The low IQ voter

One party of low education just elected a low educated president and blissfully carries on...
He's so "low educated" that he attended the renowned Wharton School of Business (Ivy League college of Penn), is a billionaire, and has been a resounding success at everything he has tried (including becoming the FIRST person in history to run for president and WIN without ever having held public office of any kind before).

You continue to prove the premise of this thread. The left is nothing but uninformed, low IQ parasites.

He is low educated. He doesn't read. Has to have things explained in pictures. He has been a successful developer but has been unsuccessful in selling to consumers. Trump Air, steaks, and wine to name a few have been failures. He has declared bankruptcy on several of his ventures. It shows that sometimes it is better to be lucky than good. Republicans split which allowed him win the Republican nomination and Clinton proved to be a weak candidate who would have been beaten by any Republican.
if i spend all my free time watching debates, candidate interviews, reading candidate profiles, and watching town halls and speeches on youtube, am i a high IQ voter? because thats what i do
One party of low education just elected a low educated president and blissfully carries on...
He's so "low educated" that he attended the renowned Wharton School of Business (Ivy League college of Penn), is a billionaire, and has been a resounding success at everything he has tried (including becoming the FIRST person in history to run for president and WIN without ever having held public office of any kind before).

You continue to prove the premise of this thread. The left is nothing but uninformed, low IQ parasites.

He is low educated. He doesn't read. Has to have things explained in pictures. He has been a successful developer but has been unsuccessful in selling to consumers. Trump Air, steaks, and wine to name a few have been failures. He has declared bankruptcy on several of his ventures. It shows that sometimes it is better to be lucky than good. Republicans split which allowed him win the Republican nomination and Clinton proved to be a weak candidate who would have been beaten by any Republican.
Name a candidate from the Democratic Party that would be better than Hillary.....
One party of low education just elected a low educated president and blissfully carries on...
He's so "low educated" that he attended the renowned Wharton School of Business (Ivy League college of Penn), is a billionaire, and has been a resounding success at everything he has tried (including becoming the FIRST person in history to run for president and WIN without ever having held public office of any kind before).

You continue to prove the premise of this thread. The left is nothing but uninformed, low IQ parasites.

He is low educated. He doesn't read. Has to have things explained in pictures. He has been a successful developer but has been unsuccessful in selling to consumers. Trump Air, steaks, and wine to name a few have been failures. He has declared bankruptcy on several of his ventures. It shows that sometimes it is better to be lucky than good. Republicans split which allowed him win the Republican nomination and Clinton proved to be a weak candidate who would have been beaten by any Republican.
Name a candidate from the Democratic Party that would be better than Hillary.....

Easy answer. Jim Webb.
An uninformed electorate poses the biggest threat to the U.S. and - unfortunately - the left actively seeks to create low IQ voters because that is what they need to win. The U.S. will never last with an electorate such as this.

Trump and his supporters are low information voters. Higher educated people do not support Trump or the alt-right Republican Party.

You're obviously not all that smart when you cant see what Trump has done for our economy and workforce.
One party of low education just elected a low educated president and blissfully carries on...
He's so "low educated" that he attended the renowned Wharton School of Business (Ivy League college of Penn), is a billionaire, and has been a resounding success at everything he has tried (including becoming the FIRST person in history to run for president and WIN without ever having held public office of any kind before).

You continue to prove the premise of this thread. The left is nothing but uninformed, low IQ parasites.

You forgot to mention the funds that were illegally deposited for him from birth that was never counted nor reported. Or the fact that he became the Billionaire on the death of his Father. You forgot to mention the many bankruptzies and destroyed subcontractors that were never paid. You forgot that he doesn't even own Trump anything anymore since the Government siezed them for taxes and he is paid to keep his name on the property. Trump Tower is owned by the Banks, not Trump. Trump is paid for them to use his name since his name is worth more than he is. Trump is a conman and a shyster and always has been. Nothing has changed and nothing will. Al Capone was captured and jailed with about the same compass. You don't have to be that smart if you hold the power.
Unfortunate morailty doesn't follow suit with intellegence .......and power is too often influenced by $$$
An uninformed electorate poses the biggest threat to the U.S. and - unfortunately - the left actively seeks to create low IQ voters because that is what they need to win. The U.S. will never last with an electorate such as this.

