The Mar-a-Lago Search Warrant & Papers prediction thread

Let me be the 1st (or close to it) to destroy this line of argument...

It has been reported that Trump's team (lawyers, etc...) had already been in talks with the DOJ/FBI regarding handing over documents being sought and that Trump was cooperating.

In fact multiple media have been reporting a day how Trump and his team handed over 15 boxes of documents prior to this raid.

This establishes the fact that Trump and his team were cooperating, that they were voluntarily complying with the DOJ's request.

For a search warrant to be warranted, especially in such an historic / unprecedented event, it must be shown that every other possible means of acquiring the information / evidence has been exhausted.
- Legal experts on MSNBC, FOX, etc...

Trump's team voluntarily cooperating and handing over 15 boxes of files shows this was not the case and that the raid was unnecessary.

This raid was all part of the Democrats' 'Kabuki Theater' assault on Trump - heavily armed FBI agents, lights flashing, a camera crew showing the 'RAID' ON Trump's home....all part of trying too destroy any chance he has of running in 2024.

Several leftist media even tried to claim today that Trump's home being raided - no criminal finding - alone disqualifies him from running in 2024.

I'm shocked a full CNN camera crew just didn't happen to by outside Trump's gate waiting for the FBI to show up..

:p Pathetic
What is seen as pathetic is that Trump and his extreme rightists didn't hand it all over. The FBI found more and that's ample reason for the search warrant. It would have been reasonable for the judge to accept that Trump had no intention of handing all the stolen documents over to the authorities.

Trump and his criminal 'boys' are flogging a dead horse whining about his broken safe this time.

If he's going to take it to the streets with the guns, he'd better make sure he still has enough support. His 'proud boys' may not be willing to take another hit when Trump doesn't show up to lead the next fascist coup attempt.
Warrants have to describe the items to be seized. There can't be a warrant that says information so sensitive that we can't tell you what it is.

You're talking about the FBI that committed Conspiracy, Perjury, withheld exculpatory information, defrauded the FISA Court over a dozen times in a decade, illegally spied on Americans / the President / his team, ran Ops to entrap Americans, and collided/ coordinated to brand Americans / parents as 'terrorists'...

What were you saying about 'There can't be a warrant that says information so sensitive that we can't tell you what it is'.

Perhaps you meant to add 'LEGALLY'...
That's why everyone wants to see it.
So here’s another prediction. The silly s/w purportedly was seeking the very papers which were, perhaps, already returned to the government?
What is seen as pathetic is that Trump and his extreme rightists didn't hand it all over.

They were in the process of doing so...

Did you criticize Hillary for not handing over all the TS/SCI info she stole?
You're talking about the FBI that committed Conspiracy, Perjury, withheld exculpatory information, defrauded the FISA Court over a dozen times in a decade, illegally spied on Americans / the President / his team, ran Ops to entrap Americans, and collided/ coordinated to brand Americans / parents as 'terrorists'...
It seems the chickens are starting to come home. Maybe Trump will take it to the streets with the guns, as he's promised. Then maybe he'll get his bullet for treason?

Everybody waits to see if he's just a overfed bag of hot air, or he's grown some balls since the last time he went home to watch t..v. in bed as his revolution came unravelled.
It seems the chickens are starting to come home. Maybe Trump will take it to the streets with the guns, as he's promised. Then maybe he'll get his bullet for treason?

Everybody waits to see if he's just a overfed bag of hot air, or he's grown some balls since the last time he went home to watch t..v. in bed as his revolution came unravelled.
What's all the violencec projection from the VIOLENT Left towards Trump?

He has had hundreds of rallies,millions of people attending, and almost zero violence, not counting the times Democrats showed up and instigated the violence. Hillary even paid thugs to heat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies.

Democrats call Trump supporters and Conservtives violent and 'terrorists' and in the meantime all the evidence poi ts to Democrats and leftists as the violent, terrorist, insurrectionists....

Violent rhetoric, assassination incitement, assassination attempts, threats, looting, burning, defacing, attacks, murders, billions of dollars in damage all over the US, terrorist attacks on churches, pro life centers, etc....

Just stop the bullshit. All evidence shows Democrats and leftist extremists call others what THEY are and accuse others of doing what THEY have done, are doing, and continue to do.

Before 6 Jan evidence shows Trump suggested using the National Guard to keep the peace - DEMOCRATS refused.

- From the transcripts

Now Democrats and criminal DOJ/FBI are perpetrating an historic, continued criminal, u precedented act in a further attempt to take down / destroy a former President and political opponent....

....and we have to listen to the Left's projection and BS about Trump being violent?!

Again, stop the BS already.
Another kooky far rightwing post totally and completely devoid of facts.
I have no idea why your goofy ass bolds every other word but if you emphasize everything you emphasize nothing.

