The Many Lies Of The Left

Not that I condone lying in the past, but it's been almost 10 years since we had this debate. Can we just leave it in the past?
You might have some credibility if you had made this post when mudDipshit had first posted this. But waiting until after I exposed his lie is just a dodge.

Ha, ha, ha. Wow. You exposed my lie?

That's news to me.

Btw, Bush went into Iraq for several reasons, not just WMDs like you fools claim he did. The reasons have been explained untold number of times and of course you fuckwads keep ignoring them.
The truth is always news to you!!!!

You said, for example, that the CIA thought there were WMDs, and I posted a quote from George Tenet, the HEAD of the CIA, that said there were NO WMDs.
Please explain how that doesn't expose your lie, "fuckwad"???????
Jesus was a conservative. They often attempt to claim he wasn't, but he was as conservative as they come.
Acts 4:32 Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common.

4:34 There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold.

4:35 They laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.
(New Revised Standard version)

Proof that CON$ are Commie Pinkos pretending to be Americans.
Thank you.
I don't think he was that specific. He said Jesus was not in Christianity or something to that effect. He didn't say anything about Jewish customs and traditions being absent in Christianity.

He gave the impression Jesus was missing in modern day Christianity.

He is me. And yes, Jesus the man, the person, I find to be missing from modern Christianity. In his place they have an empty shadow, and the apostles.
You might have some credibility if you had made this post when mudDipshit had first posted this. But waiting until after I exposed his lie is just a dodge.

Ha, ha, ha. Wow. You exposed my lie?

That's news to me.

Btw, Bush went into Iraq for several reasons, not just WMDs like you fools claim he did. The reasons have been explained untold number of times and of course you fuckwads keep ignoring them.
The truth is always news to you!!!!

You said, for example, that the CIA thought there were WMDs, and I posted a quote from George Tenet, the HEAD of the CIA, that said there were NO WMDs.
Please explain how that doesn't expose your lie, "fuckwad"???????

Ha ha ha. George Tenet is the idiot that told Bush WMDs in Iraq was a "slam dunk" meaning he was sure they were there in 2003.

BOY you really fell into that one Shit-stain.

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Jesus was a conservative. They often attempt to claim he wasn't, but he was as conservative as they come.

Really? So trashing the Temple and rebelling against the state are acts of a conservative? Anyway, what does that have to do with anything?

Another lie.

So you think protest against abusive government is exclusive to liberals?

Ha ha

Tell that to the Tea Party

It's just too damned easy to make you look like a fool.
Care, I encourage you to get out more and seek the truth. Don't just sit behind your computer and expect to get all the answers from google searches.


....and let me be the first to invite you, Care4all, out to happy hour on the first Friday that you have the opportunity to go: I'll buy, and you can "seek the truth."

I don't think he was that specific. He said Jesus was not in Christianity or something to that effect. He didn't say anything about Jewish customs and traditions being absent in Christianity.

He gave the impression Jesus was missing in modern day Christianity.

He is me. And yes, Jesus the man, the person, I find to be missing from modern Christianity. In his place they have an empty shadow, and the apostles.

I would suggest that you are using a very broad brush to paint everyone. I have no qualms with the fact that there are alot of Christians who are lacking. I tend to think I am still in that category.

But I've seen many Christians who live the ideals of Christ. I've seen some serve in such a capacity that I cannot comprehend how they manage to do it.

Hopefully I can be like that someday.
Jesus was a conservative. They often attempt to claim he wasn't, but he was as conservative as they come.

Really? So trashing the Temple and rebelling against the state are acts of a conservative? Anyway, what does that have to do with anything?

Btw, your lack of understanding of the event is amazing.

Jesus didn't trash the temple. He spilled a bunch of vendor's tables over outside the Temple.

He was pissed that they dared to profit off of his father's house.

Sounds like a serious Conservative to me

Bet you want to claim he was an anti-Capitalist now.
Bet you want to claim he was an anti-Capitalist now.

Sure, why not. I may as well join in on your attempts to deflect the failings of your arguments about the subject at hand, by going off on more tangents.
Taking this out of the Political Realm of Parties:

I think that Jesus was both liberal and conservative.

Jesus was liberal or radical with his teachings....teaching the near opposite of what parishioners were used to....

As example: Jesus taught the crowds: blessed are the Poor in spirit, and Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth....while at the time, those who were poor and meek, were taught previously that they were poor and meek BECAUSE they were sinners and God was giving them their due.

Jesus taught the crowds not to be so quick with punishing those that sin, unless they are free from sin themselves...He let the adulteress go, and forgave her sins, then asked her to sin no more....

Jesus took 5 loaves of bread and fish from those who owned it, and multiplied it for the entire crowd who had not worked for it.

Jesus taught them to just pay their unjust taxes to the government, leave government OUT OF their religion....

Jesus taught them to walk an extra mile with their adversary, He taught them to turn their cheek when someone does them wrongly.

All of these type things show a liberal and radical liberal side of Him....imho.

and then, on the conservative side....Jesus believed it was wrong to let your hands go to waste....never be hard for your employer, even if your employer is unjust, in the name of God.

He believed in following the Law,( only He felt the Pharisees and Sadducee had distorted the law.)
Bet you want to claim he was an anti-Capitalist now.

Sure, why not. I may as well join in on your attempts to deflect the failings of your arguments about the subject at hand, by going off on more tangents.

Ha ha. Another lie. My argument had no failings that you could find.

And you're projecting. I showed you an example of the kind of tangent the left goes out on and you attempted to attribute it to me.

Not very convincingly I might add.
Ha ha. Another lie. My argument had no failings that you could find.

Actually, I posted many points against your arguments as flaws. Maybe you should go back and review the thread.

