The low IQ voter

An uninformed electorate poses the biggest threat to the U.S. and - unfortunately - the left actively seeks to create low IQ voters because that is what they need to win. The U.S. will never last with an electorate such as this.

Trump and his supporters are low information voters. Higher educated people do not support Trump or the alt-right Republican Party.
Isn't this just grand

So tell me, what's the dif betwixt Hope & Change and MAGA?????

The difference is that President Trump respect, defends, and upholds the U.S. constitution, while MaObama did everything he could to destroy it. Additionally, President Trump has restored power to the people (where it rightfully belongs) while MaObama stole power for himself.

You are not a Patriot. You are a Nationalist. I suggest you look into that. You might be surprised.
You are not a Patriot. You are a Nationalist. I suggest you look into that. You might be surprised.
You are not the arbiter of who is - and who is not - a patriot. I suggest you look into that. You will be surprised (at your ignorance and your arrogance).

Left all butthurt left-wing lunatics, you think anyone who is a constitutionalist is a “white supremacist nationalist”. It’s a special kind of stupid. And it’s the battle cry of the defeated.
I just can’t stop laughing...
Asked why she believes women are “an oppressed group America,” one young Californian answered, “I’ve taken a couple feminist theory classes. Off the top of my head I can’t really state any facts. I wish I could.”
Yep...that flawlessly summarizes the left. They take left-wing “feminist theory classes” but can’t state any facts and wish they could. :laugh:

CRINGE: Watch what happens when ‘social justice warriors’ are asked the most basic questions
An uninformed electorate poses the biggest threat to the U.S. and - unfortunately - the left actively seeks to create low IQ voters because that is what they need to win. The U.S. will never last with an electorate such as this.

One party of low education just elected a low educated president and blissfully carries on...
You are not a Patriot. You are a Nationalist. I suggest you look into that. You might be surprised.
You are not the arbiter of who is - and who is not - a patriot. I suggest you look into that. You will be surprised (at your ignorance and your arrogance).

Left all butthurt left-wing lunatics, you think anyone who is a constitutionalist is a “white supremacist nationalist”. It’s a special kind of stupid. And it’s the battle cry of the defeated.

No arbitration required. Like most Nationalist, you claim to be a Patriot. You drool at the nation you want not the nation that should be. Hate to break it to you, the verdict is out on this one and you ARE a Nationalist and not a Patriot.
I just can’t stop laughing...
Asked why she believes women are “an oppressed group America,” one young Californian answered, “I’ve taken a couple feminist theory classes. Off the top of my head I can’t really state any facts. I wish I could.”
Yep...that flawlessly summarizes the left. They take left-wing “feminist theory classes” but can’t state any facts and wish they could. :laugh:

CRINGE: Watch what happens when ‘social justice warriors’ are asked the most basic questions

Yet, the camera spent a bit of time focused on just her ample endowed chest. So much for journalistic integrity. They should have billed it as "Brought to you by Lust".

Your own cites really show some of the problems. And she was right. He did put in his own opinions which he used to guide the conversation. That was extremely poor reporting.
An uninformed electorate poses the biggest threat to the U.S. and - unfortunately - the left actively seeks to create low IQ voters because that is what they need to win. The U.S. will never last with an electorate such as this.

One party of low education just elected a low educated president and blissfully carries on...

As one person said, The Dems used to say that Trump had the intelligence of a 5th grader until they figured out they just got beat by a 5th grader.
An uninformed electorate poses the biggest threat to the U.S. and - unfortunately - the left actively seeks to create low IQ voters because that is what they need to win. The U.S. will never last with an electorate such as this.

Well you were half right! These videos are funny. UEVs on both sides, eh?

Most people that post on this board from both the left and the right are far more aware and up to date on current events in politics and global issues than these idiots in the video....
I may not agree with some of you here but I respect you for being here....except the cowards that put you on ignore...they may as well join the blockheads in the video......:113:
I disagree....there are lot of ignorant righties here. ...I grow up and traveled constantly overseas ....lot of cons here in The forums are from the far right. Straight out racist and that stems from their ignorance and the fear of the unknown.
One party of low education just elected a low educated president and blissfully carries on...
He's so "low educated" that he attended the renowned Wharton School of Business (Ivy League college of Penn), is a billionaire, and has been a resounding success at everything he has tried (including becoming the FIRST person in history to run for president and WIN without ever having held public office of any kind before).

You continue to prove the premise of this thread. The left is nothing but uninformed, low IQ parasites.
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Honestly, the same could be said about the right. Most Americans, regardless of ideology, vote based off nothing but party affiliation , commercials, and memes passed around the internet.
i vote for what's important to me, like my money and my property. Including my family and friends. Why do you vote? to play kindergarten check box games?
"There is more power In the voting booth than anywhere else. LOOK AHEAD, VOTE RED!"

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