The Manchurian President


Oct 15, 2009
Members of the news media, including from publications such as Time and Newsweek, have reacted harshly to the announcement of the No. 1 non-fiction book in America, which investigates President Obama, with multiple reporters sending expletive-laden e-mails to the author's publicist saying they did not want to receive a copy.

Sliwa noted that when reporters are not interested in her releases, they normally do not reply. She said in her 10 years of working in public relations, she never has received the kind of response from reporters provoked by publicizing "The Manchurian President."

She said her goal in publicly exposing the e-mail responses to "Manchurian" is not to embarrass the journalists, but she believes it is important to "call them out on their duty as members of the press to leave their biases where they belong – at the door."

The Article

So, instead of reading the book and rebutting it with facts and documentation, many in the media decided to ignore it.
This WH does not take criticism well. I don't know if the book is factual or not, but my guess is some journalists want to publicly trash it - even prior to publication - to remain in favor with the administration.

From the article, there doesn't seem to be anything all that new. Ties to radicals? Who'd a thunk it?
Members of the news media, including from publications such as Time and Newsweek, have reacted harshly to the announcement of the No. 1 non-fiction book in America, which investigates President Obama, with multiple reporters sending expletive-laden e-mails to the author's publicist saying they did not want to receive a copy.

Sliwa noted that when reporters are not interested in her releases, they normally do not reply. She said in her 10 years of working in public relations, she never has received the kind of response from reporters provoked by publicizing "The Manchurian President."

She said her goal in publicly exposing the e-mail responses to "Manchurian" is not to embarrass the journalists, but she believes it is important to "call them out on their duty as members of the press to leave their biases where they belong – at the door."

The Article

So, instead of reading the book and rebutting it with facts and documentation, many in the media decided to ignore it.

While I agree that the media should remain neutral, this woman has still got some guts. If you work in P.R. the last thing you generally want to do is lecture the media on their integrity.

That said, I hadn't heard about this book and now I have. P.R.

I guess she's doing a great job publicizing this book but she may find her relationship with the media is permanently soured, which does not bode well for her future career. Brave decision.
Members of the news media, including from publications such as Time and Newsweek, have reacted harshly to the announcement of the No. 1 non-fiction book in America, which investigates President Obama, with multiple reporters sending expletive-laden e-mails to the author's publicist saying they did not want to receive a copy.

Sliwa noted that when reporters are not interested in her releases, they normally do not reply. She said in her 10 years of working in public relations, she never has received the kind of response from reporters provoked by publicizing "The Manchurian President."

She said her goal in publicly exposing the e-mail responses to "Manchurian" is not to embarrass the journalists, but she believes it is important to "call them out on their duty as members of the press to leave their biases where they belong – at the door."

The Article

So, instead of reading the book and rebutting it with facts and documentation, many in the media decided to ignore it.

It appears we were putting up this story at the same time, Masquerade. Hope you don't mind the additional information I have provided in another thread.

Nice PR strategy. Brilliant!! My respect to Sliwa. Gotta admire the tactic of using the media's reluctance to cover the book as her strategy. I like that.

I await, with interest, the reaction of the White House to the details in the book.
Members of the news media, including from publications such as Time and Newsweek, have reacted harshly to the announcement of the No. 1 non-fiction book in America, which investigates President Obama, with multiple reporters sending expletive-laden e-mails to the author's publicist saying they did not want to receive a copy.

Sliwa noted that when reporters are not interested in her releases, they normally do not reply. She said in her 10 years of working in public relations, she never has received the kind of response from reporters provoked by publicizing "The Manchurian President."

She said her goal in publicly exposing the e-mail responses to "Manchurian" is not to embarrass the journalists, but she believes it is important to "call them out on their duty as members of the press to leave their biases where they belong – at the door."

The Article

So, instead of reading the book and rebutting it with facts and documentation, many in the media decided to ignore it.

While I agree that the media should remain neutral, this woman has still got some guts. If you work in P.R. the last thing you generally want to do is lecture the media on their integrity.

That said, I hadn't heard about this book and now I have. P.R.

I guess she's doing a great job publicizing this book but she may find her relationship with the media is permanently soured, which does not bode well for her future career. Brave decision.

