Zone1 The man who was executed Friday...

Herod Antipas didn't care either. Jesus was safe and moved around freely in the north and Galilee. Jerusalem was dangerous for Jesus because of the Sanhedrin.
None of these people seemed to care yet went long with the Sandhedrin?

It seems to me they cared enough to bow their knee to the Sanhedrin.

Their goal of appeasing the Sandhedrin was more important to them than saving the life of Jesus, which they clearly could have done

So yea, that is a lie, they did care, just about the wrong things.

They feared the Sanhedrim more than they feared God.
None of these people seemed to care yet went long with the Sandhedrin?

It seems to me they cared enough to bow their knee to the Sanhedrin.

Their goal of appeasing the Sandhedrin was more important to them than saving the life of Jesus, which they clearly could have done

So yea, that is a lie, they did care, just about the wrong things.

They feared the Sanhedrim more than they feared God.

The pagan Romans or the Arab Edomites?
Jesus never preached insurrection. He was not a zealot.

How many " thousands of years" did the Roman empire last, Rosie?
the attack on the money changers in the Temple was INSURRECTION.
Jesus left no writings at a time when people were WRITING lots. The
foray into the Temple is credible----the rest is posthumous hearsay.
John Mikveh man, his cousin, was clearly an insurrectionist
The pagan Romans or the Arab Edomites?
The sanhedrin was powerless at that time---against
the Romans or those among the Edomites who were
their lackeys. Referring to the Edomites as "arabs" is silly
God doesn't do anything by "accident."

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one’s foes will be members of one’s own household” (Matthew 10:34-36).
Matthew was a debased person---a lackey of Rome, tax collector
The sanhedrin was powerless at that time---against
the Romans or those among the Edomites who were
their lackeys. Referring to the Edomites as "arabs" is silly

Some scholars call Herod an Arab. He married a Nabataean.

Herod was born in southern Palestine. His father, Antipater, was an Edomite (a Semitic people, identified by some scholars as Arab, who converted to Judaism in the 2nd century BCE). Antipater was a man of great influence and wealth who increased both by marrying the daughter of a noble from Petra (in southwestern Jordan), at that time the capital of the rising Arab Nabataean kingdom. Thus, Herod was of Arab origin, although he was a practicing Jew.
you (probably inadvertently) made a very important point. Back in the day---
Jewish jurisprudence not only avoided capital punishment ALTOGETHER---but
never executed on a charge of "he thinks he is the messiah" and, certainly did
not do crucifixion EVER!!! The Pharisee partyline on capital punishment is so
NEGATIVE---that Israel rejected it entirely except in very restricted circumstances----the islamo-nazi hero EICHMANN was hanged---just one
case. Jesus was executed by Rome for insurrection against Rome. Execution
by Rome was very common for THOUSANDS OF YEARS

Jesus did nothing against Rome.
The Roman civilization lasted about 1,000 years, from 753 BCE to 476 CE,
Rome still exists----The HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE enacted the murder of tens
of millions after the 5th century AD. Try to live with the fact that the THIRD
REICH refers to the great grandson of the Empire of Constantine, your
founder. playing with semantics again
Some scholars call Herod an Arab. He married a Nabataean.

Herod was born in southern Palestine. His father, Antipater, was an Edomite (a Semitic people, identified by some scholars as Arab, who converted to Judaism in the 2nd century BCE). Antipater was a man of great influence and wealth who increased both by marrying the daughter of a noble from Petra (in southwestern Jordan), at that time the capital of the rising Arab Nabataean kingdom. Thus, Herod was of Arab origin, although he was a practicing Jew.
He was not an arab---He was an Edomite no matter what your people call
him. As to practicing jew----well, that was questionable at the time. Ask
John the mikveh man. The Nabataeans did not speak arabic---or write it.
They spoke and wrote in a form of aramaic. Aramaic is not arabic no matter
what your friends tell you.
Jesus did nothing against Rome.
Jesus attacked the money changers in the Temple courtyard which constituted a DIRECT CHALLENGE to the authority of the Roman
appointed "HIGH PRIEST" Caiaphas, et al and ROME. John Mikveh man was
executed for a direct attack on the Roman appointed King---the edomite, Herod. Herod was not only an edomite and not eligible to be king---he
was also educated in Rome-----Rome's man like John Gotti is MAFIA MAN. Try to cope
Rich or poor, it was Jesus' destiny to be killed.

nutz is so sad - good friday was not the objective even if believed as christianity the resolution for sin.

might bring a backup - fire extinguisher ... * just in case.
Rome still exists----The HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE enacted the murder of tens
of millions after the 5th century AD. Try to live with the fact that the THIRD
REICH refers to the great grandson of the Empire of Constantine, your
founder. playing with semantics again

The Roman empire ended by the 5th century AD.

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