The main difference between Republicans and Democrats is...

The main difference between Republicans and Democrats is...

Republicans are sinners, not perfect in any way, but they are basically good and kind people, and most of them will be forgiven their sins, and will go to heaven and spend an eternity with God.

Democrats are also sinners, but they are unrepentant sinners, and they glorify sin and justify in their minds, and call it good, and thereby scandalize the youth and lure them into a life of sin. Therefore, most Democrats, unless they repent, will go to hell and spend an eternity in fire.


“The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad.”

Friedrich Nietzsche
guno, the reason the world is ugly and bad is because people like you are in it.

Heaven is a good place because only good people will go there.

guno, I will not be seeing you in heaven.
no thanks being with your kind would be a hell
I'd tell him to go to hell, but I don't want to run the risk of bumping into him.
guno, the reason the world is ugly and bad is because people like you are in it.

Heaven is a good place because only good people will go there.

guno, I will not be seeing you in heaven.

Guano is without a doubt the lowest form of human filth on this planet. :thup:
I'm not a neo-con. Do you even know what a neo-con is? You probably do not.
Money hungry, sociopathic, avarice ridden so-called Republicans.
Yeah, I know what a Neo-Con is.
Wrong, that is not what a "neo-con" is. "Neo-con" has a very specific definition, and you don't know what it is. You are an ignorant person.
I just looked it up and it's EXACTLY what I posted...Free Market scumbags.
The main difference between Republicans and Democrats is...

Republicans are sinners, not perfect in any way, but they are basically good and kind people, and most of them will be forgiven their sins, and will go to heaven and spend an eternity with God.

Democrats are also sinners, but they are unrepentant sinners, and they glorify sin and justify in their minds, and call it good, and thereby scandalize the youth and lure them into a life of sin. Therefore, most Democrats, unless they repent, will go to hell and spend an eternity in fire.


democrats have no integrity. The big point of the left is that this is a group of sociopaths running wild.

There is no right or wrong to democrats, only party. There is no truth, only party. There are no lies, only party.

We are truly fucked as a nation.

Sadly that is all the right wing nut jobs think- that we are all fucked.

Which is why you don't think America is great.

Democrats do.

Right wing nut jobs like you lie and whine and blame everyone else for your failings.

Really sad.
1) Most Democrats don't believe there is a hell.

2) People who don't believe in hell don't take the necessary action in their lives to avoid going to hell.

3) Therefore, most Democrats go to hell.
those so called "religious" people you say are going to heaven are some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet....
Right. Democrats are not hypocrites, they openly embrace evil and do evil exactly as they say they will. For example, they not only advocate tearing a baby limb from limb out of a woman's womb and tossing it in the trash, when they get pregnant they pay an abortionist to murder their own baby, and then they go get drunk with their Democrat friends and laugh about the baby they just killed.

But God will have the last laugh, because most Democrats will go to hell. Unless they repent.

What is sad is that you tell these lies to yourself- and then you believe them.

Maybe your god will take pity on your mental illness.
I'm not a neo-con. Do you even know what a neo-con is? You probably do not.

Also, tell me one time I have ever lied on this forum?


Well certainly we can't limit it to one time- but here is one of the most recent

Right. Democrats are not hypocrites, they openly embrace evil and do evil exactly as they say they will. For example, they not only advocate tearing a baby limb from limb out of a woman's womb and tossing it in the trash, when they get pregnant they pay an abortionist to murder their own baby, and then they go get drunk with their Democrat friends and laugh about the baby they just killed
I just looked it up and it's EXACTLY what I posted...Free Market scumbags.


Uh no. You Commie Bastards need to learn to think, and then use Google.

{The term "neoconservative" refers to those who made the ideological journey from the anti-Stalinist Left to the camp of American conservatism.[4] Neoconservatives typically advocate the promotion of democracy and promotion of American national interest in international affairs, including by means of military force and are known for espousing disdain for communism and for political radicalism.[5][6] The movement had its intellectual roots in the Jewish monthly review magazine Commentary, published by the American Jewish Committee.[7][8] They spoke out against the New Left and in that way helped define the movement.[9][10] C. Bradley Thompson, a professor at Clemson University, claims that most influential neoconservatives refer explicitly to the theoretical ideas in the philosophy of Leo Strauss (1899–1973)}

Neoconservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here, now Communist Fuckwads can learn what a Neo-Con is.

Sadly that is all the right wing nut jobs think- that we are all fucked.

Which is why you don't think America is great.

Democrats do.

Right wing nut jobs like you lie and whine and blame everyone else for your failings.

Really sad.

What "lie" is this, Comrade?

Further, if I were a lying scumbag, wouldn't I be right at home among you demagogue - sociopaths?

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