Actually, it's a stroke of genius. She's turned a negative into a huge positive and slapped the media at the same time. Kudos to her. And..... she's a liberal! That had to hurt her political mindset but she acted in the best interest of her client.

More than that, she's right. The media have - again - chosen political allegiance over their role as unbiased reporters.
Members of the news media, including from publications such as Time and Newsweek, have reacted harshly to the announcement of the No. 1 non-fiction book in America, which investigates President Obama, with multiple reporters sending expletive-laden e-mails to the author's publicist saying they did not want to receive a copy.

Sliwa noted that when reporters are not interested in her releases, they normally do not reply. She said in her 10 years of working in public relations, she never has received the kind of response from reporters provoked by publicizing "The Manchurian President."

She said her goal in publicly exposing the e-mail responses to "Manchurian" is not to embarrass the journalists, but she believes it is important to "call them out on their duty as members of the press to leave their biases where they belong – at the door."

The Article

So, instead of reading the book and rebutting it with facts and documentation, many in the media decided to ignore it.

Well snap. Now I have to read this book!
I have more contempt for the media than I do this administration because they have promoted an environment which would facilitate such radical transformation of our government.

Stated Klein: "Future historians will have to grapple with the fantastic phenomenon of the U.S. news media's having, as a class, almost completely abdicated their traditional responsibility when it comes to investigating Obama's background."

"Despite an astonishingly radical first year in office," continued Klein, "which has awakened unprecedented voter outrage and caused Obama's popularity to plunge, the news media largely continue to ignore the reality of who Obama is, what he really stands for, and who influences him.

"I hope this book helps to rectify such obvious journalistic malpractice," he added.
Uh oh, does Ann Coulter know she's got some competition?

Here's a hint, people: There are ALWAYS books savaging a sitting president. Why would this one (nay, ESPECIALLY this one) be any different?

Did all the books "exposing" Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush, and even Ronald Reagan really affect their positions or popularity? Nope.
Members of the news media, including from publications such as Time and Newsweek, have reacted harshly to the announcement of the No. 1 non-fiction book in America, which investigates President Obama, with multiple reporters sending expletive-laden e-mails to the author's publicist saying they did not want to receive a copy.

Sliwa noted that when reporters are not interested in her releases, they normally do not reply. She said in her 10 years of working in public relations, she never has received the kind of response from reporters provoked by publicizing "The Manchurian President."

She said her goal in publicly exposing the e-mail responses to "Manchurian" is not to embarrass the journalists, but she believes it is important to "call them out on their duty as members of the press to leave their biases where they belong – at the door."

The Article

So, instead of reading the book and rebutting it with facts and documentation, many in the media decided to ignore it.

It appears we were putting up this story at the same time, Masquerade. Hope you don't mind the additional information I have provided in another thread.

Not at all Aqua! Perhaps a Mod will merge the threads.
Nice PR strategy. Brilliant!! My respect to Sliwa. Gotta admire the tactic of using the media's reluctance to cover the book as her strategy. I like that.

I await, with interest, the reaction of the White House to the details in the book.
I think we're going to be waiting a very long time CG.
Members of the news media, including from publications such as Time and Newsweek, have reacted harshly to the announcement of the No. 1 non-fiction book in America, which investigates President Obama, with multiple reporters sending expletive-laden e-mails to the author's publicist saying they did not want to receive a copy.

Sliwa noted that when reporters are not interested in her releases, they normally do not reply. She said in her 10 years of working in public relations, she never has received the kind of response from reporters provoked by publicizing "The Manchurian President."

She said her goal in publicly exposing the e-mail responses to "Manchurian" is not to embarrass the journalists, but she believes it is important to "call them out on their duty as members of the press to leave their biases where they belong – at the door."

The Article

So, instead of reading the book and rebutting it with facts and documentation, many in the media decided to ignore it.

Well snap. Now I have to read this book!
I have a few extra minutes this afternoon when I leave work, so I think I'll pull into my local Barnes & Noble.
Uh oh, does Ann Coulter know she's got some competition?

Here's a hint, people: There are ALWAYS books savaging a sitting president. Why would this one (nay, ESPECIALLY this one) be any different?