Trump and his supporters are low information voters. Higher educated people do not support Trump or the alt-right Republican Party.

You're obviously not all that smart when you cant see what Trump has done for our economy and workforce.

It takes a few years for any program to come to fruit. Most of that was born out of the Obama years. What I see around here is more and more small and medium businesses closing their doors. And I see more and more large corporate businesses closing as well. I see part time work being counted as employment in the count. In the 60s, part time work, no matter how many you had to work to make ends would not have been counted. But the bulk of the newly formed jobs are part time lower income so the figures are inflated and much worse than in the 60s and back. I saw a study done by AT&T that showed the real unemployment was over 25% when you didn't count the part time jobs as being fully employed. That means we are right up there with 1931 for real unemployment and have been for a few decades. So go ahead and give your Orange Haired One credit. I will too. He hasn't done a thing to fix this problem just like the last bunch of Presidents but he has raised the debt to an all time high making Bush Jr and Obama look like spend thrifts. And when he promises a new tax cut just for the middle class, he's selling more of our Children down the tubes. He's not any more of a conservative than you are. The Country is on the way to become bankrupt. I won't vote for him because I refuse to learn to speak Russian.
Honestly, the same could be said about the right. Most Americans, regardless of ideology, vote based off nothing but party affiliation , commercials, and memes passed around the internet.
Every election is supposedly decided by the three or 4% who decide in the election booth. Is the op talking about imaginary GOP world, where Democrats are all criminals and murderers and pedophiles and the rich pay too much in taxes?
One would'nt think it takes a rocket scientists to come to those realities Daryl , but i'm surrounded by cheerleaders everywhere i go these days

An uninformed electorate poses the biggest threat to the U.S. and - unfortunately - the left actively seeks to create low IQ voters because that is what they need to win. The U.S. will never last with an electorate such as this.

One party of low education just elected a low educated president and blissfully carries on...
He's so "low educated" that he attended the renowned Wharton School of Business (Ivy League college of Penn), is a billionaire, and has been a resounding success at everything he has tried (including becoming the FIRST person in history to run for president and WIN without ever having held public office of any kind before).

You continue to prove the premise of this thread. The left is nothing but uninformed, low IQ parasites.

He is low educated. He doesn't read. Has to have things explained in pictures. He has been a successful developer but has been unsuccessful in selling to consumers. Trump Air, steaks, and wine to name a few have been failures. He has declared bankruptcy on several of his ventures. It shows that sometimes it is better to be lucky than good. Republicans split which allowed him win the Republican nomination and Clinton proved to be a weak candidate who would have been beaten by any Republican.
Name a candidate from the Democratic Party that would be better than Hillary.....

Easy answer. Jim Webb.
He can’t get 5% of the party. Is he even a Democrat anymore?

I am talking about a candidate that would do better than Hillary against Trump who could win the nomination.

The answer of course is that there isn’t one. Hillary has the old Clinton Democrats, the anti-Bush Democrats, some of the Obama coalition from her days as Secretary of State and the tumblr whackadoodles from her feminist card being thrown around.
No current potential candidate for the Democratic nomination will ever approach the support Hillary got.
An uninformed electorate poses the biggest threat to the U.S. and - unfortunately - the left actively seeks to create low IQ voters because that is what they need to win. The U.S. will never last with an electorate such as this.

Trump and his supporters are low information voters. Higher educated people do not support Trump or the alt-right Republican Party.

You're obviously not all that smart when you cant see what Trump has done for our economy and workforce.