And you're projecting. I showed you an example of the kind of tangent the left goes out on and you attempted to attribute it to me.

Not very convincingly I might add.

Wait a second, you admit right here that you took things off on a tangent, and somehow pointing that out means that I'm projecting on you? Makes even less sense considering I'm not "the left" of which you speak.
Taking this out of the Political Realm of Parties:

I think that Jesus was both liberal and conservative.

Jesus was liberal or radical with his teachings....teaching the near opposite of what parishioners were used to....

As example: Jesus taught the crowds: blessed are the Poor in spirit, and Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth....while at the time, those who were poor and meek, were taught previously that they were poor and meek BECAUSE they were sinners and God was giving them their due.

Jesus taught the crowds not to be so quick with punishing those that sin, unless they are free from sin themselves...He let the adulteress go, and forgave her sins, then asked her to sin no more....

Jesus took 5 loaves of bread and fish from those who owned it, and multiplied it for the entire crowd who had not worked for it.

Jesus taught them to just pay their unjust taxes to the government, leave government OUT OF their religion....

Jesus taught them to walk an extra mile with their adversary, He taught them to turn their cheek when someone does them wrongly.

All of these type things show a liberal and radical liberal side of Him....imho.

and then, on the conservative side....Jesus believed it was wrong to let your hands go to waste....never be hard for your employer, even if your employer is unjust, in the name of God.

He believed in following the Law,( only He felt the Pharisees and Sadducee had distorted the law.)

Jesus didn't teach doctrine that was the opposite of Judaism. He added to it, and discouraged many of the practices of the rich Pharisees.

FYI, they weren't practicing the laws of God ether. They had strayed from God and mostly focused on themselves and their standing in the community. Their pride made them make special allowances for themselves. They fudged the laws of God because they felt they were better then the masses.

One change Jesus made was turning the other cheek. Another was giving everything away you have to follow him. But the number one commandment was to love God with all our hearts.

Also, and you might want to pay attention to this on; he taught his Disciples that if any town or city rejected them (Christians) they were to wipe the dust of that place from their feet, and God would punish them. He also said don't waste your wisdom on fools.

Doesn't sound like liberal beliefs to me.

I'm not sure if you understand what a Conservative is.

Being a conservative means resistance to change. However it doesn't mean you can't change nor are you completely closed-minded. Many so-called Liberals are guilty of both.

Conservatives like to live and let live.

The Liberals you speak of are rare these days.

What you claim are liberals are really Progressives. Progressives tend to push other people around and try to control their lives. They're actually Socio-fascists. They are many times racists. They believe that they are the truly enlightened that have the responsibility of making sure the masses are taken care of, against their will if necessary.

Conservatives rarely call for anyone to be silenced. Progressives call for it constantly because they despise opposing viewpoints.

Kindness isn't exclusive to Liberalism, nor is compassion for your fellow man. Modesty is a Conservative trait, but forgiveness is universal. And most of all, charity is not the sole domain of Liberals. If you look at the percentages, Democrats give less then Republicans do to charity. Maybe it's because more Democrats are collecting benefits or just that Republicans have more to give. Who knows. But many of the traits you attributed to Jesus are not Liberal traits alone.
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The fact that he's willing to be corrected for one.

Yes, after it became apparent that he didn't bother to do the most rudimentary fact check of his rant (ironic, given the premise of the thread).

Incompetence and ignorance can be more insidious than deliberate deception. But neither should engender much in the way of trust.
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Ha ha. Another lie. My argument had no failings that you could find.

Actually, I posted many points against your arguments as flaws. Maybe you should go back and review the thread.

And you're projecting. I showed you an example of the kind of tangent the left goes out on and you attempted to attribute it to me.

Not very convincingly I might add.

Wait a second, you admit right here that you took things off on a tangent, and somehow pointing that out means that I'm projecting on you? Makes even less sense considering I'm not "the left" of which you speak.

Sorry, but you didn't win your case.

Lying isn't going to help you in this. Ether you have a problem with reading comprehension or you're inherently dishonest.

Oh, and if you agree that Jesus was an anti-capitalist then you're "The Left" I'm speaking of.
The fact that he's willing to be corrected for one.

Yes, after it became apparent that he didn't bother to do the most rudimentary fact check of his rant (ironic, given the premise of the thread).

Incompetence and ignorance can be more insidious than deliberate deception. But neither should engender much in the way of trust.

You know, I've often found flaws in your assertions and pressed you with them....but you simply ignore the questions.

Very evasive of you I must say.

I have to be 100% correct, not 99%.

One tiny mistake and someone like you automatically thinks the whole rant was bogus. You see the trick is never admitting when you're wrong....something you have down pat. However, I'm not afraid to admit when I'm wrong. So.....

Get lost you trollish hack.

Btw, how's life as a professional internet propagandist going for you. Does it pay well?
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Ha, ha, ha. Wow. You exposed my lie?

That's news to me.

Btw, Bush went into Iraq for several reasons, not just WMDs like you fools claim he did. The reasons have been explained untold number of times and of course you fuckwads keep ignoring them.
The truth is always news to you!!!!

You said, for example, that the CIA thought there were WMDs, and I posted a quote from George Tenet, the HEAD of the CIA, that said there were NO WMDs.
Please explain how that doesn't expose your lie, "fuckwad"???????

Ha ha ha. George Tenet is the idiot that told Bush WMDs in Iraq was a "slam dunk" meaning he was sure they were there in 2003.

BOY you really fell into that one Shit-stain.

There you go again, putting your words in other people's mouths.

The real MEANING is, he was sure it would be easiest for the CIA to forge documents and fabricate evidence about WMDs than any of the other rationalizations Bush and Cheney had for invading Iraq.

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