The Lutheran Church of Sweden has decided it won't use the word “Lord” anymore when referring to God

What does God do if the Men's Room is occupied? Can he use the Ladies Room or not?
The objection is that Lord is not “gender neutral.” OMG!

The UU use the word SOURCE
for Source of All instead of Lord of All
to be more "universal" and inclusive basquebromance

In some contexts I would use the word Law.
That Jesus is Lord of all means
Justice is the spirit of the law for everyone.
or "Equal Justice under Law"
where Jesus means universal Justice
and Lord means Authority of Law.
2. Not to be blunt here, but when you're eventually on your deathbed facing the reality that it's all over, you'll either try to negotiate with God for one more breath

What for? To prolong this shit? Won't happen, I've got better things to do.
Clearly I don't look at death, or many other things, as monsters that go "booga booga" as you seem to.

or pray that He forgives you.

This is hilarious. So I called God on Skype and relayed your post. Thought you'd like to see the reaction:

What does God do if the Men's Room is occupied? Can he use the Ladies Room or not?

When God incarnates as a Man, God's authority is expressed that way as in Male authority.
When God incarnates as a Woman, God's love and truth are expressed that way
such as with Mercy and Wisdom which are often personified as female. Pogo

Now if you want to cross genders
look at Justice. Jesus is a figure of Justice
but the scales of justice are personified as a female goddess.

So is Justice male or female?
I think retributive justice tends to be associated with male authority and government as a protectorate or paternal role.
And restorative justice or Justice with Mercy tends to be more balanced
with both male and female. Where the spirit of Mercy and Peace is
more like the unifying spirit of the mother church and that side of the equation,
embracing all humanity as one body.

Justice is more what Jesus represents with a double edged sword enforcing the laws
Mercy is more what Mary and the Church represents as the people or bridge of Christ
that RECEIVES the law or the Lord as government or husband protecting the people or bride.

these two are supposed to rejoined in harmony
the people with God through Christ or by conscience
where the laws of man and the laws of God are reconciled
in the spirit of truth and harmony.

We as humans are made in the image of God
so we have both male and female energy/sides
to our conscience and the point is to reconcile these in peace
where balance is restored, instead of competing for power and control.
The objection is that Lord is not “gender neutral.” OMG!

Is God a man?


Hey here's a thought. If "God is a man"..... which side does he dress on? :)

And if he's a man, is he watching women undress?

I bet He just walks into their dressing room. You know, because He owns the pageant. Uh, I mean planet.

Yeah, if you were a powerful man with an oversized ego, that's what you'd do.
The objection is that Lord is not “gender neutral.” OMG!
But they are correct. The Creator does not have a sex/gender. I cannot imagine the Creator has a physical body. With omnipotence, a Supreme Creator is everything and all things. This "God is a guy" thing is bogus and always has been, although the wicked among humans have always pushed the idea that the Supreme Being has a sex for millennia. The "Higher Power," by definition, includes all of creation. A woman in a remote Indian or African village is as much a manifestation of the Supreme Creator as any Caucasian man in in a suit in the Texas legislature or a Saudi Arabian "prince" in his robes and his gold.
The objection is that Lord is not “gender neutral.” OMG!
But they are correct. The Creator does not have a sex/gender. I cannot imagine the Creator has a physical body. With omnipotence, a Supreme Creator is everything and all things. This "God is a guy" thing is bogus and always has been, although the wicked among humans have always pushed the idea that the Supreme Being has a sex for millennia. The "Higher Power," by definition, includes all of creation. A woman in a remote Indian or African village is as much a manifestation of the Supreme Creator as any Caucasian man in in a suit in the Texas legislature or a Saudi Arabian "prince" in his robes and his gold.


Glad to see somebody gets it.

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