It takes a few years for any program to come to fruit. Most of that was born out of the Obama years. What I see around here is more and more small and medium businesses closing their doors. And I see more and more large corporate businesses closing as well. I see part time work being counted as employment in the count. In the 60s, part time work, no matter how many you had to work to make ends would not have been counted. But the bulk of the newly formed jobs are part time lower income so the figures are inflated and much worse than in the 60s and back. I saw a study done by AT&T that showed the real unemployment was over 25% when you didn't count the part time jobs as being fully employed. That means we are right up there with 1931 for real unemployment and have been for a few decades. So go ahead and give your Orange Haired One credit. I will too. He hasn't done a thing to fix this problem just like the last bunch of Presidents but he has raised the debt to an all time high making Bush Jr and Obama look like spend thrifts. And when he promises a new tax cut just for the middle class, he's selling more of our Children down the tubes. He's not any more of a conservative than you are. The Country is on the way to become bankrupt. I won't vote for him because I refuse to learn to speak Russian.

Is it any wonder we look at you morons with disdain?
One party of low education just elected a low educated president and blissfully carries on...
He's so "low educated" that he attended the renowned Wharton School of Business (Ivy League college of Penn), is a billionaire, and has been a resounding success at everything he has tried (including becoming the FIRST person in history to run for president and WIN without ever having held public office of any kind before).

You continue to prove the premise of this thread. The left is nothing but uninformed, low IQ parasites.

He is low educated. He doesn't read. Has to have things explained in pictures. He has been a successful developer but has been unsuccessful in selling to consumers. Trump Air, steaks, and wine to name a few have been failures. He has declared bankruptcy on several of his ventures. It shows that sometimes it is better to be lucky than good. Republicans split which allowed him win the Republican nomination and Clinton proved to be a weak candidate who would have been beaten by any Republican.
Name a candidate from the Democratic Party that would be better than Hillary.....

Easy answer. Jim Webb.
He can’t get 5% of the party. Is he even a Democrat anymore?

I am talking about a candidate that would do better than Hillary against Trump who could win the nomination.

The answer of course is that there isn’t one. Hillary has the old Clinton Democrats, the anti-Bush Democrats, some of the Obama coalition from her days as Secretary of State and the tumblr whackadoodles from her feminist card being thrown around.
No current potential candidate for the Democratic nomination will ever approach the support Hillary got.

Hillary owned the Democratic Party while Trump hijacked the republican party. Some choice. Do I drink the battery acid because the drano isn't good for me? I want candidates like Jim Webb and Nikki Haley to face off. Wouldn't that be a refreshing choice?
One party of low education just elected a low educated president and blissfully carries on...
He's so "low educated" that he attended the renowned Wharton School of Business (Ivy League college of Penn), is a billionaire, and has been a resounding success at everything he has tried (including becoming the FIRST person in history to run for president and WIN without ever having held public office of any kind before).

You continue to prove the premise of this thread. The left is nothing but uninformed, low IQ parasites.

He is low educated. He doesn't read. Has to have things explained in pictures. He has been a successful developer but has been unsuccessful in selling to consumers. Trump Air, steaks, and wine to name a few have been failures. He has declared bankruptcy on several of his ventures. It shows that sometimes it is better to be lucky than good. Republicans split which allowed him win the Republican nomination and Clinton proved to be a weak candidate who would have been beaten by any Republican.

ANY successful businessman has failures. Not because they're a bad person. If you don't take chances, like you, you'll forever be stuck where you are today. What's the sport's analogy, you can't get to second base without taking your foot off first base.

How many successful businesses are in the Trump empire? No one wants to declare bankruptcy for one of their businesses. Stuff happens. Our founding fathers knew that it was so important to have that as an option that they included the option of bankruptcy in the constitution. Did you even know it is in our constitution?

President Donald Trump did not become a multi-billionaire because he is LUCKY. He did it because he is willing to take big risks and because he doesn't need months to make a decision. That's why he can accomplish more in a day than every other president could do in a month.

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