The Man in the High Castle

I tried watching it but only made it through a few episodes before I lost interest.....Most folks I know seemed to like it right much. If memory serves I ended my Amazon account shortly thereafter so that had more to do with it I think than the program's quality.

I wish HBO would have kept going with The Plot Against America. They touted it as a mini-series but ended it badly.

I enjoyed it and also read the book as a kid.
I was into all the major sci fi writers. By the end the story does take a sci fi twist.
You are welcome to your own view. But a work of obvious fiction seems no insult at all. If anything, showing that the defeat of our enemies in WWII brought us to better places.
In hindsight we were never to lose. The then globalists got what they designed it for. Our production was unmatched in human history up to that time with no interference.

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