Now, about the substance of your post. Shouldn't the search warrant be public information, including the affiants?
I though the law was you had to have evidence of a crime before breaking into a home and not just a feeling that you might find such evidence there?
I have no idea why your goofy ass bolds every other word but if you emphasize everything you emphasize nothing.

Now, about the substance of your post. Shouldn't the search warrant be public information, including the affiants?
You're pretty good at this.

That said, sure no problem, but who's barring it from the public?
Since we cannot yet see either the Mar-A-Lago search warrant, the application for the search warrant or any supporting affidavits for the application, this thread is all about prediction.

In order to get a search warrant, the Justice Manual Justice Manual
says that a search warrant [“S/W”] should not be used "unless it appears that the use of a subpoena, summons, request, or other less intrusive alternative means of obtaining the materials would substantially jeopardize the availability or usefulness of the materials sought." Id.

For those keeping score at home, this means that the FBI or the DOJ attorney (?) made a claim that President Trump was unlikely to deliver the materials; and may have even claimed (on the basis of some allegations of “fact”) that the materials could be or were likely to be destroyed.

So, here’s my first prediction of what the S/W papers may have included:

Some article or book excerpts from NY Times reporter Haberman concerning the possible “flushing” of documents. View attachment 679820

What other “credible” sources might the S/W applicant have used in the application process?
Follows neither the letter nor intent of the 4th Amendment....

Mark it down.
So here’s another prediction. The silly s/w purportedly was seeking the very papers which were, perhaps, already returned to the government?
The national archives received 15 sealed boxes of documents in January. These boxes were returned, sealed in June. The FBI seized 15 sealed boxes in this raid. They never opened them. They opened Trump's safe. It was just on the news that what was removed was the note obama left for Trump in the Resolute desk.

We're to boxes taken the same boxes previously returned?
Calm down, retard. It’s clearly labeled a prediction. That means we don’t know yet. It’s not manufactured anything.

And the question is solely whether (once we see the S/W and supporting papers) the prediction is on the mark, close to the mark or off the mark entirely.

Take a Midol.
It's manufactured bullshit. And when your prediction manufactured bullshit turns out to not be true, you will claim the FBI is hiding something.

You want a list of what's in Trump's safe? Here you go.

1) Barack Obama's Kenyan birth certificate.

2) A schematic for a Jewish space laser.

3) A photograph of Ted Cruz's dad and Lee Harvey Oswald leaving the Texas schoolbook depository together.

4) A patent application for Bill Gates' vaccine microchip.

5) A video of a satanic ritual in the basement of Comet Pizza.
It's manufactured bullshit. And when your prediction manufactured bullshit turns out to not be true, you will claim the FBI is hiding something.

You want a list of what's in Trump's safe? Here you go.

1) Barack Obama's Kenyan birth certificate.

2) A schematic for a Jewish space laser.

3) A photograph of Ted Cruz's dad and Lee Harvey Oswald leaving the Texas schoolbook depository together.

4) A patent application for Bill Gates' vaccine microchip.

5) A video of a satanic ritual in the basement of Comet Pizza.
It's manufactured bullshit. And when your prediction manufactured bullshit turns out to not be true, you will claim the FBI is hiding something.

You want a list of what's in Trump's safe? Here you go.

1) Barack Obama's Kenyan birth certificate.

2) A schematic for a Jewish space laser.

3) A photograph of Ted Cruz's dad and Lee Harvey Oswald leaving the Texas schoolbook depository together.

4) A patent application for Bill Gates' vaccine microchip.

5) A video of a satanic ritual in the basement of Comet Pizza.
Wow, you put a great deal of no thought into that lengthy verbose yet utterly brilliant retarded post. I’m very impressed with so laughing AT you.
Since we cannot yet see either the Mar-A-Lago search warrant, the application for the search warrant or any supporting affidavits for the application, this thread is all about prediction.

In order to get a search warrant, the Justice Manual Justice Manual
says that a search warrant [“S/W”] should not be used "unless it appears that the use of a subpoena, summons, request, or other less intrusive alternative means of obtaining the materials would substantially jeopardize the availability or usefulness of the materials sought." Id.

For those keeping score at home, this means that the FBI or the DOJ attorney (?) made a claim that President Trump was unlikely to deliver the materials; and may have even claimed (on the basis of some allegations of “fact”) that the materials could be or were likely to be destroyed.

So, here’s my first prediction of what the S/W papers may have included:

Some article or book excerpts from NY Times reporter Haberman concerning the possible “flushing” of documents. View attachment 679820

What other “credible” sources might the S/W applicant have used in the application process?
Welp... It doesn't matter.

The charges used to justify the warrant are laid unusable due to the Presidential Records Act. The warrant from its inception has no legal basis. I am going to find it hard to believe anything they used to justify it as the laws governing these records state, he was allowed to possess them.

When these records drop on Friday, I am betting they are all blacked out pages. We will learn little or nothing about the reasoning behind it.

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