The main reason letting men into women's restrooms, locker rooms etc. is a bad idea


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
I'm a man.

But if I announce that I feel like a woman, or wish I were a woman, now I can go into women's bathrooms with them, any time I like?

And I can take showers with other women in a women's locker room?

If any of those women don't like it, what recourse do they have?

BTW, if I merely want to get into a room with a lot of naked women (whether they like it or not), what's to prevent me from lying as described?

And how could anyone ever prove that I don't really feel like a woman, and don't really want to be a woman? It's my word against theirs, right?

I win. And they lose.

Sound like a plan?
Holy shit. You people are tireless.

No. You cannot simply decide that you are a woman and go take a shower with some women or little girls.

And...if you did...or if you want to...that makes YOU the pervert.

You blooming idiot.
Dress up as woman and give that a try?

The courts will not be fooled.


This one isn't pretending, and she needs protection to be who she is.
I am pretty sure that Anthony Weiner just cant wait to take a shower with much younger girls.
That's a boy. Note the widening jaw,emerging mustache big nose, bushy brows, big teeth and meaty paws under the lace. He is on the verge of adolescence. Good thing they took that picture now. In two years it ain't gonna be so pretty. He'd better get good at taping that package back before he turns 18 and his parents drive him to have his genitals amputated.
yah,,it looks like a dude. but hey, Im sure Bin Biden would still want to feel him up
That's a boy. Note the widening jaw, big nose, bushy brows, big teeth and meaty paws under the lace. He is on the verge of adolescence. Good thing they took that picture now. In two years it ain't gonna be so pretty.
That is a girl, in a boy's body. Easily fixed and for your benefit, not hers, that should have already been done.

Puberty in these kids is usually blocked by the way. It works better that way.
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That's a boy. Note the widening jaw,emerging mustache big nose, bushy brows, big teeth and meaty paws under the lace. He is on the verge of adolescence. Good thing they took that picture now. In two years it ain't gonna be so pretty. He'd better get good at taping that package back before he turns 18 and his parents drive him to have his genitals amputated.
extreme bullshit alert
That's a boy. Note the widening jaw,emerging mustache big nose, bushy brows, big teeth and meaty paws under the lace. He is on the verge of adolescence. Good thing they took that picture now. In two years it ain't gonna be so pretty. He'd better get good at taping that package back before he turns 18 and his parents drive him to have his genitals amputated.

Note the widening jaw, Adam's apple, big teeth, emerging mustache, big nose... and this one's in its 50's!
I'm a man.

But if I announce that I feel like a woman, or wish I were a woman, now I can go into women's bathrooms with them, any time I like?

And I can take showers with other women in a women's locker room?

If any of those women don't like it, what recourse do they have?

BTW, if I merely want to get into a room with a lot of naked women (whether they like it or not), what's to prevent me from lying as described?

And how could anyone ever prove that I don't really feel like a woman, and don't really want to be a woman? It's my word against theirs, right?

I win. And they lose.

Sound like a plan?
Do you use a but plug while masterbating in the ladies shower?
Holy shit. You people are tireless.
It wasn't "us" who brought up the subject. Has Obama rescinded his royal decree yet?

No. You cannot simply decide that you are a woman and go take a shower with some women or little girls.
Notice how the liberal carefully changes his answer, to reply to something I never said, instead of to the actual subject of the thread. Who can blame him, when he has no real answer?

And...if you did...or if you want to...that makes YOU the pervert.
No argument. People who do what I said, are perverts. Glad you agree.
Dress up as woman and give that a try?

The courts will not be fooled.

View attachment 75538
This one isn't pretending, and she needs protection to be who she is.
Do you know who this is? This is Jazz Jennings raised all his life to believe he is a girl. He's been on hormone blockers and female hormones for years. Yet biology is so strong that at 15, Jazz likes girls. He is sexually attracted to females. His parents are unable to accept their son. They have told him that he might be bisexual. They are explaining him away and making his maleness more palatable to themselves,

This is the end result of profound child abuse. The poor thing says "I think I'm attracted to boys," He has to think that way. He's been told that all of his life. Yet, biology is stronger than his parents' own wishes and desires. They should be arrested and never see the light of day.

Transgender teen Jazz Jennings reveals she is 'pansexual'
Holy shit. You people are tireless.
It wasn't "us" who brought up the subject.

No. You cannot simply decide that you are a woman and go take a shower with some women or little girls.
Notice how the liberal carefully changes his answer, to reply to something I never said, instead of to the actual subject of the thread. Who can blame him, when he has no real answer?

And...if you did...or if you want to...that makes YOU the pervert.
No argument. People who do what I said, are perverts. Glad you agree.
you are no less perverse than they are ,,
Dress up as woman and give that a try?

The courts will not be fooled.

View attachment 75538
This one isn't pretending, and she needs protection to be who she is.
Do you know who this is? This is Jazz Jennings raised all his life to believe he is a girl. He's been on hormone blockers and female hormones for years. Yet biology is so strong that at 15, Jazz likes girls. He is sexually attracted to females. His parents are unable to accept their son. They have told him that he might be bisexual. They are explaining him away and making his maleness more palatable to themselves,

This is the end result of profound child abuse. The poor thing says "I think I'm attracted to boys," He has to think that way. He's been told that all of his life. Yet, biology is stronger than his parents' own wishes and desires. They should be arrested and never see the light of day.

Transgender teen Jazz Jennings reveals she is 'pansexual'
Jazz came out to her parents as a girl, not the other way around.

And a girl who likes both boys and girls? Big fuckin' deal.

Don't lie about her BTW: Transgender Jazz Jennings knew she was a girl born in a boy’s body
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Holy shit. You people are tireless.
It wasn't "us" who brought up the subject. Has Obama rescinded his royal decree yet?

No. You cannot simply decide that you are a woman and go take a shower with some women or little girls.
Notice how the liberal carefully changes his answer, to reply to something I never said, instead of to the actual subject of the thread. Who can blame him, when he has no real answer?

And...if you did...or if you want to...that makes YOU the pervert.
No argument. People who do what I said, are perverts. Glad you agree.

I changed nothing. You, like a dozen other USMB "conservative" retards have asked the same lame question.

"Der....der....does this mean that a man can decide that he feels like a chick and...der...der....go into the ladies room and look at women taking a pee? Der.....der"

Fucking unoriginal stupidity. Try something new.
Dress up as woman and give that a try?

The courts will not be fooled.

View attachment 75538
This one isn't pretending, and she needs protection to be who she is.
Do you know who this is? This is Jazz Jennings raised all his life to believe he is a girl. He's been on hormone blockers and female hormones for years. Yet biology is so strong that at 15, Jazz likes girls. He is sexually attracted to females. His parents are unable to accept their son. They have told him that he might be bisexual. They are explaining him away and making his maleness more palatable to themselves,

This is the end result of profound child abuse. The poor thing says "I think I'm attracted to boys," He has to think that way. He's been told that all of his life. Yet, biology is stronger than his parents' own wishes and desires. They should be arrested and never see the light of day.

Transgender teen Jazz Jennings reveals she is 'pansexual'
Jazz came out to her parents as a girl, not the other way around.

And a girl who likes both boys and girls? Big fuckin' deal.

Don't lie about here BTW: Transgender Jazz Jennings knew she was a girl born in a boy’s body
A girl attracted to girls might be bisexual or lesbian. A male attracted to females is a normal male.

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