Did all the books "exposing" Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush, and even Ronald Reagan really affect their positions or popularity? Nope.

True, but none of them were hanging out with domestic terrorists, racists, marxists, socialists and communists. Just sayin'.
Nice PR strategy. Brilliant!! My respect to Sliwa. Gotta admire the tactic of using the media's reluctance to cover the book as her strategy. I like that.

I await, with interest, the reaction of the White House to the details in the book.
I think we're going to be waiting a very long time CG.

If there's anything that is not provable, Obama can - and should - sue.
Nice PR strategy. Brilliant!! My respect to Sliwa. Gotta admire the tactic of using the media's reluctance to cover the book as her strategy. I like that.

I await, with interest, the reaction of the White House to the details in the book.
I think we're going to be waiting a very long time CG.

If there's anything that is not provable, Obama can - and should - sue.

I'm not sure that's true, him being a public figure and all, but if it is, think of the cases Bush and Quayle would have for libel. (Or is it slander? I can never remember the diff.)
[ame=] Customer Reviews: The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists[/ame]

By John W. Jaeger (Honolulu, HI USA)

This review is from: The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists (Hardcover)

Aaron Klein's new book purports to demonstate President Obama's Socialist/Communist ties. Perhaps the reader should review what Klein did to Wikipedia before commencing to swallow this diatribe of a book. You can be certain that Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and all of Fox News will be extolling Klein's tomb in the coming weeks. To wit David Shankbone, who is a photographer and writer in New York City, and the editor of the following:

"Aaron Klein fabricates his own Obama scandal, WorldNetDaily and Fox News report it
Posted on 19 March 2009. Tags: "Obama birth certificate", Aaron Klein, Barack Obama, Conservapedia, Ethics, Fox News, Gawker, Israel, Jerusalem, Journalism, Media, right wing media, Wikipedia, Wire magazine, WorldNetDaily

Wikipedia scandals have become a staple in the news; but how about one that was completely made up by WorldNetDaily and reported on by Fox News?

I missed this story last week, but it involves a few of my favorite themes: Israel, Wikipedia and the joke that is the right wing media. WorldNetDaily, the Conservapedia of News,was recently caught with its pants down after Aaron Klein, one of its partisan hacks, fabricated a Wikipedia scandal. I will leave it to the reader to decide what is more comical: the scandal, or Aaron Klein trying to thump his chest in indignation when he is caught.

Aaron Klein becomes the face of shoddy right wing reporting.
Aaron is chief of WND's Jerusalem bureau¡ and he decided to test a theory. Aaron's theory was that the editors of Barack Obama's Wikipedia article will not allow criticism on the page. So what does smarty pants Aaron do? He tries to insert the bizarre fringe theory that Barack Obama is not a U.S. citizen eligible for the Presidency. Here's what Aaron wrote:

[Go to link for more on the Wikipedia fraud, plus more reviews.]
I suspect they've been gearing up for the launch for quite some time. Should be entertaining to watch them bash at each other.

The book is now available in the UK. I'm trying to decide whether I should read it. I usually try to stick to sourced work so I guess I need to find out how well sourced Klien's book is.
Members of the news media, including from publications such as Time and Newsweek, have reacted harshly to the announcement of the No. 1 non-fiction book in America, which investigates President Obama, with multiple reporters sending expletive-laden e-mails to the author's publicist saying they did not want to receive a copy.

Sliwa noted that when reporters are not interested in her releases, they normally do not reply. She said in her 10 years of working in public relations, she never has received the kind of response from reporters provoked by publicizing "The Manchurian President."

She said her goal in publicly exposing the e-mail responses to "Manchurian" is not to embarrass the journalists, but she believes it is important to "call them out on their duty as members of the press to leave their biases where they belong – at the door."

The Article

So, instead of reading the book and rebutting it with facts and documentation, many in the media decided to ignore it.

Well snap. Now I have to read this book!
I have a few extra minutes this afternoon when I leave work, so I think I'll pull into my local Barnes & Noble.

It's not available for the Kindle. BUMMER! Now I've got to kill a tree. Well snap!

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