The majority of you that suffer your TDS politically based opinions is BIASED on...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Look at this chart. Your TDS and Trump's politics opinions are biased based on the following facts:

1) 55% of journalists says that every side doesn't deserve equal coverage.
Now the proof of this is the following articles that show the MSM donated 96% to Hillary and 90% Biden including--
2) From June 1 through July 31, the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts focused 512 minutes of airtime on the President, or nine times more than the 58 minutes allotted to Biden,” it continued.
During these two months, our analysts documented 668 evaluative statements about the President, 95% of which (634) were negative, vs. a mere 5% (34) that were positive.”
In contrast, 67% of the evaluative statements about Mr. Biden are positive.
“Do the math, and viewers heard 150 times more negative comments about Trump than Biden. That’s not news reporting — that’s a negative advertising campaign in action,” the study said.

And the biased MSM are reporting lies about Trump. Who again and again, I have to explain to many of you that suffer from TDS. I like you don't like Trump's characteristics, i.e. braggart, narcissistic, loudmouth and over all ASSHOLE! He is like a few bosses and I'm sure some of you can relate i.e. Trump like your bosses GETS THINGS done!
Trump like me loves America, the military, law enforcement and freedom to grow without government interference.
So I guess I'm a little more mature in that I look beyond his personal characteristics than most of the sufferers of TDS. I look at how effective he is. Case in point..
Covid was promoted by the biased MSM and Democrats as totally a massive failure on Trump's part.
I'm not going to take time proving that contention but one simple question for the Anti-Trump, COVID promoters. How many kids of the 74 million under 18, almost all going to school, died from Covid?
FACT: COVID-19 deaths by age U.S. 2023 | Statista

Of the 1,134,641 deaths, 0.145% of the deaths were under 18 and of the 74 million kids, 0.002%!
But what do the schools do, closed some for a year.
AGAIN all promoted by the BIASED MSM as a way to promote the 91% negative news about Trump that causes the majority of truly uninformed people TDS!
Another simple fact that most TDS sufferers believe: "Trump told people to drink bleach"!
FACT is TDS people were told by Biden: Says Donald Trump
“told Americans all they had to do was inject bleach in themselves. Just take a shot of UV light.”


Again the biased MSM influencing the majority of TDS sufferers with FALSE implications that
Donald Trump “told Americans all they had to do was inject bleach in themselves"

This is such a simple example of how the 55% of the biased MSM believes
"every side does not always deserve equal coverage" i.e. 91% negative news about Trump!

YET the biased MSM doesn't realize that 76% of U.S. Adults expect
"Journalist should always strive to give every side equal coverage"

The question for all you TDS sufferers... do you believe what 76% of Americans believe?
Our institutions have been appropriated by communists who are actively trying to destroy the country using culture and race wars.

Those buying into it are FUCKING RETARDS.


So many of you lefties are really stupid. You are going to get yourself deleted.
And the biased MSM are reporting lies about Trump. Who again and again, I have to explain to many of you that suffer from TDS. I like you don't like Trump's characteristics, i.e. braggart, narcissistic, loudmouth and over all ASSHOLE! He is like a few bosses and I'm sure some of you can relate i.e. Trump like your bosses GETS THINGS done!
In life, people like this get the shit stomped out of them.
healthmyths, please get physical and mental health support.
You consider when I show FACTS like these, i.e. the biased 55% of the biased MSM believe "Every side..(in this case news regarding Trump), does not always deserve equal coverage"? And because I use FACTS backed up supporting links like:
that I need physical and mental health support? For showing FACTS with LINKs and I need help?
Wow... talk about TDS!
In life, people like this get the shit stomped out of them.
That is your sad experiences... I on the other hand while personally disliking Trump and the other successful bosses that were assholes, HE and they got things done.
But see truly immature, uninformed people like you don't get the opportunity to know these accomplishments by Trump and I'm listing just a few:
1) Only president in USA history to donate $1.6 million (his Presidential salary..) to charities.
But even then the biased MSM begrudgingly reported it with statements like these:

Trump Donates Salary To National Parks Even As He Tries To Cut Interior Department​

2) The tax cut, i.e. 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA)
BEFORE the above act...
Upon repatriation, the earnings would be subject to US taxation at a rate up to 35 percent, with a credit for foreign taxes paid. The repatriation typically resulted in a net US tax obligation because the US tax rate was usually higher than the foreign tax rate. As of 2015, US corporations accumulated more than $2.6 trillion of earnings in foreign subsidiaries, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation.
After the above act..
There are two tax-preferred rates for the foreign earnings deemed repatriated: foreign earnings held in cash and cash equivalents were taxed
at 15.5 percent and
those not held in cash or cash equivalents at only 8 percent.
The TCJA permits a US corporation to pay any tax on the deemed repatriations in installments over eight years. The tax revenue raised by this transition tax on earnings accumulated abroad was estimated at $340 billion over the 10 years from 2018 to 2027.
Now the CBO estimates the following INCREASE partially due to the TCJA of nearly $1 trillion repatriated by companies that would have left it overseas!

