats in America are the racists, they have been since they owned slaves and went to war to keep them and then started jim crow...

So again, sell it to someone who can't research the truth...
Ah, no ISIS.

Ah, no Al_Qeada.

Ah, no Muslim.

Just another White Moron TeaHadist with delousions of people coming for his guns.

A ConJob with firearm killing people.

Made you look and that is why I started this thread.

liked hitler...makes him a lefty....wrong again...

Why do you assholes protect muslim terrorists...what is in it for you...?

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