The Many Lies Of The Left

The truth is always news to you!!!!

You said, for example, that the CIA thought there were WMDs, and I posted a quote from George Tenet, the HEAD of the CIA, that said there were NO WMDs.
Please explain how that doesn't expose your lie, "fuckwad"???????

Ha ha ha. George Tenet is the idiot that told Bush WMDs in Iraq was a "slam dunk" meaning he was sure they were there in 2003.

BOY you really fell into that one Shit-stain.

There you go again, putting your words in other people's mouths.

The real MEANING is, he was sure it would be easiest for the CIA to forge documents and fabricate evidence about WMDs than any of the other rationalizations Bush and Cheney had for invading Iraq.

Somehow, I don't think so.
A lie is a lie. The difference is does the liar know he's lying when he does so.

Many won't cut Bush the same slack.

Everyone in Congress, the CIA, and every intelligence agency in the world said Saddam was building WMDs. They said that he had them.
"Iraq does not represent any threat to the United States at this time. Their weapons programs have been exaggerated by the Clinton Administration."
- Tom Delay, 1999

"We are now convinced Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction or active programs."
- President Bill Clinton, August 9th, 2000

"We do not have any direct evidence that Iraq has used the period since Desert Fox to reconstitute its WMD programs"
-George Tenet, 2/07/2001

"We believe the sanctions have been effective, and Saddam Hussein's regime has no weapons of mass destruction."
-Condoleeza Rice, February 16th, 2001

"Containment has been achieved, and we now believe Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction or the capability of producing them."
- Colin Powell, February 23rd, 2001

"He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors"
-Colin Powell, 2/24/2001

You might have some credibility if you had made this post when mudDipshit had first posted this. But waiting until after I exposed his lie is just a dodge.

Mud has been talking about the current administration. Not rehashing a decade old debate that you lost.
I'm sick of CON$ habitually playing DUMB!!!!

Muckraker is the one who first brought up BUSH and WMDs!!!
Since when is BUSH part the current administration????? :cuckoo:
Ha ha ha. George Tenet is the idiot that told Bush WMDs in Iraq was a "slam dunk" meaning he was sure they were there in 2003.

BOY you really fell into that one Shit-stain.

There you go again, putting your words in other people's mouths.

The real MEANING is, he was sure it would be easiest for the CIA to forge documents and fabricate evidence about WMDs than any of the other rationalizations Bush and Cheney had for invading Iraq.

Somehow, I don't think so.
Book says White House ordered forgery - Mike Allen -
Book says White House ordered forgery

A new book by the author Ron Suskind claims that the White House ordered the CIA to forge a back-dated, handwritten letter from the head of Iraqi intelligence to Saddam Hussein.

“The White House had concocted a fake letter from Habbush to Saddam, backdated to July 1, 2001,” Suskind writes. “It said that 9/11 ringleader Mohammad Atta had actually trained for his mission in Iraq – thus showing, finally, that there was an operational link between Saddam and al Qaeda, something the Vice President’s Office had been pressing CIA to prove since 9/11 as a justification to invade Iraq. There is no link.”

Suskind writes that the White House had “ignored the Iraq intelligence chief’s accurate disclosure that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq – intelligence they received in plenty of time to stop an invasion.
“They secretly resettled him in Jordan, paid him $5 million – which one could argue was hush money – and then used his captive status to help deceive the world about one of the era’s most crushing truths: that America had gone to war under false pretenses,” the book says.
Suskind writes that the forgery “operation created by the White House and passed to the CIA seems inconsistent with” a statute saying the CIA may not conduct covert operations “intended to influence United States political processes, public opinion, policies or media.”
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Good question.

Of course, the response will be "Well the right is lying about...." as if that is some justification.

No justification, but I'd happy to go over the many lies of the right as well. How I wish people would just focus on the lies of them all instead of taking sides.

Yep blind partisan hacks ignoring the lies of their party while yelling about those of the other party.
Why I have no party, I do not like being lied to by anyone.

liar. you take the left's side quite often. you rarely, if ever, call out the left. please....pawn your junk somewhere else.
The truth is always news to you!!!!

You said, for example, that the CIA thought there were WMDs, and I posted a quote from George Tenet, the HEAD of the CIA, that said there were NO WMDs.
Please explain how that doesn't expose your lie, "fuckwad"???????

Ha ha ha. George Tenet is the idiot that told Bush WMDs in Iraq was a "slam dunk" meaning he was sure they were there in 2003.

BOY you really fell into that one Shit-stain.

There you go again, putting your words in other people's mouths.

The real MEANING is, he was sure it would be easiest for the CIA to forge documents and fabricate evidence about WMDs than any of the other rationalizations Bush and Cheney had for invading Iraq.

Whatever you say dipshit.

Lying sack of shit.
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You're the 3rd person to accuse me of saying he was a Muslim.

He's too much of a fuck-up to be a Muslim.

He's just stumbling through it play-acting it.

he is not a muslim (got my back covered in case someone accuses me of saying such) but he has been influenced by islam all his life


he is not a muslim (got my back covered in case someone accuses me of saying such) but he has been influenced by islam all his life


He's been influenced by Marxists, Communists, Socialists, Muslims, Atheists, Black Liberation Theologists, etc,.

The guy is seriously flawed.
My influences are Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Rambo I, II, and III, Arnold, Ronald Reagan, Ferris Buellers Day Off, and Avatar.

Oh, and Leonard Nimoy
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My influences are Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Rambo I, II, and III, Arnold, Ronald Reagan, Ferris Buellers Day Off, and Avatar.

Oh, and Leonard Nimoy

No wonder you are such a fracking mess.

My main influences are my father, mother and other realtives and friends.
I deal in reality more than fantasy. Well at least I can seperate them.
My influences are Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Rambo I, II, and III, Arnold, Ronald Reagan, Ferris Buellers Day Off, and Avatar.

Oh, and Leonard Nimoy

No wonder you are such a fracking mess.

My main influences are my father, mother and other realtives and friends.
I deal in reality more than fantasy. Well at least I can seperate them.

And Obama isn't?

Btw, I was being fasicious.
We can put this in the omission catagory:

Why is the price of food rising at an alarming rate?

Obama knows. As a matter fact many Democrats are looking forward to higher food prices.

Why would they do that?

What's the cause. (Inflation)

What did the Obama Adm do to cause this to happen?

I can't wait to hear the excuses on this one.
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I've come to the conclusion that all of us arguing with mudwhistle have been punked. Congrats man, where's Ashton hiding?
I've come to the conclusion that all of us arguing with mudwhistle have been punked. Congrats man, where's Ashton hiding?


So you've been owned and won't admit it.

Maybe you'd better go somewhere you have a chance.

Your decptions here have been exposed and you need to leave with your tail between your legs

I understand.

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