U.S. Companies' Repatriated Cash Hits $1 Trillion Under Tax Law​

But I'm 100% positive that almost ALL the TDS sufferers honestly believe that the evil corporations buried the $1 trillion in the back yard or hid under their mattresses...RIGHT? I mean they didn't buy back stock or pay dividends from the $1 trillion that the recipients HAD TO REPORT as InCOME taxable!!! Right??? Or the evil corporations never hired a single person, or built another facility or started a new venture! RIGHT???
That's what the "asshole" accomplished. JUST one of many things Trump got done!
OH are you aware the U.S. economy, manufacturing and small business that found the total cost of federal regulations across the economy in 2022 was nearly $3.1 trillion

Well guess what that "asshole" Trump administration in 2020 alone dropped 3 rules and regulations for every one new one. There are now over 200,000 pages

According to the administration, agencies in the 2020 fiscal year issued 145 deregulatory actions and 45 significant regulatory actions,
for an out-to-in ratio of 3.2 to one.

AGAIN Trump gets things done... even though he is an asshole... and I like millions appreciate that and want Trump to continue to work for us!

That is your sad experiences... I on the other hand while personally disliking Trump and the other successful bosses that were assholes, HE and they got things done.
But see truly immature, uninformed people like you don't get the opportunity to know these accomplishments by Trump and I'm listing just a few:
1) Only president in USA history to donate $1.6 million (his Presidential salary..) to charities.
But even then the biased MSM begrudgingly reported it with statements like these:

Trump Donates Salary To National Parks Even As He Tries To Cut Interior Department​

2) The tax cut, i.e. 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA)
BEFORE the above act...
Upon repatriation, the earnings would be subject to US taxation at a rate up to 35 percent, with a credit for foreign taxes paid. The repatriation typically resulted in a net US tax obligation because the US tax rate was usually higher than the foreign tax rate. As of 2015, US corporations accumulated more than $2.6 trillion of earnings in foreign subsidiaries, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation.
After the above act..
There are two tax-preferred rates for the foreign earnings deemed repatriated: foreign earnings held in cash and cash equivalents were taxed
at 15.5 percent and
those not held in cash or cash equivalents at only 8 percent.
The TCJA permits a US corporation to pay any tax on the deemed repatriations in installments over eight years. The tax revenue raised by this transition tax on earnings accumulated abroad was estimated at $340 billion over the 10 years from 2018 to 2027.
Now the CBO estimates the following INCREASE partially due to the TCJA of nearly $1 trillion repatriated by companies that would have left it overseas!

U.S. Companies' Repatriated Cash Hits $1 Trillion Under Tax Law​

But I'm 100% positive that almost ALL the TDS sufferers honestly believe that the evil corporations buried the $1 trillion in the back yard or hid under their mattresses...RIGHT? I mean they didn't buy back stock or pay dividends from the $1 trillion that the recipients HAD TO REPORT as InCOME taxable!!! Right??? Or the evil corporations never hired a single person, or built another facility or started a new venture! RIGHT???
That's what the "asshole" accomplished. JUST one of many things Trump got done!
OH are you aware the U.S. economy, manufacturing and small business that found the total cost of federal regulations across the economy in 2022 was nearly $3.1 trillion

Well guess what that "asshole" Trump administration in 2020 alone dropped 3 rules and regulations for every one new one. There are now over 200,000 pages

According to the administration, agencies in the 2020 fiscal year issued 145 deregulatory actions and 45 significant regulatory actions,
for an out-to-in ratio of 3.2 to one.

AGAIN Trump gets things done... even though he is an asshole... and I like millions appreciate that and want Trump to continue to work for us!

View attachment 971616
It's no longer a profession because there's no journalism occurring.
Ah! I saw some a couple months ago, but before that it was years ago.

Like Trump's 1st-2nd year in office I saw some real journalism.

Do seek out foreign media sources, they're more apt to have real journalism.

Italy, for example. You have to translate the pages, though.
That seems to be the problem with a lot of Americans... "too long, didn't read" and that makes sense as the average American's attention is and here is the FACT easily found on the INTERNET!!!
"The average adult's attention span is 8.25 seconds"

But you evidently are a lot younger than my 81 years when attention spans were a lot longer and therefore intelligent decisions were made BY us and not based on BIASED MSM!
This movie clip should give you a glimpse of your futures!

"Idiocracy" totally the direction we are going!

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